Best. Wife. Ever. - Cover

Best. Wife. Ever.

Copyright© 2024 by BishopMalcolm08

Chapter 1.5: Faith

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1.5: Faith - Gabriel's wife, Stacy, goes out of town and gives him a Hall pass. When he doesn't use it, she takes matters into her own hands and sets her best friends, a collection of sluts, on him.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Romantic   Sharing   MaleDom   Polygamy/Polyamory   White Female   Hispanic Male   Cream Pie   Facial   Tit-Fucking  

Saturday, February 2nd - Sunday, February 3rd, 2019

Stacy sat staring out the window of the private jet that her company had chartered for her and her coworkers for their flight to Dubai. This was not how she wanted to be spending a beautiful Saturday morning, but such were the sacrifices that she had to make for her job. Despite the times apart from her husband, she loved her job as a moderator and trouble-shooter for the multi-national corporation she worked for. The salary was outrageous, as were the stock option. The perks, such as the jet she sat in currently, were quite nice as well. She smiled as she luxuriated in the rich, soft leather of her seat.

Though she dearly enjoyed her chosen field, there were the occasional difficulties and headaches to be dealt with. Like any other company in a man’s world, the glass ceiling was real in her own. Stacy had a ways to go before she reached it, but she saw the signs clearly in the other women whom had been there longer than she. Despite her reputation in college as an airhead, she was actually a shrewd and intelligent woman, though she did not kid herself to think she was as smart as her husband.

Just the thought of the geek she was married to had a huge goofy grin splitting her plump, red lips. Almost a full decade together, and Stacy still felt like an awkward and loopy schoolgirl around him. The buxom businesswoman had never felt anything close to the love she had for him. Though he was not scrawny or weak looking like the stereotype of a geek, he was not an athletically imposing figure either. No, his physical talents lay elsewhere.

The other downside to her job were the now frequent business trips she had to take each year. Though they never lasted more than a week at the most, this one was poised to be at least two weeks long, possibly longer. It would be the longest the couple had spent apart since they had first officially gotten together back in college. The strain was already evident in Stacy as she felt anxious and unable to fully settle down and completely enjoy the flight. She missed Gabe, and it had only been three hours since he had seen her off at the airport.

Stacy had used the week leading up to the trip stockpiling momentous orgasms with Gabe. To her memory, they had not fucked so often since they first shared their bodies and she had discovered his amazing stamina. The previous week had been bittersweet since she knew she would not be able to feel him again for a couple of weeks. It was made even worse by the fact that it would be their first Valentine’s Day apart. However, if her current plan bore fruit, then their relationship would reach new levels of lewdness that would blow anything else away.

Just last night, Stacy had given the love of her life a hallpass. Essentially, he could fuck whomever he wanted so long as she approved of the woman and he recorded some of the action and told her full details of the sexploit in their daily calls, texts, and Skypes. The offer had taken her delightfully clueless Gabe by surprise. In all their years together, he had never flirted with any women and rarely ever even checked any out. Of course, with a wife like Stacy, it was hard to stray even visually.

At five feet nine inches tall, she was a statuesque beauty, especially when she wore heels (which was always). Her bright, copper-red hair flowed to the middle of her back and also framed her gorgeous face with plump, cocksucking lips and bright, blue, fuck-me eyes. What drew so many stares toward her was her almost impossibly fantastic hourglass figure. So many people figured her huge tits to be fake, but at 38GG, they were all natural. They hung slightly when unfettered by a bra, but that was due to their sheer mass and not for any sag. In fact, her perpetually hard nipples sat high on the globes giving the effect of perkiness despite their heaviness.

Stacy exercised regularly but was no gymbunny. As such, her waist was a trim twenty-six inches with a flat tummy. This flared out to moderately wide hips and thick thighs, but her ass was a thing of beauty. At a full forty-four inches, it was perfectly round and redefined the term bubblebutt. Having loved to dance her whole life, Stacy adored Gabe’s reaction when she would twerk her massive booty in his face.

Clothing was an interesting endeavor for the young businesswoman. Stockings, panties, and shoes were easy enough to obtain, but everything else pretty much had to be custom tailored for her figure. She loved to look her best and would not accept suits or dresses that hung on her awkwardly. Stacy’s work attire was cut as modest as her body would allow since she preferred to advance based on her merit and hard work and not her appearance. The thing that gave her the biggest headaches were her bras. Each one had to be custom made to fit her exactly. Even though she preferred to go braless most of the time, work was no place to be jiggling and bouncing distractingly. Luckily, her friend Lisa (whom had even larger tits) had put her in touch with a boutique in Atlanta that regularly custom tailored bras for women such as them.

Stacy would rather have spent the rest of the weekend naked with Gabe rather than wearing a suit on a jet heading through numerous time zones to a project that promised migraine after migraine.

The largest Middle Eastern firm in Dubai was currently finishing construction on their one and a half billion dollar skyscraper. This meant that corporations and the wealthy elite of the world would be clamoring to be the first to secure the prime real estate within the structure. Recognizing that they did not understand enough of foreign investor’s tastes to adequately please everyone, the firm had contacted Stacy’s company to send a team to oversee the deals of the dozen highest dollar contracts. Since she was such a rising star, Stacy had been tapped immediately to spear head the project even if she would not be in charge. Thus did the glass ceiling rear its head again.

