What Luan Learned in College - Cover

What Luan Learned in College

Copyright© 2023 by Imperfectionist

Chapter 2

BDSM Sex Story: Chapter 2 - A college freshman learns more about herself than anything from her classes.

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Blackmail   Consensual   Reluctant   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   School   BDSM   Humiliation   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Sex Toys   Public Sex   ENF  

The next morning, Luan barely managed to drag herself out of bed in time to make it to her first class on time. She was completely naked. That was not the way she usually slept but she had been feeling a little daring last night when she went to bed.

Alice was still snoring, dead to the world. She had kicked off the covers during the night and rolled onto her stomach with her face turned away from Luan. Luan took a moment to admire her cute athletic legs and ass. She wasn’t gay or anything, Alice was just nice to look at sometimes.

“Alice, it’s time for class!” she said, trying to rouse her roommate, but Alice just groaned something unintelligible and hugged her pillow tighter.

Luan dressed quickly, stepping into her usual plain white bikini-style panties as she thought about wearing the tiny red thong the night before, and everything else she had done. She could still feel Reggie’s cock shooting his cum up inside her as she rode him.

Stop it, she told herself. You don’t need to get yourself all worked up before class.

She put on a plain white bra (mostly to keep her nipples from showing through her shirt), followed by a pair of shorts and a cute little t-shirt with a heart design on the front.

Her stomach growled, letting her know she hadn’t really eaten anything (except Reggie) since yesterday at lunch but there was no time for that now. She grabbed one of the yogurt drinks they kept in the mini-fridge, slipped on some sandals, grabbed her backpack, and headed off to her first class.

On Thursday mornings her first class was English. Normally she struggled to stay awake in this class and, after last night, she wished that she’d had time to get some coffee or tea. Maybe if she sat in the back, no one would notice if she dozed off a little.

Halfway through the class, she wasn’t sleeping but she was definitely zoned out and hadn’t heard a thing the teacher said for a while when she heard her phone buzzing in the pocket of her backpack. She kept it on vibrate all the time so it wouldn’t disturb her during class but this time it went off several times in succession.

Curious about who was blowing up her phone, she pulled the phone out quietly and pressed her finger on the sensor to unlock the phone. There were five unread messages. She tapped the icon to open her messaging app and saw two messages in the group chat she had with Alice, Kelley, and Megan. The other three were from an unknown number. Not just a number she didn’t recognize, it literally said: “Unknown”.

She was curious about the unknown messages but her friends took priority. It was just Kelley and Megan asking if she and Alice were up. They never took early classes so they were probably just getting up as well. Luan sent a quick response to let them know that she was in class but Alice was still dead to the world when she left. Then she tapped on the unknown messages.

There were two text messages and one photo. Luan stifled a gasp! The photo drew her attention immediately. It showed her squatting on the bench with the full length of Reggie’s cock buried in her stretched pussy while he had the jersey pulled up to her neck while he was pinching both of her nipples, leaving her completely exposed. The clear sky meant that her glistening bare skin nearly glowed in the bright moonlight and, without a trace of hair anywhere on her body, you could see every little detail down to her engorged clit. And, while Reggie’s face was almost entirely hidden in shadows behind her, Loan’s face was clearly visible with her eyes closed in an expression of pure ecstasy.

She quickly pressed the phone against her chest, her face going pale as she glanced around to see if anyone around her had been able to see her screen. She was glad she had decided to sit in the back today. After deciding that no one had an angle where they might see, she pulled the phone away from her body and read the two text messages, one before the photo and one after.

Unknown: You seemed to be having so much fun in the garden last night that we decided not to disturb you 🙂

Unknown: If you don’t want the full video shared online, you will do as you are told. Do you agree?

Luan read the messages again and she stared at the photo. She could feel herself getting aroused.

Am I really getting aroused by being blackmailed? she thought.

The photo reminded her how good Reggie’s cock felt inside her last night and she blushed.

Her phone buzzed again. It was another message in the friend chat. She switched over to read it.

