Best. Wife. Ever. - Cover

Best. Wife. Ever.

Copyright© 2024 by BishopMalcolm08

Chapter 1: Sophia - The BFF Slut

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1: Sophia - The BFF Slut - Gabriel's wife, Stacy, goes out of town and gives him a Hall pass. When he doesn't use it, she takes matters into her own hands and sets her best friends, a collection of sluts, on him.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Romantic   Sharing   MaleDom   Polygamy/Polyamory   White Female   Hispanic Male   Cream Pie   Facial   Tit-Fucking  

Monday, February 4th, 2019

I sat at home for the third day after my wife and the love of my life had left on her business trip. I kept consoling myself with the fact that she would be home in a week and a half. This may sound sappy, but the truth was that this would mark the longest we had been apart since we first started becoming close back in college. We had been just friends for the first three years followed by a two-year courtship of official dating. Now, after five years of marriage, we were approaching a decade of each other’s company.

To say that two weeks apart as being the longest we’ve been apart is quite an accomplishment. In all that time, we’ve had a strong romance and an amazing sex life. So naturally, this will also mark the longest we’ve gone without sex together since we first became intimate. I trust my wife fully in this time apart which many would find hard to believe given Stacy’s history before we met.

To call, my loving wife a slut would be a severe understatement. Her circle of friends in college (many of whom she’d known since middle school) were known around campus as the easiest fucks in a three-state distance, and Stacy was the biggest slut of them all. Thus, she had been their leader orchestrating all manner of lewd sexcapades. All that had changed once we became lovers. Naturally, most folks would assume that she had continued to fuck around behind my back, yet I do not believe this to be the case. As I said before, I trust my wife.

I really lucked out when I got involved with Stacy since I’ve never been too socially inclined. I do have a circle of my own friends whom I’ve been close to since my early teens and whom I still get together with regularly to play Pathfinder. However, despite my job as an accountant, I’m not a stereotypical nerd. I follow the NFL pretty regularly and have taken Stacy to many games of my Jets. Plus, I work out enough to keep an average physique and enjoy biking around on a regular basis. This makes the conversation I had with Stacy all the more mystifying the evening before she left on her trip.

As we sat eating dinner before going to our bed to make love, she had laid out her plan for the next two weeks. My loving wife and partner of almost ten years had given me a Hallpass. For those not familiar, I’ll elaborate. A hallpass is when one partner is allowed a period of time to do whatever they wish with whomever they wish with no repercussions. In essence, you can fuck whomever you want during the period and your partner agrees not to hold it against you.

I love and enjoy my wife, and she’s always been more than enough for me. So, this offer threw me for a loop. However, Stacy was adamant about it. She insisted that I take her up on the hallpass and not let the opportunity slip by. However, as I said before, I’m not a particularly social creature. Thus, I wouldn’t know the first place to look to find another woman to fuck, and I said as much when I talked to Stacy the previous night as she inquired as to the status of my hunt. I could tell that she was becoming frustrated with me and warned me that she would do something drastic to motivate me if I didn’t get my ass in gear soon.

All this went through my mind as I sat lounging on the sofa in front of the TV while indulging in a Flash, Supergirl, and Arrow marathon. I knew that such threats were never idle where Stacy was concerned, but I trusted her enough to not go too far. I knew she would never betray me.

I was pulled from my contemplations by the doorbell chiming. Curious, I rose and padded to the front door in a pair of sweats and my favorite Justice League tee. Today being Monday, it had been a light day which meant that I’d knocked off work a little early. With it being about five in the afternoon, I was perplexed as to who could be at the door, but we lived in a fairly safe neighborhood, so I felt ok with opening the door sans checking the peephole first.

The sight that greeted me was stunning. Five-inch hot red stiletto heels accentuated long slim legs that led up to a micro mini skirt. The barely there skirt ended just under the curve of a spectacular round bubble butt while also just managing to cover the hot crotch in front. This led to an exposed mid drift that was laid bare due to a tight, sheer half blouse that matched the skirt and heels in crimson hue. The tits that obviously didn’t have a bra restraining them because of how they jiggled with each movement I gauged to be around a 36E.

To anyone else, they’d seem large, but I was used to my wife’s GGs, so I was aroused yet unimpressed. Honey blonde hair framed a face that would normally be exceptionally beautiful if said continence weren’t scowling at me. Then again, I was used to such looks from Sophia.

