Our Secret - Cover

Our Secret

Copyright© 2023 by Family Love 1954

Chapter 4: The Cabin

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4: The Cabin - The tale of a daughter who shares a secret relationship with every member of her family.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Ma/Ma   Consensual   Fiction   Incest  

She lay on her back on the new mahogany table, sunlight highlighting the rivulets of sweat bouncing off her firm belly as I held her legs over my shoulders and drove myself deep inside her. Her eyes burned with lust; her hands clamped on my arms.

“Oh, yeah, harder, baby. Fuck me harder. So good.”

The liquid slap of our bodies mixed with my panting and her grunts every time my hips slammed into hers. I thought my sister was hot, but there is nothing like fucking your mother.

Let me back up. This is Kyle. If you’ve read the other stories, you’ll know I’m Jenny’s brother. She stopped updating this page a long time ago and she has no idea I’m aware of it.

Jenny and I were/are lovers. Right now, she’s twenty-eight and I’m twenty-six. She’s married to Jim, and I’m divorced but dating April, yes, that brother and sister. But, for now, let me go back and tell you how my mother and I got to that table.

It was the summer after Jenny and I became lovers; I was in a deep relationship with Becky, headed for marriage. Not as tormented about cheating on her with my sister as I should have been. I had no idea what was going on in my family home.

As my sister said, don’t get any crazy ideas; we had sex, but it wasn’t often since I was just graduating college and starting grad school locally—for reasons that should be obvious. I was living at home, and we had to be careful.

My twentieth birthday came and went, literally, thanks to Jenny. Dad’s business, actually Dad, Mom, and Jenny’s business was thriving. My future was in finance. I was taking the summer off. Well, until the family bought ‘the cabin.’

Dad found it on an auction sale site. According to the rumors, the house had been owned by a family that fell on hard times, and the home was foreclosed. Dad had to move fast, so we only had old pictures.

Dad and Jenny were swamped with work, so my mother drafted me to go explore our new vacation home in the mountains.

The four-hour drive in Mom’s Suburban was a blast. I hadn’t been able to spend much time with her and we got on like mad. Four hours passed like four minutes.

Driving up the rutted gravel road; “Good thing I brought ‘The Beast’”—Mom’s nickname for the big four-wheel-drive SUV, “We’d have given up if we had your weenie-mobile.”

“Mother, it’s a Subaru, they are designed for roads like this.”

At that point, the big truck was straddling the hump in the road and occasionally the belly rubbed the dirt. Mom looked at me, “Oh yeah? That little thing would be stuck on this hump like a cheerleader fucking a fat man.”

Coke spewed out of my mouth all over the dashboard. Mom roared as I wiped the dash with a paper towel.

“Who are you, and what have you done with my button-down mother?”

Mom, still laughing gently punched my arm, “She left when you graduated college and became a real adult.”

I tossed the wet paper towel on the custom Weather Tech floor mats as Mom added, “Wait’ll I start drinking.”

I leaned back in the seat, looked at my mother, and for the first time, saw her as a woman and not my mother. I shook my head lightly to clear that thought.

As Mom talked, I paid attention to her body. She’s an older version of my sister, who, to be honest, is not calendar material. Tall and thin, modest breasts, Jenny’s hair a dishwater blonde, Mom, having added color, a bit more vibrant. Brown eyes, glasses. Blah would be cruel, but not inaccurate.

My sister’s personality, and now my mother’s unleashed one, made all the difference. I was going to enjoy working with her. A little tidying up and we’d be done.

“What the actual fuck?” My mother said as she slammed the door of the truck.

Not as advertised would be an understatement.

It was the building in the pictures, but the pictures pre-dated the lack of maintenance. One-story log cabin, wrap-around porch, huge stone chimney. Nice, except that the undergrowth had taken over and you couldn’t see the porch. Fortunately, I had planned for the worst.

After chain-sawing for half an hour, Mom and I got inside.

The house smelled like it had been closed up, not moldy, thank God. One big room, kitchen at one end, huge stone fireplace. A master bedroom, king-sized bed, with its own small En-suite, one smaller bedroom, double bed with a bathroom. The furniture was rustic and dusty, but not gross. The house had been tight, so no critters had moved in. We opened all the windows and the back door that led to a covered porch with a hot tub.

“There are no doors.” My mother said.

Obviously, I’d noticed that too, but thought maybe we’d find them.

