Proxy - Cover


Copyright© 2023 by Amanda Pierce

Chapter 3

Drama Sex Story: Chapter 3 - Tim's accident leaves Miranda without a means of sexual release. Then Eric enters the picture. For better or worse?

Caution: This Drama Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Rape   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Sharing   Interracial   Anal Sex   Squirting  

The next few days were filled with one conversation after another about Eric and his offer. Both were torn. Tim wanted his wife sexually satisfied, but he certainly had not expected a man the size or with the experience and prowess of Eric. He just wasn’t sure Miranda could handle a sexual relationship with such a man as Eric. No doubt he could satisfy her, but would she succumb to his charms and want more than sex?

As for Miranda, her reservations were those that would be expected. She would be having sex, apparently regularly, with a man who was not her husband. No matter the circumstances she knew society would consider it adultery and if anyone ever found out ... and she wondered if Tim, despite his consent, could abide with watching his wife being defiled by another man, especially one of Eric’s stature (for Tim had already stated that if they accepted Eric’s proposal, he would insist on being present). On the other hand she had to admit she was simply overwhelmed by Eric, his physique, his manner and his self assurance. He was certainly all man and inwardly it excited her to think of being taken by such a man.

If seems as if no matter what the topic to start with, it wasn’t long before they were back to Eric and the proposal. Each had offered to leave it up to the other to decide but each had also rejected such an offer. They must make the decision together and, they must be sure.

Secretly Miranda was leaning toward accepting. Her sexual experience was very limited (she had had sex only twice before meeting and marrying Tim whose lovemaking before the accident had been satisfying but hardly spectacular. So she wondered what she might have been missing. She loved Tim but — was there more to be experienced?

Tim, on the other hand, was leaning away from acceptance. He knew he had proposed proxy sex to begin with, and even pushed for exploring the meeting with Eric. But now he wondered if they were in over their head, with someone who could certainly sweep Miranda off her feet. — and more? But he also realized how much physical ecstasy meant to Miranda and just could not stand to think of disappointing her now.

“What do you think we should do,” she asked over the supper table.

“I was about to ask the same thing of you,” he replied. “I have a lot of reservations but I also want you happy.”

“Tim, I can be happy without...”

“Come on, we’ve been through this before. It’s sweet of you to offer to do without, but we both know that does not equal happiness. I may be crazy but I’m going to vote for agreeing to the proposal --- at least on a trail basis. AS Eric said we can always cancel if we feel things are getting out of hand.”

Miranda’s heart fluttered. She had expected an emphatic no from her husband.

“Are you sure?” She asked.

“Yeah ... let’s do it. But if either of us...”

“If either of us isn’t satisfied, we cancel the agreement.”

With that they kissed and prepared to mail the necessary paperwork to Eric.

Seven days had passed, each with more anticipation than the last, and both were expecting a phone call to confirm the arrangement. Tim had stayed at home working on a small repair in the bathroom while Miranda had gone to a hair appointment.

She opened the front door and, not seeing Tim, yelled his name but got no response. More curious than alarmed she dropped the car keys in the hall basket and proceeded into the living room where she was drawn up short by the site of her husband tied, gagged and secured to a chair in the corner.

“Tim! What...?”

She started toward him but had taken only a single step when a hand reached out from behind the corner and brought her up short.

Turning her around to face him, Eric’s smile was cold instead of inviting as he stood in nothing but a male thong bulging and pulsating. Just as had been the case a few days ago, Miranda was aghast at the size and stature of this man. As he looked into his eyes Miranda saw none of the warmth of a few days ago, instead his orbs were filled simply with lust, frightening her.

“I’m here to collect on our arrangement, Miranda,” he said coldly. “You’ve got a hot body and I intend to screw it.”

Miranda gasped, glancing over to Tim.

“As you can see, Tim is in no position to help. You’re mine, Miranda, mine to do with what I please and I’m sure that little body yours can pleasure me a great deal.

Miranda was beginning to wonder if Eric’s visit was to arrange sexual satisfaction for her through her rape fantasy or simply an excuse to rape her for real. Doubt and fear began to gnaw at her as her as he pointed to four heavy duty suction cups which now adorned the wall, each with a self closing padded clasp. Two were high, spread apart obviously to hold her wrists and two were lower for ankles.

“NO, this is not...” She started before being interrupted.

“Oh, yes it is,” he interrupted. “And if you have any ideas of screaming for help, your husband will suffer, understood?”

Fear now taking over, she nodded as he lead her to the wall.

“I would enjoy seeing you take off you clothes for me, but I think I’d rather do it myself.”

