Night Shadows - Cover

Night Shadows

Copyright© 2024 by robb234

Chapter 5: The Janitor II

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 5: The Janitor II - Sexual fantasy stories of a younger nature

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   NonConsensual   Rape   Heterosexual   High Fantasy   Interracial   Anal Sex   First   Oral Sex  

(In the previous episode, Mark Reacher, a mentally-challenged janitor at the local junior high, met two black men who agreed to sell any girl he could get to people they knew in Mexico, paying him a tiny amount compared to what they were getting. The first girl had gone according to plan. Mark got to have sex with her instead of getting paid, but that was ok with him. He’d never had sex before, and this was both amazing and fun.)

Mark Reacher found himself transferred back to Ferguson North High. He did his job, sticking mostly towards the ninth and tenth graders area. He saw a lot of young girls, all around 14-16 years old. It was a pretty average-looking group. Most were still very flat chested, though a few had some nice boobs. He watched them closely. His twisted mind kept making plans, schemes. One day, he finally had a plan that would work. He called his two new black friends.

On Friday, Terri Wilcox was at gym class. After swimming laps, she and the other girls in her class took a shower and then got ready to go home for the weekend. Terri was sixteen years old. She had nice breasts, pretty big actually. She had a very cute butt and nice legs. She was very pretty; a really adorable young teen just beginning to blossom. Her blonde hair hung just below her shoulders. Adorable blue eyes, enchanting smile. It was Terri that Mark had picked out as his girlfriend. He texted his friends. It was Friday, and she had the last swim class of the day he knew. Again, he fixed her locker. The girls, about nine of them, came back from swimming, took a quick shower and then got dressed. Everyone quickly changed and began to head home. Except Terri. Terri kept struggling with her jammed locker. Her friend, Cindy Leopold, waited around for her.

“Stupid locker. I can’t get the handle to go up so I can open it...” Terri said, still in her wet bathing suit. Cindy was fifteen. She had blonde hair too, but it was longer, going almost to her butt. She stood only about 4’11”. no boobs to be seen, just some puffy nipples. She had on a short blue skirt that really showed off her thin legs. Like Terri, Cindy was also very pretty. Terri stood there in her swimsuit trying to open her locker. The janitor suddenly appeared. “Problem?” he said.

“I can’t get this stupid locker to open,” Terri replied. As Terri tried one more time, Mark grabbed Cindy around her face, covering her mouth. With his other arm, he took the stun stick and put it to Terri’s back. Terri jumped, hitting the lockers. She shook some, then just slowly went down to the floor. He stopped zapping her, turned the gun on the girl he was holding. She was struggling now, but as soon as the electricity hit her she tensed up and stopped struggling. He could feel the electricity some as he zapped her; he quickly let go of her. She didn’t make a sound, just fell to the floor like the other girl.

Mark quickly looked around. Someone was still down at the other end of the locker room. Quickly, he picked up the girl with longer hair. She weighed almost nothing, and so he quickly carried her to the back door, laying her down. He zapped her once more to be sure. She jumped, then stayed limp. He went back to the locker room, grabbed up his ‘girlfriend’ Terri and quickly carried her back too, getting through the door just before someone started coming by. In back, he carried Terri to the back door. Nearby, the same maroon car sat there, the same two black men in it. He quickly looked around, then went outside as the car pulled up close. He threw her into the back, then said “Hold on!” and ran back for Cindy.

Deon helped shove the young girl in the back seat. Too bad they needed a virgin; this one was fucking gorgeous. Maybe a blowjob. The dummy said to wait and dashed back inside. He came out with a second girl! Holy crap! This one was small too, even smaller than the first girl. Mark pushed her inside, then climbed in and lay on top of the two girls, laughing that sick laugh of his. Deon jumped in, also getting on top of the pile. Jesse quickly drove off.

Terri started to come around. She was in a car; on the back seat. Someone was on top of her. She struggled to get up, started screaming. “Get off of me! Let me go!” as she fought vainly to get out from underneath this big black man on top of her. Then she noticed Cindy’s white sweater. Oh my God, they had Cindy in here too?! What was going on? Where were they taking them? She was already in full panic mode. She noticed the school janitor was laying on top of Cindy. What, what was he doing here? Cindy started to wake up. She too fought to get up. However, both men were big; and both girls were barely five feet, barely a hundred pounds. They could make a lot of noise, but they couldn’t get up, that was certain, though they certainly tried. The crying started immediately. The begging, pleading, cursing came next. Terri remembered being at her locker with the janitor, then nothing.

After a while, the car pulled in behind a house, by a truck marked “Mexicali Scrap Metal”. Too bad, Deon thought. He was just getting all hard laying on top of this little white girl. Man, when the girls fought, he thought it was so fucking erotic. Deon climbed out, dragging the girl with him. They went into the house, stopped at the top of the basement stairs.

Deon said to Jesse, “Listen up, yo. We want four g’s, we gotta keep one prime. Now this little one here,” holding Cindy, “she makes me hard. I say we keeps this one.”