“Yeah, what’s up with that?” I answered as we gently pulled off the loose sheet covering the master bed.

The house was built by the family that lost it in foreclosure; that’s all I knew. But none of the bedroom or bathroom door frames had hinges. There had never been doors.

Mom pushed down on the mattress, it looked expensive. “Hmm, nice, in good shape. Let’s check the rest.”

The bed was a double with an expensive mattress in good shape. Well, at least we’d sleep well. That was the end of the good news.

The place was choked with junk, furniture, boxes of random possessions, old books, magazines, and paperwork. My guess was this was the last stop for the family after losing their primary home.

By now, the summer heat had us sweating. I had cutoffs and a tee; Mom was in loose shorts and a tank top. Yes, she had a bra on, not that she, or my sister, needed them.

“Okay, Kyle, first things first. Go cut on the electric and let’s see if this pile catches fire.”

It didn’t. Everything worked, except the HVAC. Mom and I stood under the huge ceiling fan in the big room, and she laid out the plan.

“Okay, we brought take-out for tonight. We eat, make the beds, shower, and crash. Tomorrow’s gonna be a long day.”

I went to my room, tossed my duffle on the dusty floor, got out my sheets, and made the bed. There were pillows in the closet in sealed plastic bags. As I finished up, I heard the water running; Mom beat me to the shower.

As I sat and waited, I laughed to myself. Jenny would think this was a riot, me and Mom in a house with no doors. The water shut off and Mom shouted, “All yours!”

I stepped out of the shower after letting it run cold for a few minutes in a vain attempt to cool off. It worked, kinda. It was dark and hot, I was beat. I just crashed on the bed, uncaring of my nudity.

I woke up; it was night. Moonlight took the edge off the pitch darkness. Sensing a presence, I slotted my eyes. Mom, standing in the doorway, gloriously nude and staring at my erect penis. Just staring.

I watched as her right hand moved over her smooth vagina. Unlike my sister, Mom was shaven. She bit her lip, and her other hand found the nipple of one of her modest breasts.

She stopped, her hands fell back to her sides, and she backed out of the doorway and out of sight.

As my mother would say, what the actual fuck?

I lay there for a few, my hand holding my erect cock. I’m no pornstar, but no girl ever asked me if it was in yet. I absently stroked my cock reliving the moment and acknowledging that I liked having my mother see me naked and hard, and sure that my mother enjoyed seeing me.

Nothing like that had ever happened.

I debated wearing just my loose athletic shorts, no shirt, no briefs, but I comprised, yielding to good judgment, and put on underwear. No shirt though, that won’t cross any lines.

Mom was appropriately dressed, loose running shorts, a tank, panties, according to the line I saw as she moved, and a bra. She had coffee, cereal, cold milk, and a plan.

“There’s no way we’re gonna truck all this trash. After breakfast, go out back and make a pit. We’re burning it.”

Speaking around a mouthful of cereal; I was really hungry, “Um, Mom, is that allowed?”

Mom snorted. “Fuck ‘em. We’re way off the beaten path and we have to leave tomorrow. There’s no time. Just do it. Grab a few boxes of papers and start the fire. I’ll shake out these sheets and make us a couple of quickie doors.”

In the field behind the house, I made a rock ring and spent the next half hour moving boxes and broken furniture out.

There were two boxes of documents that looked like they might shed light on this family. I got curious and set them aside. I ripped up some old tax returns, lit them off, and piled broken wooden furniture on top. Burning paper is slow work. While I fed the fire, I read through the papers.

The McGinty family. Mom, dad, twin son and daughter. Wherever they are, the kids are almost thirty by now. They had a gym that went broke during COVID. They had built this house years before. So, no gruesome, Stephen King tale of familial dysfunction, but still no answer to no doors.

As I loaded paperwork into the fire and tossed on more broken furniture, I’d see Mom passing in and out, dumping dust and dirt, shaking out the sheets that had covered everything. She was a sweaty mess by now, but I found her more attractive that way. What’s wrong with me?

She’d bend over and I could look down that tank top and see her cute little bra. Every time she bent over her panties left lines on those shorts. My mental picture of my mother naked in my doorway never left my mind. I made a mental note to masturbate tonight, I was coming unglued.

