At the Woodchopper's Ball - Book Two - Cover

At the Woodchopper's Ball - Book Two

Copyright© 2023 by Kajakie Karr

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - After a journey marked by hesitation and setbacks, Fayard and Enide have begun a relationship, though the situation is not without complications. There are lingering issues yet to be resolved. For one thing, her friend seems to be along for the ride, leaving Fayard as perplexed about her role in their lives as a parrot at a dog and pony show. Compounding the intricacy of his situation, Fayard must also juggle unforeseen revelations that have inconveniently tumbled forth into the light.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/Fa   Fa/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   Romantic   Fiction   School   Incest   Group Sex   Cream Pie   First  

Hoofing it up the steps to Aunt Broni’s door, I gave the bell a good ring. Enide appeared at the threshold like a jack-in-the-box, opening the door before the echo from the chime had faded, and stood before me with a bright, easy smile lighting up her face. Now, I know this is hackneyed and corny as all get-out, but the sight of her felt like a ray of sunlight had pierced the gloom and cast its warm glow directly on me.

“Sorry,” she began with a light, melodic tone, “I haven’t quite managed to...”

Enide’s words, however, were unceremoniously interrupted. Propelled by a surge of feeling, I entered the house, shut the door behind me with an assertive kick, and drew her into my arms. She yielded to my kiss with graceful fluidity, as if she had been anticipating this moment all day. Still, the delightful little ‘Oof’ sound she made hinted at her surprise.

“Someone is glad to see me,” Enide teased with a playful giggle, drawing her lips back and breathing heavily.

I didn’t answer. I was too engrossed in peppering her cheek with kisses, nuzzling my face against her neck and wallowing in the feel of her silky hair caressing my face. Enide finally had enough of my pawing and petting — and the unintelligible endearments that accompanied them — prompting her to gently push me away.

“Come on silly boy,” she remarked, seizing my hand and escorting me toward the kitchen. “Boyfriend,” she announced as we walked, “you bear the odorous traces of spirits and tobacco,” she jested with put-on formality and an impish grin, casting me a sidelong glance over her shoulder.

“Oh, yes, sorry ... um ... girlfriend,” I stammered, momentarily caught off guard. “I have to remember I’m courting and ought to consider my oral decorum,” I added, attempting to mirror her formal tone.

Slipping out of my jacket, I settled into a chair at the kitchen table, casting a casual glance after Enide as she sashayed toward the pantry. She was decked out in shorts, cut from some kind of khaki-esque material, paired with a snug-fitting, short-sleeved top that ended just shy of her waist, revealing a tantalising hint of midriff. Her outfit was well-worn and practical, the sort of attire I would expect her to wear to the gymnasium. But, despite the relaxed fit of her shorts, it was hard not to linger on the way they accentuated the contours of her bottom, or how lovely her arms looked in a top with scarcely any sleeves.

There didn’t seem to be anyone else in the house. A mocking thought bubbled up inside me: ‘No need to ask after Aunt Broni.’ Though the episode at the cottage had afforded me only a brief peek, it had seared an indelible image into my psyche. I realised that on some level, I had been steering my thoughts away from what I had witnessed. It was no use. Even though I had observed Mother — resplendent in high heels and little else — striding across the room toward Aunt Broni for only a few seconds, the image would not vanish from behind my eyes.

This was a facet of their relationship that had remained entirely concealed from me, a thing lurking beneath the surface, veiled and unimagined. In that cottage, beyond the window pane, the two women had been flaunting their sensuality and revelling in its power. There had been something almost predatory about them. The image of my mother moulding herself against Aunt Broni from behind was forever branded into the depths of my memory.

I was diverted from my contemplation when Enide emerged from the pantry clutching a dish so large it could have doubled as a life raft. The sight of her, and the tantalising promise of whatever that dish held, instantly drew me out of the foggy maze of my wonderings. One of the perks of knowing Enide was the access it granted to the gastronomic marvels whipped up by Mrs Raznil, Aunt Broni’s long-serving cook. The household’s pantry and refrigerator were a veritable treasure trove of appetising goodies.

Enide darted off again after placing the dish on the kitchen table. Having spent a goodish chunk of my formative years within these walls, I was well-acquainted with its nooks and crannies and set about assembling the necessary crockery and cutlery. Enide reentered the kitchen, an assortment of fresh vegetables cradled in her arms.

“Rody, you think you can handle chopping these without losing a finger?” she teased, her eyes glinting with mischief.

I responded with a smirk, “Well, if I do, would you kiss it better for me?” and reached for the paring knife.

Her eyebrows shot up in mock outrage. “Kissing fingers already, are we?” she asked, her voice dripping with feigned scandal. “Shouldn’t we at least get food out of the way first?”

I grinned, slicing into a ripe tomato. “I doubt this salad will be nearly as zesty as your wit.”