Kelley: How are you feeling today, slut? 😛

Oh, god. Could this be Kelley and Megan playing a prank on her? As she contemplated how she could ask in a way that wouldn’t give it away if it wasn’t them, her phone buzzed again with another message from Unknown. She tapped the alert to bring it up.

Unknown: We can see that you have read our messages. We need an answer or we are going to post the video.

Luan thought for a moment and then replied.

Luan: Is this Kelley and Megan? This isn’t funny.

Suddenly there was a commotion all around her. The class was over and everyone was putting away their books and getting up to leave. She turned off her phone just as it buzzed again and slipped it into the pocket of her shorts. She quickly put her things away, shouldered her backpack, and walked out into the corridor. She felt the phone buzz again in her pocket as she looked for a secluded spot, but the hallways were crowded as always. Finally, she ducked into the nearby women’s bathroom, entered an empty stall, and closed and locked the door. She hung her backpack on the hook on the door then put the lid down over the toilet seat before pulling out her phone and sitting down.

The phone buzzed again before she could unlock it, causing her to fumble nervously and almost drop it. Gripping it with both hands, she unlocked it and saw 3 messages waiting. One from her friends and two from Unknown. She checked her friend chat first, hoping that they were laughing about having a go at her but no luck.

Megan: I’ll bet she was walking bow-legged this morning 😂

After reading the message she switched to the Unknown messages.

Unknown: We are not your bratty little friends and we are tired of waiting, you have one minute to decide if you are going to do what we tell you.

The timestamp on the last message only showed the hour and minute but it was less than a minute ago. This must have been the last message she received as she was sitting down. That still only left her seconds. In a panic she typed.

Luan: Yes, okay. What do you want?

She almost couldn’t hit the send button but she saw the time at the top of her phone click over to the next minute and quickly pressed it.

She could see on her side that they read the message almost immediately. She held her breath waiting for their response. When it didn’t come immediately she exhaled. She could feel her heart beating in her chest and realized that she needed to pee so locked her phone, stood up and lifted the lid off the toilet seat, then untied the front of her shorts and pushed them and her panties down to her knees together before sitting back down on the toilet.

Her phone buzzed just as her urine started to trickle into the water below and she quickly unlocked it. The message was from Unknown and she tapped the icon to open the messages.

Unknown: Good choice. Where are you right now and what are you doing?

Luan was embarrassed to tell them but was worried that they might have been watching her during or after class.

Luan: I am in the women’s room on the first floor of Groveman Hall. (she hesitated for a moment and then added) I am peeing.

She pressed send quickly before she could change her mind. The response came almost immediately.

Unknown: Good girl. Keep being honest and providing details like that and this will go much easier for you.

Unknown: Which stall are you in?

Luan: The third.

Unknown: Tell us everything you are wearing.

Luan: T-shirt, shorts, bra, panties, and sandals.

Unknown: Take everything off and hang them on the hook on the door.

Luan wasn’t sure what she should do. She tried to think quickly as she pulled several squares of toilet paper off the roll on the wall and wiped her pussy. She could tell she was wet from more than urine. Taking orders from strangers, being naked in a public restroom, it was all a little scary but it was also turning her on more than she wanted to admit. And what would they want her to do next? Everything she imagined seemed worse than having that video posted.

Luan: I’m scared, what if someone comes in? Can we just meet in private and I will do whatever you want?

Unknown: Don’t worry, we aren’t going to make you run naked through the halls of the school today, but if you don’t do as you are told we will post the video.

Luan read that message and when she got to the word “today” she realized that this was not going to be a short-term deal. Maybe the ridicule she would endure from the video wouldn’t be so bad. It’s not like she was the first girl on campus to have a sex video.

Unknown: Just in case you are getting cold feet, we know about your scholarship. It has a morals clause, right?

Luan gasped. She had forgotten about that. It wasn’t something that was strictly enforced. Everyone knew college students had sex, but if the video went public and it was called out to the scholarship committee, that would be hard to ignore.

Unknown: We also have your father’s email address. I’m sure he would love to see what his sweet little girl looks like while riding a big white cock.

How had they gotten that? It was in her file but, while the scholarship information was probably in the public domain, her file should be private. They really had her by the short hairs – metaphorically since she was completely shaved.

