Night Shadows - Cover

Night Shadows

Copyright© 2024 by robb234

Chapter 11: Twisted

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 11: Twisted - Sexual fantasy stories of a younger nature

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   NonConsensual   Rape   Heterosexual   High Fantasy   Interracial   Anal Sex   First   Oral Sex  


The two brothers, Jethro and Jason McElroy, lived a spartan existence. The two lived in the old two-story farmhouse where they’d lived all their lives. Both were now in their late sixties, living there alone since their Ma passed away some ten years ago. They made a little bit of money from an old investment fund, a fund their parents had. The two boys had inherited it when their parents passed. It was just enough to pay the electric bill and put some food on the table. Their old truck barely ran. They raised pigs and chickens for food.

One thing they did have was an old computer. An old desktop from the eighties, they’d eventually learned how to use it. About all they could do was look up stuff, and being as they didn’t know a lot of stuff, they ended up just occasionally looking at porn. Otherwise, they had no TV, no radio, nothing.

One night they’d gotten in the old F150 and driven to the Quick Mart. As they were leaving with some cheap bourbon, Jethro turned the corner between the building and the side of the truck, intending to get in. Instead, he found himself face to face with some teenager. She stopped short of the truck’s door, said something like, “Oh, excuse me,” and waited for him. He stared at her with his usual blank expression as he slowly, very slowly, moved to the door, opened it, temporarily blocking her path. He looked at Jason who was getting in the driver’s side.

“Wanna?” he asked Jason. Jason paused, looked at the girl, said, “Sure, why not.” Jethro handed the bottle of bourbon over to Jason, then turned towards the teen girl. She looked confused, still waiting to get by. Jethro instead gave her a quick shot right in her gut; wham! She let out a loud “Uuuh!”, bent over, gripping her stomach. She stumbled back a step or two. He hit her again, just to make sure, even harder this time. Jethro then grabbed her, pinning her arms to her body as he backed into the truck, pulling her with him. She started struggling some, but she could hardly speak or breathe thanks to his punches to her gut. Still, she flailed about some as he struggled to pull her inside. Once in, he quickly closed the door and wrapped himself around the youngster, laying down on the seat as much as he could while Jason drove off, out of the parking lot and down the side road, towards their old farmhouse a few miles away. The girl kept gasping for air, trying to scream but unable to do anything close to it.

Ashley Anne Freeman had just turned nineteen. A farm girl raised by her strict mother, she was more interested in schoolwork, especially science, rather than boys or farming. Ashley was average in height and weight for a girl her age. She had well developed hips that accented her butt well, like most nineteen-year-olds. She had breasts that were ok in size, just not those big, bouncy things like the cheerleaders have. Hers were more moderate; she thought they were better defined. Her nipples were her best feature she thought. Sometimes, they would get all excited and get all cool looking, a definite darker color against her otherwise schoolgirl pale white skin. Her mom always seemed to get her the wrong size bra, and so she often wore a sweater or a vest, for if her nips ever got hard, and lately they would for almost anything, you could see them pretty easily through her too-small bras and blouse. She needed to go shopping, again.

Despite her usual teenage issues, Ashley was a pretty happy girl. She was supposed to meet Karen Fisher at the Quick Mart, then they’d go goof off somewhere. Ashley’s mom thought she was going to Karen’s house to study. Karen’s mom thought Karen was going to Ashley’s house to study. When Ashley didn’t show, Karen figured she must have been grounded or something, so she just went home. It would be over two hours before Ashley’s mother would call looking for her.

Ashley had just gotten to the Quick Mart and was walking between an old pickup truck and the building when these men came around the corner. Now, Ashley was inside this old truck, her knees on the floor and her upper body on the seat, face down. Some old guy had himself all wrapped around her; she struggled to breathe; to get free. She couldn’t fight much because her abdomen hurt so much. Plus, it was still hard to breathe. She tried to scream but could only manage a hoarse cry. They wrestled around in the dark truck as it sped through the night. Ashley couldn’t seem to get anywhere against this old man, who kept breathing hard and laughing at her as she fought. Another man drove the truck, laughing a sick laugh too. She was barely able to yell, “Let me go! Let me out of here!” over and over. She struggled against the man, but he had her arms pulled behind her. Still, she struggled as much as she could. She had to get away.

After about fifteen minutes, the old pickup truck pulled onto the boys’ farm. Jason parked it by the back door; where he’d always parked it for over twenty years now. Jethro had fought with the girl all the way there. He was getting older, but he still liked a good struggle. She’d started to get noisier about the time they pulled in. He climbed out, pulling her roughly with him. Soon as she got dragged from inside the truck, he hit her again, this time right in her jaw. That would cost her a tooth later. For now, it stunned the girl enough to make her easier to control. Jethro got under her one arm; Jason ran around and grabbed her other arm. They dragged her inside, paused in the kitchen for a few things, then dragged the girl up the stairs. She was coming around again; started yelling, crying. “Who, who are you? What do, what do you want? Stop, please, let me go...”

Jethro stopped on the stairs, grabbed her hair and yanked her head back. She looked at him with wide, terrified eyes, wet with tears. He snarled at her up close. “Listen you! You just shut up, ya hear?! You keep yer stupid mouth shut, or I’m gonna keep hitting you! Understand, bitch?!” He shook her head hard.

