It All Started With a Spanking - Cover

It All Started With a Spanking

Copyright© 2024 by Pat Harvey

Chapter 7

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 7 - Pamela overhears her parents role-playing daddy/daughter, damages her father’s car, and gets punished. She provokes her father and gets another spanking and more. Her mother dominates her, then Daddy dominates them both. While Daddy’s away, Pam’s brother takes charge, Pam seduces him, and more activities ensue as their mother enters the dynamic. This is a long story, over 63K words in fifteen chapters. Not all tags apply to each chapter. My thanks to Jim (mojavejoe420) for being my first reader.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter   BDSM   DomSub   MaleDom   Spanking   Anal Sex   Analingus   Facial   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Water Sports  

When I woke up the next day, there were breakfast aromas wafting up the stairs, and that seemed like a really good motivation to get up. I got out of bed and pulled on a pair of shorts and a T-shirt.

I walked into the kitchen and saw mom sitting at the table drinking coffee and reading. It was Pam cooking, and she was doing it while wearing a cute little silk robe I hadn’t even known she owned. “Good morning, Big Bro!” she said brightly, when she saw me. “Pancakes?”

“Er, sure,” I said, taking a seat. Mom smiled at me briefly, then returned to her magazine.

Okay, this is weird. Pam never cooks breakfast and both of them are acting like last night didn’t happen. She only calls me Big Bro when she’s really happy with me, too.

“Bacon and maple syrup, or bananas and blueberries?”

“Bacon and maple syrup, please,” I said, wondering if she’d secretly be adding in some arsenic.

“They’ll just be a couple of minutes,” she said, and then she picked up the coffee pot and a cup and brought them over to me.

Up to that point, she’d had her back to me, and I hadn’t really caught the full effect of the robe. I’d seen it was short and silky, only a little past her ass in the back, a cream-and-peach number that I was sure I’d have remembered if I’d seen it before. But it wasn’t the sort of thing I’d expect her to wear around her brother. Hell, it wasn’t the sort of thing I expected her to own.

As she turned toward me, coffee pot in one hand, I saw the front of her robe was two overlapping sides, tied with a sash around her waist, and her pert breasts were pushing against the thin material, her nipples making little peaks in the silk. It was obvious she wasn’t wearing a bra, and it was startling to see my sister dressed like that – especially after I’d been spanking that ass the night before.

She stood next to me, one hand resting casually on my shoulder. “Coffee, Big Brother?” she asked with a smile. It was a really genuine, happy smile, not what I’d expected at all.

“Yes, please,” I said, my voice slightly croaky. I cleared my throat.

She set the cup down and poured coffee into it, then bent down and kissed my cheek. “I’ll get you some sugar and cream,” she murmured before she straightened. That tone of voice she’d used ... it was almost a purr. Her robe had gaped as she’d bent, not enough for me to see all the way down inside it, but enough to reveal the tops of her breasts as they pushed against the material; any more and there’d have been a flash of nipple. I cleared my throat again and shifted in my chair, and I saw that mom was looking at me, a wry expression on her face. I raised my coffee cup, and that wasn’t the only thing rising.

Is she trying to tease me? I wondered. But she’s my sister; why would she do that, and why does my mom have that smug look? Does she know what’s happening and approve of it?

Then Pam was back next to me with sugar and cream, and again a couple of minutes later with my pancakes. She sat beside me at the table with a cup of coffee and an expectant look.

I took a mouthful. “Very nice,” I said. She had cooked them really well. She beamed her delight back at me, like a happy puppy that had just had its ears rubbed.

As I slowly ate my breakfast, I wondered what had come over Pam. This was a complete departure from her attitude over the previous couple of days. I could only assume she wanted me to drive her somewhere, and, after the breakfast she’d served, I knew I’d probably agree.

She jumped up and collected my plate the moment I’d finished, and that little robe jumped with her, offering me a swift and tantalizing glimpse of skin.

“That’s a really nice robe,” I said.