Luan stood up, put the lid down on the toilet, and flushed. She set her phone down on the lid where she could still see the messages. Instead of pulling her shorts and panties up, she pushed them the rest of the way down and stepped out of them. She moved her backpack to the toilet lid next to her phone and started hanging her clothes on the hook. Next, she grabbed the bottom of her shirt and pulled it up over her head, then turned it right-side out and hung it on the hook as well. Finally, she reached behind her back and undid the catch on her bra, let it fall down her arms to her hands, and then hung it with the rest. Shivering, more from the thought of being naked than being cold, she picked up the phone.

Luan: I am naked. Now what?

Unknown: Someone is coming into the restroom. You will do everything they tell you to do.

Before she could reply, she heard the bathroom door open and close. She heard footsteps walking from one end of the stalls to the other then they stopped in front of her stall.

“There is no one else in here. You will do exactly what I say, understand?” said a low female voice that she did not recognize.

“Yes,” Luan replied, almost choking on the word.

“Call me Miss T,” she said.

“Yes, Miss T,” Luan repeated.

“Good. Now, unlock the stall door and then turn around and face the other way with your eyes closed,” T said.

Luan fumbled with the lock for a second but finally got it unlatched. The door wasn’t perfectly aligned with the opening so it swung open a couple of inches on its own as she turned around and closed her eyes as instructed. A moment later, the door opened and she could hear T take her clothes off the hook.

“You are still wearing your shoes. We told you to remove everything,” T admonished.

“Sorry, Miss T,” Luan said and started to lift one foot to remove the sandal.

“Don’t bother now, we’ll deal with it later,” T said, “Now, bend over and put your hands on the toilet.”

Luan put her foot down and bent at the waist as instructed, presenting her bare ass to Miss T.

“Spread your legs,” T commanded, and Luan did immediately. “Good girl.”

She heard a phone camera shutter sound and knew T was taking pictures of her.

“Looks like you are actually enjoying this,” T said, “you’re practically dripping wet.”

Luan had been blushing since she removed her clothes but this was mortifying. She didn’t know what to say but T didn’t seem to expect an answer.

“That’s good, it will make this easier,” T said.

Miss T stepped forward and Luan felt her reach between her legs and slip a finger between her labia. She rubbed back and forth, just grazing Luan’s clit and making her moan slightly.

“You are a horny little thing,” T teased. “I’m surprised you aren’t sore the way your tight little cunt was stretched around your boyfriend’s cock last night.”

Luan cringed at the word “cunt”. It sounded so crude.

“I am a little, it’s just what you are making me do,” Luan said, her voice a little breathy.

“Oh, do you get off on being naked and molested in a public restroom?” T teased as she pushed her finger fully into Luan’s vagina.

“Nnnggg, no,” Luan said, biting her lip to stifle a loud moan.

“No, what?” T prompted.

“No, Miss T,” Luan tried again.

“I don’t believe you. Don’t ever lie to me again,” T said harshly as she withdrew her finger and slipped it back between Luan’s labia, continued across the perineum, and then swirled it around her anus.

Luan flinched! No one had ever touched her there. It tickled but in a good way.

Miss T moved her finger back to Luan’s vagina and then repeated the process, but this time she tried to push her finger against the tight little opening.

“Relax and let me in,” T coaxed as her finger returned to collect more of Luan’s natural lube.

“But, I’ve never...” Luan started to say but Miss T brushed her finger across Luan’s clit, making her gasp.

When the finger returned to her asshole, Luan tried to unclench and it was enough for the tip of T’s finger to slip in. Luan moaned again. It felt surprisingly good.

“Good girl,” T said as she wiggled her finger and continued to push until she was past the first knuckle.

Luan was breathing heavily as T withdrew her finger and dipped her whole finger into Luna’s dripping pussy and twisted it to get it well lubricated, then returned to her ass and worked the finger in until her hand was pressed firmly between Luan’s ass cheeks. She held it there, just wiggling and twisting until Luan calmed down a little. Slowly T pulled her finger out most of the way out, then just as slowly pushed it back in, then started going a little faster, pistoning in and out of Luan’s ass.

