Night Shadows - Cover

Night Shadows

Copyright© 2024 by robb234

Chapter 14: Uncle Bob’s Trailer

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 14: Uncle Bob’s Trailer - Sexual fantasy stories of a younger nature

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   NonConsensual   Rape   Heterosexual   High Fantasy   Interracial   Anal Sex   First   Oral Sex  

(In the last episode, fourteen-year-old Emma Tenneson had been raped by her mom and three bikers. Emma decided then to run away from home the next day.)

Emma walked up to Uncle Bob’s front porch, knocked on the door of his trailer home. She was still angry, mad as hell for what those so-called ‘friends’ of her mom’s had done to her. She could still feel them having sex with her, the aching down there just seemed to last forever. She closed her eyes remembering, then suddenly the door opened. Uncle Bob stood there, saggy shorts, dirty, sleeveless t-shirt, a half-eaten sandwich in his hand. He chewed, looking at her, then said, “You? What do you want?”

Emma asked if she could come in, trying hard to not start crying again. She sat down on one end of the couch as he sat down on the other end, eating his lunch, listening to her talk. “These friends of moms, they were all naked, and they made me do stuff, horrible things...” she started crying.

Bob James saw a big, cute opportunity sitting next to him. Man, his niece was pretty smokin’ hot for just fourteen, and so he listened intently to her babbling on about something that happened at her mom’s house. When she told him about being raped, he offered her some of his lunch.

“It’s ok, Emma, it’s ok now. You’re safe here. Here, just go ahead and cry. It’s ok now.” Emma sat down, crying and embarrassed. Uncle Bob seemed understanding. He comforted her, gave her something to eat. He said the first thing they’d do is go to Walmart and get her some new clothes. All Emma had with her was a plastic shopping bag with a couple of things in it. She smiled, even laughed. Really? New clothes? Walmart? She was smiling now.

He dropped the plastic bag she had into the garbage can as they went out to his pick-up truck. The girl seemed happier now. What innocent fourteen-year-old girl doesn’t love going to Walmart? He smiled to himself. He knew young girls alright. At Walmart, they went right to the girl’s clothing section. Every time she picked something out, he’d hold it for her, getting one size smaller as he did. When they got to the underwear aisle he said “Nah, we don’t need to go here.” He didn’t want her wearing any bras when she was at home. Not with hot little titties like those, kid. Oh baby...

Emma picked out about six new tops and four pants. Uncle Bob also let her get several very small shorts, and a new pair of shoes, with little heels on them. She didn’t get to the underwear aisle; Uncle Bob seemed embarrassed by that. As they walked back up front, she’d asked about a phone. “No way, kid, I ain’t made of money. This stuff here ain’t cheap you know!” They paid, then stopped on the way home at the Dairy Queen drive-thru and got ice cream cones. Running away to Uncle Bob’s was the best idea! Emma was thrilled when they got home and he said she could try on her new things. First though, he said she should take a shower, what with all these new, clean clothes. She went to the bathroom, shut the door. She got undressed as the shower warmed up. She didn’t notice the vent above the door, didn’t notice the iPhone quietly taking video of her as she got undressed, then stepped into the shower naked. Same when she got out. Bob knew he could get good money for these from that guy on the internet. The guy made porno movies with hookers, then added his film clips, like these of Emma getting in the shower. Made his movies even hotter.

Emma got out, dried herself off, looked around. Her clothes were gone ... Uncle Bob knocked on the door. “Hey, Emma, what do you want to try on first?”

Emmah mumbled, “Uh, well, I guess, umm, I guess the pink top and the blue skirt...” She heard him digging through the bags, came back and opened the door a few inches, passing the two things through the door. “Ok, thanks! Hey, can you...?” Before she could ask him for underwear, the door closed. She put on the skirt. Jeesh, it seemed shorter than when she tried it on at Walmart. She took the pink pullover off the hanger. Size small? Damn it, wrong size. She managed to pull it on anyway. Fresh out of the shower, her nipples were all hard, and now they were just popping through this top. Damn it! She brushed her hair, getting it as dry as she could. Try as she might, she just couldn’t hide her boobs. Even the areoles were pushing against this too-small top now. She picked up the towel, held in in front of her and went out to the living room.

Bob sat on the couch, beer in hand, ready for the show. His dick was getting hard just thinking of her. He didn’t care; he sat there, legs apart, letting his hard-on steadily get longer, eventually poking out the bottom of his shorts. He eased the shorts up some, let the head of his dick show a little. He waited. Finally, the girl came out. She held a towel in front of her. She looked really sexy. REALLY sexy. Those legs of hers were long, that skirt definitely very short alright. He whistled, told her to drop the towel. “Let’s see! I paid good money for these!”

