Night Shadows - Cover

Night Shadows

Copyright© 2024 by robb234

Chapter 20: Twins

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 20: Twins - Sexual fantasy stories of a younger nature

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   NonConsensual   Rape   Heterosexual   High Fantasy   Interracial   Anal Sex   First   Oral Sex  



The two girls walked close together down the street to their grandmother’s house. Ever since their mom had gotten 90 days for possession and DUI, the twins were forced to stay with their grandmother here in Ashbury. Being August and out of school, they stayed inside almost all of the time. Normally they’d be at home in Crestwood in their backyard pool, but this wasn’t Crestwood, that was for sure.

Emma Stevenson had just turned eighteen last week, along with her twin sister, Sarah. They hated this part of town. It used to be a nice place at one time, but these days the black community was now the majority here. Property values had plummeted and Granny found herself stuck with a place she couldn’t afford to sell. Yards were always a mess; cars abandoned. Police sirens were common.

Emma and Sarah walked down the sidewalk close together, trying to ignore everyone and everything around them. Grandma had sent them down to the Dollar Store, so they wore their baggiest clothes and hair all up in ball caps. They tried to look like two boys to avoid attracting attention from these mean groups of kids. The place just gave them both the creeps. Now on their way home, bag in hand, they were surprised to find two young black boys working in Grandma’s front yard. They were polite, said they’d volunteered to clean things up for her some. As the girls went in, the two younger boys followed them in.

“All done, Mrs. Evans. No problem.” Grandma immediately offered them some cookies. As they took some, Emma noticed they kept looking all around, like they’d never seen the inside of a house before. Emma and Sarah stood there quietly as the two boys ate the cookies, then left. Grandma commented what nice boys they were. Everyone got busy making dinner.

Down the street, Chuck and TD, both ten years old, stood in front on Chuck’s older brother, Trey. They described the inside of the house: the hallway, kitchen, living room and stairs. The second floor looked like bedrooms they guessed. The old lady was really, really old, and couldn’t hear a thing they said until she put this giant hearing aid on. Even then, it only seemed to help a little bit.

At first, Trey had the boys do a good deed for the old lady, but told them to get a good look at the inside. His real intent was to get the boys to check out the inside of the house so he could do a burglary later. But then the boys had mentioned the two young white girls there. He asked them who they were, but they didn’t know. They were white like the old lady, so they figured they were related maybe. All whites look the same to them.

But Trey suddenly got other ideas. He was bored making peanuts on two-bit B&E’s. With no cash, no flash. With no flash, you get no pussy or respect in this neighborhood, and he hadn’t had either in a while. Trey gave the two boys ten bucks each. He remembered earlier, when he thought he’d seen two white girls walking down the street. Then the bus had gone by and he lost sight of them. Nah, couldn’t be. But now, not only could it be, but his little bros had actually seen them, close up. They’d shrugged, said teenagers. TD said, “Yeah! They looked like twins! And they had these big knockers, too,” holding his hands out in front of him. Marcus had laughed. “Big boobies,” he added.

Now Trey went upstairs and watched the house down the street, discreetly through the upstairs window with his stolen binoculars. He couldn’t see anything. Around 9 all the lights went out and it looked like everyone went to bed.

In the morning, Trey called up his homeboy Jason. Jason was a big boy, mostly fat, but he was always horny too. Jason lives behind that house, sort of. He called Jason, asked if he could come over and look out his window. Jason said sure, his mom was at work. Trey went over, went upstairs with fat Jason and looked outside, careful not to be seen. He saw what should be about where their yard is, saw someone outside and brought up his binoculars.

“Holy shit, motherfucker! Holy shit! You gotta see what moved into that house we was gonna rob.”

Jason said “Gimme those!” and grabbed the binoculars. He looked around some, then saw the girl laying on the grass in the backyard, two houses away. He let out a long “Woah...” as he focused it. She was a teenage white girl. Brown hair. She was laying face down on a towel, bikini bottoms on and top undone. She lay there, not hardly moving. Long brown hair. Nice ass.