Mom walked, no swaggered out of the house, two long necks clamped between her fingers. The tank top adhered to her lean frame with sweat. Not a dry spot in sight. The light-yellow running shorts were also transparent with sweat, a white thong the undie of the day. She looked good drenched in sweat. Her nipples popped, even behind that thin bra and as she got next to me, she gave off a feral scent. Stop that, I said to myself. My problem is, she looks like my sister and that makes my mind bounce to being over Jenny, sliding my cock into her.

“You’re making good progress.” Mom said, holding up the two bottles. I took one, spun the top off, handed it to her, and took the second one, spinning the top off and throwing both in the fire while never taking my eyes off her. She noticed.

“I look like hell on a sponge.”

I smiled. “Oh, I don’t know. I kinda like that, ‘our plane crashed in the desert and I’m trying to find my way out’ look. Desperate suits you.”

Mom laughed, gave me a look, caught me looking at her hard nips; I moved my eyes up.

“Yeah, desperate for a swimming pool. If we had one, I’d jump in.”

I pointed up and down her lean sweaty frame. “Like that?”

My mother looked at me, said nothing for a second or so, then smiled.


That stunned me. I picked up some papers from the table. “Look at this. I found papers about them.”

Mom looked over the stuff, “Looks like a nice family that got fucked by the shutdown. Shitty.”

Mom looked at me and I nodded; the papers drifted down into the fire.

“How you doin’ inside?” I asked.

“I’m maybe halfway done. No dead mice or dead bodies so far. The only thing that doesn’t work is the AC. There’s no cell service, so fixing the AC’s gonna wait until we get back and hopefully, on our next trip we can meet the AC guys and get it going.”

“At least we have the fans.”

Mom put her hand on my shoulder. She’s done that a thousand times, but this time, her hand felt hot. “Yeah, that’ll have to do. The rest of the house is just dusty. After you got all the boxes and broken stuff out, it was easy. You won’t recognize the place.”

I tapped my bottle to hers, “Teamwork.”

Mom smiled and took a pull, tipping the bottle back down. “At least I brought plenty of beer.”

I laughed, “Breakfast of champions.”

Mom walked away, her ass, the most perfect part of her, flexing under those thin shorts, her panty line teasing me. I felt my cock grow. Geez, what a pervert I am.

“Don’t encourage me, young man.” She said over her shoulder.

I spent the afternoon burning more stuff. Mom brought out boxes she found in the master closet; one box with two photo albums. I set that aside and when the fire died down and picked up a photo album titled, First Summer. By now, night was coming on.

Opening the cover solved the mystery of the doors. I paged through. The fire had died down, so I went inside.

Mom sat at the kitchen island. Her hair hung in soaked ringlets, her hands and arms striped with grime. She took out two beers and opened them, setting one in front of me as I sat next to her and put the album in front of us.

“I solved the mystery of no doors.”

Mom looked up, “Huh? What are you saying?”

I pointed to the album and Mom opened it. The first page had the Family standing in front of the house. The date stamp, along with what I’d read had the twins at eighteen. Mom and Dad were trim and very athletic, lots of visible muscle tone. Mom, blonde, long lean legs. Dad tall, with a runner’s build, and a six-pack set of abs. The twins; built like Mom and Dad. Everybody was smiling.

Everybody was also nude, all of them.

Dad’s cock, about six inches, soft, nestled in a low-hanging sac. The son was similar, soft, cut, long. The Mother and Sister; large firm breasts, big, round areolas, with fat nipples. Everybody trimmed their pubic hair but shaved off any other body hair.

Mom stared at the photo. “What the actual fuck?” Apparently her favorite phrase.

“No clothes, ya don’t need doors,” I said.

“True dat.” Mom said and turned the pages.

It was like those old black-and-white pictures of nudist life. The McGinty family eating at the picnic table, dad grilling, mom and sis bringing out food. They played Badminton and volleyball. There were even pictures of them playing touch football. Typical family vacation photos except nobody had any clothes on. I stood behind Mom, my hands on her sweaty shoulders as we looked. They must have had a remote release for the camera since it was only the four of them in all the pictures.

The last picture, glued in over THE END scrawled in Sharpie, had the four of them, facing away from the camera, bent over at ninety degrees. The picture was taken outside in bright sunshine, the light behind the camera. Dad on the left, then Mom, then son, then sister.

You could see everything. Not my thing, but Dad and son’s butt holes were right there, just above their ball sacks. I focused on Mom and Daughter. Their vaginas were remarkably similar. Even I knew pussies were like cocks, no two perfectly alike. But these two were close. Both surrounded by tufts of blonde hair.