“Oh, do you like it?” she asked, twirling slightly. The hem splayed out, almost threatening to reveal the bottom curve of her ass. “Dad bought it for me last week.”

I raised an eyebrow and glanced at mom, who met my inquiring gaze impassively. What was dad doing buying something like that for Pam? I didn’t think it was the sort of thing dad would have approved of her wearing, let alone bought for her.

“Yes, I do,” I replied, and mom’s lips twitched. Am I missing something here? Why is she so accepting of our dad buying something like that for his seventeen-year-old daughter?

“Any plans for today, Big Bro?” Pam asked me.

“Not really. You?”

“I’m gonna lie out by the pool and work on my tan; want to join me?”

I looked at her in surprise. That wasn’t like Pam, either; the sunbathing certainly was, but actively encouraging my presence? This was probably just an excuse to have me on hand to fetch drinks for her all day. “Er ... I’ll have a think about it. I’m going to finish my coffee first.”

She smiled at me brightly, as though I’d just agreed to anything she could possibly want, and walked out of the kitchen in the direction of the stairs.

“She seems in a good mood this morning,” I commented lightly.

“Yes,” mom agreed, without looking up from her magazine. “I wonder why that is.”

She’d used the kind of tone that suggested she knew exactly why it was, that it was obvious, and that I should know too. But I didn’t, and the distinct feeling that I was missing something was growing stronger.

We were both still sitting at the table a few minutes later when Pam reappeared, now wearing a blue bikini. It was barely a bikini; it was three small triangles, held together with thin pieces of string. The two triangles of the top did nothing more than just cover her breasts, and the one at the bottom left no doubt that she’d had a bikini wax.

“Where the hell did you get that?” I asked.

“I bought it a few weeks back, why? Don’t you like it?”

I glanced at mom, but there was no reaction. “You’re not seriously going to wear that out of the house, are you?”

What she wore inside was one thing, but going into the backyard like that? Our neighbor’s windows overlooked our yard, and I could well imagine him leching over my sister. That was not happening on my watch.

“What’s wrong with it?” she said, looking down at herself.

My sister was hot. She was smoking hot, and although I knew I shouldn’t think of her that way, I wasn’t blind, and that bikini pretty much showed everything she had.

I turned to my mom. “Are you happy with her wearing that out of the house?”

Mom didn’t even look up. “I’ve already told her she can’t.”

“Well, then,” I said, turning back to Pam.

She glared at me. “The back yard is still the house, Alex.”

No more Big Brother; that good mood hadn’t lasted very long. “It’s still a no.”

“Who died and put you in charge?”

I clenched my jaw. “While dad isn’t here, I’m –”

“Yeah, I know,” she interrupted, rolling her eyes. “You’re the man of the house, whatever the fuck that means. Don’t remind me.”

I leaned back in my chair. “You’re not going outside wearing that, and that’s final.”

She stared at me for a long moment. “Fine. I didn’t want tan lines anyway.”

She reached behind herself to the tie that held her bikini top in place, and as I watched, still bemused by what she’d just said, she pulled the bow open. She immediately pulled off the two triangles that had partially covered her breasts and dropped the top half of her bikini on the table. I blinked in surprise as she bared her breasts before me, and damn she had amazing breasts, pert and firm and beautifully shaped, just the right size, with dusky-pink nipples that were already hard and pointing slightly upwards.

I might’ve said something if I hadn’t been staring, stunned by her audacity, but she wasn’t done; before I had a chance to open my mouth, her hands dropped to the bows at her hips. Even if I’d wanted to say something, at that point I wouldn’t have; I wanted to see how far she was going to take this game. I was sure she was bluffing.

But she wasn’t bluffing. She pulled on both bows and the flimsy bikini bottom fell away, the tiny triangle dangling on the string in her right hand before she dropped it on top of the upper part of the bikini on the table. She was completely bare; my sister was standing naked in front of me, making no attempt to hide her breasts, and she was not only prepped for a bikini, either shaved or waxed, she was completely hairless.

