Night Shadows - Cover

Night Shadows

Copyright© 2024 by robb234

Chapter 10: Trade Girls II

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 10: Trade Girls II - Sexual fantasy stories of a younger nature

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   NonConsensual   Rape   Heterosexual   High Fantasy   Interracial   Anal Sex   First   Oral Sex  

Kamela Martin and Emily Waldron were both just fourteen years old. Five foot three, just over a hundred pounds each. Kamela had long brown hair, straight and soft. A typical cute young-teen butt. She had typical fourteen-year-old breasts. She had on some make-up, highlighting the cuteness of her face. Emily had blonde hair, the same cute body but larger breasts.

Jose had kidnapped both girls using his taser. He forced them to orally gratify him, took pictures of them in the shower washing each other, then called the number he had. He was given an address, and this was it. He backed into the driveway beside a white van. Four black men came out, carried them inside separately, wrapped in bedsheets. In the living room, they were unwrapped, both still fresh from the shower, both still nude. When the two girls saw each other, they immediately embraced each other, terrified. Where were they? Who were these people? Where were their clothes? What was going on? All these grown-ups in the room looked scary, mean. Everyone was black except one man, the one who had brought them here. The one they had to have oral sex with before.

One black man and a black woman looked the girls over closely. Kamela held Emily tight. Both of them were shaking. They huddled close, crying, eyes wide in fear. The woman asked how old they were. They told her, then she made them turn around and bend over. Not knowing why, and with all these people here, the girls were very reluctant. The lady forced them to, though. Kamela felt the woman push a finger into her vagina hole. Then she did the same to Emily. They had to stand up. Finally, after more inspection, they told the Mexican guy to leave. The two were led into a room in back.

In the back room, the two were tied up with scarves. Emily decided it was so they wouldn’t bruise their skin. Still, it hurt to have her hands tied behind her, a gag in her mouth too. When Kamela was tied up, they were both taken down into a basement. Down there it was dark. They were told to sit on a mattress on the floor. Three other girls sat there. Like them, they were young, bound and scared. They had no idea what time it was. No idea where they were. No idea what would happen next. But with these other girls there, it didn’t look like anything good. Once in a long while they were given some water and crackers, but otherwise they stayed tied up. Then they came down with a sixth girl. She didn’t look any older than twelve.

The black grown-ups made all the girls get up, stand together in a corner. Every one of them naked. Someone turned on a hose and they were all hosed down with a powerful nozzle of ice-cold water. It was terrifying. When they finished, the girls were marched upstairs, still soaking wet. Into a van they were taken. The van drove a short way, stopped. They were taken out, naked, cold and shivering still, and put into a bigger truck, into a small compartment. One young man sat there, playing on his phone, acting as a guard. They sat there for hours with only the light from his cell phone. A bucket in the corner was their toilet. The man wore a mask, while the six girls sat in this wooden box, cold, wet, naked and scared to death.

Hours later, the truck stopped and the trap door opened. The compartment was opened and all six girls were forced out. They were all put into a minivan, then driven to a big mansion in the country.

At the gate, two men again inspected the girls. Their job was to make sure the goods promised were what was being delivered. A closer inspection would happen later. The six young girls looked right. They waved the driver through. Up at the house, the girls were taken in a back door. Inside, a group of older girls made the six stand in a line. The scarves were removed. Each girl was given a brief check, then sent into a room with toilets and showers. As the older girls yelled at them, each girl had to use the toilet and then take another shower. They were given towels, told to dry themselves. They next were sent through a door to a room with tall chairs in front of a big mirrored wall. Each girl had to sit on a chair. Older women began brushing their hair, curling it some, adding make up, nail polish. While this was happening, the older girls began reassuring them. This was just for some photography. Once the photo shoot was over, they’d all be taken back home to America. For the six kidnapped girls, this was the first they even knew they were out of the country. These older girls warned them to always keep quiet. The more they cooperated, the faster they’d be sent home. Always do what you are told.

After the makeup, they were each given a specific dress or outfit to wear. Pink ballerina outfit for a young blonde girl. Revealing school girl clothes for two others. The youngest girl had to wear a string bikini, but with no top. Emily was forced to put on a miniskirt with no undies, and an open blouse with no buttons or bra. Kamela had to put on a very short black dress, with a bare back and a good bit of her chest showing.

The six were taken to another room. Still scared, crying and shaking, they were given the real education. A large woman came in, looking very mean and angry. “Listen up, senioitas,” she said. “You work for me now. You do what I say when I tell you too. If you don’t...” a door opened and two male guards dragged in a nude and beaten teenage girl, dropping her on the floor.

“If you don’t do what I say, when I say it, this will be you. You each now have a job here. You will stop crying immediately. Any crying will be cause for discipline and prolong your stay!” With that she took out a cattle prod and zapped the girl closest to her. “No crying! You must never cry.”

She went on, speaking harshly to them. “You will meet with customers, men mostly. You will always smile at the men. Always. If they tell you to do something, you must do it. These are simple rules, but you must obey them, or you will get seriously hurt.” She stepped over to the beaten teen laying on the floor. She held the cattle prod to her, shocking her for a long time even as she spasmed in front of everyone.

“Right now, you will walk through that door, follow that orderly there. She will take you to your first room. There are many men in there. Walk around amongst them. Let them look at you. Don’t forget to always smile. No crying, or...” Zap! She shocked the girl on the ground again. Each of the six young girls were given a card with a letter, told to keep it in sight as they walked around.

Emily followed the others down the hallway and up some stairs to some closed doors leading to the next room. The orderly, not as friendly as before, spoke to them. “Remember! Always smile. Always. We will be watching you. You don’t smile, you will stay here much longer. Don’t worry, you can’t leave. The doors are all locked.” Emily and Kamela stayed together at first, but the orderlies made them walk apart. Emily kept trying not to cry, kept trying to smile as she moved around. Maybe someone would help her, rescue her. A big Mexican man stopped her, lifted her skirt and checked out her butt. He looked at her letter card, and let her move on.

Emily walked around for a long time. Different men always staring at her, orderlies always watching. Then the orderlies made her and the others move to the front where a stage was. There were about a dozen girls there like her, standing in a line behind her. The orderlies kept pushing them around, getting their letter cards in alphabetical order. She saw Kamela farther down the line.

A man got on the small stage with a microphone. He began talking in Spanish to everyone. Cheers, music played. The first girl was pulled up onto the stage. She looked to be maybe 16. Long blonde hair. Trying to smile but obviously scared to death. An envelope was opened, a winner announced. Two men came down, led the young girl away into the crowd. The next girl was brought up. She was much younger, maybe 12 or less. The envelope was opened, the winner announced. A man came and took her, led her away beside an old man in a wheelchair. The next girl came up. She was about Emily’s age. The envelope was opened, the winner announced. She too was led away. Now it was her turn. Emily had to get up and stand by the man. He announced the winner. The big Mexican cowboy that had lifted her skirt earlier came up and took her with him. They went right past everyone else, right out to the lobby. He forced her into an elevator, pressed a button. Emily could feel the air pressure change as they went way up high. The elevator stopped; the door opened. He pulled her out, down the hall and opened the door to a room, dragging her inside.

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