There Are Holidays and Adventures - Cover

There Are Holidays and Adventures

Copyright© 2024 by LittleMo

Chapter 1

True Story Sex Story: Chapter 1 - I attract the wrong sort of people, in the sort of places at the wrong sort of time. To make matters worse I enjoy the wrong sort of adventure.

Caution: This True Story Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Coercion   Drunk/Drugged   True Story   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Interracial   Black Male   White Female   Anal Sex   Double Penetration   Oral Sex  

1. It was my teens, and I was at a loss during a long summer holiday.

My father was in the middle of a major reorganisation at work; my mother was supervising painters and decorators she had engaged to “update the place”: most of my friends, including my current boyfriend, had gone away on their holiday and I was a little bored. It was a sunny day and I decided that a trip on my bicycle would give me some fresh air and get my blood moving. My mother, probably glad to get me out from underneath her feet, took a couple of minutes out and prepared some sandwiches, cake and fruit with a bottle of water.

I took off and headed in no particular direction enjoying the breeze on my face and circulating around my body.

I was coasting gently down a tree and shrub lined when I saw a former schoolmate, Mike, some years older than myself, with whom I had had a brief romantic relationship before he went to college. He had just finished mending a puncture on his bike and, when I rang my bell, looked up and grinned in recognition.

We had parted ways on good terms when I pulled up alongside him we both leaned in for a friendly kiss. We chatted for a few minutes until he patted his rather large saddle bags and offered a picnic in the woods. I told him we could share my provisions as well and, still chatting, we turned our bikes onto a path through the trees.

It was not a long walk before we came to a small clearing in the trees, the dappled shade cool after the heat of the road. He had a rug folded up in the saddlebag and spread it out on the grass, I was extricating my own rations when I head a “pop” and turned to see him pour some wine into a plastic tumbler. We sat with our food and drink in the middle and began eating, sampling each other’s food as we ate. We soon cleared the comestibles and sipped the last of the wine.

We cleared away and he chuckled and said “not done yet”, reaching into his saddlebag and bringing out a half bottle of vodka, “You can never tell when there’s going to be a party!” he said, leaning forward to kiss me full on the lips. Mike poured a healthy slug into my tumbler and then his own and leaned back against a tree, sipping his vodka.

The day was warm and there was a heavy scented atmosphere in among the trees. He shuffled across and as I finished my drink, he kissed me again and, taking my tumbler and placing it to one side, pressed my shoulders back onto the rug, his hands moving to my breasts as his lips pressed mine and his tongue darted into my mouth.

I let his hands roam and the air on my breasts meant that my blouse and bra were loose, His mouth dropped to first one nipple, then the other while his hand loosened my skirt and slipped inside my panties. Without thinking, I raised my hips and he slid my panties down and off my legs.

His hand returned to my now throbbing pussy and his fingers stroked my clit causing my hips to rise and my legs to spread wide as he swung himself above me, his rock hard penis prodding my lower lips.

I was moist enough for him to sink into my belly without friction and he feasted on my breasts as he ploughed me below. My feet curled around his buttocks pulling him deep inside and I felt sensation building in my loins as he thrust into me deeper and deeper. To my disappointment, I suddenly felt him shudder and stiffen, he gave a little moan, and his flood of semen poured into my womb. He lay on my belly for several minutes, his receding flesh giving an occasional twitch before he eventually slid out of me. “Look what we’ve got lads.”

Mike shot to his feet, penis dangling in the wind, only to be punched in the head by one of a group of men who had suddenly appeared around us.

One of the men facing me, pulled out a rather nasty looking knife and began to ostentatiously scrape under his fingernails.

I am not really that brave and decided to stay where I was.

A hand appeared from behind me and fondled my breast while another man appeared from the side and, kneeling between my spread legs, began loosening his trousers. A thud by my head announced the arrival of someone kneeling by my head and after a minute or two a hand turned my face towards the freed penis while below, a second penis was now penetrating my sopping pussy.