She chuckled, holding up a bottle of salad dressing, the amber liquid swirling about as she brandished it like a baton. “Oh! A comedian, huh? Well, if you keep making jokes like that, I might just accidentally pour this dressing on your head instead of the greens.”

“Who are you kidding, Eni?” I retorted with a cocky grin. “You could never bring yourself to ruin this hairdo,” I continued, touching my hair with an exaggerated sense of pride. “But let me ask you this: if I were a salad, would you eat me?”

“Is this what they taught you in military school? How to turn any conversation into a flirt-fest?” she shot back, rolling her eyes with affectionate exasperation. “Now hand me that cucumber before you propose with it.”

I chuckled, passing her the cucumber with a flourish. “Now look, if I were to propose with a vegetable, it’d like to think it would be with something less ... common. A truffle, perhaps?” I mused. “Rare, sought after, and a bit mysterious.”

Enide smiled. “A truffle? That’s not even a vegetable! You certainly know how to charm a girl with your botanical inaccuracies.”

“Well, as long as I’m charming you, isn’t that what counts?” I quipped, taking a playful step closer. “Besides, I’ve always been more about quality than the category.”

She shook her head, slicing the cucumber with precision. “Keep chopping, Rody,” Enide instructed with a smile. “The only category we need to perfect right now is this salad.”

Our banter continued in the same playful spirit while we busied ourselves in the kitchen. I had just finished arranging the table mats when Enide sidled up next to me, brandishing a jar with an air of mild affront as though it had just told an off-colour joke.

“Mind giving this a go?” she asked, pointing at its defiant lid. I took the jar from her, but my thoughts weren’t on such pedestrian concerns. Instead, I was spellbound by the subtle halo that encircled her sapphire-blue irises. And those lustrous eyelashes, a shade darker than her golden hair, which made her gaze all the more intoxicating.

This may sound like a ludicrous passage from a bottom-tier romance novel — and I’d be the first to scoff if I encountered it — but by my ancestors’ honour, I swear my senses momentarily deserted me. I can’t for the life of me recall placing that confounded jar on the table. As for grabbing Enide and mashing my lips to hers? A total blank. One minute I was taking the jar from her and the next, I had her practically plastered against the wall. Our kiss was so impassioned that it felt as though we were trying to coax the other’s soul through our mouths.

At a certain moment, I became aware that Enide was muttering something. The word “up” emerged from the murk like a badger at dusk. I took this as an invitation to lift her up, which I did without hesitation, earning a cute little squawk as she looped her legs around my waist. In my hazy, lust-clouded state, I was convinced that her intended message was something akin to, “Kindly pick me up and haul me to the couch.” Like a clumsy circus performer, I marched our entwined forms out of the kitchen, aiming for the safety of soft upholstery, hoping to neither trip nor interrupt our intense snogging session.

“Wait!” Enide exclaimed in the hallway, catching on to my intentions. “Upstairs,” she clarified, quickly adding, “and put me down!” I set her back on her feet. She dispensed with her sandals in a flash and sprinted barefoot up the stairs with me hot on her heels.

In a single, uninterrupted swoop, Enide ripped the sheets off her bed and swivelled around, embarking on the task of unbuttoning my shirt with zeal. It took only a few breaths for Enide to get the job done, though those seconds felt like an excruciating eternity to me, trapped in the torment of not being able to lay a hand on her as she busied herself with my shirt. While she grappled with the buttons, I hastily kicked my shoes aside and unfastened my belt. The instant Enide liberated my shirt from my trousers, I flung it away, seizing her once more with unbridled desire. I don’t think I have been quite so heedless with my clothes since I was knee-high to a grasshopper.

We tumbled onto the mattress with wild abandon. It was my turn to contend with recalcitrant fastenings. Once the buttons on her shorts were loose, I leaned away from Enide and pulled them down until I could feel the edge of her undergarment. I worked two fingers under their waist and in one seamless motion yanked both shorts and underwear past her hips and down to her knees. She emitted a gleeful ‘woop’ sound, followed by a louder, more excited one when I used my feet to kick the entire bundle off her legs.

Before I could get back to kissing her, Enide used the advantage of my position to deftly whisk my singlet vest over my head. Once she was done, I rolled us over onto my back, letting her straddle me. She paused as if to savour the feel of my hands roaming her bare bottom half before gradually inclining her face towards mine, enveloping us in a lush canopy of hair.

It seemed as if we lingered in that state for ages, though, at that juncture, my faculties were utterly lost to her and my perception of time had become hopelessly askew. Eventually, I regained enough of my senses to realise our lips were no longer locked. Instead, Enide was blowing soft little kisses on my jaw, working her way down my neck toward my shoulders. “Do you realise how often I used to dream about this?” she murmured, more to herself than to me, her words drenched in a heady, dreamlike haze.

