What Luan Learned in College - Cover

What Luan Learned in College

Copyright© 2023 by Imperfectionist

Chapter 1

BDSM Sex Story: Chapter 1 - A college freshman learns more about herself than anything from her classes.

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Blackmail   Consensual   Reluctant   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   School   BDSM   Humiliation   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Sex Toys   Public Sex   ENF  

In the bathroom, Luan stared at her reflection for a few minutes trying to make her brain think of something other than her aching desire to have an orgasm. She reached down and touched her swollen clit and winced. She was so incredibly sensitive, she could easily make herself cum right now but she knew she wasn’t allowed and she had always been taught from the time she was a little girl to follow the rules and do as she was told. Amy was also very perceptive and would also know if she had an orgasm and Luan didn’t want to disappoint her, not just because there would be punishment (there would be), but also because she really liked Amy.

How in the world did I get to this point, she thought as she studied her pretty asian face. Her father was Chinese and her mother was Korean. She had ended up with the best features of both, though she often thought that she would always look like a little girl. The maid collar around her neck and tiny white apron at her waist only emphasized the fact that she was otherwise completely nude. The wetness between her legs that was oozing down her thighs and the plug stretching her anus emphasized that she was a horny desperate slut.

She thought back to how it all started in college...

She had moved to this town to attend university as far away from her parents as possible. Like many asian parents, they had been very strict with her growing up, demanding straight As in school, pushing her to take all the honors classes, and giving her extra work to do at home because they thought the American school system was weak. They always said they wanted a better life for themselves and their children, and her older brother was near the top of his class in medical school, but Luan always felt so oppressed by their rules and traditions that she couldn’t wait to get out on her own. So, when she was offered a full scholarship at a university on the other side of the country, she jumped at the chance to escape.

Her father was especially domineering over both her and her mother. She was expected to help her mother with cooking, cleaning, and other chores, unlike her brother. She had also seen her mother suffer humiliating punishments for failing to meet her father’s expectations and Luan received a lot of the same treatment. He wasn’t cruel or mean, just strict and overbearing. A bare bottom spanking followed by standing in the corner with your red tush exposed was one of his favorites. Her mother always accepted these punishments without complaint and she encouraged Luan to do the same. It was hard when her brother teased her, especially about showing her naked butt, but it also gave her funny feelings that she later learned were arousal. She broached the subject with her mother once and she assured Luan that it was normal and that she felt the same way sometimes.

At school she continued to push herself much the same way her parents had, it was the only way she knew, but slowly things changed. She made friends who took her to parties where she met guys and drank alcohol. She soon had an active social life, but her grades began to suffer.

Her roommate, Alice, and two of Alice’s friends, Megan and Kelley, became the center of her new life. They were all from wealthy families so they had a bit entitled mentality. They got pretty much any guy they wanted, often in rapid succession, not to say they were total sluts, but none of them were virgins to be sure. The best part was that they always got invited to the best parties.

“You need to get dressed, we are going to that party at the Omega house tonight,” Alice said on one such evening.

Alice stood in front of her wardrobe wearing only black lace boyshorts panties and a matching bra as she rummaged through her wardrobe taking out little dresses and holding them up to her body.

It was a random Wednesday in the third quarter and Luan was getting worried about her grades. She might not pass a couple of classes and her scholarship was contingent on academic performance.

“I don’t know, I haven’t finished my english essay yet. It’s half our grade this quarter,” Luan groaned, looking into the screen of her laptop. The cursor was on the same empty line where it had been for the last hour, blinking at her expectantly.

“Come on, you need to have a little fun to get those creative juices flowing ... and if you meet the right guy, you might get some other juices flowing,” Alice teased.

Luan wasn’t a virgin anymore either (thanks in large part to her friends), but she had only had sex twice with one guy. They broke up a while back and she hadn’t been laid since. Alice’s comments reminded her of the little itch that had been building up for a while. Alice and her other friends were constant reminders. They were all pretty and had lots of boyfriends and we’re always talking about sex. She could probably just wait until Alice left and take care of it herself. The idea of masturbating made her blush a little and also made her feel pathetic.