What piqued my curiosity was that both mom and Daughter looked excited. Their pussies were not a straight, dry line, but were in full wet flower. Inner pink lips open and the sun glinting off copious moisture.

Mom paused but closed the book before I could confirm what I saw.

“Well, not exactly a normal family, eh?”

I took the book and tossed it near the back door. “Normal is what you choose. Consenting adults.”

“That’s pretty worldly.” Mom looked at me for a few seconds, she seemed on the verge of saying something but stopped, stood up. “I’m filthy. Let’s clean up and make dinner.”

The sheets that had been covering the beds were now tacked over the bedroom doorways, the breeze and the fan ruffling them. I sat naked on my bed, listening to Mom’s shower, waiting for her to be done, and imagining what she looked like with the water running off her trim body.

A family lived here. A family of naturists. I wondered if there was more to the McGinty’s than those pictures showed. That last picture. Once you have sex with a family member, the wall is broken and it’s impossible to not think about it. I even pictured dad fucking mom.

I’ve never done stuff with guys, but I’m finding my boundaries are not what I thought they were.

I waited and stroked my rigid cock, missing my sister and wondering.

I need to behave.

“All done! Your turn.” Came through the wall. I stopped masturbating and took a shower. I was hungry.

The breeze kicked up during dinner, taking more of the edge off the heat and humidity. After we cleaned up, Mom and I sat on the front porch and talked more over another round of beers. Nothing deep, just bonding and sharing funny stories.

Mom leaned into me, our shoulders touching. She felt hot again. “Hey, we gotta get going in the AM. Let’s call it a night.”

We stood; Mom turned to me. “Kyle, thank you for coming with me. I’d never have gotten this much done alone.”

We hugged. It was unlike any time in my life that I hugged my mother. I know, it’s just my inner perv working overtime, but she held me close, pressing her lean body against mine. I could feel those nipples pressing into my chest. Her head resting on my shoulder, the mound of her vagina pushing into my awaking penis. So warm. She was in no hurry to let me go, but I thought it would be best she did not feel my hardening cock.

My mother pressed her hips to mine, just for a second as her head came off my shoulder. I know what she felt and her eyes met mine, with a hint of curious surprise.

“You’re a good son.” She said as her lips just touched mine, “G’night.”

I stood and watched that perfect ass flex off to her room, my penis at full length and my imagination in overdrive.

On my bed, sweating, the ceiling fan and breeze helping, but not as good as AC. My penis was hard. I replayed my evening with Mom, particularly the ending. I laughed, maybe it’s this house. I’ve read stories like that.

I wondered about the McGinty family. My incest-addled brain painting pictures that were all fantasy, except for that last picture. With no cell signal, my usual outlet for masturbation was not available. Well, better than nothing, right?

Naked I slipped past the sheet covering my door and paused, listening. Nothing but the whisper of the breeze. I turned to face the big room.

The photo album was not on the floor next to the big sliding door to the deck. As I inched forward, movement outside caught my eye, I froze.

Through the glass, a cloudless night with a new moon cast a noir light on the picnic table.

My mother sat at the table, the photo album open in front of her. She was naked and one of her hands moved between her legs while the other alternated between pinching her nipples and turning the pages in that photo album.

I moved to be out of her peripheral vision, watched my mother masturbate as I did the same. Mom swung her leg over the bench, facing the house. I ducked deeper into the shadow as I watched my mother spread her legs, the moonlight giving me a clear view of her wet and open vagina. Unlike my sister, my mother’s pussy was smooth, but like my sister, mom’s pussy was wide open and pouring out onto the wooden bench.

I felt a little guilty invading Mom’s privacy. I mean masturbating is the most private thing you do, unless you’re like me who loves to masturbate for the women in his life.

The big slider was open an inch or so. I could hear the liquid slosh of mom’s fingers as she jammed them into her pussy. Her other hand pressed down on her clitoris. Fluid poured from her. My penis flowed precum onto my stroking hand. So dirty, so wrong, but oh, so good.

I couldn’t hold back, I saw Mom orgasm, and I shot all over that window, nearly howling with joy as I watched Mom double over, grunting and cumming. She looked up and I ducked back, headed for my room.

Sunlight poured in the curtainless windows, Mom knocking on the trim, not peeking. “Hey bud, rise and shine.”