“Hey there, Soph. What’s up?”

“I’ve told you a thousand times not to call me that. Are you gonna let me in or not, dweeb?”

I was sorely tempted to just slam the door in her face. I’ve tried exceedingly hard over the years to get on Sophia’s good side but have never managed to succeed. The only reason why I continued to put up with such outright hostility is the fact that she had been Stacy’s best friend since kindergarten. Sighing profoundly because I knew that my marathon night was an impossibility now, I widened the door space as I stepped back and gestured her inside.

Rather than a thank you, all I received was an eye-roll and a huff as she stalked past me, her heels stabbing sharp clicks on the tile floor. As I arrived in the living room, I noticed that she’d already killed the playback of the episode I’d been watching and was using the smart TV’s remote to access a cloud server.

“Make yourself at home why don’t you?” I quipped sarcastically.

“It’s Stacy’s home, so it’s practically my home as well despite your continued presence here,” she sneered in response. I close my eyes and breathed deeply as I counted to ten. Whatever the hell her reason for being here, it had to be because of Stacy. So, I forced myself mightily to relax and calm down.

Sophia always had a way of pushing my buttons instantly. She could piss me off quicker than anyone I’d ever known, and that was saying a lot. From the moment my wife had taken an interest in me, her friend had taken an instant loathing to me. Regardless of Stacy’s feelings for me, Sophia took each and every single opportunity to snipe at and belittle me.

On some level, I think she blamed me for taking Stacy away from some of the debauchery that their clique had been reveling in before I came along. Thus, I reserved my sarcasm and comebacks for when my wife wasn’t around. It had led to some heated exchanges between me and Sophia once she learned that I wouldn’t back down and only tolerated her because of Stacy. I would see what in the hell message she had for me from my love and then I’d happily boot her vicious ass out.

“Sit!” Sophia commanded me while pointing at the opposite loveseat without even looking at me. Refusing to accede to her demand, I crossed my arms and remained where I stood. When she realized I hadn’t complied with her order like any other guy, she scowled at me and once again pointed to the loveseat. I simply smiled sweetly at her stood my ground. The seething rage that threatened to boil over in her face made me feel even better.

Finally, she turned back to the TV and activated a video file. Suddenly, the image of my gorgeous wife filled the screen. Admittedly, I am very biased when it comes to Stacy, but she truly is incredibly beautiful. She has a body that porn stars spend thousands of dollars to obtain and a face models would sell their souls to have. Everything about her is natural from her 26-inch waist with flat, toned tummy to her massive 38GGs. Her long mane of copper-red curly hair doesn’t just enforce the stereotype of the wild, slutty redhead, she practically invented it. I couldn’t help it. My heart actually fluttered when she smiled on the screen because I missed her so badly.

“Hey, baby,” Stacy beamed at the camera. “you’ve been a very naughty boy.” At this, Sophia snorted a laugh sarcastically. I glared at her before returning my attention to the screen once again. “I told you before I left that you couldn’t ignore what I’m giving you and let it pass. I want you to experience the things I did before we met. You’ve been an amazing partner and the best lover I’ve ever had. Part of me doesn’t want to be selfish and deny other women the pleasure you can give. So, because you’ve been lax these few days, I’ve had to take matters into my own hands. I warned you that I’d do something drastic if you didn’t do as I asked. That said, I’m cashing in my birthday chip.”

My eyes widened at this. The birthday chip was something I’d come up with back in college when I was so poor that I couldn’t afford to give Stacy any lavish gifts. In essence, she could ask me to do something within the bounds of reason, and I had to do it without complaint. For her to be cashing it in without actually being present was a pretty big damned deal.

“Sophia, you’re here to help me cash in that chip.” A devilish grin crossed her beauty as she said, “You lost our bet two weeks ago which means that you owe me, and I’m collecting.” I took a measure of satisfaction as I saw Sophia deflate a little at this.

Even though the pair were closer than sisters and loved each other as such, their rivalry when it came to football was the stuff of legend. Sophia had moved to Stacy’s home town of Atlanta from New Orleans when she was a kid. This meant that their Falcons/Saints rivalry led to some pretty vicious and scary incidents. They had been betting on games for years, and they always made the other pay in often humiliating and hilarious ways.