I lay on the grass with a penis in the mouth and another in my belly. Although the men chatted to each other, they said not a word to me. I said nothing as I had my mouth full. My missed orgasm with Mike began to rebuild and possibly given my alcohol consumption, my body was making its own rules. My hips were pushing back in time with the man’s thrusts, and I rolled, licked and sucked the penis deep in my mouth to the evident pleasure of the recipient.

I was distracted by these thoughts but brought back to reality when the man in my mouth exploded and semen flooded my mouth and throat faster than I could swallow. My own orgasm was building, and I groaned when the man between my legs yelled, and his seed gave another coating to my insides.

Another penis was fed into my mouth while a huge chap lowered himself onto me and pressed something the size of a baby’s arm into my still resilient pussy. I gasped but my body responded with a shocking willingness as my feet curled around his buttocks pulling him into me. He redoubled his efforts while my head swam as my orgasm erupted violently to everyone’s amusement.

Not only was I no virgin but I had quite an appetite for sex which also kept my boyfriends happy. After the initial horror and indignation as to my treatment, I was realized that I was enjoying myself rather more than I should and had to bite my lips when I shouted expressions such as “Harder!” and “Don’t stop!”. They rolled me over at one stage and I could see Mike with quite a lustful expression as he recovered from the punch.

One of the men noticed my glance and walked over to Mike, pulling him to his feet by his hair. He pushed Mike down beside me and ordered him to “Put it in her mouth!”. Mike paused and the knife made an appearance again. Mike turned to me and shrugged, then slipped his already stiffening penis into my mouth with a little more enthusiasm than I thought the situation warranted. The interlopers were almost sated when the last of them emptied his sac into me.

They sat around us then and ordered Mike to move to my pussy and he did so with alacrity and laughter from the watching men. I felt another orgasm rapidly building and groaned and thrashed as Mike reached his climax and poured his jism to join the loads the men had left.

I shut my eyes letting the sensations and emotions sweep through my body.

When I opened them, the men had disappeared as silently as they had arrived.

Mike and I packed our things in a somewhat embarrassed silence. When Mike had gathered his nerve to stutter an apology, I surprised myself and him by giving him a gentle kiss and told him that despite everything, I had rather enjoyed it.

His jaw dropped but he grinned and asked if I had been with more than one man at a time before. I had (it was only 2) and he laughed. He told me he had a quite liberal attitude to nudity and sex and was not put off if girls shared that view.

We decided to meet up again before the end of the holidays although both of us had awkwardly placed commitments; he to visit his parents and I had been reminded of an annual trip to see an aged aunt.

2. I travelled to Cardiff by train just over a week later and Mike was waiting at the station.

We headed for a well-known restaurant chain for lunch and were able to have a rather splendid meal, starting with quite large bowls of mussels, then lamb chops, profiteroles for dessert and ending with cheese and biscuits; accompanied by several glasses of wine. This took a couple of hours after which we wandered around a few shops before crossing to Cardiff Castle and the gardens behind The gardens were ablaze with flowers and we strolled hand in hand, chatting and admiring the displays.

“Would you like to see my digs?” He asked, “I have a tidy coffee machine and a brew would be nice just now,” I too fancied a coffee and readily agreed and we made our way out of the gardens. I already gathered that his digs would be student apartments, and I was curious as I was expecting to go to student accommodation myself after my “A” level examinations.

It was a rather austere looking block of apartments, one of several close to the City Centre and the University. inside there were posters galore with information on dozens of student clubs, activities, facilities around the City and so on. Mike’s apartment was on the second floor and he pulled out an electronic key and opened the door. Inside, I was surprised at the size of the place until I realized that Mike shared with two other students, each with their own bedroom/study.

While I sat down, Mike turned on the television and hurried to the little kitchen to make the coffee.

The TV came on after a few moments and I was surprised to see a naked blonde woman, on her hands and knees with a muscular Blackman at each end, enormous penises sinking into her mouth and pussy.

I said nothing but watched intently.

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