It All Started With a Spanking - Cover

It All Started With a Spanking

Copyright© 2024 by Pat Harvey

Chapter 1

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Pamela overhears her parents role-playing daddy/daughter, damages her father’s car, and gets punished. She provokes her father and gets another spanking and more. Her mother dominates her, then Daddy dominates them both. While Daddy’s away, Pam’s brother takes charge, Pam seduces him, and more activities ensue as their mother enters the dynamic. This is a long story, over 63K words in fifteen chapters. Not all tags apply to each chapter. My thanks to Jim (mojavejoe420) for being my first reader.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter   BDSM   DomSub   MaleDom   Spanking   Anal Sex   Analingus   Facial   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Water Sports  

I suppose it was my fault.

It was a Saturday, as sunny as I could hope for, and I had nothing else to do but lie out by the pool.

“Morning, Daddy,” I said as I walked past him in my new sky-blue bikini. My Mom had said I could keep it, but only if I didn’t wear it out of the house. The backyard was technically part of the house, so I was pretty sure that not wearing it out to our pool wasn’t what she’d meant.

My Dad had his back to me as I walked by him, but he turned as I opened the French doors to let myself out onto the deck. I’d expected a morning greeting in return, but what I got instead was a hmmm of surprise. I figured his response had something to do with the itsy-bitsy Wicked Weasel bikini I had on; it had a thong back and it didn’t cover much more in the front, either. But the yard was fully fenced and not visible, with the exception of Mr. Weber’s windows – and he was probably too old to care what I wore, even if he could see that far.

There was a chaise lounge already perfectly positioned for the angle I needed, and it only took a couple of minutes for me to set down my book, adjust my towel, and apply some sun-screen. The only thing worse than tan lines was sunburn, and thirty minutes a side was the maximum; in that heat, any longer and there was a risk I’d burn. But I already had a nice tan, and I knew I could manage an hour in the sun if I was well coated.

Finally ready, I lay back on the chaise, pushed my long blonde hair over my shoulders, and started some Miley Cyrus on my Spotify. I couldn’t read face up, the sun was too bright, so I figured I’d wait until I turned over and I relaxed and closed my eyes. I listened for about ten minutes and then my AirPods died. Crap. I was sure I’d charged them.

My instinct was to yell for Alex, my brother, but he was away with friends on a camping trip. I glanced toward the house, wondering if a sorrowful look would bring my Dad out to see what I needed. But the odds of that were low, and I knew better than to call for him. I could get away with bossing my brother around, but my Dad? No chance.

Sighing, I pushed myself up from my comfy sun-drenched chaise and went to switch out my traitorous AirPods for my Wi-Fi headset. I could Bluetooth it into my phone instead; even though that wasn’t as comfortable, it would do.

Dad wasn’t in the kitchen when I came back in. I passed through it and headed upstairs. Both Alex’s room and mine were on the right, with Mom and Dad’s room to the left. I’d almost reached the upper hallway when I heard it: a sharp crack coming from the left, followed by a gasp.

I frowned. I didn’t recognize those sounds.

Another crack sounded almost immediately, and I paused one step shy of the top of the stairs. It almost sounded like ... but no, it couldn’t be.

“Yes ... spank me, Daddy.”

Oh. Oh. I stood in shock for so long that two more of those slaps echoed from behind Mom and Dad’s door. It wasn’t just that the sounds I’d heard were spanks. It wasn’t just that it was Dad spanking Mom, which was pretty fucking shocking as it was. Hell, I’d known they still had sex, but ... kinky sex? And speaking of kinky sex...

“Oh, fuck ... do you like spanking me, Daddy?”

Daddy. She was calling him Daddy.

That was beyond kinky. Well, maybe it wasn’t, but it was a whole level of kinky beyond what I would ever have expected from my own parents.

“You know I do, you little slut.” Another crack accompanied my father’s gruff response.

I realized I’d been standing one step short of the landing for about two minutes, listening to a dozen spanks, each one clearly heard despite the closed door, along with the gasps, the whimpers, and the casually thrown-in and frequent use of Daddy. I shook my head, walked as quietly as I could to my room, and found my headset. By the time I’d returned to the top of the stairs, the sounds of spanking had been replaced by a different slapping sound, this one lighter, more frequent, and more rhythmic, and I could hear Mom’s high-pitched whimpers through the door.