As Emma lowered the towel, she kind of held her fingers up to cover her nipples. Her areoles were darker colored, and even those showed through too. “Uh, Uncle Bob? You know, I really need some underwear. I really need a bra ... as you can, haha, tell...” Emma stood there, embarrassed, but still loving the feeling of new clothes. It’d been over a year since she’d gotten anything new. Uncle Bob was so far being a really nice guy! She didn’t mind too much as he stared at her boobs. Guys will be guys. He leaned up towards her.

With a stern, angry look on his face, Bob leaned closer. “Lookie here,” he said. “You and me, we gotta have an understanding. First, I pay the rent, the electric, the TV, the food, all of it. You can stay here as long as you want, but you gotta pay your way. Got it so far?”

Emma nodded, a little nervous. He was being serious now, so she listened closely. Yes, she understood, she nodded. He went on.

“OK then. Now, two things. First, you clean dishes and pick up around here. Cooking is easy if you can boil water. That’s the work part. Second, you don’t wear no underwear when you’re in this house.” He leaned back, smiling now. “That’s the fun part.” He smiled at her for few moments. She stood there, not sure about the second part. He said with all tenderness again. “Tell you what ... I’ll even give you a twenty dollar a week allowance. You can wear all the underwear you want outside, just not in here. I’ll even drive you to the mall if you want.”

Emma had been staring at the end of his dick showing at the bottom of his shorts, but when he said allowance and free trips to the mall, she snapped out of it. Emma jumped on that! “OK!” she said. Wow! Twenty dollars a week! Rides to the mall! And all she had to do was cook and clean and ... not wear underwear? Shoot, who cares. Well, it wasn’t that big a thing, right? Uncle Bob sat back, opening another beer, telling her to go try on something else. “Try the bathing suit! There’s a pool not far away you know.” She came out with the one-piece, blue swimsuit on. Too small again! She struggled to keep her vagina covered, and her boobs just wanted to push right out of it. Uncle Bob made her move close, making her turn around slowly. Her stared at her body closely as she turned. He stared at her boobs a long time. But he didn’t touch her, so she sighed when he passed that test.

Later they had dinner. Bob put a little coke in her food, watched her get giggly later. He’d put on some movie he let her pick out. With the lights out, they sat on the couch watching the tv together. He had the AC turned off, and mentioned how warm it was. She nodded, watching the TV. Bob picked up her towel from earlier, put it across his lap, then pulled his shorts down and off, along with his torn underwear. He looked at Emma, who was now staring at his towel.

“Ahh, that’s better! Sorry, way too hot, and those shorts were bugging the heck out of my mosquito bites. You don’t mind, do you?” She finally shrugged and said nah, turned back to the television. As they sat there, he occasionally flipped his fairly erect dick around under the towel, even rubbing it some. He knew she was watching when he did.

For several days, he went to work during the day, came home and drooled at Emma at night. The no bra rule was the best idea yet. A few times, when she wore a skirt, he’d seen way up her inner thighs when she leaned over for something. His dick was huge tonight. They sat on the couch, watching some dumb movie about puppies in the dark. He did the old cover yourself with a towel trick, pulling his shorts off. Emma had done some coke at dinner, unknown to her. A fair amount, too. Suddenly she laughed, picked up a small pillow and put it on her own lap. To his surprise, she pulled her shorts down too, then sat there giggling, the only thing covering her was that little pillow. She looked at him, laughing. He smiled back. He flipped the towel up, then back down again. She made a surprise face and laughed.

Emma was feeling pretty good now. Full stomach, funny movie, playing with her Uncle Bob who had just today given her first allowance to her. She giggled when he flashed his dick at her. Ha ha, like she’d never seen one before. She said, half laughing, “Hey! Want to see something? You gotta keep it a secret though.” She smiled at him. He said OK, promise. She sat up some, turning towards Uncle Bob. She pulled her blouse wide open, pointing her boobs right at his surprised face.

“Don’t tell no one, but these are actually kind of too big for my age. Shhhh! You can’t tell anyone...”

Bob stared at the two amazing tits this little girl had. She started to close the blouse again, so he quickly reached up, saying, “No, no, they’re not too big. They’re just perfect. You have a beautiful body, Emma.” He spoke softly to her, as her put his palms against her naked breasts. She trembled slightly, took a deep breath. Her nipples were quite erect. Instead of jumping back like he’d expected her too, she actually pushed her breast forward, closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

“Ssshhhh, Uncle Bob, you can’t tell anyone I did this.” Emma eased his hand down, then pressed her left nipple, bare and erect, right to his mouth. She moved it around some on his lips, remembering how it felt when those men had done it way more roughly. She moved it around slowly, pressing her tit gently against his face as he wrapped his lips around that areole and began to suck gently on it. She jumped back, laughing. “Uncle Bob! You’re not supposed to do that!” She was laughing though. She kept giggling as she turned away from him, closing her blouse. She went back to watching the TV, her bare legs curled up on the couch, wearing nothing but an open blouse. He rolled his eyes, went back to watching tv.

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