Of Mothers and Sons - Cover

Of Mothers and Sons

Copyright© 2023 by MrCurrie

Chapter 8

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 8 - Mike and his mother, Megan, physically unite and are so pleased with themselves, that they go on a campaign to join other mothers with their sons. To convince some of them to participate, Mike or Megan has to have sex with the mother or son to convince them to mate. If you're a mother/son purist who can't stand the thought of a mother fucking someone else, please don't read. You won't like it. Mike's wife and sister also participate. Mike impregnates most of them.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Incest   Mother   Son   Sister   Aunt   Grand Parent  

Waking first, I carefully rolled out of bed without disturbing my mom and sister. Both had to work, so I made breakfast while they slept. They appeared right before I placed their plates on the table. “Good luck on your job today,” I said, smiling at Mary, trying to ease her angst.

“Thanks, Mikey. I’m looking forward to it. The last few years have been so wasteful. I’m confident I’m finally heading in the right direction.”

“At least you have the looks for the career. Nothing hotter than a woman in a nurse’s uniform,” I ribbed her.

Both Mom and Mary laughed. “You watch too much TV,” Mary replied. “From what I’ve seen, they’re not the same voluptuous women that portray them on screen. In reality, they’re the same mix as any other job. And if I don’t get going, I won’t make it through day one. See you guys later.”

She hopped up and stopped by her room before skipping out the door. That left Mom and me to finish breakfast. When Mom was done, she insisted, “I’ll take the bus to work. I want you to drive to the cabin to meet Brooke. She left earlier than planned, so she’ll be there by the time you arrive.”

“Thanks, Mom. I hate leaving you two for the week. Maybe Brooke and I can drive back to see you on Wednesday or Thursday.”

“Don’t you dare!” Mom chirped enthusiastically. “I want you two to enjoy the entire time together. Your feelings for her are strong, and I don’t want you holding back. It’s not a crime to love more than one person, so don’t be afraid to let her know. Follow your heart.”

“How about Mary? What are you going to tell her?”

“There’s always the tried and true Jason excuse. You needed a week of relaxation in the woods before you report to work next week. I’m glad you gave Mary a thorough fucking last night. Hopefully, it’ll hold her off for a few days until she ravages my body,” she giggled.

“Speaking of that. How about you send me off with a farewell quickie?”

“No, I want you to have a full load for Brooke. I have to catch the bus. See you in a week, sweetie. Text me with updates.”

She kissed me long and hard before she left for work. After cleaning the kitchen, I packed a bag and left for the cabin. My prick remained hard during the trip while thinking of the last time Mom and I were at Brooke’s place.

Before I could knock on the cabin door, Brooke opened it and hugged me. “I’ve missed you so much,” she cooed. After releasing me, Brooke moved backward, allowing me to admire her attire. She knew my tastes perfectly; my prick responded to her beauty.

She wore a tight midriff top, showing off her smooth stomach. Her hard nipples poked out the clinging material and begged for attention. She wore a short, flared skirt, which allowed her to show off her firm legs. Her beaming smile turned sad when she realized I was alone.

She walked around me and stood in the doorway, looking to see if Mom was following. “Where’s Megan? Is everything alright?”

“Nothing is wrong. We were married as planned, and we’re happier than ever. Mom wanted to surprise you and send me alone. It’s her wedding present to you, a week for us to enjoy ourselves.”

She slammed the door and pulled me tightly against her soft body, kissing me hard. She was on fire. Her mouth opened; our tongues wrestled for control. Her nimble fingers unbuckled me, and before I did anything to her, she slid my pants and shorts off. My hands held her bare waist and traveled up under her top to capture her firm tits.

Brooke’s moaning increased when I pinched and teased her nipples. I moved one hand to her thigh and inched up to her pelvis. She wore no panties; I slipped two fingers into her juicy slot. She was hot and ready.

“It looks like you missed me. Your pussy is soaked,” I professed.

