Night Shadows - Cover

Night Shadows

Copyright© 2024 by robb234

Chapter 22: The Parolees

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 22: The Parolees - Sexual fantasy stories of a younger nature

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   NonConsensual   Rape   Heterosexual   High Fantasy   Interracial   Anal Sex   First   Oral Sex  

Mike James was an African-American pervert. He knows it, the courts know it, his ex-wife knows it. At least his employer doesn’t know it. All they know is that Mike had some legal trouble in the past. Mike was out on probation, again, and satisfying his thirst for young pussy by jerking off to young tween bikini photos on the net. He longed for the real thing again; nothing was nearly as stimulating or as arousing as actually fucking and molesting a real live young girl. He’d record it again, too. A recording could get him aroused for several months. It was worth the risk. Just keep it by the microwave in case the cops show up.

Mike had learned from his previous mistakes. He lived in an old room in an old house that served as a probation home. When the previous owners got too far behind in their taxes, the city took the property and made it into a type of apartment place for two or three felons on probation, trying to better themselves. Well, that was the dream. The reality was that Mike and another black parolee named Ron Taylor lived there, keeping the house and yard clean, and taking regular drug tests. It was no surprise that the state rarely sent anybody around. These two older, black men were a success story for the probation office, so they mostly left them alone.

Mike and Ron soon discovered they both had a thing for younger girls. “Twelve to fifteen, that’s my sweet spot!” Ron would say. With nothing else to do after work, they’d often sit around the kitchen table talking, drinking coffee with a shot of Jack Daniels. One night they were discussing how horny they both were, when Mike said, “You know, that little ol’ basement downstairs would be a nice place for a mattress.” Ron laughed, “Yeah, and we got one in the other room. You think that boiler room down there will hide a lot of noise?”

Being a little high with Jack, Mike went outside while Ron went into the basement, closed the door. He put a board up against the door to keep it quieter. A single light bulb shone overhead. The room was small with the heater and water tank in there. Barely room for a single mattress. He stood in the middle, made some yelling sounds. Louder and louder. Finally, he went outside. Mike said he hadn’t heard a thing. Perfect.

A few days later, just after dinner, there was a knock on the door. Mike opened it. Two young white girls, maybe twelve or thirteen, stood there, Girl Scouts in their green uniforms, with a bag full of cookie boxes. “Excuse me,” one girl said, “we’re selling Girl Scout cookies for our troop. Would you like to buy some cookies?” Mike smiled. He invited them in. “How many boxes do you have there?” he asked.

“Oh, just six boxes. Two Coconut and four Thin Mints.” As Ron came into the room, Mike told the girls he’d buy all six. “Bring them in the kitchen why don’t you?” he said, smiling. He went to the kitchen pretending to go get the money as they walked back with him, carrying the boxes. Ron looked outside through the window. The street was empty. He followed everyone in back.

When they entered the kitchen, Mike reached into a cabinet and grabbed his old revolver. He turned, quickly grabbing one girl around her head, covering her mouth, while putting the gun barrel to the side of her head, making sure she saw it. Both girls went wide-eyed. The girl he had grabbed screamed some, or tried to. The other girl turned to run back to the front door, but Ron blocked her way. One quick jab to her forehead knocked her senseless for a moment. Ron grabbed her, forcing her back into the kitchen.

Tammy Wilcox was 14 years old. She stood only 5’2” tall. She had long, dark blonde hair. Her blue eyes and small face gave her the looks of a younger model. Tammy was developing, and that was no lie. Though she’d be 15 in two months, she already had the breasts of a much older teenager. At 32C, it was average for an eighteen-year-old girl, but on short little Tammy they looked much larger. Cleavage she’d had since she was just eleven, and under that green skirt hid a gorgeous young butt.

Kathy Brown stood in the kitchen, a gun to her head, scared to death. What was going on? Kathy was also 14 years old. She stood 5’ 3” tall, weighed about 94 pounds. She had brown hair that went down to her shoulders. She was slim, with thin legs. She wore a bra sometimes. Active outdoors, she had tan lines that outlined the new bikini she had. Her brown eyes, full lips and cute face made her one very adorable little girl. With her uniform on, she looked ... sexy, the two men thought. They stood there for a minute, just looking at their catch. Young, white, thin, good looking and one had big tits. It was like hitting the damn lottery.