Stacy was placated somewhat by the fact that succeeding at this contract would allow her to possible bypass the ceiling and put her in position to choose her own projects from now on. This made her determined to do her absolute best to greatly succeed and do so as fast as possible so that she could get back to Gabe and celebrate, possibly in their first ever threesome if her hallpass plan worked as she hoped.

Funny enough, group sex was the one cherry that she had not popped of Gabriel’s. Oh, he had had sex many times before they had met but nothing particularly adventurous. His first facial, anal, ATM, titfuck, public sex, and more had all been with Stacy. Her growing love had made each new experience she gave him cause her to feel as excited as she had her own first time with each.

Quite frankly, Stacy was a slut and damned proud of it. Though her parents were pretty conservative, they could not help but hear the rumors of her antics once puberty had hit her like an atomic blast. She was careful to stay clean and safe, but aside from that, pretty much anything else went. By the time she had entered college, Stacy had more notches in her bedpost than the entire talent pool of a prestigious porn company.

Stacy had long learned to ignore other people’s interpretations of what a slut was. Contrary to popular belief, she had morals and lived a good life and did not take advantage of other people for her own gain. She did not use and discard people with no regard for their feelings. Anyone whom engaged in sexual activities with her was made aware of her intentions and opinions in advance and left to make their own decision whether or not to proceed.

Whatsmore, she had never cheated on her husband. Cheating was engaging in an affair with another person without the knowledge or consent of their partner. Gabriel knew and accepted Stacy’s dalliances with her friends and the occasional random hook up with another woman. So understanding of his wife’s sex drive was Gabe that he would have even consented to her fooling around with an occasional man too provided he knew and approved of the person. However, Stacy had been ruined of any other man long ago by her husband.

He possessed a peculiar condition that was twofold. First, he had the most amazing sexual stamina that she had ever encountered. Stacy was a woman whom had outfucked a gangbang of twelve men and craved more, but she could never best Gabe when it came to sex. The man could get hard in an instant and go for hours before he would blow his first load. If that were not enough, he would be ready to go again in seconds with just as much energy as the first time and repeat the process over and over. Second, there was the fountain of jizz he could produce. Her husband was a one man bukkake that could drown her in semen if it could be believed.

Aside from all that, she had such a connection with her lover that sex with any other man would be such a pale imitation by comparison that it was not worth the time or effort.

Stacy mused about her relationship for so long that she eventually dropped off into a doze that lasted until the sole attendant shook her gently awake to inform her that they would be landing soon. Stretching languidly, she noticed the attendant checking her out and put an extra arch into her stretch to tease the young woman.

The long flight combined with the trip forward through time zones meant that it was early evening when the jet touched down. Despite the wealth of the company and the late hour, it still took a couple of hours for Stacy to disembark, find and acquire her luggage, and exit the terminal to get into the limo provided by the company. As the primary trouble shooter for the project, Stacy had taken it upon herself to arrive as soon as possible which meant that her colleagues would not arrive until Monday. This did not deter her as she had planned to check out the building and familiarize herself with the local culture and mindset. She was determined to be as respectful as possible.

This was why her current attire was very conservative by her usual standards and she had her coppery hair folded up into a head scarf. Though she normally enjoyed flaunting her body, she knew that local custom frowned on such things despite the liberties they normally allowed to foreigners.

It also lead to another problem for her. Stacy and Gabe possessed an extensive collection of sex toys that were frequently used on the slut’s body for maximum orgasms. Unfortunately, such items would never had passed through customs in such a conservative country. Thus, she had purchased toiletry items to hold lotions and her toothbrush that would mimic dildos nicely without arousing suspicion. She had even gotten a friend to procure her a doctor’s order allowing her to possess a clinical-looking vibrating wand for “tense back muscles due to stress and jet lag.”

Even though she had slept on the flight, Stacy felt fatigue setting in once she was settled into her posh hotel suite. She took just enough time to have a short, sweet exchange with Gabe over Skype before crashing for the evening.

Due to the company following the norms of western society when it came to Sunday, the offices were closed until Monday. However, her meeting with the man in charge wouldn’t be until Wednesday. This did not deter Stacy as she used the time to use her laptop and tablet to research not only the companies vying for floor space but the customs and personalities of the executives she would be dealing with. As her company was footing the bill for the trip, she ordered room service for each meal in order to continue her marathon of information gathering before crashing again that evening.

Monday brought a welcome chance to get out and play tourist. Since her coworkers would not be arriving until the afternoon to early evening, she had the entire day to herself. She used the time to visit local sights and do some light shopping to get a feel for the people and the city.

Returning to the hotel by four in the afternoon, she learned that two of her colleagues had arrived and had left a message for her to come by their suite. Curiously, they had not left any names but had left the company contact information as proof of their connection. However, Stacy was mildly tired from her day of sight-seeing and was determined to freshen up and change first. The hotel catered to foreigners and thus was more lax in the perception of dress for women.

Stacy showered and dressed in a more modest dress than she preferred yet was still one that hugged her curves. Before leaving to meet her coworkers, Stacy phoned her husband to check on his progress with his hallpass. The results had her mood souring. Gabe had had all weekend to scope out some pussy and had instead spent it lounging around the house. Though a little miffed at his nonchalance at her gift, she understood that this was a monumental step in their relationship and cut him some slack, but she still warned him to start soon or else she would be forced to take matters in hand.

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