While Mom made coffee, I checked on the fire. Cold, good. Then I saw the box. One other binder, in its box with The Chronicle written along the side of the box.

While Mom was distracted, I took the binder to my room and shoved it in my duffle.

The trip home was fun, Mom talking about her plans for the place, getting the hot tub running, maybe a pool.

“So you can jump in it with your clothes on?” I said.

Mom turned to me and gave me what could only be described as a wicked smile.

“Or off. Consenting adults. You said it.”

Well, that shut me right up for a minute or so. Mom just stared out the front, driving.

We pulled into the driveway. Dad’s truck was home, must have been a short day. I walked into the house first.

Dad was standing in the kitchen; his shirt loose over his jeans, and he was adjusting his belt. He looked a little flushed.

“Hey, guy. You’re home early.”

Mom came in. “Andy, you two are home. Bad day on the job?”

Jenny came down the stairs from her room. She came right to me and gave me a hug with a subtle hip thrust. “Hey, baby bro.”

“The jobs going well, but we have to wait for another sub who’s behind schedule.”

“Well, Kyle and I kicked ass up there. Shower up, husband, and let’s go out to dinner. We’ll bring you two up to speed.”

Mom and Dad went to their room so they could shower, spelled F.U.C.K. It was seconds after their door closed that Mom squealed.

Jenny’s eyes were blazing. “I am so fucking horny right now. Fuck me, Kyle.”

I headed for her stairs. Jenny just whipped off her tank top, “No, right here. They’re fucking and I can’t wait.”

Jenny shoved her shorts down. I hadn’t noticed she had no bra or panties. She leaned over that granite island.

“Stick it in me, Kyle. I know you’re hard.”

I was and I did. Jenny was wide open and drenched as if she’d been rubbing off. I didn’t care, I was so wound up from being around Mom and the weird signals I was getting I just needed to get off.

Tee shirt off in the corner, my shorts and briefs around my ankles I fucked my sister. Man, she is good. She had a dishtowel in her mouth and as she came, over and over, I heard her muffled cries of joy.

I couldn’t help it. As I rammed my cock into my sister, I could hear my mother cumming in the next room and Jenny grunting into that towel. From the back, bent over, she looked just like Mom, and it drove me nuts.

I fought to keep from cumming. Jenny took the towel out and growled, “More, brother, fuck me more.”

She sounded just like Mom, or at least what I wanted Mom to sound like. I wrapped my hands around her trim hips and hammered her pussy. The island creaked, our skin slapped. The kitchen reeked of sex. Jenny was sweating, I was sweating. I was close.

“Cummin’ Sis.”

Jenny whipped around and dropped to her knees. “In my mouth, brother. Cum in my nasty sister’s mouth.”

Fuck; does she know how to push my buttons. I held her head as I unloaded all over her tongue. I love my sister.

Jenny grabbed her clothes and ran up to her room and I pulled up my briefs and shorts, picked up my tee, and ran to my room. A very satisfying welcome home.

Toweling off in my room after my shower. A text on my phone.

“Guess you missed me?” Jenny.

I answered, “Not as much as you missed me.”

I got a smile emoji.

We sat on the deck for drinks while Mom busied herself neatening after being away. We were getting ready to go and I went up to my room to get my wallet. In my room, I noticed that Mom had unpacked my bag and taken my laundry. The binder was missing.

It was an early dinner. Back home we sat and talked for a while, going over the plans for the new house. Around ten, we called it a night. No hug and kiss from Mom, interesting. I searched my room, but no book.

Dawn was breaking, 06:30 on my clock. A noise woke me up. From the kitchen. A moan? Is somebody hurt? Dad and Jenn get up early to go to work. I listened for a few seconds, then I tossed the covers back. I heard the garage door close. Just Dad and Jenn going to work.

I got up around nine. I had chores around the house, but nothing that would prevent me from being well-rested.

A white bikini. Not a thong but brief enough. Mom facing the counter, fixing her coffee. A well-tailored triangle of white covering that amazing ass.

“Bout time you got up. Did I wear you out up in the mountains?”

Being bold, I walked up next to her, and put my hand on her shoulder as I picked a mug and filled it. She seemed to lean into me, maybe, but her skin felt warm and soft under my fingers, just like my sister’s.

“If I said yes, would you be easier on me next time?” I said as a pulled up a chair to the island, wondering if Jenny’s cum was still on it.

Mom turned and gave me a wicked look, “Next time, I’m gonna work you so hard, you’ll hate to come home.”