With agonising slowness, she let her fingertips drift across my shoulders and chest as if she were strumming a tune on a harp. Her lips had embarked on a sensuous expedition of their own across that same territory, not laying down kisses so much as savouring me with her mouth, inch by torturous inch. “I’ve wanted you like this for soooo long,” she whispered, her voice distant and velvety, her eyes veiled and unseeing, seemingly immersed in her own private daydream. I felt I owed her a debt of sorts, to grant her leave to explore to her heart’s content, unfettered by my intrusion.

What I hadn’t grasped was how downright excruciating this would turn out to be. If I’m being honest, at that point, what I wanted the most was to flip Enide onto her back and pound away at her like a jackhammer. Still, somehow, I remained motionless and quiet, a statue to her gentle ministrations. As she ventured further down my torso, she whispered soothing words that barely reached my ears, a lullaby meant to calm a jittery creature. Neither her murmured words nor the barely grazed brush of her fingers did much to ease my heightened state. By now, my penis was tenting my trousers and my testicles felt heavy and swollen.

Enide reached my waist, still seemingly oblivious to the feelings she was eliciting. She kissed my skin and with cosy familiarity pressed her cheek against the warmth of my abdomen. Being touched like this by Enide was inordinately pleasurable. It dawned on me that I had been humming and groaning in a low voice for some time.

Her face drew near to my crotch and the next thing I knew, she had gripped and squeezed my hard cock through my trousers. Unbidden, a loud moan escaped my lips.

In a sudden burst, she unbuttoned my trousers and pulled down the zipper. “Get these off,” she breathed and helped me pull down my trousers and underwear until they were past my knees. She tried kicking them off me but was only able to shove them down a little further so they were bunched up around my ankles. My rigid penis snapped up in front of her and she seized me with soft yet nimble fingers. “Nice,” she purred. “Good and thick.”

Before I knew it, Enide scooted back up along the length of my body and then her sweet, soft lips were kissing me. I tried to kick off my trousers but only managed to free one leg.

Our kiss was wet and electrifying. While our tongues tussled, she gripped and played with my hard cock. She pulled away from me and smiled a wicked, playful smile. We both looked down at her hand stroking my cock. Her fingers held me firmly with no hint of coyness. Wrapped in Enide’s delicate fingers, my cock felt as hard as a brick. I could smell it, musky with need. She gave me another lingering kiss and then her head dropped down toward my lap.

Not that she hurtled headlong into the venture with undue haste. Much to my frustration, she spent some time thoroughly testing my patience, as if she had embarked upon a leisurely stroll through a garden. For a while, she simply gripped my cock, gently coaxing it up and down with a certain absentmindedness. But then, little by little, she began to ramp things up. I eventually realised that Enide had quite the knack for teasing. Heaven’s above, I was desperate for her to suck my cock! She must have known this because she came close more than once, kissing my thighs or stomach, and even licking my shaft from my balls to the tip, but always stopping short of taking me into her mouth.

When I cast my gaze downward, I was confronted with Enide’s fiendish smirk, impish and bold enough to colour the face of the worst scoundrel. Despite the subdued light, I could see little bubbles of pre-cum glistening on the end of my penis.

Finally, she decided to bring a halt to her taunting torment. But first, she exhaled, releasing a wave of warm breath over my shaft. Her breath felt hot but the promise of what was to come was even hotter. Enide breathed over me again but this time, I felt moisture envelope my tip.

My head fell back onto the mattress and my eyes stared sightlessly at the ceiling of her bedroom. Groans and incoherencies frothed forth from my slack lips. When I glanced down at her, my beautiful girlfriend offered a playful, sly look from beneath her lashes, her eyes twinkling as if to say, “I’ve got you in the palm of my hand.”

I closed my eyes. I was so excited that I felt like I might pass out. I took deep breaths to try and calm myself. Despite the previous night’s escapades with Andra, the raw, pornographic experience of seeing Enide like this was still overwhelming. For her part, Enide seemed thrilled by the effect she was having on me, taking me into her mouth and then drooling and slurping with hunger.

She bobbed her head up and down a few times, inching her way down my shaft until her mouth was straining. Overcome with lust, my hands instinctively clasped her head and without conscious intent, I sawed my hips back and forth, watching her lips engulf my penis. Her eyes widened in surprise but she did not pull away; in fact, there was a glimmer of amusement in them, as if she was laughing around my cock. Once I noticed my grip, I quickly eased off but Enide swallowed my cock until it brushed the hollow of her throat. She gagged at first but persevered, her lips tightening around my shaft. My heart hammered within my body and my chest heaved.

“Oh, gawd Eni,” I whimpered. “This feels so good.”

