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Copyright© 2023 by Amanda Pierce

Chapter 5

Drama Sex Story: Chapter 5 - Tim's accident leaves Miranda without a means of sexual release. Then Eric enters the picture. For better or worse?

Caution: This Drama Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Rape   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Sharing   Interracial   Anal Sex   Squirting  

“Why not, Miranda, it should be fun. A girls night out and sleepover at Cheryl’s.”

The voice on the phone belonged to her friend Sylvia, a classmate and long time BBF.

“The three of us can catch up, relax. I know your real estate business keeps you busy, dashing here and dashing there.”

Miranda had to admit her friend was right. She had taken a couple of days off to recuperate from her adventure with Drake and fallen behind on appointments.

It had been a little over a week since Drake had given Miranda her back door initiation. Fully recovered, Miranda nevertheless was still experiencing flashbacks and twice, while alone, had stripped and used a dildo in her rear to try to relive the orgasmic excitement of Drake’s visit. Although making her wet, the plastic substitute did not come close to bringing her to the state of arousal as had her black paramour.

“Gee, Syl, I don’t know. I’m just now starting to catch up on some of my accounts.”

“Hey, it’s just for one evening and night. Surely Tim can spare you for one night. Besides, your birthday is coming up shortly. Why not consider it an early birthday?”

As much as Miranda felt she needed to get caught up at the office her friend’s offer did sound inviting.

“Oh, all right,” she said, smiling. When and where?”

“Cheryl’s house, Thursday around seven. Okay?”

“Okay. I’ll bring wine.”

“No, we’re already got that covered. Just show up.”

“Okay, Thursday at seven at Cheryl’s.”

“See you there,” said her friend and the line clicked off.

“Oh, I didn’t know there would be others,” said the startled Miranda as the door opened and she was greeted by an attractive but complete stranger. The black woman was considerably taller that Miranda. Her bust line was truly eye-catching as were her hips which led to curvaceous legs. The outfit she wore was rather daring thought Miranda, figure accentuating with low neckline exposing an ample amount of cleavage. The woman would definitely garner attention wherever she went.

“You must be Miranda,” smiled the woman. We’ve been expecting you.”

“Oh,” said Miranda entering at the woman’s beckoning.

“Why, yes. We’re told you’ve got a birthday coming up so we thought we’d give you an early present.”

“Uh, where are Cheryl and Sylvia” she asked looking around but seeing only two other strange women, a young woman of Asian descent, small but not as small as herself, lovely with deep black eyes and ebony hair which flowed down her back. The other woman was caucasian, somewhat older, Miranda guessed perhaps in her forties. Still attractive but somehow with an angular look of experience and a life hard lived.

“Oh, they couldn’t make it tonight. When we heard you were coming we agreed to provide you with a little entertainment.”

“I ... I don’t understand.”

“Oh, you will. Eric and Drake have told us a lot about you.”

“Then you’re...”

“That’s right,” smiled the older woman, “we’re here to show you a good time. A REALLY good time. They call me Kat, that’s Ling and Donna.

Miranda was now standing in the middle of the three and feeling not at all comfortable.

“But, where are the men? Where is Tim?”

“Oh, Honey, no men allowed tonight. This is truly a ladies night only,” said the older woman walking over to the housewife and gently caressing her cheek.

It was now dawning on Miranda what was transpiring.

“Oh, but I don’t ... that is ... I’m not...”

But the other two also stepped closer and Miranda found herself truly surrounded.

“Not what, Honey, lesbian?” Said the older woman who seemed to be in charge. “Most women go through life wondering what it would be like, but without the courage to find out. Now tonight you won’t have to wonder any longer.”

“But...” began Miranda, as the three closed around her, hands beginning to feel, explore.

Miranda’s discomfort level was getting higher by the moment. Yes, she, like all women had entertained thoughts of making love to another woman, even kissed a girl once in high school, but it had never gone beyond that even though the other girl had called her several times.

“I ... I don’t know if I...” She started, but Ling was already caressing her rear while Donna’s hands were working their way to her breasts. Kat grabbed her by the hair and pulled Miranda’s mouth to hers.