Eye-to-eye, no words. Mom’s eyes seem to smolder. I didn’t know how to interpret her comment and I wondered what the fuck was in that book.

I broke eye contact, disrupting the moment, “I’m looking forward to it.”

Mom sipped her coffee, half whispering, “You have no idea.”

While I ate, Mom moved around the house, doing Mom stuff. I put my dishes in the dishwasher and went up to my room to change into chore clothes.

Just the edge visible under the bed. The binder. I know it was not there last night. I locked my door, I have no idea why, sat on my bed, and picked up the book.

Photos in marked sections, Jack and Jackie, Mom and Dad, Jack and Mom, Jackie and Dad, Jackie and Mom, Jack and Dad. The last one got an eyebrow raise from me.

I opened the book. Holy shit, I was right. There was more to that last picture in the first album. A lot more. I stripped off and held my rising cock.

First section, first page, two pictures, the top one, the twins, Jack and Jackie, naked, of course, the time stamp on the picture, is their eighteenth birthday. The pictures were high quality and perfectly shot.

In the living room of the cabin, daytime, sun streamed through the windows. Jackie, on her knees, her large breasts sticking straight out, nipples erect. Her small hand holding her brother’s rigid penis, her lips around the fat head. Jack was bigger than me, by a lot. Jackie, looking up at her smiling brother looking down. In my mind, I could hear their parents speaking encouraging words as the siblings shared their first oral sex. Their first family sex. My imagination smelled her young pussy. Heard the slurp of her lips around her brother’s forbidden cock. Loving it, wanting more.

The bottom picture had Jackie lying on the coffee table, the shot taken over Jack’s shoulder, his face pressed against his sister’s young sweet vagina. Her hands clenching her brother’s hair, her eyes rolled back into her head, caught in the middle of her first incest orgasm.

At the side of the picture, I saw an adult hand stroking a cock as big as Jack’s. Dad, waiting his turn.

The back of that page, Jack, lying on the living room floor smiling. Jackie over him, the head of his penis at her entrance. The moment of deflowering. Behind them, Mom, her hand between her legs, smiling. I wished there was video.

Five more pages, one for each subsequent year, same poses. I did notice as the years went on, Jackie got more of her brother’s cock in her mouth. The last page, taken two years ago, had two pictures on the back, one, with Jack fucking his sister’s pussy and one with his cock up her ass.

The next divider had Mom and Dad written in lovely script.

Nastier, by far. Random shots taken by the kids. Mom sucking dad, his hands pulling her hair, feeding her his cock. Mom, face covered in cum, smiling. Mom on all fours, dad behind her. A still picture, but my mind added the motion, the sounds. The kids cheering them on. Dad ramming Mom hard his body slapping hers as his cock hit bottom. Mom grunting, growling, swearing. “Look what daddy is doing to Mommy. I love it when Daddy fucks me hard.”

Dad, with Mom’s legs pinned back against her, his face pressed into her pussy, his tongue deep inside. Mom, head back, cumming, filling Dad’s mouth with her orgasm.

Five pages of this, one for each year. Truly a chronicle of incest.

I couldn’t hold back. Two strokes and my cock erupted. Cum jetted out over my bed as I groaned in relief. I was spent.

Mom yelling up the stairs, “Hey buddy, you gonna get to those chores sometime?”

As I closed the book, I took note of the next section, Dad and Jackie, and in the pocket on the back cover, a DVD. I pulled out my phone and ordered a DVD player for my laptop.

Mom was in the office, filing. I watched as she bent over to put papers away. The fabric of that bikini pressed against her sex, giving me a perfect outline of her vagina. I was glad I put briefs on, it was going to be a long day.

I moved next to Mom and put my hand gently on her hip, she moved against me.

“Do Dad and Jenn know this is what you wear to work?”

Mom turned and my hand trailed across her lower back to her other hip. Her body touching mine. She put her mouth near my ear and answered in a raspy whisper, “If your father knew what I wear to work here, he’d never leave the house. You are sworn to secrecy.”

She backed off, smiling. I extended my hand, pinky hooked, “our secret.”

Mom, inches away from me, hooked my pinky with hers, staring into my eyes, smiling, “Our secret.”

I had a lot of yard work to do, so I didn’t get the chance to ogle my mother or stand outside the bathroom and listen to her pee. Yeah, I’m kinky.

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