Night Shadows - Cover

Night Shadows

Copyright© 2024 by robb234

Chapter 18: Sisters

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 18: Sisters - Sexual fantasy stories of a younger nature

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   NonConsensual   Rape   Heterosexual   High Fantasy   Interracial   Anal Sex   First   Oral Sex  

Kathryn Graff and her sister Cindy were running home from their grandmother’s house. Their Dad, who is presently getting divorced from their mom, was supposed to pick them up at three o’clock. Now it was four o’clock and Grandma had taken her meds, so she was upstairs asleep. The girls decided to walk home and eat there. It wasn’t too far if you cut through the woods, but it was getting dark soon, so they decided to make a run for it.

The two girls were similar, but not identical. Kathryn was 15 years old, with long brown hair. She wore a sweatshirt over her bra. For her age, Kathryn had these big breasts. She thought they were the best; even Grandma said that women in their family were always big ‘up there’. With her jeans and jacket, she felt good to go for the short walk home.

Cindy was just fourteen last week, the day before Christmas. She had shorter, brown hair, and a younger body of course. Still, she was already starting to show, though she still didn’t use a bra. Like her sister, she also had on a sweatshirt, jeans and a jacket.

The two left a note for their grandma and went out the front door. Darn, it was already getting dark. They went quickly down the street, then down the alley to the path entrance. They started through the woods, just as the last of the light filtered through the trees. No moon until later. The two girls kept talking to each other, nervously. Walking through dark woods without a flashlight was a bit scary alright. Kathryn used the light on her iPhone, but she was down to 6% already. It wouldn’t last long.

Suddenly, something big and dark moved next to them; on both sides. Both girls jumped closer together, then froze, eyes wide. A bear? A wolf? It was actually two men. One said gruffly, “Well lookie here.” Kathryn froze. Cindy clutched her arm. Then suddenly these two men reached out and grabbed the girls. The one on their left grabbed Kathryn, quickly covering her mouth as she let out a brief cry. He held her around her waist. When he grabbed her, Cindy had jumped back, but then the other man on the right grabbed her. He also grabbed her around her waist, one arm around her face. She cried out, yelling for him to let her go, but her mouth was covered. All she could get out was a mumbled cry.

Jameer and Jethro were two homeless men, passing through these parts. They knew this place; it was on their usual route to Florida. They could get food here. There was a group of thugs who would sell them pot when they came through. Usually, they had to work for it. Tonight, they’d just finished the scraps of a chicken dinner when they heard the girls coming. They whispered a quick plan, then froze, blending into the shadow of the bushes. When the girls came by, Jameer made his move. He grabbed up the first girl; Jethro grabbed the second girl.

Jameer dragged the first girl along, making her move with him towards a light in a nearby alley. Jethro followed with Cindy. The girls, though, were putting up a big fight. Jameer was a big boy, overweight and tall. He pushed Kathryn down, grabbed her neck, squeezed it tight. “Listen you! You be quiet and do the fuck what you’re told or I’ll fucking kill you both right here!” He kept squeezing, she couldn’t breathe at all. Just before she started to pass out he let her go, grabbed her arm and yanked her small, young body up. “Move it, bitch!” he growled. Jethro, taking his cur from Jameer, did the same to Cindy. Cindy actually did pass out momentarily. He slapped her, woke her up, dragged her up to her feet. Jethro still had no idea what Jameer was doing grabbing two young kids? Some sex thing? Near the light, they stopped. Jethro asked, “So, what the fuck now, boss?”

Jameer said, “that Lobos gang has the pot. Maybe we got something they want, here.” Jethro stared back for a moment, then at the two girls. They were a handful to control; both men struggled with them still.

Jethro said, “Well, couldn’t hurt to ask,” then turned to the girl he was holding, roughing her up some as he threatened her, telling her to stop fighting or he’d break her fucking neck. Or maybe her friends. The two sized up their catch. Two girls, young teens, jeans, sweatshirts, jackets. Yeah, they would do. The two dragged the girls along the path. They resisted, still struggling. The two men stopped. “Listen,” Jethro said, “We want to show you something. After that, you can do whatever the fuck you want. Now move, or I’ll gut both of ya!” He held up a big knife to one girl’s face. He forced them to walk alongside them, held firmly of course. “We gonna show you something and let you go.” The girls asked a lot of questions, but all they got was “Shut up!”

At the back of an old house, the one man knocked on a door. Kathryn didn’t know where they were. Near the woods still, but she’d never been in these alleyways. The man said he was going to let her go here; she stood still as he gripped her arm tightly, knocking again. The door opened. A black guy, maybe 18 or 20, stood there. He said, “Yo, Doc. What the fuck you want?”

The man holding Kathryn said, “We want to trade for some smoke.” Kathryn didn’t know what that meant. Cigarettes? Marijuana? She didn’t know was all she knew. She just wanted them to let her and Cindy go like he said. Even though he had a knife, she still occasionally struggled to free herself from his grip. The black man and the man holding her talked, then another black man showed up. They talked about bags and stuff. Finally, the man holding her agreed to whatever it was they were talking about. The black man handed a plastic bag to the man outside. The man holding her let go, and the black man took her arm, pulled her inside. They all made sure Cindy came too. The two girls went inside together, hoping these black people would help them.

