Night Shadows - Cover

Night Shadows

Copyright© 2024 by robb234

Chapter 17: Family Business

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 17: Family Business - Sexual fantasy stories of a younger nature

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   NonConsensual   Rape   Heterosexual   High Fantasy   Interracial   Anal Sex   First   Oral Sex  

Mark Cranston was a troubled child from the very beginning. Suffering from an advanced degree of mental illness, he had just enough intelligence to hold down the simplest of jobs. However, his tendency towards violent behavior caused his family to put him in several different institutions. Each institution was stricter than the last, but this did not change his behavior. It did make him control how and when he released his anger. Now his violent outbursts were more planeed, thoughtout.

One night Mark was in his room at the latest institution. Normally, they kept the doors locked, so it was to him like a prison. Being new here, they’d put him in a temporary room, one with a faulty lock. Around 11:00 pm, Mark tried the door and was surprised to find it open. At last! He’d been planning revenge on that evil family of his for a long time now, ever since they first shipped him off to an institution. The ‘teachers’ had showed him how to control when and where to unleash his anger. The time was now, and the where was his home. Now, he had his opportunity.

The Cranston’s lived in a large home in a remote area southwest of the city. John, the husband, was often away on business, as he was this week. At home was his wife Carol, a large woman who got all her satisfaction just taking care of her two children and shopping on Amazon. Her daughters were Tracy, sixteen years old, and Ella, who had just turned fourteen.

Now Tracy was one very shapely sixteen-year-old. Nice hips, terrific butt, awesome breasts. Her face was average, cute but not fashion-model cute. She had medium-length brown hair, stood about 5’ 6” tall, weighed about 118 pounds.

Her sister Ella, two years younger, looked even younger than that. SHer breasts were just developing. Ella did have a small but cute butt. She stood 5’ 4”, weighed 125 pounds. She was a little bit overweight, and so she had those chubby-girl boobs. Her long blonde hair made most people hardly notice the few extra pounds.

Tonight, Mrs. Cranston sat in the dining room working on a jigsaw puzzle while Tracy watched TV and Ella sat upstairs in her room doing homework. Around 9:30, Carol chased everyone off to bed, finished cleaning up the kitchen and went upstairs herself. She read a little, then turned out the light and went to sleep. It was around midnight when she awoke, and sensed someone standing by her bedside.

Mark had “borrowed” a car, something he’d learned recently from another patient at another institution. He drove around for a while, getting more and more frustrated and angry, not knowing where his neighborhood was. Suddenly, he saw things he remembered: a QT store; a McDonald’s, a car wash. He turned right, then left at the stop sign. This was it. Down the road, past the old farm, past the woods, then into the driveway. He pulled up in front of his old house. It was dark, past midnight. Time to wake everyone up.

Mark crept up, tried the basement door. Unlocked. He went in, up the stairs to his parent’s bedroom. He stood by the bed, holding his old wooden baseball bat. Only his mother was there. His mother slowly woke up, turned and saw him there, jumping at the sight. Before she could hardly get out a sound, Mark raised the bat and struck her across her head as hard as he could. She went “Uh!” and fell back. He hit her in the head a couple of more times, just to make sure she was asleep. She didn’t move, so he turned to the hallway.

Mark moved to his sister’s rooms. He had two sisters, Tracy, 16, and Ella, 14. It’d been a while since he’d seen them. His mind thought revenge, while his hormones guided his actions. They’d get the same beating their mother got, though. He walked into Tracy’s room. She lay on the bed, covers kicked off, fast asleep. Mark stopped. Holy cow. Who was this? He remembered Tracy when she was barely 12, yet here was 16-year-old Tracy, with one hot body. Holy shit! He stared at her pajamas. Her top was open some; he could see some of her tit. Wow, Tracy had some nice fucking tits now. Her legs were long, slim. He stared at her thighs, feeling his dick stirring. This had happened before, in the institution. Usually, he just jerked on it till he came and that was that. This time, it was different. This time, he had a real girl right here, laying on the bed in front of him. And it was his sister, so it was OK.