Luan began moaning on every inward stroke. She imagined how it would look if someone walked in right now and saw this dirty slut, naked in a public bathroom stall, having her ass finger fucked by another girl.

T stopped reaming her ass and withdrew her finger.

“You are cleaner than I expected. You must have a pretty healthy diet.” T said. “Have you ever taken an enema?”

Luan didn’t want to answer such a personal question but didn’t want to make Miss T angry.

“Yes, Miss T,” Luan said, then thought she needed to explain that she wasn’t some kind of weirdo. “My mother was very old school and would give them to me if I felt bad or had an upset stomach or something.”

“That’s good, so you shouldn’t have a problem keeping yourself clean,” Miss T said, “You only need to get a small douche bottle and start cleaning yourself out during your shower, but also get a full-sized enema bag, just in case.”

“Yes, Miss T,” Luan said, wondering how she would ever bring herself to walk into a store and buy those things. Hopefully, she could order them discreetly online.

Luan whimpered a little when she felt something new rub across her pussy before finding the crevice and working its way into her. It was a little bigger than the girl’s finger and had a smooth hard texture. The girl pulled it back out and it made a wet squelching sound. Luan peeked between her legs and saw a short shaft with three beads increasing in size topped with a little T-shaped handle before it plunged back into her gooey cunt. The girl twisted it around and worked in and out as Luan began to moan again.

“Don’t you dare cum,” T said as she fucked Luan with the toy. “That is a new rule. You are not allowed to cum without our permission. Understand?”

“Oh, oh, yes, oh, oh,” Luan replied between moans. She wasn’t close to an orgasm but the thought of having to ask permission suddenly made her want to cum a little more.

“Just relax and start rubbing yourself,” T said as Luan felt the toy move from her pussy to her ass.

“We figured you were an anal virgin so we got you a small plug to start with,” T explained, pressing the thin shaft slowly but persistently into Luan’s ass.

Luan picked up on “to start with” but was immediately distracted as she felt the first bead stretch her hole a little. She squealed and clenched automatically against the intrusion.

“I told you to rub your cunt,” T said as she reached around with her free hand and pinched Luan’s left nipple.

Luan had never masturbated in front of anyone. The thought of doing it for this crude woman made her face burn, but she hesitantly moved one hand between her legs and started working two fingers into the slit above her clit the way she liked it.

“Good girl, just relax and let this happen,” T whispered, her face near Luan’s ear.

Luan didn’t seem to have any other choice. She started circling her clit with her fingers as a distraction while trying to relax her anus. T pressed the plug more firmly and Luan had to push back against it to keep from falling forward.

“Oh god,” Luan moaned as she felt the next slightly larger bead pop past her sphincter.

“That’s it,” T whispered. “You’re doing great. Keep rubbing but don’t you dare cum. Just one more.”

Luan groaned as Miss T rolled and twisted her nipple then pushed back again as she felt the largest bead stretching her. She rubbed harder at her clit until the last bead finally popped in as well. The remainder of the shaft was very thin, allowing her sphincter to close around it. Miss T let go of her tit and watched Luan’s ass slowly suck the toy deeper into her rectum.

“Mmmm, I think you must really like having that in your ass the way you just pulled it right in,” T teased, knowing that it was an automatic reaction but assuming Luan wouldn’t know that. “Tell me, how does it feel?”

Luan did indeed feel like her body was betraying her. She was ashamed to admit that having her ass penetrated felt incredible, but it also made her feel dirty and humiliated, especially with everything else.

“It ... it’s ... okay, I guess,” Luan stammered then, as an afterthought added, “Miss T.”

“Okay?” Miss T laughed. “The sound of your fingers sloshing in your wet cunt tells me you think it’s better than just okay. I told you not to lie to me.”

Luan realized how loud she was fingering her sloppy slit and pulled away, suddenly embarrassed.

“Yes, Miss T. It feels good. Better than I expected,” Luan said, trying not to sound too excited.

“Keep going, I didn’t tell you to stop,” T commanded as she pressed on the plug until Luan could feel the base nestled tightly between her ass cheeks.