Jesse said, “Yo, shure enough, but check it, mah man. She may gotta have a virgin pussy, but she can still suck some black dick.” He grabbed Terri’s hair, leaned close. “Can’t you, snowflake? I’ll bet you give good head, don’t you?”, laughing as he spoke.

Terri snarled back, “I’m not doing anything! You, you assholes let us go! Now!” She screamed it back at him, twisting, fighting to get free still. Cindy jumped in, too.

“Yeah! We aren’t doing anything for you jerks! You better let us go right now, or else!” Cindy said, with fading enthusiasm. The three men holding them stared at them; just stood there holding them as they fought and tried to get free inside this house. One suddenly slapped Cindy hard across her face. SLAP! Her head was slammed to one side, she let out a cry, then suddenly the man grabbed her jaw with his hand, forcing her to turn towards him. The black man spoke with a very angry face, a strong grip on her face and arm.

Deon snarled at Cindy. “Listen up, bitch! You gonna do what I tells you to do! I don’t give a fuck if you like it or not!” He pulled her close, then started to grin and licked his tongue up her cheek. “Don’t you worry none, princess. You gonna get to do all of us. Every different way you can imagine, too. You just wait...”

Mark spoke up, said, “That ones’ my girlfriend. She’s just turned sixteen. She’s in the ninth grade. This girl, I think she’s younger. I don’t know her.”

Cindy was pulling away, but Deon held her close. She was only fifteen, and these guys were a lot older, bigger and stronger. She was already getting tired of fighting, but she knew she had to keep on, though. She’d heard about girls her age getting raped. She’d heard about it; never thought about it. Now, suddenly she was in this house with these three creeps, scared shitless and probably already peeing her pants. They had pointed her out as one they wanted to ‘keep’. They wanted Terri as a virgin or something. So what, they were going to rape just me? Why did they want to keep Terri ‘a virgin’? What was going on here? None of this made any sense. Now, this ugly black man, sweating and smelling like pot, was licking her face and telling her they were all going to gang-rape her. She couldn’t stop shaking. All she could think to do was keep repeating, “No, please, don’t. Please, no, please no ... I’m, I’m too young...” She was really bawling now. “I’m too young! I can’t do this yet! I’m too young! Please!” Instead, she was pushed down these stairs, down to the basement. She screamed, tried to stop him, but she couldn’t, nearly falling all the way down.

Terri watched in horror as Cindy, her fifteen-year-old friend Cindy, was dragged down the stairs. She herself got pushed over near a table in the kitchen. The man gripping her arm told her to kneel down. She tried to keep standing.

Jesse said, “Kneel down, bitch! Get you white ass down on the floor, fucking whore!” The two men stood next to her, forcing her down. Terri knelt, but kept her legs firmly together; her arms firmly wrapped around her body as she stared at the floor. The white guy, he started telling her to take off her swimsuit. No way, uh uh. No way would she do that. She had nothing else on; only her swimsuit because of that stupid locker. Now she was kneeling here, and these two men were gripping her arms and her hair, telling her over and over to take it off. When Terri still refused, the black guy yelled down the stairs.

“Yo, Deon! This one ain’t co-operatin’!”

Terri heard a pause, then Cindy started screaming in pain. She screamed more; Terri blurted out, “OK! OK! Stop! Make him stop! Make him stop!”

Jesse yelled to Deon; the girl stopped screaming. Sobbing, Terri slowly started to slip off her one-piece bathing suit. Slowly, she eased it down and took it off, trying her best to keep herself covered as she did. Thanks to her mom, she had the biggest boobs in her class. Now, she could hardly cover them with both hands. She had some hair down there. She knew for sure she was about to be raped. What she didn’t know was that they had no intention of raping her. She’d suck a lot of cock first, but she wouldn’t be raped. Not by these men.

Jesse said, “I’m going first,” and started to undo his pants. The girl cowered away as he did. His cock popped out of his black shorts, big and hard and ready. She stared; her eyes wide. He smirked as he slowly waved it in front of her young face.

Terri had never, ever seen a penis before. This was huge! It was brown, with this enormous, this humongous big head on it. He held it in his hand, shaking it slowly at her. She couldn’t stop staring. It was scarier than seeing a huge snake, and this was bigger than any snake she’d ever seen. He had all this hair at the base, too, and holy crap, these big balls in a sack she could just see hanging underneath. He kept saying something, they both did. Terri suddenly got slapped, she heard them saying ‘open up, white girl’. Slowly, her mind frozen in fear, slowly she opened her mouth. This giant penis came at her; she tried to avoid it, but big hands kept her head from moving. The end of the man’s thing, had this little hole in it. He pushed the end against her lips. She noticed then how much her lips were trembling. He pressed in more. She had to open more to keep from letting it touch her teeth. Oh my God! It was huge! When the head was almost in, she could barely open her mouth wide enough. Her tongue was moving all over, trying to let more air in. God, her lips were touching his thing, all the way around. He just held it there. She struggled to breathe. The white guy held her arms behind her. He kept saying “Don’t move, Terri! Don’t move! I’ve seen you naked before you know!” She turned her eyes towards him with shock. How did he know her name?! What did he mean he’d seen her naked?! The janitor was a part of this? Her focus though quickly returned to the enormous penis in her mouth.

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