“Happy, now?” she asked into my silence, then took the few steps to the door to the deck.

“Oh, no, you don’t,” I said, finding my voice at last. She had the hottest body I had ever seen in real life.

“Oh, no, I don’t what?” she asked, turning to face me. She rested one hand on her cocked hip, her usual provocative and insolent way of standing when she was trying to get a rise out of me. But her doing it completely naked was a whole different kind of provocative – and a whole different rise, for that matter.

“Are you fucking kidding me? You’re not going out there naked.”

She glared at me. “You said I couldn’t go out wearing the bikini. You didn’t say I couldn’t go out au naturel. It’s my backyard too, you know. It’s my vacation too! Don’t be such an uptight asshole.”

She turned back to the door and had it half open before I was up from my chair. I closed the gap quickly, putting my hand on the glass and holding the door closed. She was right in front of me, almost in the circle of my arms, completely nude. My groin was almost pushing up against her ass. Fuck, it had been a weird couple of days.

“You are not going out there naked,” I said through gritted teeth.

“Now you want me to wear my bikini? Make up your fucking mind.” She turned to face me and I had to step back, because otherwise she’d be practically pressing her bare breasts into my chest. “You just wanted me to strip naked for you, didn’t you?”

I gaped at her. “What?”

She placed her hands on her hips and smirked at me. “Like what you see, Big Brother? Is this why you wanted me to take my bikini off?”

“You’re fucking insane,” I spat at her. She was really riling me up, not least because I had wanted to see her naked. “Get upstairs and put some clothes on, Pam.”

“Or what? You’re going to spank me again?”

“Upstairs, now.”

“That’s what I thought,” she said, her tone as insolent as she could make it. “I knew you wouldn’t dare spank me again.”

I saw red. I grabbed her upper arm, pulled her over to the table, and pushed her down across it. I held her with one hand on the back of her neck, conscious of her raised ass as I bent her over. Mom leaned back in her chair and put down her magazine.

“You will not speak to me like that,” I said, and as I held her with one hand I brought the other down on her ass with a satisfying crack that reverberated around the kitchen. I heard her gasp with the impact. “You will speak to me with respect.” My hand came down on her ass again, and I was conscious of her bare skin beneath my palm. She gasped again.

“I’m sorry, Alex,” she cried, but it was far too late for that. I clenched my jaw as I proceeded to spank her hard, keeping her pinned as I struck her raised bottom again and again, feeling the warmth in my palm growing rapidly with each blow.

I was lost in the feel of her bare ass beneath my hand and the view of her naked back, slender and smooth, stretched out across the kitchen table, and the feel of her long hair draped loosely over my hand where I held her with my grip on her neck. She was naked and helpless, and I felt a sudden rush of power. Mom still hadn’t said anything, just as she hadn’t the first time, and, like before, her silence seemed to encourage me.

“You will obey me,” I told Pam as my hand again slapped hard against the firmness of her round bottom.

“Yes, Alex, I’m sorry, I’ll obey you!” she whimpered, her hips twitching beneath my hand.

“You will stop provoking me,” I said, as again my hand landed on her ass with my full strength. I knew that one had hurt – I’d intended it to.

“Yes, Alex,” she gasped through the sting of the impact.

“Apologize to me,” smack, “and apologize to mom, too,” smack.

“Yes, Alex, I’m sorry,” she whimpered. “And I’m sorry, Mom.” Her face was still pressed into the table, but I could hear the sincerity in her voice.

“That’s quite all right, Sweetie,” mom said, her tone even.

I released my grip on Pam’s neck. “Go to your room,” I said, and my voice still sounded strict. At least I hoped it did, because it sounded like I was sending a spoiled brat off for a time-out and that wasn’t too far off. She might be my own sister, but she’d sure acted like a spoiled brat.

“Yes, Alex,” she said demurely, and her tone surprised me. I’d half expected to get some snarkiness back, but maybe she didn’t want to be spanked again. She rose unsteadily and slowly walked to the doorway, her head down.