“I’ve been looking forward to this all week. Take me, Mike. Right here, right now. Please?”

Holding her ass cheeks, I lifted her and pulled her close to my body. Slamming her into the door, I lowered her onto my stiff staff. Her eyes widened, and her tongue went wild when my prick split her velvety folds. When our pubic hair meshed together, I paused, allowing only our mouths to stimulate each other.

Her hips twisted and churned; she was unwilling to wait any longer. Fulfilling both of our wishes, I fucked her hard against the door. The loud banging on the hardwood and our groins slamming together filled the room. Brooke released my mouth to suck in air, while I serviced her tight snatch. “Oh god, I needed this so bad. Fuck me hard, Mike. Fill me with your sperm.”

There was no way I was going to last any longer. The long horny drive took its toll, and my prick grew larger. “Your pussy is driving me crazy. I’m cumming. Get ready for a full load,” I groaned.

When the first blast scalded her walls, her pussy reciprocated and clamped hard. We fucked through our orgasms and held each other until I softened and fell out of her drenched slot. “Wow, your balls were full of cum. Didn’t Megan take care of you before you left this morning?” she asked.

Before I could answer, she said, “Of course she didn’t. Let me guess. She told you to save it for me so you’d have a big load. She’s always looking out for everyone else. It’s no wonder you love her so much.”

“She is wonderfully caring and, of course, hot. You have nothing to be jealous of; you’re exactly like her.”

She blushed and replied, “You say the sweetest things. I wish I could return the favor she’s given me.”

“There is something you could do. Mom hinted that she’d like us to take pictures of the nighties you wear during our time together, and maybe a few shots of what happens afterward.”

She smiled and dashed to her bedroom. On her way, she yelled, “Follow me. I have an idea.”

Opening her closet, she pulled out a tripod with a camera secured on top of it. “I use this to photograph wildlife in the forest. We’ll use it to record everything we do. She’ll see how well her son and husband can satisfy a horny cougar.”

We adjourned to the living room and caught up since the last time we had been together. The days quickly passed while we hiked and ate at the same places Mom and I had visited. My love for her increased dramatically, and I was sure she shared the same emotions.

We took a lot of selfies to document our trip. We updated Mom with each day’s events, carefully not mentioning the intimate recordings we were making for her to enjoy when I returned. Around the third day, Mary pestered me with several messages.

After each nightie preview, we stripped and moved to the bed to film our lovemaking. We varied our positions, so we’d have a wonderful collection of porn. One night, I crossed my legs and sat on the bed while she wrapped her legs around me and sat on my lap. It allowed us to remain upright, and since she was on my lap, her eyes were at my level while her pussy was full of hard cock. We slowly fucked, enjoying our romantic lovemaking. My phone chirped, and I ignored it, guessing it was Mary.

Brooke asked, “Who keeps texting you? Aren’t you going to answer?”

“I’m sure it’s my sister, Mary. She’s always curious about what I’m doing. At times, she’s a little pesky.”

Attempting to refocus her attention away from my sister, I thrust deeply, causing her to groan in pleasure.

“Show me a picture of your sister,” Brooke insisted.

I picked up my phone and swiped to the folder which contained my personal photos. Fortunately, there were no embarrassing, intimate pictures. After handing my phone to Brooke, I cupped and kneaded her firm breasts. She shifted her attention to Mary and exclaimed, “She’s pretty hot. Tell me you’re not banging her.”

Unfortunately, when she made the connection, my mind drifted to fucking my sister, and my cock jerked in Brooke’s warm oven. “Ha, I knew it. You’re fucking your mother and sister. Why didn’t you tell me?”

“A couple of reasons. I didn’t want to overwhelm you and, most importantly, I didn’t want to lose you.”

Brooke bumped her hips and kissed me hard. “You don’t have to worry about that. I think it’s sweet and exciting that you’re fucking her. I can’t wait to meet her myself. She screams with lust. She’s shaven, isn’t she?”