In college, this led to gangbangs, public sex, and cumwalks that either had to pay up on. This time, the pair had bet on whose team had ranked more top ten receivers after the end of the season. As the realization that Stacy was cashing in Sophia’s Saints’ loss at the same time as her birthday chip hit me, my stomach dropped in dread at the possibility of what was coming next.

“Since I’ve had to endure the two people I love most in the world sniping at each other for the past ten years, I think it’s time I got some compensation for my misery. The tension between you two needs to stop.” My knees gave out, and I collapsed on the couch unknowingly next to Sophia who shared my look of horror. “Sophia, you need to pay up. Baby, you need to take advantage of your Hallpass. So, I want the two of you to fuck each other’s brains out tonight. And before either of you even think about weaseling out of this, I need to remind you that I’m watching you right now on the house’s security system from my laptop in my hotel room.”

I cursed mentally and immediately abandoned the plans I’d been forming of the first lie I would ever tell my wife. I glanced up at the hidden camera in the living room that I’d contracted for when we first moved into our dream home. Every camera had a built-in microphone that could pick up even whispered conversations. The whole system could be accessed from our computers or smart phones from anywhere in there was net access.

In addition, all footage was stored on an on-site server for up to thirty days unless we downloaded it to a portable source. Stacy and I had used the system to keep many of our filthiest sex romps together when in the house. Stacy had been the one to contract that the feeds would record onto our server in the house when she had presented me once with the Valentine gift of a porno from the footage with us as the stars.

Stacy’s grin held a glint of malevolence as she finished, “Have fun you two!”

As the screen went blank, Sophia and I turned numbly to each other in shock. Here was the woman I couldn’t stand, and I had to fuck her. Steeling myself, I forced myself to my feet and blew out a pent-up breath before turning to my would-be partner for the night. “Okay, lets get this over with.”

Sophia glared up at me and snarked, “So romantic. I can finally appreciate what Stace sees in you. Give me a moment while I swoon.”

I was tired, horny (for a different woman), and missing my wife, and I was in no mood for Sophia’s shit tonight. So, I snarled at her with a little too much fervor, “Look, I can’t stand you and you definitely hate me! I love and miss my wife and this time apart is hurting me. Now, I find out she wants me to fuck you of all people. If you weren’t so goddamned venomous, I might find you appealing like I did when we first met, but your attitude killed that quick. You might be willing to welsh on your bet with her, but I honor my promises to Stacy. She tells me she wants to cash in her birthday chip in this way, then that’s what I’ll do. But she’s gonna owe me big for this one. Jeez! You’re beautiful on the outside, but you lack all manner of seductiveness with your spitefulness to me.”

Finally winding down, I suddenly realized that I might’ve gone too far, but I was past the point of caring. During my rant, I’d notice a whole range of surprising emotions play across Sophia’s beauty: anger, offense, shock, (and surprisingly) genuine hurt and sadness. All of that evaporated quickly when she wound her own self up for an equal rant.

Launching herself to her heeled feet, she spat out her words. “Listen here, asshole. I’ve never, NEVER welshed on a bet in my life, and I damned sure would never do so with Stacy! Unlike you, she means the world to me. She was my friend before you, and she’ll still be my friend after you’re finally out of the picture. Who the hell do you think you are!?! Attitude!?! I don’t have an attitude with you. I just treat you like you deserve. You’re nothing without Stacy! Now, I’ve got to let your limp, needle-dick into my honeypot. Well, I’m not going to fake any pleasure in it.”

“Got a lot a practice faking it, huh?”

“Fuck you!!!”

“Unfortunately, that’s what I have to do.”

Sophia trembled with rage and hurled herself at me trying to claw my face. Thankfully, I have good reflexes and snatched her wrists just in time to save my eyes, but she still glanced my cheek and gouged me good. Not content, she began attempting to kick my shins and knee me in the nuts. The only option I had to control her was to shove her onto the couch and pin her with my body. The awkward position left me pressing her hands into the cushions above her thrashing head and my groin crammed between her legs with her feet kicking wildly in an attempt to get me with her heels (one of which flew off her foot to land somewhere across the room).

“Fucking asshole! Get off me!”

“Only when you stop trying to draw blood.”

“Go to hell!”

