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Copyright© 2023 by Amanda Pierce

Chapter 6

Drama Sex Story: Chapter 6 - Tim's accident leaves Miranda without a means of sexual release. Then Eric enters the picture. For better or worse?

Caution: This Drama Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Rape   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Sharing   Interracial   Anal Sex   Squirting  

As with her friends, Tim was disappointed that he had not been allowed to attend the festivities at Cheryl’s house, but in compensation Miranda demonstrated her new found ability by masturbating for Tim then squirting profusely several times.

She was a bit reluctant for she did not know how he would react, but she needn’t have worried as he found it fascinating and began having her put on private “shows” just for him.

The next several weeks saw Miranda sexually satisfied in a number of ways, sometimes at home, sometimes in other places.

At the local robo carwash, while alone, she had just begun to enter the automated track when a stranger opened the door, climbed in and told her to “lose the panties.” The situation was not the most romantic she had ever encountered but the stranger certainly knew what he was doing. Later Miranda smiled in remembering her car must be the cleanest on the block as she had run it back thorough the wash four times while losing count of her climaxes.

The following week they found a card in their mailbox which directed them to take the subway during the busiest hour of the day and that there would be a man in a green cap they should find. Somewhat mystified, Tim and Miranda caught the 5:10 metro and began looking for a green cap. They had proceeded through the closely packed passengers of two cars before, on the third, they spotted the cap in the very back of the car. They made their way slowly through the the crowd which was even more tightly packed than on the other cars and their progress was slow, but over the next few minutes they were able to weave their way to the back where, lacking seats, everyone was standing The man had the cap pulled down over his face and a trench coat with the collar upturned so virtually none of his face was visible. His only communication was to direct them to turn around and face away from him which they did amid the packed ‘going home’ crowd.

Tim and Miranda looked at each other wondering what would possibly come next when Miranda felt a body come in contact with her from behind.

“Pull up your skirt,” came a whisper in her ear which she barely heard above the sounds of the cars, wheels, and rails as the train sped toward its distant destination.

Amanda, needless to say, unaccustomed to exhibiting herself in public, let her hands go discretely to her sides and then inch the skirt up into her hands. No one seemed to notice as all eyes were either directed straight ahead or reading newspapers or magazines.

She and Tim exchanged glances. Now there were hands touching her buttocks and she gasped slightly as she realized the hands held a knife which quickly had her thong cut into pieces and dropping to the floor, again unnoticed.

It was obvious now that man intended to take her right there on the crowed subway car while standing. Her hand reached out to Tim’s and both waited for what came next.

She and Tim both tried to act nonchalant, but she couldn’t help but gasp as she felt the sizable lance rub between her rear cleavage.

Again came the whisper. “Spread ‘em.”

As much as she could considering the crowed conditions Miranda spread he legs and waited.

She bit her lip to stifle a cry when she felt the lance enter her nest. Looking over to Tim while suddenly squeezing his hand she mouthed the words, “He’s in me.”

“I know,” came back the whispered reply.

Despite her fear of discovery and the intense embarrassment of being taken by a complete stranger while holding her husband’s hand, Miranda began the first stages of arousal. As she felt the invading lance reach farther into her her eyes closed and she reveled in the moment, picturing in her mind the image of what was happening.

She began a slight backward thrust as her heart rate accelerated and temperature climbed. Tim felt the sudden tightening of her hand on his as she leaned in and whispered in his ear, “Tim, I’m cumming1”

“Again his reply was, “I know.”

She stifled as much of her orgasmic outburst as possible but Tim still had to kiss her deeply to keep others nearby from hearing and deducing what was going on.

“Oh god, Tim, he’s in my rear,” she breathed, and it wasn’t long before another climax shook her, her eyes crossed, then rolled back in her head as the man thrusted so hard her feet came off the floor and for a few seconds her entire body shook uncontrollably. Then it was back to her nest, then back to her rear, each entry and thrusting bringing another orgasm to the helpless woman. Finally after reaching ecstasy time and again Miranda was overwhelmed when the man climaxed with her and, despite herself, she moaned and whined loudly enough that heads turned and she, shamefaced, accepted the man’s semen. He then faded away into another car leaving them both to face a number of inquisitive, astonished, snickering or outraged passengers. To compound her embarrassment Miranda realized there was a sizable pool of her orgasmic ejaculate on the floor around them. She now enjoyed squirting so much that she hardly tried to constrain it and even when she did try, she was seldom successful.

Needless to say, they exited at the next stop to the stares of virtually everyone in the subway car, two smiling young women even applauding as they exited.

The following week she and Tim were visited by three young men who taught Miranda the meaning of the phrase “triple penetration.”

The following week, she received a call from a man who said he wished to look at one of her listings. The house was across town but Miranda had had only modest success with selling real estate so far and so agreed to an immediate showing.

The house was a modest one but its main selling point was the large picture window in the front which looked out onto the sidewalk and street.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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