Night Shadows - Cover

Night Shadows

Copyright© 2024 by robb234

Chapter 23: The Parolees II

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 23: The Parolees II - Sexual fantasy stories of a younger nature

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   NonConsensual   Rape   Heterosexual   High Fantasy   Interracial   Anal Sex   First   Oral Sex  

Tammy and Kathy were two fourteen-year-old girl scouts who had been kidnapped, then sold to other people after being raped by two old black men. They’d been taken from the first house to another, then to a third place and then into an underground tunnel. They didn’t know that the tunnel led to Mexico. At the other end, they were ordered into a truck with a group of other women. Tammy and Kathy were the youngest, by far. The truck, a semi, drove for over two days, until it finally stopped, in Guatemala. No one had been given any water or food. The temperature was above a hundred degrees, and they had to use the corner of the trailer as a bathroom.

When they were taken off the truck, wearing only a t-shirt, Tammy and Kathy were taken to a black GMC Yukon and driven to a large mansion up in the mountains. The place was huge. Two guards manned a gate that they drove through. The car stopped by a side entrance. The girls had been asking them questions, but they didn’t speak English, and the girls didn’t know Spanish. They made them get out and go inside through the side door. Now Tammy and Kathy stood in an office off of the kitchen area. A large obese woman sat at the desk, while two older Latino girls stood behind them. One held a cattle prod. The big woman looked up, annoyed, like they were interrupting her. She said, in fairly good English, “You work for me now. Rule #1: you do what I say, you don’t ever say no. Now repeat it.” The two slowly did together. “We do what you say. We never say no.” She stood and told them to remove their shirts. The two hesitated at first, still too shy. The one teenager touched Kathy with the cattle prod. She jumped and cried when the electric shock zapped her painfully. The fat woman said, “Say it again, girl.” Kathy, crying from the shock, said, “ ... do, do, do what you ... say. Never, never say no...” The two immediately took off their dirty t-shirts.

the three women began looking them over very closely. They didn’t seem like they were there to help them. They talked together in Spanish, pointing out bruises on their inner thighs and other places. The woman went back behind her desk, sighed, and looked at them. “You two work for me now. You are number 16 (pointing at Kathy). You are number 17 (pointing at Tammy).” You will have sex with men, and women. You will always do whatever they tell you to do. No matter how much they may hurt, you must always smile and pretend to enjoy it. Got that?!”

The two nodded. The woman went on to say in a gentler voice that they would be treated luxuriously. They have people who will always make them pretty, give them expensive clothes to wear, luxury baths and rub downs. Kathy and Tammy weren’t interested in any of that. When the woman finished, Tammy asked, quietly, “Um, excuse me, ma’am. Um, when, when do we get to go home?”

The woman glared back at her. “You go home when I tell you it’s time. Now, go with them!”

Kathy and Tammy were led down several hallways. The guards told them it wasn’t so bad here. “Not like some other places,” one said. The other guard rolled her eyes. “Aye carumba.” They were taken to a large bedroom. It had two twin beds, an attached bathroom with very fancy bedding and a very thick luxury carpet. “You will stay here. This is your room. When you are not working, you stay here. Now, follow us.”

They were led to a room like a small hairdressing salon. Two older women sat there chatting in Spanish, then got up when they came in. The two guards spoke to the two women in Spanish, then took seats nearby. The two older ladies had them take off their old t-shirts one last time. The two women led the girls to a room next door with a large bubble bath in it. They pointed at the tub. In broken English one lady said, “You, go. Get clean.” The two girls got into the tub, took loofa’s and began to wash themselves. It actually felt good, after being so filthy for the last few days. When they were done, they got into a fancy shower and rinsed off, then they toweled themselves dry with luxuriously soft towels. The two ladies watched closely as they did this, inspecting for bruises and such. They had to lie down nude on a wooden bench. Soon, the older women were applying lotions and creams to anyplace that had a bruise. They massaged their muscles in these areas. While having strangers rub their hands all over their nude bodies was weird enough, it also felt quite relaxing, luxurious. They almost forgot they were being forced to be sex slaves. Well, almost forgot. The two girls held hands while they were rubbed down.

Later, they went to the chairs and got their hair done. Very fancy hair trims and shaping. Lots of perfumes. They applied makeup on them. Even Kathy had to admit, she looked extremely beautiful. And it was incredibly scary, too. Finally, they were taken to another room where two women measured and dressed them. Everything was tight-fitting. Tammy had on a very short black skirt, a tight silk blouse that was quite see-through with only two buttons at the bottom. No bra, very sexy-looking black panties. Black high heels.

Kathy was dressed in a very tight red dress. A too-small pink bra pushed her boobs up and showed all the cleavage in the low-cut front. The back was open clear down to the top of her butt. After that, the tight red sparkly dress ended just barely below her hips. The pink panties were smaller than her bikini at home. She also got small, red high heels.

They went back to their rooms. The guards said to be ready at 9 PM. “You’re shift starts then. Someone will come get you if you’re needed, 16 and 17.” The two sat there, discussing their plight. “This is so fucked up,” said Tammy angrily. “I don’t care what they say. I’m not having sex with anyone. No none. Stupid spics.”

Kathy warned her. “Listen, I totally agree with what you’re saying. But trust me, when that prod touched you, the pain is immense. You don’t want that, ever. And they’ll use it if you don’t obey the rules.”

Tammy snorted. “Ha. Never disobey. Never say no. Screw that. I ain’t doing this. Where the heck are we, anyways? This place, these jungles, this doesn’t look like anywhere in California that I know of.”

The two went on, trying to decide if they had any choice at all. Other than the amazing makeover, they had very little choice it seemed. Obey. Say yes. Smile and act like you enjoy it. Either that, or the cattle prod. Suddenly, they heard another girl down the hall scream. Again and again, she screamed. Someone was yelling at her. Suddenly Tammy and Kathy saw their door open. The two guards held a young girl, younger than themselves in fact. Totally nude, she could barely stand. They dropped her to the floor. One guard said to them, “Let this be a lesson to you two new girls. This one here, she said no to a customer.” She held her prod to the girl on the floor, began zapping her with electricity. The girl screamed, twisting, in agony, yet the woman didn’t stop, just kept it pressed against her. The girl screamed again, trying to get away but unable to with so much electricity flowing through her. Finally, the guard stopped. They dragged the girl back to her room, slamming their door closed. Tammy and Kathy and no misconceptions anymore. Do what you’re told. Never say no.

A little past nine o’clock, a male guard came, opened their door and said “17.” Tammy hesitantly got up. Looking at Kathy, starting to cry again. Kathy told her to be brave. Tammy walked out with the man and they went to an elevator. They went up to the fourth floor. The door opened, she stepped out. The doors closed behind her, the guard leaving. A man stood by the window, drinking some kind of drink. He eventually turned and came over to her. He wore only a bathrobe.

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