Alice tossed a short black skirt and a silky blue button-up blouse onto her bed and then noticed Luan’s thoughtful expression.

“See, you’re thinking about it. You know you need this. Come on and let’s find you something to wear that will catch you a nice big cock,” Alice enticed, making a rude hand gesture. “Didn’t you say that cute guy you met at the library was an Omega?”

Giving up, Luan closed her laptop and spun around in the chair as Alice switched to her wardrobe. She was still wearing nothing but her bra and panties so Luan took in her long well-toned legs, abs, ass, and back. Alice was a gymnast. She wasn’t highly ranked (mostly because she didn’t practice as much as she should), but it kept her fit and flexible.

“You spend a lot of time thinking about cock.” Luan laughed.

“And you don’t?” Alice said, opening the wardrobe door.

She started going through Luan’s clothes, sliding them from one side of the wardrobe to the other saying “Nope, Nope, Nope,” until finally, “Yes, this one!”

She pulled out a little red dress. It had a halter top, form-fitting through the waist, and flared out into a pleated bottom. It was the kind of dress that looked both cute and fancy, but so short that if she spun around too fast, would expose her panties to everyone in the room.

Alice tossed the dress onto Luan’s bed and then turned back to the wardrobe and bent over at the waist to rummage through the shoes, giving Luan an inviting view of her ass and the mound in the gap between her slender thighs.

If I was into girls... Luan thought, smiling a little.

“These will be perfect,” Alice said, straightening up and turning around with a pair of red pumps in her hand. She handed those off to Luan as well and then went back to her bed and started to pull on the skirt she had picked out.

She looked over at Luan digging through one of her drawers, still wearing her track pants and t-shirt.

“Well, go on, put the dress on, and let’s see,” Alice said as she fastened the catch on the waistband of the skirt.

“Give me a minute, I need to find some undies to go with this,” Luan said, continuing to look through her delicate things.

“Why bother, you’ll have them off soon enough anyway if everything goes as planned,” Alice said.

“Maybe that’s your plan...” Luan said, finally pulling out a pair of white panties that her parents would be happy to know she was wearing.

“No, not those!” Alice pouted. “Wear the red thong you got the last time we went shopping!”

Luan gave her a look and Alice whined, “Pleeeeease?”

Luan dropped the white panties back in the drawer and pulled out the red thong. She had seen it almost immediately (it was hard to miss in her fairly tame panty drawer) but she had only bought it because Alice and the others had practically forced her. She had to admit, it looked sexy but she was already embarrassed just looking at it.

Luan turned away from Alice to undress and then pulled on the tiny red panties. The thin strip of material in the back nestled in between her cheeks but otherwise left her ass completely bare. The front barely covered her pussy so it was a good thing she had shaved in the shower this morning. That was something else that was new since she started college.

Her mother had taught her to keep her pubic hair neatly trimmed, so at least it didn’t look like a hairy badger, but soon after arriving, she noticed that Alice kept hers completely bare (Alice wasn’t particularly shy in their room) and she started noticing in the showers and locker room that other girls were the same or had just a tiny little “landing strip”, as they called it.

So, Luan had decided to shave it all, including her ass. Her dark hair tended to grow back quickly so she had to shave pretty much every day. With her size and tiny tits, she thought it made her look like a little girl, but after breaking up with her ex-boyfriend she started going totally hairless. Maybe that’s what guys liked.

She pulled the dress over her head and smoothed it down. It had thin pads in the top so it could be worn without a bra, which she didn’t need anyway with her small breasts. Even so, there was still a hint of her nipples, but she was sure no one would notice. Guys only looked at big tits like Alice’s.

Alice’s tits weren’t huge or anything, maybe a C-cup, but she presented them well. This time, she left the top 3 buttons undone on her shirt so her cleavage was on display. Luan asked Alice to zip up the back of her dress, then they both put on a little makeup, slipped on their heels, and checked themselves in the full-length mirrors on the outside of the wardrobe doors. Luan picked up a small purse as Alice opened the door to leave.

“You don’t want to have to keep up with that all night,” Alice said.

“But I don’t have anywhere to put my ID or anything,” Luan explained.