I made my way back outside. My parents were apparently a healthy, attractive couple with needs, even if Dad was a couple of years shy of fifty and Mom was only five years younger. They weren’t that old, and they were still in shape. Mom had her yoga and pilates, and Dad had his swimming, treadmill, and weights. They’d undoubtedly expected me to be in the yard for an hour or so, with my AirPods in so I wouldn’t be likely to hear anything.

I lay on the chaise, my book forgotten and the music in my ears not drowning out the memory of my mother’s voice saying, “Do you like spanking me, Daddy?” and hearing my Dad calling my Mom a slut.

And damn, I was wet. I was unbelievably wet. Why was I so wet? It was my own parents! It shouldn’t be turning me on! Was it just finding them having sex? No, that didn’t do anything for me. Was it the spanking, then? That was... weird, but I couldn’t deny it was intriguing. I mean, I’d watched porn. I’d seen people getting spanked. I hadn’t been spanked – not since hitting puberty, anyway, and it hardly counted when I was a mouthy eight-year-old. Okay, so maybe the spanking was affecting me a bit.

But not as much as hearing Mom calling my Dad Daddy. That was ... unbelievable.

Was that just some perfectly innocent role-play thing that they’d always done? Or was it a fantasy about me, a fantasy about their seventeen-year-old daughter? Had my Dad watched me rub sun-screen onto my body, gotten all horny, and then gone upstairs to wake Mom up and take it out on her?

No, it had to be a coincidence. They probably just did some kinky role-play stuff, and today it was daddy/daughter and next week it would be teacher/student. It had nothing to do with me, it was just harmless, healthy sexual play between consenting adults, a loving couple who just happened to be my parents.

The alarm on my phone went off. Half an hour already? I turned over, stretching out on the chaise with the sun on my back and my bare ass on display. That was something that hadn’t bothered me at all when I’d walked out earlier, but now ... what if they’d finished and were watching me?

But I was being silly. There had to be a perfectly reasonable, nothing-to-do-with-me explanation for this. I reached up and untied my bikini ties to prevent tan lines and relaxed again. What they did in the privacy of their bedroom was entirely their business and none of mine.

“Pam, you’re gonna burn if you stay out here much longer.”

I jumped so hard my whole body jerked. I had dozed off and hadn’t heard my Dad come out. I reached for my phone and saw that I hadn’t reset the timer. I’d been more than a bit distracted and I’d forgotten.

“Thanks, Dad,” I said, pushing myself up. I rolled over, having completely forgotten that I’d untied my bikini top. I flung an arm across my bare breasts, but not before I’d given him an eyeful. “Sorry,” I muttered, my cheeks flaming with embarrassment. Great, flash him right after he spanked and fucked myMom who’d maybe been pretending to be me.

He chuckled softly. “That’s okay, Honey. Take your time heading inside. I’m just going to do a few laps.”

He stepped to the edge of the pool and dove in, but not before I’d seen the lump in his swim trunks. Had I turned him on? Or was he that big when he wasn’t turned on? I’d never really noticed before.

Could my day get any more surreal?

A half hour later my Dad knocked on my door. “Pam? You decent?”

Ummm...” I was still in my bikini thong, and I’d just pulled on a short T-shirt. I was a lot more covered than I’d been at the pool, but I still felt funny about my Dad seeing me like this. Maybe it’s because I think my parents may be using the idea of me to stimulate their sex life. “Yeah ... come in.”

He opened the door and came in carrying a bottle of aloe. He waggled it at me. “Do your back?”

“Oh. Yes, please, Daddy.”

He’d swapped his swim trunks for a pair of shorts and his hair looked messy and disheveled, as though it had been recently towel-dried. His chest and legs were bare, and, for the first time, I realized how much of a hunk my dad really was. I’d never thought of him like that before, but hearing him spank Mom while she called him Daddy ... well, it kinda changed my perspective a bit. Okay, changed it a lot. I felt a blush rise and looked away, embarrassed.

“I figured you’d need this after being in the sun so long, Pam. Didn’t I tell you to set a timer?”

“I ... I thought I did. I kinda got distracted.” By listening to my parents fucking after the whole daddy/daughter spanking role-play thing. And here I was, still wearing that very revealing bikini bottom, about to lie down for him. So yeah, it turned out my day could get more surreal.