“I already am. I’ve got to fuck the devil tonight.” That comment only served to renew her convulsions trying to get loose. There was sincere hatred in her eyes now, but underneath, I saw something else.

“Wait a minute...” My momentary lapse almost cost me flesh as Sophia tried to lunge forward for a bite on my face. I just barely managed to jerk back while maintaining my pin on her. “GODDAMNIT, QUIT TRYING TO FIGHT ME AND HOLD STILL A MINUTE!!! Did I hurt your feelings?” When she went still in shock for a moment, I knew I had my answer despite her renewed insults. “You’re actually hurt that I don’t want to fuck you, aren’t you?”

This time when she went still, she turned her head in an effort to hide her expression, but I’d seen it all. I was on the money. “Holy shit, Sophia! Now look, I’m gonna ease off you, and I don’t want anymore cheap shots. Okay, I’m letting you go.” Slowly, I released the pressure on her wrists as I sat up. When I sensed she wasn’t going to attack, I scrambled back across the couch from her, but she simply lay motionless. The struggles had caused her micro mini to ride up into what was affectionately referred to in college as a “whore’s belt” around her waist above her rounded hips exposing her tiny, red thong. For a moment, I was flabbergasted that there was a damp spot on it before I snatched my eyes back up to her face, but she remained turned from me. It was then that I noticed Sophia trembling slightly as if she were fighting off a crying jag.

Gently, I moved back toward her and slowly closed her legs as I gingerly collected the numb woman into my arms. Insults and violence, I knew how to deal with from her, but this vulnerability had me dumbfounded. Just how in the hell was I supposed to deal with a genuinely hurt Sophia? How did that even happen?

“Look, I’m sorry, okay? I crossed the line and was an asshole. I’m sorry. As to the other ... I don’t even know what to say. You’re a gorgeous woman, and you know it. You’ve used that beauty to your advantage since you were old enough to know better. Your looks aren’t the issue, it’s how you treat me. I’m the only guy you’ve ever acted like you hated. Exes who cheated on you get better words from you than I do, and how does that happen by the way how does someone cheat on a woman like you.

“You’ve gotta understand that no guy wants to have sex with someone who hated them. I’ve been pushed around and belittled my whole life by lots of folks, but never by anyone like you. Now, the woman I love and want to spend the rest of my life with asks me to fuck you. I’m sorry, but I freaked. I have no idea how I’m supposed to do that and make it enjoyable for you when you hate me...” I trailed off when Sophia abruptly sat up and stared into my eyes. She was flushed, and her eyes were red from fighting off tears. However, there was wonder and confusion in them that stole the words from me.

When she could finally speak, it was a bit raspy. “You ... you would’ve tried to make it good for me even if it wasn’t for you? Why?”

“Huh? Because ... because a guy should always make it good for the girl. Because if Stacy wants me to fuck the first woman outside of our marriage, then I’ll make sure I do my best. Because ... because I don’t know how to do it any different. I always want the girl to cum.”

Sophia moved until she was kneeling on the couch next to me as she stared at me. “But you hate me.”

“Not true-”

“Yes, you do!”

“No, I don’t. I hate the way you act toward me. That’s different. I’ve never hated you despite the humiliating things you’ve done to me, but I’ve never hated you. I’ve never understood why YOU hate ME so much, but the feeling has never been mutual.”

At this, she seemed to grow uncomfortable. She mumbled something unintelligible. When she noticed my incomprehension, Sophia shrank in on herself and repeated, “I don’t hate you. I just hate what you represent.”


“Look, asshole, you’re this perfect guy. You’re everything Stacy ever wanted in a man. You want her for her and not her body or her money or any of the other stupid reasons guys hang on us. You actual made her work to get you. In fact, you’ve never once letched on any of her friends including me. You’re perfect! It drives me crazy!!! I don’t hate you. I hate the fact that Stacy has you, and I don’t think I’ll ever find a guy like you. I watch how you look at her when she doesn’t notice. There’s genuine love there. No act, no bullshit. You actually love her, and this time apart is actually hurting you both. It’s not fair!

“She and I are like sisters. We’ve always been able to get the same of everything in life, and if we couldn’t, then we’d share. Not you. She swore off all men but you, and she meant it. She never said it or acted like it, but all of us knew if we ever flirted with you or tried to poach you, she’d cut us out of her life. That’s how betrayed she’d feel. So, I’m stuck watching my best friend get everything I ever wanted, while I still have the same wild times I did ten years ago. It’s fun, but it has no future. I want more, and Stacy has more, you!”

