Night Shadows - Cover

Night Shadows

Copyright© 2024 by robb234

Chapter 1: Ron & Kevin: Rewards

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 1: Ron & Kevin: Rewards - Sexual fantasy stories of a younger nature

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   NonConsensual   Rape   Heterosexual   High Fantasy   Interracial   Anal Sex   First   Oral Sex  


Ron and Kevin are two thugs making a living in the hood. Until recently, they’d spent the last five years working out in the prison gym. Recently they’d been released on parole (again). They were both black, in their early fifties now, with lots of prison tattoos and muscles. Tonight, the two were getting high while planning their next job. The last one had gone well- they’d come out of it with $2115 cash, some jewelry and a great time with a little twelve-year-old white girl. This time, they wanted to do better on cash. White girls were just a distraction. Plus, it’d been pointed out that leaving your DNA behind with two living witnesses was a very dumb thing to do. This time, they’d focus on money. They weren’t in any rush to get caught and sent back to The Walls. However, prisons made you horny as hell.

Two nights after the first job, they crept into a home on 114th Street. In it they found a safe right where they’d been told they could find one (not all black maids are honest). Doesn’t take much to get two elderly people to open it up for you, either. Jewelry and $29,400 in cash. With everyone tied up, masks still on, they ran from the house and jumped into their old Chevy.

Ron drove the car quietly down the residential street. As they turned the corner, Ron saw someone walking their dog along the sidewalk, some girl. “Check it out,” he said to Kevin. Kevin was already checking it out. Ron drove slowly by. She looked better the closer they got. The dog was little. The girl had on a skirt. Looked school-age. Kevin looked at Ron grinning and asked, “You wanna?”

Ron stopped just in front of her. Kevin opened the door, jumped out, closed it. The woman stopped, then before she knew what was happening, he punched her once in her forehead, hard. She went “Uh!”, stumbling backwards. The dog pulled away in fear; she dropped the leash as she fell down. In a flash, Kevin grabbed ahold of the girl, then he quickly dragged her into the back seat. The dog started to yap, the girl struggled, tried to scream. Kevin kept one hand firmly over her mouth, but she managed to get some noise out. His other arm was around her waist, pulling her hard, and in seconds she was in the backseat. Ron quickly drove towards I-64.

Kelly Carpenter was out walking Chia, her Miniature Poodle. They’d walked about halfway around the block when a car came up behind and stopped just ahead of her. The door opened; a man got out right in front of her. She stopped; a bit annoyed that he had picked here, right here of all places, to get out. Why did he have a ski mask on at night? Then suddenly, he’d turned and hit her with a fast jab to her face, hitting her right in her forehead. She staggered back and fell; everything went to a total blur. Her mind went blank as she tried to break her fall. She dropped the leash, hit the sidewalk. The man was on her in an instant, putting one hand over her face, one hand grabbing her around her waist. He was a big, strong black man, his powerful arms lifting her with ease. Then she came to her senses; he was dragging her into this car. She started to struggle, grabbing at anything she could. She screamed, but his hand blocked most of it. Her head hit the top of the door frame as they fell backward into the back seat. She felt the car take off.

Kevin turned the struggling girl over, then punched her in her stomach once. She gasped, struggling to breathe now. He knew the routine. He grabbed the duct tape they’d used earlier from the floor and taped her mouth as she screamed at them.

“Let me go! Let me go! Let go of me! OUUMMPH!” She gasped for air, her arms and legs still kicking and pushing against him. It was dark, but she seemed like a teenager. She tried to stop him from taping her mouth, but one good slap fixed that. Let the white bitch know who’s in charge, and he told her so. Her eyes were wide as she tried to breathe through her nose now. She was panicking. He grabbed her arms, taped them together at the wrists, then pushed the girl down onto the seat on her back. It wasn’t a big car, and when he lay on top of her, she could hardly move. He kept her legs down as they got onto the interstate, drove downtown, got off in the hood and went to Ron’s crib.