I lay down on the bed, as much to bury my rapidly heating face as to get the process over with sooner. I felt the bed shift with his body weight as he sat next to me, and I heard the sound as he flipped open the bottle cap.

“Shoulders too?”

“That would be nice, thank you.”

“Better pop the shirt off, then.”

“Oh, ummm...” I wriggled until I could grasp the hem of the shirt, arching my back to lift my upper body from the bed and pull it over my head. It wasn’t graceful, but I could do it without flashing him again.

He pushed my hair aside and laid his hands, covered with lotion, on my skin. He slathered it on well, and it hardly took him a minute. It wasn’t even a massage, just the clinical application of after-sun lotion from the small of my back to my shoulders. He took enough time to make sure it was mostly rubbed in, and then I felt him rise just as I was beginning to relax into his touch.

“Done already?” I asked in surprise.

He smiled down at me. “I’m assuming you can reach the rest yourself.” I blushed, lowering my eyes, as he turned for the door. “Lunch in an hour?”

“That would be great, thanks, Daddy.”

He closed the door behind himself, leaving me alone with my thoughts. I’d been lying, basically naked, on the bed while he rubbed the lotion into me, and he hadn’t even hung around to stare. Why did I just think that? I wondered. Do I want him to stare at my body?

I wasn’t sure that the answer to that question was no. Apparently my parents weren’t the only kinky ones in our family.

The next day, Mom had to fly out early for a three-day work trip and she was gone by the time I got up. Dad was having breakfast in the kitchen.

“Morning, Pam,” he said, glancing up as I came in. His expression didn’t change as he saw me, nothing but polite interest at the presence of his daughter sporting bed hair and an oversized T-shirt. Hell, it was a lot more clothing than I’d worn yesterday, even if there was no bra underneath.

“Morning,” I mumbled, and I placed a hand on his shoulder as I kissed his cheek. I fixed myself some orange juice while he finished his toast.

“Plans for today?”

“Not really. You know, summer break. Nothing much to do. Hang out by the pool a bit, I guess. With a timer, this time.” He chuckled. “And there’s possibly a party this evening at Janey’s. Any chance of a ride home?”

He raised an eyebrow, “What time will it end?”

“Er ... like ... midnight?”

“I’m too old and lazy for midnight taxi runs.” He fished out his wallet and dropped a twenty on the breakfast table. “Uber is on me, okay?”

“Awww, thanks, Daddy. And you’re not old.”

He was dressed in a polo shirt and slacks, and he definitely didn’t look old. He looked handsome and trim. Plus, I’d seen him half-naked yesterday, and he had the body of a thirty-something. Goddamnit, Pam, go take a cold shower or something.

He spoke as I was walking away. “Mom’s already left for the airport.”

I paused in the doorway, turning back. “Yep, I figured that. I’ll text her to tell her I love her.”

He shrugged. “She knows, but that would be nice. And just to remind you, I’m playing golf today.”

I’d totally forgotten, but that explained his dress code. “Sure thing, Daddy. Have a nice time.”

“Paul will be picking me up in about...” he looked at his watch, “ ... ten minutes or so. You’ll be okay here by yourself?”

“Sure, don’t worry about me.”

“See you later, then.”

“Have a good day, Daddy.”

I was in the shower when I heard him shout, “Goodbye.”

I hung around the house for a bit. I couldn’t spend all day in the sun; it was just too hot. I played some computer games, but my heart wasn’t really in it, so I watched twenty minutes of Netflix before I got bored. My mind was all over the place, and I knew why. I couldn’t stop thinking about yesterday.

I decided I’d go into town, maybe buy some clothes. I could use something fresh for Janey’s party; a new summer dress would be perfect. So I got dressed and stepped out of the house, stopping when I saw Daddy’s car in the driveway. But then I remembered – he’d said Paul would be picking him up.

So his car was there, and the keys were inside. He’d never know, and Mom was on an airplane somewhere. Taking it would beat an Uber and save some money.

Daddy’s car was an Audi Q7, a large SUV. It was beautiful, and he’d only had it for a few months. I’d only gotten to drive it once before, and then only for a few miles on an empty road. It was fast, too, and it sure made the trip into town a lot quicker. I parked it really carefully and went to find myself some lunch before going hunting for a summer dress.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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