Suddenly the back door opened and another girl came out. Trey wanted the binoculars back but Jason kept them a little longer. The second girl was similar to the first one. Same hair, same type bikini. Then she laid her towel down and got down next to the first girl.

By now Trey had the binoculars back and was checking them out. When she reached back and undid her top, his dick literally jumped. They looked young. The boys were right. He guessed fifteen maybe. When the girl had walked out, even without the binoculars Trey could see she had some nice tits. OK, maybe sixteen.

He and Jason smoked some weed, watched through the binoculars a lot. They wondered how they could get some of that. They tried to make a plan. Trey had originally planned to just rob the place, but now he wanted to fuck the two girls. Jason said, “Man, you ain’t never gonna get no date with no honeys like that, fool.” He was right. Trey knew if he was gonna fuck that girl, he’d have to just take her while he was there. Jason could help there, with two of them. Because grandma was so deaf, they just needed to get them tied up quick and quiet, then gag them and fuck them. But the more he thought about it, the more he saw too many holes. What if grandma woke up or saw them? What if the girls made a really big fight, really crashing about with neighbors close by. Too many what ifs.

Trey thought about grabbing the girls someplace else. That way it isn’t connected to the burglary, and they’d still get that pussy. That would be safer, smarter. They knew the only store around was the Dollar General, so they’d probably go there if anywhere. The four just needed to be ready. His idea was to see them heading down Tremont Street to the store. Run down, put them in Ricardo’s minivan. Park over there by the old junk car lot. When the girls came by again going home, they’d grab them and go party down at the warehouse. Seemed simple. They just needed to get Ricardo on board. He owned an old Dodge minivan. Last winter, he’d been there when they felt up that girl at the mall. It was all he ever talked about. He was as hungry for teenage pussy as they were, or so he thought. They called Ricardo, this big, fat Mexican friend of Jason. Ricardo wanted to here the plan, said he’d come by with a friend. They wanted to hear more. An hour later, they came over to Jason’s place.

Trey was black, 16, the oldest. He was tall and thin but strong. Jason was also black, 16, just a few months younger. Jason weighed almost 210 pounds and wasn’t but 5’10” tall. Ricardo was Latino, fifteen. Like his friend Jason, he was a big, fat kid. Ricardo brought along Jose, a ninth grade friend of his. Jose was the youngest at barely 15 years old. Juan was probably the best in shape of any of them. At 190 pounds, he had a lot of tattoos and a lot of muscles from several stints at county jail. Jose was smaller but had a very tattooed body too, also with muscle. They wore bandanas like gangsters. The four smoked some weed. They told them about seeing the girls with the binoculars, two young, white honeys. He said he was gonna ‘pick that house’, but these two girls had showed up. Before he robbed the place, he wanted to bust those little girls, someplace separate. He needed their help. So, they discussed the plan.

Jose and Ricardo wanted to know how old these girls were. They really white, or just Mexican? Trey and Jason assured them they were white and worth the risk.

Trey said, “They haven’t been here long, or we’d seen them before this. Probably visiting their grandmother, the old white lady that lives there, Mrs. Evnas. Those two honeys might be gone any day. Might be gone today. They looked like sixteen maybe, to me. They got some really nice tits.” Trey and Jason smacked hands.

Jason added, “we seen them sunbathing in the backyard with their tops undone today. When they got up, we got a glimpse for a second. Fucking hey nice! Still, I don’t think they much older than fourteen, maybe sixteen. That’s why we gotta bust those girls quick.”

Trey outlined his plan. Jason and Trey would watch from here. Ricardo and Jose would wait for them to call if an opportunity came up. Trey added, “For the next few days at least, be ready, comprende’?”