When they parked in back, Kevin got up and opened the door; dragged the white bitch out. The back lot was dark; they still couldn’t see her much. They could see that she had on a skirt and had long, blonde hair; that was about all. They dragged her inside. Ron got angry when Kevin said it might turn out to be some old lady.

Kelly was yanked from the car. Somehow through the whole thing so far, her glasses had managed to stay on. It was dark; a dog was barking somewhere. She heard a lot a traffic noise. The man pulled her to this old door, pushed her through and down some stairs to a basement of some sort. A playroom it looked like. Her stomach hurt; she had to focus hard to breathe and not hyperventilate. Her head still rang from that hit. She was forced to lay underneath this man in the car for a long time as they drove to who knows where. He smelled like sweat and pot; he weighed a ton. Her skirt kept riding up; she couldn’t hardly move. Now she was standing in this basement, shoved to the center. She looked quickly around. A really big TV screen; fancy stereo, huge speakers. Suddenly these colored lights came on, then the stereo started. Loud rap music began playing. She recognized the song; Trench Baby by CEO.

Kelly looked at the two men. Two older black men, one big and one smaller but well-built. How come black guys always had big muscled bodies? They both stood there, grinning. This was not good, not at all. One, the smaller one, stepped closer.

“Listen, girl. You talk only when I says, and you does what I says. You understand me, Snow White?” he growled at her menacingly. He slapped her very hard across her face. She cringed, staggered, grabbing her face. “I won’t ask twice, bitch,” he snarled at her. He ripped the tape from her mouth, pulled the tape from her wrists.

He stepped back. The two men stood there, staring at her. The big man asked her how old she was. She told him; “Seven, I mean, eight, eighteen. I just turned eighteen yesterday...” He asked her what bra size she wore. She stared back, not sure how to answer. The other man glared at her, looking like he was about to slap her again.

“A, a, a 33C ... I mean, or like a 34 maybe...” Kelly mumbled, her voice trembling. No doubt. Kelly was well aware of her prominent bosom. She’d been flat chested till she was fifteen, then suddenly they just grew and grew. She was always having to buy a bigger bra. Tonight, she had on her old one, and damn it, she was kinda bulging out of it. She had on an oversized red blouse. She hoped it was hiding her “assets” better, though in reality it was accenting them well. Her dark blue skirt wasn’t too short, or long either. Stopped just above mid-thigh. He bra and panties were both light pink with a matching flower pattern. She had on her sneakers was all; it was supposed to be a short walk.

Kelly’s long, blonde hair was straight and hung about halfway down her back. She stood 5’ 6” tall; weighed 124 pounds. Her legs were about average in size, and her eighteen-year-old ass was another asset yet to be discovered. She had blue eyes; still had on some make-up from an earlier church event she’d been to. She had, without a doubt, a very pretty face, and the glasses gave her a real innocent look. Spoiled upper-class white meat. The two licked their lips.

Ron took a hit from the blunt; spoke up. He said, “Yo, get over here.” She took one step closer. “Take my mutherfuckin’ clothes off, girl.” Kevin laughed, grabbed two beers from the fridge and watched as the girl stood there, trying to figure out a way not to, while Ron stood between her and the stairs. Kevin yelled “Now!” and she jumped. Hands shaking, she slowly started to undress Ron. Kevin watched as she pulled his t-shirt up, exposing his muscular chest, with all his prison tattoos. She pulled it all the way off. Ron then told her go over and take off Kevin’s t-shirt. Kevin stood there while this little white girl, crying and mumbling something about letting her go and don’t make me do this, slowly eased the shirt up and off of him. His dick was getting harder by the minute. He remembered the Viagra, went and got some from the drawer. He gave a few to Ron, then took three himself. He washed it down from another beer. He went to the cigar box, pulled out a blunt. He lit it, took a deep drag, passed it to Ron. Ron took a big hit; then they made the girl smoke some. She’d smoked before, she didn’t hardly cough. Still, she tried to take only a little puff. Ron threatened her; made her take several deep puffs and hold it. That was when they noticed her chest rising. Damn, this white bitch had some big titties. She wasn’t no old white meat- she was prime rib, a gourmet delight for their eyes.