Luan began frigging herself again, more slowly, as the plug sent tingles into her body.

“Oh, mmm,” Luan moaned and Miss T laughed.

“Do you know what edging means?” Miss T asked.

“N ... no ... not really,” Luan said. She had heard the term before but wasn’t sure what it meant.

“You are doing it now. It means to masturbate until you are just about to cum and then keep yourself right there on the edge,” Miss T explained. “You are going to be doing it a lot for us, understand?”

“Yes, Miss T, but I really am going to cum soon if I don’t stop, please,” Luan begged. She really didn’t want to have an orgasm here in the restroom in front of Miss T.

“Keep going, but do not let yourself cum,” T demanded.

“Mmmm! Yes, Miss T,” Luan moaned and switched to plunging her fingers into her vagina and avoiding her clit to try and hold out a little longer, but she really was sore and sensitive from last night and the toy now embedded in her ass teased her with every movement she made.

“You will wear this plug every day unless we tell you otherwise.” the girl instructed. “You can take it out at night before bed but it has to be back in before you put on any clothes, understand?”

“Yes,” Luan replied.

“That means no clothes when you go to bed. You will be sleeping nude, unless we tell you otherwise,” Miss T explained further. “I’m sure your roommate won’t mind, I hear she is a real slut.”

“Yes, Miss T,” Luan said. “Alice doesn’t wear anything to bed and has been trying to get me to do it as well. She thinks it’s healthier.”

Luan didn’t tell her that Alice was naked half the time when she was in their room. She didn’t want to give Miss T any more ideas.

“Great, that will make it easier for you,” the girl said as she stepped back. “Don’t move.”

Luan remained bent over at the waist with one hand on the toilet and the other one sloshing in and out of her soaked vagina as she heard the camera take a few more pictures.

“Stand up and turn around, but keep those eyes closed,” Miss T commanded. “If I think you are peeking for even a second I will take all your clothes and phone and let you figure out how to get out of here.”

“Yes, Miss T,” Luan said as she complied with the orders, feeling her face burn with embarrassment as she desperately wanted to cover herself but forced her hands down to her sides.

“I didn’t tell you to stop playing with yourself,” T reminded her.

T watched Luan reluctantly return her hand to her glistening mound and slide two fingers into her slit.

“You know you have a beautiful pussy,” Miss T said. “Some women have plastic surgery to make their pussy look the way yours does naturally with those tiny lips and the way your clit peeks out between them when you get aroused.”

“Th ... thank you, Miss T,” Luan stammered as her fingers brushed over her sensitive little bean. No one had ever complimented her pussy before.

“You are so cute, like a little anime girl with those perky little tits and hard nipples,” T said, taking a few more photos, “I love your dark brown areolas.”

It was humiliating to know Miss T was examining her body so closely but also strangely erotic.

“We want you to continue to keep yourself completely bare like this. Do you shave or wax?” T asked as she took a short closeup video of Luan fingering her cunt.

“I shave, Miss T,” Luan said, forcing herself to reveal more intimate details about herself.

Miss T just watched her masturbate for another minute and continued to snap photos.

“Okay, rub some of that cream on your tits,” T ordered.

Luan wanted to die but she did as she was told. She collected the goo from her cunt with both hands and massaged it onto her breasts.

“That’s it, now get some more and work on those nipples. Make sure they are good and slippery,” T said, as she switched over to video mode again.

Luan couldn’t believe she was doing this at all, much less doing it naked in a public restroom in front of a stranger, but she scooped more of the fluid from between her legs and paid extra attention to her nipples, making sure they were covered in her warm juices. They were bigger and more sensitive than she ever remembered them being before.

“Excellent, now lick your fingers clean, slut” T directed.

Luan had never tasted her own pussy before. She had read about doing it and seen pictures on the internet, of course. It seemed like something only the nastiest whores would do. She brought her fingers to her face and she could smell her musky scent. Slowly she brought the dripping fingers to her lips and stuck her tongue out for a hesitant taste. It wasn’t as bad as she expected, a little salty, not at all like a man’s cum. She began to lick and suck her fingers the way she had seen the porn girls doing it.

