Night Shadows - Cover

Night Shadows

Copyright© 2024 by robb234

Chapter 4: The Janitor

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 4: The Janitor - Sexual fantasy stories of a younger nature

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   NonConsensual   Rape   Heterosexual   High Fantasy   Interracial   Anal Sex   First   Oral Sex  

Mark Reacher was a young janitor with the Westfield County School System. He often got transferred from school to school, usually going to wherever they were short staffed. While the school’s needs played a part, mostly the branch managers were happy to see him gone. They felt he was just, well, weird. He often would stare at people, both students and teachers, just staring intently without hardly even blinking. He’d been cautioned about that. Mark had a mental disorder, that was obvious, but it also meant that as long as he did his job, they couldn’t fire him; disability protection was a big thing at the county school system. What wasn’t obvious was that inside, he was always scheming, dreaming up ways of getting even. Wild ideas that his twisted mind saw as totally reasonable. He just couldn’t get his body to go along with the program.

One night, at a local school event, Mark had met a couple of black guys. They’d bought him plenty of beer after they remembered he was the janitor at their junior high school. Once Mark was good and drunk, he started telling the two young men about his great schemes. To them it sounded like rambling nonsense. He said he’d been working on it for three years now. It involves grabbing a girl from school and selling her to Mexicans south of the border, down near San Diego and Tijuana. What he could never figure out, he told them, was where to sell the girl. He laughed a drunken smirk, opened another beer. Selling girls? What?

The two black guys were interested now, for they were not exactly model citizens. They’d both served time in county lock-up. One said, “Maybe, maybe we could do something together.” These two young black men, Jesse and Deon, had actually talked about something similar recently. At 20, they had no job and needed money, like anyone fresh out of jail would. They had no real skills, having dropped out of high school three years ago. The rent was always due, the fridge was always empty. Neither wanted to sling crack for the locals; there wasn’t much money in it, but plenty of risk. Recently, while smoking a big blunt, Jesse had said why not sell some sexy white chick down south of the border to that cat house. Their Uncle Martin had told them where this cat house was in Tijuana. So, when they turned eighteen, they went there; the place needed some serious improving, that was for sure. Some pretty nasty women worked there. Deon said something to the owner as they left. The owner just shrugged. “Show me something better, me give you better.” When Jesse mentioned it later as they smoked, they thought if they could provide better girls, it could make a lot of money for them. But how? They texted Uncle Martin. He contacted the cat house owner in Tijuana. Three thousand American dollars for a fresh white teenage girl, no marks. Jesse said four thousand, and Uncle Martin said he probably would go to four, if she was right. This definitely got their attention.

Jesse and Deon had big issues still. First, how to get a girl across the border. There was an old truck behind the house; it said Mexicali Scrap Metal on it. Had a Mexican license plate, and in the back was an old fridge, door latch removed, along with a bunch of other junk. They’d stole it from a scrap yard, parked it here. So, getting to Mexico was not a problem. But the big problem was; where can you get a young white girl without having half the California Highway Patrol live on TV shooting your black ass? Then they’d met the dummy janitor.

When Jesse had seen the janitor, it was at a school rally. They’d stopped by simply to check out the teenage white girls, but the janitor he remembered from when he had been back at North Junior High. An idea struck Jesse. He bought the man a few beers, acting like old friends. Then some more. Yep, this janitor was still a dummy alright. Jesse wanted to know if he, Mr. Reacher, had access to the girl’s locker room here. That’s when Mark had started blabbing about his wild idea to kidnap girls. His idea, even coming from a drunk, mentally-handicapped man, seemed actually pretty foolproof. More beer as Deon pressed him for more details. Deon and Jesse were amazed. Here they were thinking maybe he could open a side door for them, just a wild idea, and this guy already had it all figured out! He just didn’t know what to do after he grabbed them. Man, he was retarded, yet brilliant too.

“See, I got this key to the girl’s locker room. Always do. At this school, the girls are around eleven to thirteen maybe. Some may be fourteen. They don’t have no cameras in the girl’s locker room, see? But I got a little peep hole,” he smirked, winking. He was quite proud of his peep hole. “I even got me a girlfriend there, Linda Poliski.”

Linda Poliski was a cute, attractive fourteen-year-old at the junior high school. She’d seen the janitor a few times, but had never given it a thought. Linda stood about 5’1”, weighed maybe 128 pounds. Her weight was well distributed though. When she walked through Walmart, the guys always stared, especially when she wore her short-shorts or miniskirt. As any teenage girl with a few extra pounds knows, the extra pounds almost always start out in two places- your hips and your boobs. Linda was no exception. Her dark blonde hair came below her shoulders. Linda was learning the art of presentation: the correct, tight top was essential. A short skirt a must. A little bit of lipstick always helped. Nothing that looked trashy; just enough to make people look. Especially boys. To Linda, it was still a game. After all, she was only fourteen.