When I nodded, Brooke went crazy, humping my prick as a mini-orgasm hit her. When she recovered, she swiped the pictures and found Mom’s before finding Charlotte’s. “Who’s this woman? You don’t have to beat around the bush. You’d have to be crazy not to be fucking her.”

“That’s Charlotte. We call her Queen Cleopatra. She’s the minister’s wife and had an affair with Dad.”

After filling her in with all the details, she chirped, “That’s quite the harem of women you’ve accumulated. I’ll need to meet her also, for some of her special therapy.”

My pace quickened when we neared our mutual orgasms. “Let’s see who else is in your collection of lovers,” she breathed heavily, between moans and groans.

The last image was of her and me at a scenic point in the forest. “That’s sweet. It’s a picture of us together. I don’t think I’ve seen a happier-looking couple. I forgive you; now fuck me to the finish. I can’t believe you’re here with me for an entire week when you could have your pick of those sexy women.”

Sawing my prick against her sensitive walls, I brought her up fast. My hands released her breasts and wrapped around her to hug her tightly. We kissed as our excitement escalated. “Brooke, there’s something else you need to know. Mom advised me to disclose my feelings to you. I’m deeply in love with you.”

“I love you, too,” Brooke groaned.

“My cock is ready to erupt in your tight pussy. Cum on my prick and seal our commitment,” I croaked.

“Dot it, baby. Sperm me, and I’ll cum on your marvelous prick.”

That’s all it took. Streams of cum spewed out and flooded her pussy, setting off her release. We humped together through our convulsions. When finished, we hugged each other, enjoying our post-coital bliss.

A great deal of relief swept through me, knowing Brooke loved me as much as I did her. We fell onto the bed and caressed each other until we fell asleep.

The rest of the week went far too fast. Brooke insisted I tell her all my sexual bouts while we made love. She convinced me to re-enact every seduction that occurred. It was thrilling as she substituted herself for each of the partners in my life. It was even more sexually stimulating that we filmed it for Mom to review at a later time.

When it was time to go, I gathered the memory sticks filled with our adventures and kissed Brooke farewell.

Before I parted, Brooke ordered, “Wait here. I have something for you.”

Running into the bedroom, she quickly returned with two enormous shopping bags. “Here are the nighties I posed in. Tell her I expect to see a show of her modeling them, plus how it affects you.”

Saying our goodbyes, I was soon on the road back to Mom. I couldn’t believe how lucky I was to have found Brooke.

Once I arrived home, Mom sensed how much I already missed Brooke and made it up to me with a fantastic blowjob, followed by hours of passionate sex. She demonstrated how much she missed me by showering me with motherly affection.

After my first week at my new job, I contributed more than my employer expected for an entry-level employee. I spent the mornings learning the responsibilities of the different functional areas. Afternoons, I cleaned up the messy code caused by the previous software engineers. After a few weeks, it became clear that I would have to spend months cooped up in my cubicle.

My boss offered me a chance to work remotely from home since I wasn’t required to interact with anyone else. I eagerly accepted, and he was happy to allow me to switch to half-days, working in the mornings. He knew I would do a full day’s worth of work, and they’d only have to pay for half. I didn’t care, as it allowed me to synchronize my schedule with Mom’s.

Mary thrived in her new position and loved working at the hospital. Mom convinced me to take Brooke on a date at least twice a week and spend the night at her place. Our secret relationship was in jeopardy of being revealed when Mom and I fucked while watching the cabin tapes. We had to have the remote handy in case Mary came home unexpectedly.

One Friday afternoon, Mom rode me cowgirl style and had already orgasmed twice when I heard the front door close. Expecting Mary, I was surprised to see Charlotte. Mom faced away from the door and groaned so loud that she wasn’t aware of her arrival. One look at us, and Charlotte shed her clothes and played with her pussy while watching Mom ride me.