“You are such a little doll, this is going to be so much fun,” T exclaimed watching the slutty scene. “Now, put your hands behind your head and spread your legs.”

Luan did as she was told. As she heard the camera app’s shutter sound again, she realized that she was providing her blackmailers with even more damning material but didn’t know what, if anything, she could do about it.

“Okay. I’m going to leave,” T said when she felt like she had enough for now. “Start rubbing your cunt again and stay just like that. When you hear the door close, count to 50 before you stop or open your eyes. Your clothes will be on the counter by the sink. You will wash and dry your pussy, then your breasts, then your hands before you get dressed. Understand?”

“But what if someone comes in?” Luan asked, worriedly, as she moved one hand back to her cunt and the other to fondle her breasts.

“You have 5 more minutes before the current classes end, so you should probably hurry,” T chuckled. “And don’t cum!”

Luan heard her walk to the door and it opened and closed. She started counting under her breath. When she got to 50 she opened her eyes and looked around. Reluctantly she stopped playing with her tits and pussy.

God, I need to cum, she thought.

She spotted her clothes on the counter and, grabbing her backpack and phone, she rushed over to the sink next to them. Her first thought was to just put her clothes on and get the hell out of there but they were probably watching the door and timing her. They might have even put a hidden camera somewhere. She decided it was better just to do what they told her to do but first, she turned her ass toward the mirror and bent over. Luan could just barely see the thin black base between her cheeks. She reached back and pulled them apart to get a better look.

How did I get myself into this mess, she thought but then a brush against the door brought her back on task.

(The sound was Miss T removing the out-of-order sign from the door, but Luan had no way of knowing that.)

The faucets had automatic valves with sensors so she cupped her hand under the faucet. The water came on briefly and she collected a handful and brought it to her pussy. The water was cold and goosebumps appeared on her smooth bare skin as she rinsed her pussy (The word “cunt” echoed in her head), but she could feel her clit getting even bigger and harder. She went back for water a couple of more times using her fingers to get between her labia until she felt like she was clean enough and then grabbed a handful of paper towels and began to wipe herself dry. The rough paper didn’t feel very nice on her sensitive clit but that couldn’t be helped. The water (and other stuff) had run down her thighs and she dried there as well. She repeated the procedure on her breasts, pressing her stomach against the counter to keep the water from getting her wet below the waist again. The cold water made her nipples stand out like little marbles. Finally, she washed and dried her hands.

She could hear doors opening and people talking as they started to pour from the classrooms into the corridor. She reached for her clothes and discovered that there were only two items left – her shorts and shirt.

No time to worry about that now, she thought.

She quickly stepped into the shorts and grabbed the shirt just as the bathroom door pushed open. Luckily, the two girls that walked in were looking backwards and talking to some friends in the corridor so they didn’t see Luan pulling the shirt down over her head and bare breasts. When they finally turned and noticed her, it just looked like she was straightening herself up.

Luan took a brush out of her backpack and ran it through her hair. One of the girls headed for a stall while the other stepped up to the counter next to Luan and checked her own hair and makeup. When the girl glanced at Luan’s reflection next to hers, she couldn’t help but notice Luan’s flushed face and very obvious nipples poking against the front of the shirt and she gave her a condescending look. Luan put the brush away, shouldered her pack, and started for the door but froze when she heard a buzz behind her.

“You forgot your phone,” the girl at the sink said.

Luan turned around and the girl had picked up her phone and was looking at the screen. Even with the screen locked, her phone still showed a preview of new messages.

“Unknown thinks you are a good girl, hmmm ... don’t you know you shouldn’t talk to strangers?” The girl sneered, handing it over.

Luan, her face beet red, grabbed the phone and bolted out of the bathroom.

Once in the corridor, she glanced at her phone and saw there were actually 4 messages. She must have missed a few when she was distracted by “other things” – like this plug that she could feel wiggling in her ass with every step she took. It gave her a mild sensation of needing to poop, but it was more erotic than that. She couldn’t stop thinking about how Miss T’s finger felt when it was fucking her there.

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