Night Shadows - Cover

Night Shadows

Copyright© 2024 by robb234

Chapter 3: The Other Side

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 3: The Other Side - Sexual fantasy stories of a younger nature

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   NonConsensual   Rape   Heterosexual   High Fantasy   Interracial   Anal Sex   First   Oral Sex  


Kathy Gepert was kidnapped at a travel stop on the Interstate in New Mexico. It was the night of her eighteenth birthday, when her family had stopped at the Travel Plaza for coffee and a bathroom break. As Kathy walked half asleep back to where she thought their Yukon was parked, suddenly, with complete surprise, three men in a minivan had pulled alongside her, yanked herin and thend riven quickly away. One man gripped her head, keeping her from yelling or screaming much. The other man slammed the door shut, stopped, pulled her inside and in a flash, they were heading down some country road away from the plaza. The two men in back wrestled with her as she tried to escape, but she was no match for these men. She was just 5’3” tall, weighed about 112 pounds. Medium-length blonde hair, she looked fairly average in her oversized sweatshirt and long jeans. Turned out, Kathy has one very sexy young body under all that clothing. A very, very nice ass, and some very awesome breasts. They took her to an old farmhouse in the coubntry, took turns on her for two days, then Eduardo made a deal with a friend of his cousin, who bought her for $500.

Kathy was tied to a bed in a small bedroom where she’d been raped repeatedly for the last two days. One of the men who raped her came in with two other men, different men. They looked her over closely, inspecting her body very close. She wondered if they were doctors maybe? what was next? The men talked, shook hands, some money was passed and she was led away by the two new grown-ups. Finally, maybe they’d take her back to the truck stop. Oh please please please...

Martino and Roberto looked the girl over. They were men who found girls for strip clubs in Mexico. It was high risk, but paid very well. Mostly contract work these days. The two had built up quite a network in their latino communities around the western states. They paid based on the girl’s condition. Young, hot white girls, untouched and between 13 and 16 were top dollar. They could get you three thousand for just one. Martino and Roberto would then sell her to this one whore house near Leon for $10,000. Latino’s, black’, they two stayed away from them. Young, white, fresh. That’s where the money was. But the pickings were often slim; the demand high. They did a lot of traveling; a lot of networking.

Some cousin of his contact in Santa Fe said he had a young American girl for sale. Martino said he’d have to see her. Luckily, they weren’t far away at all and just drove there. They all drove together over to the address given. Martino and Roberto could see right away this girl was high end material. She was a looker alright. Average American girl look, cute but innocent. Nice legs; very soft, thin but not too thin. Not too long. Some bush. Not too much, they could fix that. Her breasts were very well shaped. Round, easily a 31 or 32B on her, maybe even a C-cup. She was young alright. They didn’t know she was actually eighteen. They though she looked more like 15 or 16. Her breasts didn’t hardly sag at all as she sat on the edge of the bed, tied to the bed frame. You could tell they’d already fucked her; her asshole and pussy were pretty well bruised. Still, she was young, white and had a good body. A few days they’d have looking like an amazing tween in no time. It was all in the razor and make-up. Out of a ten, he figured she was an easy 8.

“I, I don’t know. She’s got a nice bod and all, but she’s already been well used. I mean, this, I don’t know...” He whispered with his partner for a moment, then said, “Si, si, you’re right. OK, listen. Because you’re my friend’s relative, I’ll give you $500 for her.” The two took the cash, thinking they were lucky to get that. The one man said as they started to leave, “We pay big money for virgins. Three grand for a pristine white girl. But must be perfecto. Virgin.” They led her away as Eduardo and the other two discussed how to get another and get three thousand bucks. They wondered, why not two? Or three?

Kathy found herself in a car, then sitting in a bathroom in a hotel room. She was never allowed to leave the bathroom, even when they came in and used it. They would make her apply this cream to her bruised areas, which was a lot. They made her brush her hair, put on make-up. They seemed to know what they were doing with the make-up. At one point they made her change into a too-small t-shirt, and some way-too-small short-shorts. After what seemed like a couple of days, she was taken out, put in the car, driven to a truck stop. Behind a big eighteen-wheeler, these men had opened the back door and she was pushed inside. She was made to slide between the pallets, and came to an area where three other girls sat, along with two Mexican guards. All the other girls were young, mostly younger than her. They all had on the same kind of clothing as she did. They all looked just as scared as she was. The doors were closed, a small gas light turned on. The truck drove away, down some very rough roads. The girls didn’t know each other; didn’t know what was going on or where they were going. They cried a lot at first, asking questions, but the guards didn’t know English. They were very threatening when they wanted them to keep quiet, though. Soon the girls sat there separately, curled up, quietly crying, scared and not knowing what was happening next.

