Proxy - Cover


Copyright© 2023 by Amanda Pierce

Chapter 8

Drama Sex Story: Chapter 8 - Tim's accident leaves Miranda without a means of sexual release. Then Eric enters the picture. For better or worse?

Caution: This Drama Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Rape   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Sharing   Interracial   Anal Sex   Squirting  

“Wow, he must be something special,” said Tim, handing her a steaming cup of coffee and noting the eyes which told him she had not gotten much sleep.

“He is, Tim, he is.”

“Did you ever decide whether he was from Eric’s group?”

“I’m still not one hundred percent sure because he could have been playing with me, but I don’ think so. He’s gentlemanly, sensitive, and seems intent on satisfying me emotionally as well as physically.”

“Sounds like quite a guy.”

“He ... he wants to see me again.”

“And how do you feel about that, especially since you won’t be seeing Eric or his paramours anymore?”

“I’d ... I’d ... like to see him too. All in all he satisfies me like no one else has ... except you of course.”

“Then by all means, see him again. Maybe we should invite him over.”

“I ... don’t know if he’s ready for an audience, but with time...”

“Hmmmm, maybe you’re right. Well, I’m just glad you found someone who can give you what you need. By the way we are still on for tonight, right?”

“Oh, yes, yes, of course,” she answered even though her thoughts of Mark had obliterated almost everything else. She noted the sly smile on Tim’s lips. “Is this friend one who I will be...”

“Entertaining? That, my dear, is up to you. I haven’t seen him in years but as I remember he was the class Romeo and had quite a reputation.”

“Then I’d better look my best. Since he’s your friend I’ll want to make him feel welcome.”

“Good, I’ll see you this evening,” he said, heading for the door and work.

‘Yes, this evening,” she answered.

Miranda spent the day tidying the house, taking a long relaxing bath, then shopping for a new outfit. Tim liked seeing he in outfits that showed her attributes but tonight seemed important to him, and then there was the possibility...

She found the dress in an out of the way area where she sometimes shopped: A silvery micro mini cut extremely low in both front and back and form fitting showing off every curve. A pair of matching of spike heels completed the ensemble. A stop at the supermarket for a few specialties for dinner and she was on her way home again.

As the hour approached she put on the dress and shoes and inspected herself in the mirror. She might be short, she thought to herself but, as Mark had reminded her, sometimes the best surprises come in small packages. She hurried into the kitchen to complete the preparations.

Tim, who was absolutely wowed by her outfit, had been home for a couple of hours and Miranda was just finishing the entree when the doorbell rang.

As the door opened Miranda almost gasped aloud as she caught first sight of the man standing on their front stoop. Mark was just as surprised to see the object of his affection the night before in an outfit which displayed both her beauty and sensuality.

“Honey,” said Tim, “I want you to meet an old classmate of mine, Mark Davidson. Mark, my wife Miranda.”

Both were so stunned that at first neither could utter a word but finally he managed, “Uh, pleased to meet you, Miranda.”

“And you Mr. Davidson. Please come in.”

As they moved into the house and Tim poured them all a drink, the surprise was so complete that neither was sure whether revealing that Mark had been her lover of the night before was the prudent thing to do, nor how Tim might react, so the pretense continued as awkward as it was.

They sat in the living room where Miranda asked, “So the two of you were in school together.”

“Uh, yes,” answered Mark.” We went to high school together right here in town. I moved away after graduation.”

There was an awkward silence.

“Dinner smells delicious,” suggested Tim.

They moved to the dinner table where Miranda served the sumptuous meal.

Miranda and Mark stole glances at each other hoping that Tim did not notice, but his broad smile finally erupted in laughter as they finished dessert. Miranda and Mark looked to her husband with quizzical expressions.

“I guess we’ve all played this little charade long enough,” smiled Tim.

“What do you mean?” Asked Miranda.

“Yes, what charade?” Joined in Mark.

“Oh, come on,” chided the husband. Did you really think I didn’t know you two spent the night together?”

Two mouths dropped open.

“But ... but ... how did you know?” Asked Miranda.

“Simple, I was the one who set it up.”

“Set it up?” Asked Mark.

“Yes. Let me explain,” said Tim. “You see about two weeks ago I saw in the paper that Mark was returning to our fair city to accept a job at the university. Something in the sciences as I recall.”

“Yes, Head of the Geology Department,” Mark filled in.

“Well, it was about that time that Miranda told me she wasn’t interested in our arrangement.”

“Arrangement?” Asked Mark.

Tim explained about his accident and incapacitation and the arrangement they had made with Eric and his group culminating in Miranda wishing to cancel the arrangement.

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