Mark Reacher had spotted Linda early in the year, while mopping up the floors one day. She normally dressed very conservatively. Lately, he’d noticed she wore a skirt more often, skirts that came up way above the knees. Enough to get a glimpse of some luscious-looking thigh. Being late fall, she usually wore a sweater over a blouse. While great for hiding her upper assets, her 32C bra held up her young tits enough that he could tell. They didn’t know he knew, but he knew which girls in the school had big titties and which ones didn’t. He knew. He’d checked out when Linda Poliski had gym class; last period on Tuesday and Thursday. Later, he’d checked her locker twice- knew her name, bra size, address. He’d even taken a big sniff of her bra once. He could smell her alright. Still, she didn’t fit into his dream because Mark didn’t know anyone in Mexico. So, his twisted ideas with this Linda girl remained just a fantasy. That is, until he met Jesse and Deon.

Suddenly his plan had a way to work. His mind, being handicapped as it was, didn’t see the wrong in the idea. It was a plan only a smart person could do, and he’d show them he was smart. Now, the two black guys said they could sell her in Mexico. They told him he needed to go ahead and just do it, grab the girl using his plan. They said if he did, they’d give him a hundred bucks. Wow, a hundred bucks! Mark could buy a lot of stuff at the hobby store with a hundred bucks. But he had to get going. In two weeks, he was to transfer again, to Ferguson North High. One black guy gave him his number; said text him when he wanted them at the back door.

Tuesday afternoon, Linda went to gym class, using her usual locker, 247. She changed into her gym clothes, went out and played volleyball for an hour. After class they’d all taken a shower, then gotten dressed. She had no idea she was being watched through a peep hole. Linda was small, but had some pretty good-sized breasts for a girl her age. Her butt was getting all sexy-looking lately, too. She knew she had to stick to her diet or it’d all turn into ugly fat. Gym class helped. As she dried her breasts, she noticed those nipples were hard again. Jeesh, anything gets them excited lately, even just rubbing them with a towel. She’d discovered her clitoris when she was twelve, and now with these sensitive boobs of hers, she could sometimes fantasize in bed at night in a way she never knew she could.

Mark had two spots to watch the girls from, and he often did. one was a loose brick in the shower. He could see into the shower a little bit, and actually got a brief glimpse of Linda once. Oh boy! Next was a hole he’d drilled in the wall in Linda’s locker row. He watched the girls, naked from the shower, wrapped in towels, going to their lockers. Linda of course has some trouble opening hers. They all got dressed, Linda now being last. He heard Linda yell something like “I’ll catch up”. He quickly went around to the locker room door, unlocked it and went in; just the janitor doing his job. A couple of girls were just leaving. He slowly walked down past Linda’s row. Sure enough, she was trying unsuccessfully to lock her locker. He walked up. “Here, let me help you.”

The young girl with the long hair said thank you and stepped aside slightly. “Stupid thing wouldn’t open, and now it won’t latch,” she said. Mark reached in his pocket. He had a stun stick he’d found in a locker once. He suddenly turned very close to her, catching her a little off guard. He put the stick thing against her middle. He felt it doing something, then she cried out some, or started to.

Linda saw the janitor, who offered to help her with this stupid locker. Thank God- she was gonna be late otherwise. She told him what it wasn’t doing, then he turned and suddenly everything became a blur. Some kind of electric thing was shocking her and making her muscles all tighten up. Her entire body shook. The pain was immense; she gasped, taking a big breath in, then everything just went dark.

Mark grabbed the girl as she went down, looking around. He was pretty sure she was the only one still here. He picked her up clumsily, then moved her to the back door where he’d just come in. Once through, he closed and locked it. He took her through the steam supply room to a door in the back by the outside dumpster. He opened it slowly, peeking outside. He saw a car with his two black friends. He carried her over to the back door as Deon opened it.

Deon said, “Get her in there! Get her in! Now get in! Go on, get in!” He shoved the janitor into the back, climbing in with them. He shut the door and his brother quickly backed up, then drove away. Their plan was to indeed take the young girl to Tijuana and the cat house from before. First though, being twenty and horny as fuck, they wanted their turn with her. Deon figured he’d let the dummy have sloppy thirds instead of paying him. After that, they’d have him in their control. Mr. Janitor would have to get more girls or go to jail, or worse. This was working out great.

The girl was starting to come around, so Deon climbed over and got a good hold of her, keeping her quiet. The dummy even got into it, helping him control her. About ten minutes later, Jesse pulled into a backyard, next to where an old Mexican recycling truck was parked. They got out, looking around. Nobody. They grabbed the girl from the back seat and dragged her inside, keeping her mouth tightly covered. She fought a lot, but she was quite small. They carried her easily off the ground, in through the back door and down into the basement.

Linda was scared to death. One minute she’d been trying to get her locker to close, the next she had woken up in this car, then got carried into some house and down these stairs. What the heck was going on?! Where was she?! Who were these people?! She struggled, fought them, but there were two black men holding her and carrying her into this place. At the bottom of the stairs, they dropped her to her feet, let her go. A light clicked on. She could see two black men, and the janitor from school? What was he doing here? She immediately began crying, asking questions. “Who are you? What do you want? Let me go, you have to let me go!”

The three men stood close around her. The janitor kept touching her, giggling this sick laugh. One black man grabbed her sweater, pulling her even closer to him. “Listen up, snowflake! You gonna take a little trip! But first, you gotta give us some.”

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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