“Pam?” I said as she reached the threshold.

“Yes, Alex?”

“That’s twice. There’d better not be a third time.”

She lowered her eyes, “Yes, Alex.”

I sat back down in my chair. I could see the stairs from that position, and I had a clear view of my sister climbing up them, step by step, her ass bright red with my hand-prints.

I was suddenly aware that my mom was watching me and my eyes came to rest on the tiny blue bikini that had been the catalyst for all of this. I shook my head in confusion. I’d just spanked my naked sister, spanked her for the second time in as many days. Mom had told me in no uncertain terms that I was in charge with dad gone. She’d told me that Pam had deserved a spanking and she’d never objected at any point, either yesterday or just now. She’d even said it was hot yesterday – and that was when Pam had been clothed.

And I couldn’t deny it had been hot. I knew how hard I was, and I wondered if Pam had noticed. I wondered if mom had noticed.

“Would you like another coffee, Sweetie?” mom asked.

What the fuck? Mom never got me coffee, it was always the other way around, and now she was calling me Sweetie. “Er ... yes, please.”

She smiled and got up, fetched the coffee pot from the hot plate, and refilled my cup. I added cream and sugar while she returned the pot and took her seat again, and I noticed she hadn’t bothered to fill her own.

“How did that feel, Alex?” she asked, as I took a sip.

I choked on the coffee, putting the cup down quickly before I spilled it all over my shorts.

How did it feel? How the fuck do you think it felt? It felt... fuck, it felt good. It felt hot. It felt satisfying. I thought back to the curve of my sister’s bare ass beneath my hand. “Just doing what I thought she needed,” I muttered.

Mom smiled. “Yes, she did need that.”

“Perhaps now there’ll be less attitude.”

Mom’s smile turned into a smirk. “Yes, perhaps that too.”

What did she mean by those comments? I still had the sense, in the back of my mind, that I was missing something. But it had been a strange morning. Hell, it had been a strange couple of days. My family was a lot more fucked up than I’d thought it was ... and maybe I was too; I’d been lusting after my little sister.

My mom was still watching me. “You should probably go and talk to her,” she suggested.

I didn’t want to stand up right then; I needed another couple of minutes for my erection to subside. “I’ll give her a few minutes to reflect,” I said.

“I think you should go now.”

Crap.Ummm ... okay.”

I stood up self-consciously, and mom’s eyes immediately dropped to my shorts. Her smirk was back.

I headed for the stairs, happy to be able to turn away from her and hide the obvious bulge I was sporting. But as I began to climb, I gave some thought to what I was about to do. What should I say to Pam after watching her strip, after seeing her naked, after spanking her bare ass? Why had she stripped? I hadn’t made her do that. Then she’d goaded me into spanking her after I’d warned her against it.

Our relationship had crossed a line, and there was no coming back from that. Was that my doing or hers? It was both, probably. It wasn’t really anyone’s fault, I supposed– and what was done was done. Still, that didn’t help me decide what to do now.

At least, with all the consternation I was feeling, my body had calmed down. It wouldn’t be a good idea to walk into her room with a full-on erection. Taking a deep breath, I knocked on her door.

There was no answer. “Pam?” I tapped again, lightly.

“What?” Her voice was muffled through the door.

“Can I come in?”


Well, that wasn’t quite the I’ll obey! she’d given me a few minutes ago, but I’d asked, not demanded. Maybe I should’ve demanded.

“Are you okay?” I tried again. “Pam?”


I sighed. She wasn’t making this easy. “Can we talk?”

“We are talking,” she said, her voice muffled.

I sighed again. “May I come in?”


I pushed open the door and stepped into her room. It was gloomy inside, the curtains drawn and no lights on, but, with the bright daylight peeking around the curtains, there was more than enough light to see her. She was lying on her bed, facing away from me, and she was still naked. I could see her ass clearly, even in the shadows, and it was darker where I’d spanked her. I swallowed nervously, seeing her naked and feeling a bit guilty about what I’d done.

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