“Give it to me, I have a pocket,” Alice offered.

Luan dug her ID out of the handbag and handed it to Alice who tucked it, along with her own, into a small pocket in the skirt. Luan dropped the purse on her bed and they headed out to meet up with Megan and Kelley who shared a room on the next floor down.

“You look great!” Megan complimented Luan when she saw her.

“Thanks!” Luan said, “You don’t think it’s too much?”

“It’s perfect. The guys are going to be all over you tonight,” Kelley added.

“Can you believe I had to twist her arm to wear that red thong with this dress instead of her granny panties,” Alice said.

“This is exactly the kind of outfit those sexy panties were meant for!” Megan said, encouragingly

Luan blushed at having her friends discussing her panties.

Megan was wearing a shimmery blue sheath dress and black heels with straps that wrapped part way up her calves. It was a little fancy for a frat house party but Megan was known for overdressing and it really showed off her figure.

Kelley wore a very cute peach-colored off-shoulder dress with white ankle boots. It was loose-fitting but daringly short.

It was a short walk from the dorms to fraternity row. A lot of heads turned as the 4 lovely young girls walked into the Omega house where the party was well underway. The main room was crowded with people dancing, bodies pressed against each other, gyrating to the rhythm of some electronic club music with bass you could feel in your chest.

They looked around for a minute before Alice said, “I’m going to find the keg.”

Megan followed her towards the back where it was most likely to be.

Kelley, like Luan, wasn’t a big drinker. Luan had never tasted alcohol before she started going out with her friends here at the university and had only been drunk a couple of times so far. Between her lack of experience and small body size, it didn’t take much to get her feeling tipsy and she also seemed to get flirty (horny) as well.

“Isn’t that the guy who helped you with your books in the library the other day?” Megan asked, pointing to a lanky guy in a soccer jersey with messy blonde-ish hair.

Luan saw him too. She had been doing research and knocked over a large pile of books, making a huge racket that made everyone look at her accusingly. Randy?—no, Reggie, had rushed over to help her pick them up and made two piles so he could help her carry them to the return desk (he made sure to take the larger stack). He introduced himself and they chatted while he walked her back to her dorm. Before they parted ways, he gave her his number and told her to call him sometime. She hadn’t called him yet, but it had only been a few days. He was cute enough and seemed like a decent guy.

“Yes, that’s him,” Luan said.

“Let’s go bump into him,” Kelley said, “maybe he’s got a friend.”

This was far more abrupt than Luan would normally be, but Kelley was already steering her in that direction, nearly running over a couple of people dancing off to the side of the main group. When they got close, Reggie looked up and saw Luan and smiled, and beckoned them over.

“Hi!” Reggie shouted over the music.

“Hi,” Luan said, then after a nudge from Kelley, said, “This is my friend Kelley.”

“Hi, Kelley, I’m Reggie. Nice to meet you,” he said, then slapping the guy next to him on the shoulder, he said “This is my buddy, Mike. Mike, this is Luan, the girl I was telling you about from the library, and her friend Kelley.”

Mike was also wearing a soccer jersey, but was more muscular than Reggie and had short brown hair.

“Hey!” Mike said, looking Kelley up and down before finally making eye contact.

“Do you girls need something to drink? Or ... do you want to dance?” Reggie asked

Kelley had been giving Mike the once over as well and appeared to like what she saw. She turned to look at Luan.

“Dance?” Kelley asked.

Luan just nodded instead of trying to talk over the music.

The guys each took a girl by the hand and led the way through the throng until they found an opening big enough for the four of them to dance together. They started with the typical wobble back and forth kind of dancing until Kelley got brave and moved in and pressed her back against Mike’s chest. He wrapped his arms around her and they started to sway together with Mike leaning over to kiss her on her neck.

Luan felt awkward. She had taken ballet and modern dance classes as a kid and also knew the basics of ballroom dancing, but this wasn’t that kind of dancing and her upbringing didn’t allow her to go to school dances and definitely not parties. Reggie was probably hoping for something more like what Mike and Kelley were doing but she felt weird trying to pull it off.