His strong hands reached out grabbed the frilly sun dress she wore and in one yank it was torn from her laying in sheds on the floor.

“Ah, ah, ah” he said as she made to cover her bra and panties.

Flicking her arm away he powerfully ripped away the bra, her full breasts standing exposed to his leer.

“Nice tits, Miranda. I can hardly wait to suck them.”

“NO, please...” She cried

Another downward pull and panties were rent asunder as he continued.

“But it’s that nest of yours I’m most looking forward to reaming. Such a small woman, Miranda, do you think you can take this?” He said pulling the thong down and off.

Amazement and fear filled the housewife as the appendage which now stood pulsing only inches away from her was larger than any she had either seen or imagined. Tim was sexually well appointed, but paled in comparison to the monstrous shaft she now beheld.

“NO, I can’t ... she began but was again cut off.

“Oh, yes you will and if I have to tear you open to do it, I will!”

She started tis scream but his finger came to his lips and she simply put her hand in front of her face in distress.

“And now my sweet little cunt, step right this way. He led her to the wall where he lifted her up against it, her wrists falling into the cuffs which automatically closed. Her ankles followed, the sandals she wore slipping to the floor. Amanda Travers now lay naked and exposed, spread eagled and helpless to prevent what would come next.

Eric walked over to his chair and bent down closely to Tim.

“That’s a hell of a good looking woman you’re got there, Tim. Of course by the time I get through with her she’ll be a whimpering whore begging for more.”

Tim struggled with his bonds but to no effect.

Returning to Miranda who was straddled high enough on the wall to meet him almost eye to eye, Eric grabbed her by the hair forcing her to him and kissed her powerfully. She didn’t want to admit it but although outwardly she struggled to resist, she was beginning to feel excitement and arousal, especially when he forced his tongue into her mouth and French kissed her deeply.

“No...” She cried as her tormentor’s kisses lowered to her neck and then paused at her breast, but even Tim could tell there was no strength to her plea.

First his tongue played around the dark aureole eliciting a helpless gasp which became an intense whine when his mouth closed on the already erect nipple. Her breasts, other than her nest, were her most erogenous zone and as he switched breasts she felt stirrings throughout her body.

“No, please ... you’re ... making me...”

“What, Miranda? I’m making you what?”

She looked over at Tim who simply looked back helplessly.

“You’re making me ... want you!” She gasped as her vaginal juices were already beginning to drip down her leg.

“Oh, God! Oh God, NO!” She cried as his sucking turned to biting. “NO, NO, NO! She cried as the orgasm swept through her and she began an inviting thrusting.

“She’s a sensitive bitch, I’ll give her that.” Eric threw back to Tim. “Now let’s see how she really performs.”

Somewhere in her mind Miranda wanted to break free, end this tortuous teasing, but those thoughts were being cast aside, exiled to the back regions of her consciousness as his kisses lowered to her navel and dropped into her pubic hair.

“Please no, you mustn’t,” she cried but the moment his tongue touched her labia there was another involuntary orgasm and her thrusting became even more vigorous.

“I thought when we first met that she might be different, might be a real lady,” said Eric to Tim, “but she’s a whore just like the rest of them — wants her pussy filled and fucked.”

“NO, please, I’m not a whore,” she pleaded.

“Oh?” Well let’s see. Now that you’re hot let’s see if you have any resistance left. I’m going to touch that little pussy of yours with my rod. I’m not even going to enter you, just touch it. If you can keep from orgasming with just that touch, I’ll stop, untie you and it will all be ended. Otherwise I”m going to fuck your brains out.”

“I ... NO ... I’m not ready ... I ... OHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” She cried as the enormous knob simply made contact with labia which, in her present state of arousal, was enough to send another orgasm raging through her.

“See, Tim, nothing but a whore. You’ve been married to a whore all this time and didn’t know it.”

“Want it bitch?” He sneered.

“I ... don’t know if ... I can take it.

But he rubbed his knob against her quivering labial lips once again and again, mindlessly she experienced ultimate ecstasy.

Miranda’s ability to reason had now left her. She could think of only one thing — experiencing the monstrous lance which would satisfy her most urgent need.

“Want it bitch?” He sneered.

“YES! YES!” She screamed. “TAKE IT, IT’S YOURS!!!!!”

The slighted thrust and the knob disappeared into her, eliciting yet another orgasm, her juices flowing freely now and her own thrusting became more vigorous.

More?” He asked smiling.

“Yes, PLEAEEEEEEEEESE!” She begged and four inches disappeared into the helpless but now willing woman with another orgasm sending waves of intense pleasure throughout her willing body, now stretching as she never believed it ever could, to accept more than she believed she would ever get.

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