Immediately, Kathryn started talking rapidly. “Please, you have to help us! Those men, the took us, we were going home and they made us come here! Those creeps! Please, we just want to go home! We don’t live too far, we can find our way...”

The black men ignored her. They made the two girls move up through the kitchen and into a family room. Kathryn slowed, then stopped. Two other men sat in the room; they all looked angry, mad. Four big, angry, black grown-ups. They glared at her and Cindy. She wondered why they were so angry at them. “We, we, we...”

“Shut the fuck up!” yelled one man that was sitting down. “What the fuck is this?” Marcus, Jerry, Tyrone and Leroy were four black thugs who kept busy selling dope in their neighborhood for the man downtown. Sometimes they took things in trade, like guns, but this was something new. Nobody had ever offered them two girls before, much less virgin white girls. Holy crap, this made the whole evening look better. Jerry and Leroy had answered the door; made the trade. Time to start the party. They’d made a good deal. They unloaded a half-pound of that lousy Mexican weed for these two. Time to cash in.

Jerry, standing behind Kathryn, said, “Them two white assholes from up north brought these by, traded them for some traveling smoke. Says they’re fresh. Ain’t never been touched.”

Marcus stood up, moved towards her. He was over six feet tall, muscular. He spoke to Kathryn. “That right, little girl? You ain’t never been touched?”

She looked around nervously, stammering back that she didn’t know what meant. “Ah said, you ever fucked a man before?” the man growled at her. She stood there, arms close by her side, shaking. She shook her head slowly. “N, n, no...”

“Well don’t you worry none. We gonna let you go real soon. First, how old are you, girl?” She told him- fifteen. Another couple of men whistled. One man said, “She got some pretty big knockers for only being fifteen.” Marcus turned to Cindy, asked her how old she was. She mumbled it, he yelled at her, she said louder, “thir, I mean, fourteen. I’m fourteen. Last week...” Both girls cowered in front of them, standing close together.

Marcus spoke again. “We gonna rescue you, let you go home, but you gotta do something for us first, seeing as we saved you from those two homeless perverts.” The girls looked up at him, questioningly. “All you gotta do is pose for some pictures. That’s all.” Another man spoke. “Yeah. With no clothes on.”

Kathryn gripped Cindy close, shaking her head at the man. “No! We don’t want to do that! You can’t, you can’t make us! Please, don’t...” The man glared back at her. He told her she was going to, or they weren’t going to let them go, saying they’d give them back to those two homeless perverts. “They’ll rape you for days! Yo!” He acted like he was calling the first two men back. Kathryn knew she had to. She told him to stop, OK, she’d do it. Just don’t call those other men back. “Just me, not my little sister.”

Marcus said, “Oh no. You both gotta. Both of ya gotta get undressed. You start right now. You, take off your little sister’s jacket and sweatshirt.” He pointed at Kathryn, nodding towards Cindy. Kathryn didn’t see any other way. She had no choice. I mean, if all we had to do was get undressed and let them take some pictures, it wasn’t that bad. Embarrassing, definitely, but then they could go home. They didn’t live far away, she was fairly sure.

Slowly, trying to reassure Cindy, slowly she took Cindy’s coat off, then lifted her sweatshirt off too. “Let’s just do this, and then we can go home,” she said to Cindy. Cindy had nothing on under it; she crossed her arms across her chest. Cindy kept crying to the man, “We just gotta do this, right? Then we can go? Then?” Nobody said anything. A video camera was running. Several took pictures with their phones.

Cindy stood there with no top on now. The man told her to do the same to Kathryn. Slowly, using just one hand while the other tried to cover her boobs, slowly she eased Kathryn’s coat off, then her sweatshirt. The man told her to take off her bra, too. Cindy had to use both hands to unhook it. Her own bare breasts were there for all to see for a few moments. Once it was unhooked, Kathryn took it off, so Cindy quickly covered herself up again.

Marcus looked at Jerry. Jerry picked up his taser. He made it buzz a couple of times. He said to the two girls, “I’m gonna count to five, then I’m gonna zap whoever still has their pants and panties on. Five. Got it? Ok then, get going.” Zap!

He said loudly, “One!” Everyone followed his lead. The four men all said “Two!” together. Kathryn was panicking. They all yelled “Three!” Shit! Quickly, she started to undo her jeans, as fast as she could. She nodded for Cindy to do the same. Cindy did, pulling them down as they all yelled “Four!” Still in a panic, both girls pulled their underwear down, taking them off, standing together as everyone called out “Five!”

The girls stood there shaking, covering themselves, standing next to each other. The cameras were all around them. The men made them stand separately as the camera filmed each girls’ nude body. They made them pose. Kathryn had to put her hands down, then they all got a close-up of her big boobs. They made her bend over, making her boobs hang more, then they made her push them up with her hands. Cindy watched, eyes wide in fear, trembling. She tried not to watch them filming Kathryn. Then, they turned to her. She stared at them, begging them to leave her alone. She had to put her hands down by her side, too. They got close-ups of her smaller boobs and her vagina, just the slit that it was. One man pushed her legs apart more. She was just fourteen; didn’t have any hair down there yet. Kathryn did. Cindy had to put her hands on her hips, smile, push her small boobs up. They made her bend over and everyone was taking pictures of her bare butt. God, she thought they must be about done.

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