“Want to go get something to drink?” Reggie said, leaning down next to her ear. He just seemed to get her.

“Sure!” Luan replied, nodding.

They headed off towards the back of the house, leaving Kelley as she twisted around to face Mike with her arms up over her head, letting his hands roam down her waist to squeeze her buttocks.

Luan was relieved to find that the music was not so overwhelming as they reached the kitchen area. They found Alice and Megan in the middle of a group of six or eight other people. Alice was holding a long tubular glass with a bulb at the bottom and a flared rim, ready to do the “half-yard challenge”. It had been filled to within an inch of the top with pale yellow beer from the nearby keg.

The group started chanting “Chug, chug, chug” as she raised the glass to her lips. Luan and Reggie joined in.

“Keep going, Alice, you’ve got this!” Megan yelled as she reached the halfway point.

Everyone cheered as she turned the glass upside down causing the last of it to rush into her mouth. It was a little too much and some beer spilled out of the corners of her mouth. She gulped the last of it quickly and then wiped her mouth with the back of her hand.

“You spilled some, now you have to take a shot,” one of the guys said, handing her a shot glass filled with a dark amber whiskey.

Alice took the little glass, raised it to the crowd, and then threw it back in one quick gulp. She made a face as she handed the glass back and everyone cheered again.

Luan looked around and found a towel on a nearby counter. It was damp but looked clean enough.

“Here,” she said, pushing the towel into Alice’s hand.

“Thanks!” Alice said, wiping the rest of the beer off her face and neck. The front of her shirt was a little wet but that couldn’t be helped.

“That was awesome!” Luan said.

“Yeah, hey, you should go next,” Alice said.

Luan started to protest but when she looked up at Reggie and saw the smile on his face, she couldn’t say no. It was just as well because Alice was already signaling the guy with a glass.

“Set up another one, my friend Luan wants to go next!” She shouted.

The group gave a collective “wooo”, and pushed her to the center. Reggie stayed close, holding her hand.

It seemed to take forever to fill the big glass plus they had to pour slowly so it wouldn’t be all foam. Luan could feel butterflies forming in her stomach while she waited in the center with everyone watching.

“That glass is almost as big as you. Are you sure you’re up for this?” Reggie asked, smiling.

Luan wasn’t sure she was up for it, but she couldn’t back down now.

“I can do it,” she said, reassuring herself as much as Reggie.

Once it was ready, they handed it off to Luan. It looked huge next to her petite asian frame.

“Woo, you go girl!” Alice encouraged from behind her.

The group seemed to have grown to ten or fifteen people now. They started to chant “chug, chug, chug” as she touched the glass to her lips. The beer was cold and bitter, making her wince a little. This was her first drink of the night so her tastebuds hadn’t been acclimated to the fizz or the taste. Nothing for it now. She swallowed hard at first but then got into a rhythm. She needed to breathe but the shape of the glass made it flow differently and someone was lifting the bottom of the glass so she couldn’t stop.

As the rush of liquid continued to flow, she grabbed it with both hands to keep it steady. Some started to spill down her cheeks and chin, then she could feel cold trickles down her neck and chest raising goosebumps on her skin. She felt like she was losing more than she was drinking by the time the last of it washed over her face, but when it was finally empty, Reggie grabbed her wrist that was still holding the glass and raised it above her head like a champion boxer who had just won the fight. Everyone gave a roar and she was pounded on her back and shoulders – and someone squeezed her ass! Under the dress!

She tried to turn to see who had just fondled her but it was impossible to tell in the mass of bodies around her and before she could even fully catch her breath they had replaced the beer glass in her hand with a shot glass full of whiskey. She looked at it like an adversary but raised it to her lips and swallowed it in two gulps, then thrust it into the air victorious. Her face was scrunched, and her lips, tongue, and throat were on fire, but she resisted the urge to throw up.

“You really need this,” Alice said, tapping her on the shoulder and handing her the towel.

Luan took it and wiped her face, chin, and neck, then looked down. Her dress was soaked down the front to her waist. She even felt some wetness on her back. She and Reggie shuffled back into the crowd as the next person moved to the center and she continued trying to dry herself off.