She let my cock pop out of her mouth with a wet smack of her lips. Her mouth curved into a lovely smile as she brought her face away from my crotch. “You like?” she inquired, her eyes brimming with sweet, eager anticipation. I nodded dumbly like a bovine at auction.

Enide gripped my thighs and once again worked her lips over my cock, sucking it into her warm mouth without using her hands. My moans were anything but quiet as I propped myself on my elbows, transfixed by her. Without taking her mouth off me, she gathered her blonde hair into a bun, then continued bobbing her face over my cock, taking my shaft past the halfway point without gagging or sputtering. Her nostrils flared, but she seemed to breathe through her blowjob, making me wonder how much practice she had had at doing this. My fists pounded the mattress, partly in response to the pleasure I felt and partly from the need to banish the unwanted thought.

With an irresistibly provocative gasp, she once again extracted my cock from the warm confines of her mouth, her laughter bubbling like a merry stream. “After you’ve come in my mouth, we’ll put — oooh!”

Enide’s utterances were abruptly cut off as I seized her and turned her around, her words lost in the whirl of my unexpected move. I had quite reached the limit of my patience with the role of the passive observer and the moment had arrived for me to seize the reins and become an active participant. In a silly, haphazard tussle, devoid of any semblance of grace, and punctuated by fits of giggles from both of us, I grappled with Enide until she lay above my prone body. By the time we’d concluded the slapdash manoeuvre, she had crammed my penis in her mouth once again while I had her delicate quim daintily positioned before my face.

I aspired to mimic Enide’s wickedly crafty teasing, but I confess that my efforts fell short and I didn’t manage to drag it out for nearly as long as she had. Nevertheless, I prolonged things by planting hot little kisses and playful nips on Enide’s thighs, making her jump and let out breathy sighs. I could taste faint traces of sweat on her skin. The mellow, misty fragrance of her muff intensified as I worked my way toward it.

“Are you going to give me this pussy, Eni?” I asked, my voice husked and roughened with desire. She giggled around my cock, sending chills down my body. “Yeth,” she mumbled with her mouth full, refusing to relinquish my shaft.

Her outer labia was lovely and plump and her inner lips, still partly hidden, glistened pink with wetness. Her small clit peeked out from its hood, beckoning, craving attention. Enide however, refused to let me dedicate my full focus to the task at hand. Her mouth devoured my cock as she continued giving me a blowjob. And what a blowjob it was! Her mouth was hot and the grip of her full, soft lips was tight against my shaft. The moist action of her tongue swarming over my dick felt wonderful. Concentrating on my end, so to speak, was rather like trying to focus on a game of chess during a steeplechase.

I clenched my jaw, determined to find a way to throw Enide off her game, at least for long enough to buy myself a fighting chance. I let my finger swirl teasingly around the mouth of her vagina, gathering moisture. To my considerable satisfaction, Enide shivered and groaned. I pressed my finger into the opening and slowly pushed my way into her. Her pussy felt very tight, but so wet that the penetration was easy. My finger went all the way in until the last knuckle. Then, I hooked it downwards and began to wiggle my digit. Enide moaned loudly and her hand gripped the root of my shaft firmly.

Emboldened, I slipped a second finger into her cunt and felt her legs tremble. Enide let go of my cock and grabbed the backs of my thighs with both hands, digging her fingers into my muscles. Throughout, while I did nasty, lewd things to her and despite wiggling and squirming, her lips remained steadfastly clamped around my cock, licking me sporadically.

I began to rotate my fingers, firmly massaging her insides. She grunted, “Oh ... oh...,” around my cock then whimpered. Her body felt like a heated furnace, pliant, oozing like sinuously flowing lava. Enide released my shaft from the moist confines of her mouth. “That’s it, Rody,” she said breathlessly, “keep going, just like that,” but instead of taking me back in her mouth, she clasped my cock tenderly against her cheek, bestowing on it the affectionate embrace of a long-lost treasure. While this reduced the physical intensity that had been perilously close to tipping me over the edge, the charmingly endearing gesture nearly brought my heart to a standstill.

“My gawd Eni,” I moaned, feeling her snuggle her face against my rigid shaft, “I love you so much.”

No sooner had the words slipped from my lips than I was seized by regret. It dawned on me, in a moment of belated clarity, that I had not uttered those words to her previously. Their expression now struck me as unbecoming — a cheap and puerile thing unworthy of the sentiment they were meant to convey. Enide however, betrayed no hint of a response, and I clung to the hope that she had dismissed it as a thoughtless exclamation in the heat of passion.

This was no time for self-condemnation. I pulled my fingers out of Enide’s slit. She rolled her hips upward but I pulled her ass down, filling my hands with her firm cheeks. While her pussy was heavenly, she possessed an arse of infernal quality, one that could tempt saints and sinners alike. She had an athlete’s round buttocks, accentuated further by her wide hips, with firm thighs and long legs.

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