Ron made her take a third hit of the blunt, then made her hold it for as long as she could. He took the blunt from her, took a hit, looked at her. “Now it’s your turn. Loose that blouse little girl.” Ron and Kevin could see her quite clearly now. One hot white babe, barely eighteen years old. Big fucking titties, nice fucking legs. Every second he looked at her, his dick got harder and harder.

Kelly stood there, shaking her head. She kept saying, “Please, no, don’t please, I don’t want to...” But the man got this really angry look on his face, then the other man yelled “You heard him, bitch!” She jumped at that, then slowly with hands shaking she started to reach for her lower button. She was realizing more and more that she was going to probably get raped; she was terrified. Would they hurt her bad? Would they kill her? She’d had sex before. She had a boyfriend when she was sixteen, and about two months ago they’d had sex for the first time. They’d done it maybe three times since then. But this, this was terrifying her. Eyes wide, mouth open, she slowly worked at getting the first button undone. When it finally was, she moved to the next. She tried not to look at the two men. They were big, had lots of tattoos on them. The button came open. She had some trouble with the next one, she was shaking so much. Finally, it came open too. Then the fourth and finally the last button was open. She paused, looking at them, her eyes pleading. As the two men stared at her and the music kept playing loud, she slowly, very slowly eased her shirt off, looking away as she did. Her young breasts were definitely showing some serious cleavage, bulging from the too-small bra. Both men whistled. The man spoke to her again. “OK princess, get over here and take of my pants.”

Trembling, the girl slowly turned towards him. She knelt down on one knee, took hold of his gym pants, then slowly slid them down to the floor. He had on black boxers; she could see he had a big hard-on now. Gross!

“These too, girl. Nice and slow, bitch. Take a good long fucking look at some real black meat.” She hesitated, then slowly moved her fingers to his boxers. She paused again; he raised his hand. She took hold of the band, the slowly eased his underwear down. God, it was so gross. He kept telling her to look at it. “Look at it, bitch! Keep those mutherfuckin’ eyes open and look at it!”

Kelly watched his gigantic penis emerge from his boxers. It suddenly popped out, swinging up right in front of her, bouncing slightly. It was like a giant sausage or something, with this big, tight ball sack underneath it. You couldn’t miss it. She stared. At the end of his shaft was a big, flared head, darker in color. His thing was so long! And big around too, with all these big blood veins on it. He had black pubic hair. Still, she was horrified. Horrified because she’d never seen a black cock before, ever, and now one hung at an angle right in front of her. Horrified it was so big, even bouncing some. Horrified he’d try and use it on her.

Keven watched her staring at Ron’s hard-on. “My turn, bitch. Get your motherfucking ass over her and take my motherfucking pants off right motherfucking now, fucking little slut!” She turned, half kneeling, reached up towards his waistline. He yelled at her again. “Hold it! Take off that fucking bra first, bitch. Let’s see them motherfucking titties of yours.”

Kelly paused, still kneeling on one knee. She was crying like crazy now, tears running down her cheeks and totally blurring her vision. She slowly reached in front, undid the front hook, let the bra slowly open. Slowly, as her firm, teenage breasts released, she eased her bra off. The two men made even more lewd comments about her. She had to go back to undressing the second man. She eased his gym pants down, then pulled his blue boxers off. His was gigantic too. He held it with his hand at the base, shaking it some. Big, not quite as long but definitely bigger around. It had this huge head on it too, a big fat ball sack underneath. To Kelly, it was different but just as disgusting. She knew how big her vagina was. She didn’t think these two would ever be able to get inside her. She was almost relieved at that idea. After she pulled his shorts down and he stepped out, he swung his dick and hit her face with it, bouncing it off her cheek twice. She clenched her eyes shut; this was so gross.

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