“Let me help you,” Reggie offered.

They moved into a corner where they had a little more room and Luan handed him the towel.

“Turn around,” he said, making a twirling motion with his fingers.

She turned to face the wall and he started with the ends of her hair in the back, then the back of her dress.

“It’s gotten down inside, hold on,” he said and without any warning, he deftly unzipped the back of her dress. She quickly put her hands over her chest to keep the dress from slipping. It felt good as he ran the cloth over her shoulder blades and down her spine.

Oh no! Now he knows I’m not wearing a bra, Luan thought and blushed. She was starting to feel the warm buzz from the alcohol as well, but it was mostly the thrill of him touching her bare skin, here, in this room full of people that was overwhelming her brain. She had been raised to be a “good girl”, what was she doing?

His hands went back up over her shoulders and brushed her neck which made her shiver slightly even though she could now feel the heat of his body pressed against her bare back. He lifted one of the straps away from her body and as he was so much taller than her, he could just lean over and push the towel under the front of her dress. Her nipple hardened as the thin material teased over her left breast and she stifled an “eep”.

He was taking his time, just doing a good job, of course.

Of course, Luan chuckled in her head, I should make him stop and go find a bathroom where I can clean myself up.

Then he slid the towel across to the other hand, leaving his bare hand to massage the left while he rubbed the cloth over her right. She could feel his warm breath on the nape of her neck and his hair tickled her ear. She let out an involuntary moan as the right nipple stiffened under the rough material.

“I think you are going to need more than this little towel,” Reggie finally said, pulling it back across her left nipple again as he moved it up and out from under her dress, leaving a damp trail.

She immediately missed his strong warm hands and the front of her dress gaped open, forgotten, but at least she was facing the wall.

Reggie reached back and grabbed the collar of his jersey and with one motion pulled it off over his head.

“Here, take that dress off and put this on,” he said.

“But, people will see me,” Luan said, turning around and finally remembering to hold up the front of her dress.

“It’s okay, I’ll hold it up and block everyone’s view,” he said, stretching between his hands to create a barrier between her and the rest of the room.

She was feeling light-headed, but she wasn’t completely out of it. The proverbial angel on one shoulder was telling her this was a bad idea, but the devil on the other shoulder was telling her to go for it, everyone was watching the next person drinking anyway.

She looked up at Reggie – her hero. She couldn’t see anyone on the other side so she must be well hidden, right? At least that’s what her brain was telling her right now. He was, of course, still watching her but Luan didn’t mind that. Her dress was conveniently already unzipped so all she had to do was slip the straps off her shoulders and let it fall to the floor around her feet, and suddenly she was completely naked except for her tiny red thong and matching heels.

Reggie smiled with lust as her smooth golden flesh came into view and he wanted so badly to cup those perfect little ass cheeks in his hands. He watched as she turned to face him, her hands had instinctually crossed over her chest when she dropped the dress but as she reached for the jersey, seemingly in slow motion, he got a full view of her firm little titties capped with nipples the size of mini marshmallows surrounded by half-dollar sized areolas.

The perfect mouthful, he chuckled to himself.

He lifted the shirt above her head. This meant, that other than Reggie’s long lean body and the wall that was now behind her, she had no cover. She was almost fully exposed to the rest of the room, but that didn’t even register as she struggled to get the bottom of the shirt spread open so she could get her head inside.

“Hey, check it out! Nice tits!” someone said off to one side as Reggie helped her shimmy the oversized shirt down her body giving everyone a good show.

Hearing the comment made her try to go faster but that just made her struggle even more and she turned to face the wall, giving them an even better view of her wiggling naked ass with the thin strip of bright red between the cute round cheeks.

Once it was finally on, the jersey hung down almost as far as her dress had, but there was just something about a girl in nothing but a long shirt that was more sexy than even a short dress.

Luan twirled back around to face Reggie and there were a few claps and a whistle from a half dozen people who had just seen her little performance. She was mortified and buried her face into his now bare chest. It was smooth and strong and he wore a nice cologne that complimented his natural manly scent.