Ashley nodded, whispered, “yes, yes ... please, don’t hurt me, please...” The other man said something like, “if she keeps fighting us, let’s just kill her...” They continued up the stairway. Ashley was even more scared now. At the top of the stairs, they dragged her into an old bedroom. There was hardly any furniture. A couple of dressers, a chair, an old king-size bed, a mirror on one wall, a closet door. A single, bare light bulb hung from the ceiling in the center. One man clicked it on. Ashley was shaking uncontrollably with fear. These two were going to rape her, she was pretty sure of that. That became even more obvious when they shoved her onto the bed. Maybe, maybe, maybe they were, like, crazy people. Maybe they just wanted to see her boobs? Doubtful. Maybe, maybe, she couldn’t think beyond that. She wondered for a moment how much this was going to hurt. Her whole body was shaking. She wondered if she’d have to get undressed or anything.

Jason looked at her on the bed. She had on jeans with big fashion cuts in them, a white blouse, a jeans jacket. She had light brown hair. You couldn’t help stare at her chest. She had some tits alright. She had some sort of book bag with her. Jason grabbed it from her, threw it behind him. He told her to stand up. Slowly, she got up from the bed, standing to the side, backing up to the wall after she did. The two moved in closer.

“You gonna do what I tells ya to do, else or I hits you real hard,” Jason sneered at her. She stood there, shaking, back against the wall, looking to the side and down, crying.

“Wa, what do you want?” she whispered, lips trembling.

“First, you take off them pants, little girl,” he grinned, getting a laugh from Jethro. She slowly, very slowly, moved her hands to her waist as she began whispering, crying, “No, please, don’t hurt me, please, don’t, please...”

The two kept staring at her. Ashley put her shaking fingers to her soft stomach, to her pants, undid the button, then slowly eased the zipper down. Pausing, waiting to see if that was enough, they kept telling her to keep going. She eased the pants down past her hips, slowly slid them down to the floor as she knelt down. She tried to stay there, but they made her stand up again; kick off the pants, too. It was cold in the room; her legs felt the cold air against her skin. Her shoes came off with the pants. The two men then took off their own pants. It was so gross. Both looked and smelled like they hadn’t ever taken a shower. They both were very hairy, big and fat from too much pork, and each had a good-sized boner starting, clearly visible with them having no underwear on. She stared with eyes wide, looked away, embarrassed, but sneaking a look back now and then. She wondered if these were what they were going to rape her with. She thought to herself, ‘Of course, what else would they use? You’re such an idiot! Now you’re stuck in this place with these naked hillbillies with your pants off.’ She felt so stupid right now. They kept talking about her body, kept saying these really gross things, making really disgusting comments. Perverts they were. Then they told her to lose her panties. She really did not want to do that; shook her head some, just to see what they would do. He raised his hand to hit her. She grabbed for her underwear. He hit her anyway, a punch to her shoulder; Ow! It hurt! Damn it! She pulled the panties down with her other hand.

Jason and Jethro watched the teenager take her panties off. Her bush you could see now. She looked like she was in her early teens. A nice hairy bush she had. She held her hands over her crotch hair, staring at the floor, sobbing, quietly mumbling something or other. Jethro said, “My turn.”

He told Ashley to stand up straight. He told her to hold her arms over her head. She slowly did, exposing her vagina to them, her legs tightly clenched together. She stared to the side, eyes closed. Occasionally she glancing at them, sometimes glancing down momentarily at their ever-enlarging dicks. She had on only her jacket, blouse and bra now. Jethro was loving it. They grew a fair amount of weed behind their house. Jethro lit a big, fat joint of home-grown; passed it to Jason. Jason took a deep breath, held it in, then blew it out into the girl’s face. She coughed. They laughed. They’d have her good and stoned before the night was over. Jethro took ahold of her jean jacket, pulled it up over her arms and off. She kept whispering, Please, no, please...” Next, he made her reach down, keeping her elbows up, and undo her blouse, one button at a time, starting at the top.

“Keep them arms up, girl! Keep ‘em up! Undo those buttons. Nice and slow, nice and sexy-like,” Jethro sneered, laughing. She slowly undid her blouse, all four buttons. Then she moved her arms to her side when she’d undone the last one, trembling, not sure what to do next.

The girl’s bra was tight; she was really pushing out of it. Some truly nice cleavage she had. They stared at those two beauties shaking like jelly as her whole body shook. She was terrified; they were loving every second of it. Jason spoke up. “Take off that fucking bra, girl! Take it off, right fucking now!” he shouted at her. He slapped her shoulder hard, for effect.

She cringed away; cried out. She didn’t want to take it off, but decided to try and leave her blouse on. She reached underneath her shirt, unhooked the bra after a lot of trouble. They kept yelling at her to hurry up; she started sobbing, “I’m trying...” Then it was undone. Slowly she slid her fingers down the bottom edge of her bra. Her hands came in front; paused. Next, she lifted her right hand up into her left sleeve. She slowly, very slowly eased the bra strap down her arm. Then she switched hands; began easing the right strap down. Once they were both off, she slowly covered her chest with her arms, clutching her bra. One man grabbed it; pulled it from her and tossed it behind them. Damn it, her stupid nipples were all hard in this freakin’ cold air! She tried to cover them with her hands.

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