She suddenly stirred, turned over some. Nice ass. He’d have to fuck Tracy, for sure. He gathered himself, moved over close to the bed. He clamped one hand over her mouth. She instantly awoke, eyes wide, looked at him and screamed, or tried to. He climbed on the bed on top of her to hold her down, keeping his hand on her face. Quickly, he punched her in her stomach. She at first had struggled a lot, but when he hit her, it knocked the wind out of her and slowed down her struggling some. He hit her again, then again. She clenched her eyes closed, clutching her arms around her stomach, bring her legs up. Mark got up, grabbing her arms as he did. He pulled her out of bed. He grabbed some panties he found on the floor and crammed them into her mouth. He took a belt of some sort and tied her hands behind her. The whole time, she tried to fight him, gasping his name, but the pain from her abdomen kept her from doing or saying much. He stood, pulled her up, dragging her to the hallway.

Tracy was dragged down the hall to Ella’s room. Her brother Mark, who she though was in a mental hospital somewhere in Pennsylvania, was here now and dragging her behind him. Where was her mom? What was Mark doing? Why was he hitting her? She was confused and scared as they went into Ella’s room. Ella sat up, said, “What’s going on?”

Ella heard someone come into her room. She sat up, saw someone with her sister, some guy. “What’s going on?” she asked, unsure of what was happening. She couldn’t see much in the dark room, then suddenly a fist slammed into the side of her face and she was slammed back against the wall. Another fist hit her again. Everything was spinning; her whole face hurt. What was ... She felt the man grab her. She felt Tracy getting pushed down onto her bed. The man grabbed Ella’s hands, was doing something. He tied her up with a pillowcase he tore. He stuffed her underpants into her mouth. She realized she only had on a sleep shirt now. The dark figure raised something, then hit Tracy over and over with it, some kind of baseball bat. Tracy curled up on the bed, trying to protect herself. Then, the figure turned back towards her and began to hit her with the same bat. The first time it hit her arm; she grabbed it, it felt like he’d broken it. She tried to cry out, but a moment later he hit her again, right in the side of her head. Ella almost blacked out, but she was awake enough to know he had hit her several more times. Her whole body, especially her right leg, hurt terribly. The room light came on.

Mark stood over the two girls laying on the bed. “Hi ya, Tracy! Hi ya Ella! Long time no see!” He stood there, breathing heavily, staring at Ella, looking her up and down. “I wanted to see my two sisters again,” he said. Mark just stood there, breathing heavily, his eyes staring at them in the blank, insane way of a lunatic. As the two girls lay there, curled up trying to stop the pain from their beating, Mark bent over the bed. He grabbed Tracy’s pajama top. It only had a couple of buttons. He tore it open, then he pulled it up and off of her, untying her hands as he did. He kept saying how he’d kill Ella if Tracy didn’t do what her big brother told her to. He kept chuckling this sick laugh. He stopped when the top came off. She was still barely conscious from the beating, but she did manage to try and cover her breasts. Her tits were awesome. Round, perky, hanging down a little bit, but sticking way out as only a young girl could. He told her to keep still, then bent down and began to lick and suck on her left nipple. He kept at it until it started to get hard. Nice. So, it really does get hard. He moved to her other tit; sucked on her other nipple. It was hard now, too. He slid his pants down as he did; her nipples weren’t the only thing that was hard.

Tracy kept mumbling something with the panties in her mouth. Ella was starting to try and get up. Mark leaned over, punched her hard in the head again. He looked around, told Tracy not to move. He looked around, found several robe ties and small, thin belts. He took Ella and tied her wrists to the top of her bed railing very tight. Mark turned back to a terrified Tracy, bent down, started sucking on Tracy’s tits again.

He sat up, pulled off his t-shirt. He grabbed Tracy’s PJ bottoms and pulled them off as she kicked her legs trying to stop him. She had one some white panties. He grabbed them, pulled them down her legs and off, too. She was naked now, laying across the bottom of Ella’s queen-sized bed. Mark thought his sister had one really sexy body. He took some robe ties, tied her hands to the end of the bed, tied them so tight her hands went numb.

Mark turned to his youngest sister Ella. “Have you grown up, too, Ella?” he asked, sarcastically. He grabbed her shirt; she struggled to stop him. He yanked it and pulled; it tore, then off it came. Little Ella was also naked now. Despite the beatings and being tied to the headrail of the bed, she kept struggling, kicking. He punched her hard in her chest. She stopped, gasping for air. She had hardly any boobs. Man, he’d dreamed of his two sisters often. Now here he was, living the dream.

“Listen up, both of you! You do what I say, or I’ll fucking hurt you bad, then I’ll go back and kill mom. You understand me?!” He yelled at them while staring off in the distance; a look that terrified both girls. Their brother was insane. Now he was dangerous, and he had both of them naked and tied to the bed. They may not know what their brother would do next, but they knew what he was capable of.

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