I can’t believe I just did that here where they could all see, she thought, but also, god I am so turned on right now, and it was kinda fun.

“Don’t worry, they couldn’t really see anything,” he tried to reassure her, knowing it wasn’t true at all, but he was starting to enjoy this sexy little exhibitionist.

“Thank you,” Luan said, looking up into his face. He had gorgeous blue eyes. She stretched herself up on her toes as he leaned down to meet her in a passionate kiss.

Havana by Camila Cabello started playing as their lips came apart and Luan got an excited expression on her face.

“This is one of my favorite songs,” she said taking Reggie’s hand, “Let’s go dance!”

Reggie led her back to the other room where most of the people were already up on their feet and moving. The room was hot from all the biomass, so Reggie wasn’t the only guy who was bare chested and a few of the girls had even stripped down to their bras.

It was a very sexy song and as the two of them started to dance, Luan was much less inhibited. She was enjoying the feeling of his hands roaming across her body and it reminded her that she was basically naked under his shirt. She had been under the dress as well but somehow it was different. The shirt was several sizes too big for her and as she moved inside it, it rubbed against her nipples, sending little electric tendrils through her body. She also seemed enveloped in his scent.

They danced for at least three more songs, getting braver as they went. When she felt his hands cup her bare bottom and squeeze, it briefly occurred to her that this might put her ass on display, but the little devil was totally winning the battle at this point. When she felt his hands sliding up her waist towards her tits, and the shirt riding up even farther, there was a moment of concern, but at that moment he kissed her neck, and all thoughts of anything other than his lips melted away. She didn’t care that anyone looking would have their eyes drawn to the thin strip of bright red material that disappeared into the cleft of her ass cheeks. No, ‘didn’t care’ wasn’t quite right – having him expose her like this was turning her on in ways that she never expected.

Finally, both of them glistening with sweat, Reggie steered her to a nearby sofa. It was L-shaped and a girl was sitting in the corner being chatted up by a couple of guys on the shorter side. Reggie sat at the end of the other side and pulled Luan down into his lap with her feet up on the cushions towards the others. He wrapped his arms around her and began kissing her neck again, making her squirm. This gave the trio at the the other end of the sofa a clear view up Luan’s legs to the wet red panties that barely covered her slit.

“You are amazing,” Reggie said as he paused to stroke the hair away from her face and then leaned down for another kiss.

Soon they were snogging as if there was no one else around. Their tongues intertwined, he nibbled on her neck while she kissed his broad chest. His hands were all over her body both over and under the shirt. She loved how his hands could completely engulf her small breast.

The two guys on the other side of the sofa were enjoying the show, but the girl had seen enough, “Why don’t you two get a room?”

Reggie broke away from Luan’s lips and slipped his arm out from under the shirt saying, “Sorry,” but his smile didn’t seem sorry at all.

“I need a drink anyway,” he said to Luan, “let’s see if we can find someplace more private.”

“Okay,” she said, pouting just a little as he helped her to stand up, giving the guys a clear view of her smooth round ass.

The thong was now embedded between her labia, and it felt a little uncomfortable but she didn’t want to just rudely pull it out in front of these guys. She just tugged on the hem of the shirt so at least her crotch and ass wouldn’t be on display.

“Sorry, my dress got all wet,” she explained to the trio.

“Yes, I’m sure it did,” the girl sneered as Reggie took her hand and pulled her away.

Luan spotted Megan and Kelly on their way to the keg and waved. They were in a small group that was chatting just below the stairs. Both of them had a guy behind them with his arms wrapped around their waist, kissing on their necks. They waved back and smiled. Alice was nowhere to be seen.

They grabbed a couple of red solo cups as they passed by the keg and took a sip off the top so they wouldn’t spill, then Reggie continued to lead her out through the back door to the covered patio. It was less crowded out here and the music was still audible but distant. The sun had set some time ago, but it was a clear night and the moon had just started to wax, plus there were strings of lights hanging from the eaves that lit up both the patio and most of the yard beyond. There were some guys playing cornhole and a few people watching. Reggie continued leading her off the concrete and into the grass. When she almost lost her footing because her heels sunk into the soft earth, he paused.

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