Still unable to comprehend this new dynamic to a woman I had intensely disliked for so long, I scrubbed my hands through my hair in frustration. “Ok, so let me get this straight. You’ve acted like you’ve hated me for ten years because you think I’m perfect, and you’re jealous of your best friend for having me. What’s more, said best friend has given you the go ahead to fuck me, and you’re not jumping at the chance.”

“It’s not that simple.”


“Cut the shit, asshole!”

“Now, that’s the Sophia I’ve come to know and recognize.”

Sophia let out a strangled snarl as she rounded on me. “I’ve had ten years of lusting for you that I didn’t dare act on because I was afraid of losing my best friend and lover. That’s not something I can just toss aside like some man. Do I want to fuck you? YES!!! I want to see what is so special about you that the biggest slut I’ve ever known would swear off all other men and only fuck women. Am I still afraid that Stace will hate me and cut me out of her life if I do fuck you? Damn right I am! I know it’s irrational, but I can’t help it. I’ve always wanted you to use that anger I rile up in you to throw me down and hate-fuck the shit out of me, and-”

Sophia squealed, unable to finish her sentence as I shoved her down on the couch. A brief moment of fear flashed in her eyes that caused me to pause. An unspoken exchange passed between us in looking into one another’s eyes that I’ve only ever had happen with my wife. I silently let her know I was going to give her everything she wanted but only as far as she was comfortable with. She in turn showed me that she understood and would let me know if I’d gone too far. So, with a growl and a wicked grin I grabbed the front of her blouse and with no bra underneath. With a quick jerk, I shredded it open to cause her big tits to jiggle free in the open.

Sophia’s gasp of surprise ended in a groan of need as my mouth closed over a hardening nipple. I surprised her further when I bit the nub slightly and used my teeth to pull it taut from her tit. At the same time, I yanked her micro mini further up into the “whore’s belt” around her waist which I was sure wasn’t a new thing to Sophia. Continuing my assault on her wardrobe, I grabbed the soaked crotch of her thong in my fist and gave it a quick yank that ripped the delicate lace and left me pulling the fabric from her body only to toss it carelessly aside.

Cupping her heated, wet, bald mound, I began rubbing it vigorously while switching my oral attack to her other eager nipple. All the while, Sophia writhed sensuously beneath me making mewling, squealing noises, but never giving any indication for me to stop. There was no tenderness, no lovemaking. This little slut was not my wife, just her best friend who wanted a fuck. Well, a fuck was just what is intended to give her!

Deftly, I slid the middle and ring fingers of my right hand into Sophia’s tight depths before letting her adjust to the intrusion. Once I felt she was ready, I rapidly pistoned my digits into her clutching cunt with speed and force. My dominating manner was soon rewarded by the curvy tramp’s body going into convulsions as the first of many orgasms ripped through her frame. Her whole being went taut as her nails clawed at the couch cushions and my T-shirt. I used my body to pin one of her thrashing legs in order to keep her open and continue my assault of her pussy.

Quickly, yet another orgasm ripped through her body just as I pressed hard on her spongy spot just inside the upper wall of her wet canal. Sophia shrieked piercingly as she let loose a stream of fluid. I didn’t know if she had ever been made to squirt before, but I was fairly certain that she’d never done so in such a short amount of time.

Mercilessly, I didn’t give her time to recover as I grabbed the backs of both her knees and shoved them up to her shoulders bending her almost in half. Having released her nipple in the process, I dove between her legs and attacked her soaked cunt with lips, teeth, and tongue. Once again, she let out a piercing shriek as I tongue lashed her. Every woman tastes different, and Sophia was quite different from Stacy. Whereas my wife was sweet with a hint of tang, her best friend had a savory taste like the juices from a really good steak.

I alternated between sucking on her clit while flicking it with my tongue and simply shoving my tongue straight up into her like I was rooting around for the source of her unique taste. The entire time I kept her trapped in the folded-up position so that she could only lay there quivering and spasming. After her climaxes reached the double digits, Sophia seemed to give up and lay there helpless with only periodic interruptions of full body convulsions as yet another huge orgasm hit her. I wanted to leave absolutely no doubt in this slut’s mind that not only was I good at making a woman cum until she blacked out but that I thoroughly enjoyed doing so. When I finally raised my pussy soaked face from her abused cleft and gazed at my wife’s best friend, I left out an amused chuckle.