Ricardo and Jose left. When the lights went out at nine, Trey called it a night. The next day crawled by too. It was just getting dark when Trey spotted the two girls coming out of the house about 9:15 pm, walking quickly towards Dollar General. The store closes at 10 they knew. Jason called the other two as Trey described them with the binoculars. “Cut-up baggy pants, oversized shirts, ball caps. One has a red shirt, one a green shirt. Walking side by side. Short.” Jason told the others. Ricardo said they were going to get the van, they’d meet them there. Trey and Jason jumped up and dashed downstairs and ran outside. Soon, the minivan came around the corner. Trey showed them where to park. Everyone stood there on the sidewalk, while Trey tried to tell everyone the plan again. Suddenly, here comes the two girls around the corner from the store, catching them all by surprise. Everyone was sort of winging it now.

Sarah and her twin sister Emma walked closely together. They hated this neighborhood, and especially these rude group of guys that were always around. They walked heads down, quiet, hands close, trying to ignore the four guys by the minivan ahead. Sarah tried to slide in behind Emma as they moved to go through, but suddenly this big, fat Latino guy stepped in front of Emma, blocking their way. He said in a husky, heavily-accented voice, “yo, chicas, where you goin’?” The others all moved closer. Sarah saw two black guys, two Latino guys.

Emma avoided eye contact, head down, trying to walk past them quickly. Then the fat guy had jumped in front of her; she’d almost walked right into him. With a big sigh, Emma said, with attitude, “Uh, excuse me. I want to get through here...” The second fat man was on their right, blocking that way. Two more men stood behind them. On the left was the open minivan. Emma repeated, “Excuse us...” and tried to push through.

Suddenly, Trey just up and punched Sarah right in the back of her head, knocking her into Emma as she let out a big “UH!” When Emma turned towards Sarah, Ricardo punched her in the back of her head as hard as he could. Both girls then went down to the sidewalk. Fat Jason and Trey grabbed Sarah, dragging her quickly into the back of the van. The other two, Jose and Ricardo, dragged Emma inside. She was trying to do something, but her head was just a big bell ringing right now.

Inside the van, Jose quickly closed the side door behind them. Ricardo got up front. The three others kept the two quiet in back. It was a struggle at first when the two started to come around, but it didn’t take them long to show those two who was boss. Jason liked punching people, and it showed when he quickly jabbed both girls in the stomach. He grabbed each girl, punched each one in the side of their head. Both barely moved after that. He was careful to leave their faces untouched. He could knock out teeth later if he needed to, he reminded himself.

It was dark, the two girls had on these big baggy clothes. No one could tell a thing about them yet. Everyone was dying to know. Were they as hot as they had seemed through the binoculars? Was it a goldmine or a bust? Two of their friends last month had grabbed some young black girl, but it turned out she was preteen and way underage. They stripped her but let her go. That could be serious jail time. Hopefully, these two were older.

They drove down to the warehouse. It was a quiet place they had the key to. So did a few others. They pulled up, killed the lights and the engine. Quiet. They opened the door. As the three dragged the girls out, Trey went to unlock the door. It already was. Fuck, someone else was using it. If they wanted to use it, they’d have to share. Fuck! Too late; the door opened and out stepped Henry Thomas. He stopped, looked at them and then at the two girls. “What you want?”

“Yo, brother!” Trey said, all friendly like. “We just need to use one of the rooms for a little while. You understand. A brother gots needs.”

Henry Thomas knew just what this was. They had these two white girls and wanted to rape them, then leave him with the mess to clean up. Nope, not gonna happen. Henry was big, black and 21. He said to them, “Hold on, now. There’s a price for admission.” He paused. “Hmm, now let me see. You let us have first go, then you all can take as long as you like when we’re done. No charge for the room. Just don’t leave them here for me to clean up. Understood?” he snarled.

Trey didn’t have much choice. Henry was a Cript. Though several of them had weapons, nobody disrespected gang members if they wanted to live long in this neighborhood. “Sure thing, not a problem. Go ahead, go first. That’s ok. We don’t mind,” trying to laugh it off.

The man at the door grabbed the first girl, Sarah. He passed her roughly to the next guy behind him. He turned to the second girl, Emma. She got passed to him. He dragged her inside, saying “We’ll let you know.”

Jason spoke up, said “Yo man, you gots to lets us watch, man. We done brought ‘em here. Come on, brother.”

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