They dragged the two girls down to the boiler room, shut the door and stood outside. Ron asked Mike, “So, what now? I’m as horny as you are, but we need a fool-proof plan.”

Mike thought a moment, then said, “Don’t worry, ma man, I got us covered. You remember that Leroy feller from in the Walls?” Mike said yeah, the Blood brother in the cell next door. Mike said, “Yeah, that’s the one. Well, we was talkin’ once, just before I got out. He said I ever come across young pussy, give this number a call. They pay good money for young girls.”

Ron wanted to know why. “I thinks they sells them, south of the border maybe. Don’t ask, don’t tell, brother. But after we be done with them, they be taking care of our problem for us.”

Ron and Mike looked at each other, then grinned. “Oh yeah!” Ron said. “I’ll go get the Jack!” He ran up to the kitchen and grabbed the bottle of Jack. Downstairs, Mike waited. Ron asked, “Ain’t you gonna get undressed, niggah?”

“Nah. I’m gonna let them do it fors me,” he grinned.

The two opened the door. Inside, the two girls backed up away from them, began talking, asking questions, making demand. “Who are you?” “What do you want?” Let us go! You have to let us go!” “We have to go home now! Please, let us go!” The two came in, closed the door, put the wood board against it. Ron took a swig from the bottle, passed it to Mike. Mike held it, said to the girls, “You can yell all you want to. Nobody can hear you. This place is sound proof.” He took a swig. He asked them their names; how old they were. The one with the big tits was Tammy. She was fourteen. The skinny brunette was Kathy, also fourteen. Ron turned on a radio-clock by the boiler, tuned in a classic rap station.

Ron picked up a metal pipe, said, “OK you two. Here’s the deal. You do what we says, when we says to, or I start breaking bones.” He slammed the pipe against the boiler. The loud noise made the girls jump. They started to speak again, but hesitated, not sure what to say. Mike grabbed the skinny brunette, forced her hand up against the concrete wall. “Show her we mean business!” he said. Ron made her spread her fingers wide, then he hit them with the pipe very hard, breaking the middle finger. She screamed, crying, while her friend was yelling “Stop! Stop!” Mike shoved the brunette to the other girl. Ron said to the brown-haired girl, “First, you. Take off her clothes,” pointing to the blonde. The one girl clutched her hand, sobbing, shaking her head, “ ... no, no...” Ron said, “OK then. Put her other hand on the wall.” As Mike reached for her, she screamed, “No! No! OK, I’ll do it! Just don’t hit me again! Please! You broke my damn finger, asshole!”

The man yelled, “I’ll break both your damn knees! Now get going!” holding up the pipe. Slowly, shaking, she turned to Tammy. Tammy stood there, arms clutching herself, also crying. Tammy starting sobbing quietly, “Why? Why are you doing this? Why?” Kathy eased her Girl Scout vest off. She seemed unsure what to take off next. Mike told her to get the skirt off. And the panties too.

Kathy slowly undid the hook on Tammy’s uniform skirt. She eased the zipper down and then eased the skirt down. Maybe, maybe they just wanted to see them naked was all. They were really old. She let the skirt slowly fall to the floor. Then she carefully took ahold of Tammy’s underwear and slid them down. She knelt down a little doing so. The man told Tammy to step out of them, so she did. Kathy then had to start undoing her uniform blouse. Five buttons, which was really hard because her hands were shaking so much. She just knew she was next. When she eased the blouse off, she suddenly remembered Tammy had big boobs. Tammy turned so she could undo the bra while keeping her breasts facing away from these men. Kathy undid the bra with difficulty, then Tammy slowly removed it. She only had on her green cap now, and her knee socks and shoes. They made Tammy turn around and face them. Slowly she did, covering herself. They made her put her hands down. Yikes, Kathy saw Tammy’s naked breasts for the first time, and they were really beautiful. So much nicer than her own. Then Kathy heard the man tell Tammy to undress her.

Tammy did as they said, also hoping they just wanted to take pictures. They were in fact using an old video recorder to record the whole thing on a DVD. Tammy took off Kathy’s vest, blouse and skirt. Next, she pulled her undershirt off, then her panties, leaving her completely nude except for her shoes and knee socks. The man told Kathy to put the vest back on.

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