Folded trapped, Sophia lay there wide-eyed and panting with her tongue lolling out and looking for all the world like a hentai slut in full ahego mode. Feeling pretty good with myself, I stood up from the couch and released her knees letting her collapse splayed out on the cushions as she gasped for breath.

While the hot piece of ass recovered, I gazed toward one of the cameras where I knew that Stacy would be watching from and blew her a kiss. Then, I started removing my clothes and tossed them onto the loveseat that Sophia had arrogantly tried to order me to sit on earlier. By the time I was done, I noticed Sophia struggling to sit up in a more vertical position. Amused, I stood and watched her slip and crash back to the cushions a couple of times before taking pity and pulling her upright as I sat next to her. Still panting hard, she leaned heavily on me.

“Ass ... asshole...”

“Oh, I’ll take care of your asshole later if you are still conscious. First though, I plan on destroying your pussy.”

Smirking up at me, I saw genuine affection for the first time coming from Sophia. “Cocky bastard. Well, if you lick cunt like that all the time, I see one big reason why Stace keeps you around.” Then, Sophia looked down at my dick before grasping it firmly. “Destroy my pussy, huh? Well, you’re not as small as I imagined, but you’re not as big as some cocks I’ve taken before. I estimate you’ll do cosmetic damage at most and won’t get anywhere near destruction level.”

I recognized the challenge for what it was and grabbed a fistful of Sophia’s hair. “Less talking, and more sucking, slut. Let’s put that mouth to the only use it’s good for.”

With that, I shoved her head down level with my crotch. To add to the excitement, Sophia gave a token resistance and pulled against my grip, but I was firm and kept her in place. Knocking her hand from my shaft, I grabbed it and tried to push it between her lips. Still keeping up the game, Sophia remained tight-lipped and squirmed around to defeat any attempt to line up with my target. Growling, I began slapping my dick against her face. Soon, her squirming was less an attempt to get away and more of one to assist me in getting my flesh to touch every inch of her face. Adding to my certainty that she loved this little game, I noticed her left hand between her thighs as she stroked her swollen clit. The little bitch was enjoying me taking control of her.

Surprising her, I tightened my grip on her hair to a slightly painful level causing her to gasp. Rather than immediately shoving my dick into the opening she allowed, I leaned down and growled in her ear, “Listen close, bitch. You are going to suck my dick. We both know you want to, and your fighting it is just a game. Game’s over, slut. You need to start sucking because I plan on fucking you unconscious tonight, and you’re wasting time. Tonight, you’re a piece of ass, and I own you. Start. Sucking. My. Fucking. Dick. Bitch.” Each word of the last sentence I punctuated with a slap of my dick on her face. Sophia moaned wantonly and nodded her head.

Lunging forward, Sophia stuffed half of my length into her mouth and created a hard suction with her lips. Relaxing my grip on her hair, I let her have a measure of control as she slowly glided her mouth up and down my shaft. Groaning appreciatively at her ministrations, I reveled in the delicious feelings of her oral talents. Truth was, she was damned good at sucking dick, and she knew it. My love for my wife still made me a little biased in any comparisons, but I had to admit that her best friend was a very close second. Whereas Stacy would lovingly worship my cock during any blowjob, Sophia was all about pure carnality in the act.

On every upstroke, she would pause long enough to swirl her tongue around my engorged tip while it was still sealed in her lips before plunging back down. Each downstroke, she also began to take fractionally more of my length as she attempted to deepthroat me. After several minutes of this torture, she succeeded in gaining my dick fully sheathed in her throat. Now, she would pause on each downstroke to hold me in her tight throat before going up to pause at the top to do her swirling tongue trick. This technique soon had me fighting my own body in order to not cum too soon. Since I had made her orgasm explosively so quickly during my oral assault, I would be damned before I gave her the same satisfaction. Besides, I was pretty confident that Stacy’s bragging of our sex life didn’t include the couple of unique things about me that set me apart from other men. Thus, I was determined to surprise the hell out of my wife’s slutty friend but wanted to do so at my own pace.

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