After many hours the truck stopped, one girl was taken off. A couple of hours later, two more girls were taken off. Shortly after, Kathy was led off. It was a very busy street, in an old town with concrete buildings and dirt streets. She was forced into a building through a wood and metal door, then led to the back and into an office. A man sat at a desk, working on something. Two big women stood nearby, staring angrily at Kathy. They nodded and the two guards left her there.

The man was older, overweight, smoking a cigar as he looked at some papers. He stopped, looked up at her, angry, like she’d just rudely interrupted him. He spoke in broken English. “So, you are the young one they have sent me today. OK then. You work for me now. You do what you are told, you will be well treated and well taken care of. If you do not, these two ladies will be very unhappy. It’s as simple as that. ¿Entiendes, pequeña? (Understand, little one?)

Kathy started to ask her first of hundreds of questions, but she barely got three words out when the one woman barked at her in more broken English, “Keep quiet, you! You don’t speak unless I tell you to!” With that, the second woman whipped Kathy with some kind of stick she had. She hit her right in her elbow, right where it would hurt the most. The first woman barked again, “Not one word! You understand me?” The man told them to get out, he had work to do. The two older, stouter women forced Kathy out into the hallway, holding her arms. She immediately asked what he meant by ‘she worked for him now’? The two women just led her down several hallways and into a room. It looked like a small beauty salon. The two women spoke to the younger woman in the salon. The were ordering her to do something. They left and the girl, not much older than herself, told her to sit down in the chair, so she did. She started asking a million questions, but the girl shushed her, making her stay quiet. “Shhh! Shhh! You must keep quiet! You must! If you don’t, they hurt you. Please, you must not speak unless they tell you too. It is very important here. Very important.”

The girl, obviously being forced to do this, told Kathy she had to shave her pubic hair. “I know, I know, but I have to, they make everyone do it. I have to. I don’t have any choice. The girl knelt down between he legs as she sat in the chair, pulled her underwear off. She used these electric clipped to cut it all away, then an electric leg shaver to finish. As she did this, Kathy asked where here was, and what was all this for. What did they want? Do they want to take pictures? With this makeup and stuff, she thought maybe it was dirty pictures or something.

The girl answered. “You don’t know? No one said? Little one, how old are you?” Kathy told her she’d just turned eighteen. With great hesitation, the girl finally whispered to her. “This is a whore house. You’re near Leon, Mexico. On a scale of one to five, with five being the best, this place is a three, maybe.” She glanced around nervously, obviously afraid. She began to apply some make-up to Kathy’s face.

“I’m Cindy. I used to be a hairdresser. Now they make me get new girls ready for work. My job is to make you look way younger than you are. Then you get the best customers. You get a room. You’ll have to have sex with whoever comes through the door. Anyone. Usually, about ten a day or so. Then it slows down.”

Kathy asked, “They make you get all girls ready for work? How many are there?” Cindy replied, “Every day, at least two or three. Not everyone I have to do this to though. Some are pretty young. Before you was a girl, she was eleven.”

Kathy asked, “So, you mean they’re going to rape me? How many? For how long? What happens then?” She was terrified at the prospect of this.

The girl said, “You’re popular at first. Then after you’ve been used for a while, they move you down to a lower price. More guys can afford you. I used to have to do sex ten or twenty times a day. Six days a week. They feed you, make you take a lot of showers. But once you’re used up to them, they’ll, they’ll...”

“They’ll what?” Kathy asked, pleading.

“They, they sell you to a lower-level whore house. It just never ends. It never ends...” she cried, as she put makeup around Kathy’s eyes. Kathy sat here, eyes wide, mouth open. “No, wait, no, they can’t, they can’t make me do that. It’s against the law! They can’t make me have sex if I don’t want to. No, I won’t! I was raped before! I won’t go through that again! I know my rights!”

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