“Oh, you’ll know all right, Honey. Eric and Drake told us what a lay you are, so tonight it’s our turn.”

“But ... but...”cried Miranda as Donna’s lovely black hands began unbuttoning the blouse and Ling knelt to unstrap and remove her shoes.

“Please, I can’t do this. I just can’t!” Pleaded the housewife.

“Oh, you not only can, YOU WILL! Tonight, you belong to us and we intend to screw you like you’ve never been screwed before!”

Miranda made a feeble effort to stop Donna who pulled off the open blouse and discarded it on the floor.

“No...” Started Miranda but Kat’s mouth closed on hers. Despite herself, Miranda was becoming aroused as Ling reached up and pulled her skirt down and off while Kat’s tongue found Miranda’s, at first, reluctant lips which then surrendered to accept the strong and exploitative tongue of the older woman.

When Ling slowly and erotically rolled down her stockings, Miranda stood clad only in bra and panties.

“I can’t. I really can’t do this!” She cried, her fear still strong even though her breathing was becoming rapid and her heart rate was increasing.

“We’ll see about that,” answered Kat reaching around to unsnap her bra. When Miranda’s hands went up to fend her off Donna and Ling each grabbed an arm and held her. The bra was flung away and Miranda’s breasts stood high and firm, her nipples already erect. Kat’s lips worked their way down to her neck then onto the swelling and now quivering breasts. As she suckled first one and then the other, Miranda’s resistance began melting and her own internal fires were flared. She was still frightened but now the prospect of those glorious orgasms was rapidly defeating her efforts to resist.

“You wet, Miranda?” Snarled Kat.

Her head down, unable to meet the older woman’s eyes and in a voice barely audible the diminutive housewife answered, “ ... yes...”

“The thong is a nice touch,” observed Kat. “NOW TAKE IT OFF!”

Miranda hated herself at that moment. After her total surrender to Eric and Drake she had promised herself she would maintain control of her erotic desires. Yet here she was among strangers and despite knowing she should not, about to disrobe and allow them to do to her what they wanted.

As the others stood looking on, her trembling hands slid the tiny undies down and off leaving her completely nude in front of the three strangers.

Now it was Kat and Donna who held her arms out to each side as Ling disrobed.

“Spread ‘em” ordered Kat and Miranda, telling herself she would refuse, would tear away from their grasp and leave, nevertheless obeyed.

“You’ve no doubt had a tongue in you before, but I guarantee never a talented tongue like Ling’s,” smiled Kat.

The housewife, still afraid as well as excited, made an effort to resist, but it was only halfhearted and they all knew it. The grips from Kat and Donna tightened and Ling went to her knees scooting between the standing woman’s legs.

“No, please, I’ve never ... Ohhhhhhhhhh” She gasped as Ling’s tongue started workings its magic on her inner thighs.

“Now, are you going to be a good little girl or do we get the gag?” Asked Kat.

Miranda didn’t know how to answer. She wanted to stay in control, but deep within she knew she could not.

“Hmmmmmm,” said the older woman, there are neighbors, so...”

Ling reached over to a satchel and withdrew a knotted gag which Kat proceeded to tie tightly in Miranda’s mouth as Ling went back to her teasing of the helpless woman. Her tongue drew closer and closer to Miranda’s nest and the housewife felt her inner fires begin to rage. Her head was shaking negatively but she began groaning into the gag as Ling’s tongue neared her sexual treasure.

With their free hands Kat and Donna began caressing Miranda’s breasts and nipples which now stood erect and hard.

“Better prepare yourself, Honey, because you’re about to get the tongue fuck of your life!” Sneered Kat.

Miranda’s scream was muffled by the gag but her body shook in uncontrollable reaction as tongue met labia and then clitoris in a manner that only a woman would know where and how to administer. And Ling was very experienced at what she did. Miranda’s body jumped and where it not for Kat and Donna holding her arms, her legs would have collapsed from the mind blowing stimulation of the beautiful Asian.

Miranda grunted, she groaned, she screamed and her body jerked as in the throes of a seizure as the first of a series of orgasms raced through her, Donna and Kat laughing at the helpless housewife whose body had just been wrenched away from her control.

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