Charlotte’s impatience got the best of her, prompting her to crawl onto the bed and reach around to cup Mom’s breasts. Mom kept her eyes closed as she felt her nipples teased by an expert. Her panting increased, and when Charlotte lowered her hand to finger Mom’s engorged clit, Mom screamed while her pussy pulsed on my shaft.

“Sorry, Megan, but I need to borrow your son,” Charlotte apologized. “More to the point, his cock.”

“Charlotte?” Mom surprisingly asked. “It’s so good to see you. I’ve missed you.”

Mom pulled off and moved to the side, allowing Charlotte to devour my prick with her hungry pussy. She wildly fucked me with passion and came within a couple of minutes. With my cock embedded deep in her snug snatch, Charlotte lowered her body to mine and kissed me as if it was our first time. She was horny and required a good fucking. Shifting her legs downward, she rolled us over. Her legs wrapped around me; her hips humped to meet my pelvis.

“Fuck me hard, Mike. Your cock is splitting me open. Make me cum on your hard prick again.”

I wasted no time and thrust hard into her canal. It would usually take a lot of effort to bring her to an orgasm, but she was on fire and came after a dozen strokes. I didn’t stop, continuing to pound her hungry pussy.

“Don’t push too hard. You wouldn’t want to give your baby brain damage,” she giggled.

“Wow, you’re pregnant!” screeched Mom. “I’m so happy for you, Charlotte. You’re going to be a superb mother.”

Charlotte responded with a grunt when my thrusting became more intense. It was exciting, knowing I was fucking a woman I had bred. My pace quickened, and her next orgasm caused my cock to spew a load of cum into her contracting cunny. Her feet pulled me in while I deposited my contents. Our rapid panting prevented us from conversing. Once she released her legs, I dropped to the bed to catch my breath.

“Thank god, still better,” Charlotte gasped.

“What?” asked Mom.

Charlotte smiled and replied, “When I spilled my guts and told my husband I was pregnant, he couldn’t wait to fuck me. Who knew he’d be excited that another man had impregnated his wife? It was the first time he’s been able to make me climax twice in one session. I thought it might be the best fuck I’d ever received, but nope, no one can beat your son. Thank you for providing the proof.”

“Congratulations, Charlotte,” I expressed my sincere concern. “I’m glad he took it so well, but how could anyone complain about Queen Cleopatra bringing another royal baby into the kingdom?”

She laughed and countered, “There is one problem. In my euphoria, I agreed to take care of an uncomfortable situation. One of the elder’s wives has been occupying too much of his time. He can’t adequately service others and is afraid contributions will dwindle. I promised him I’d find someone to rectify his dilemma.”

Mom’s expression turned to concern with the possible introduction of another woman into our close-knit family. Charlotte quickly calmed her, explaining, “Don’t worry. I’m not suggesting that Mike will be involved in another relationship. Although, I will need him and you to help. This woman has a twenty-year-old son, and once we get them to fuck, I am confident her needs will shift from my husband.”

Mom’s sigh of relief was evident as she exuded, “There’s nothing like a son fucking his mom to take care of things. I know it worked wonders with me.”

We all laughed. Mom continued, “Has her son shown any interest in her? Why hasn’t she already tapped him, if she’s that horny?”

Charlotte giggled, “Oh, he’s interested, alright. I can tell by the way he leers at her in church. Once we open her eyes to the possibility of constant cock, we’ll be able to convince her to leave my husband for greener pastures.”

She explained her plan and our involvement. Mom made several suggestions, and we agreed to meet her the next day at the church.

After Charlotte left, I turned to Mom and kissed her. “Mom, I’d like to tell Brooke before we follow through with this.”

Mom smiled and replied, “Of course, you should. Take her out tonight and explain; give her my love.”

I returned home in the morning before anyone was awake and cooked breakfast. Mary had volunteered to work the weekend, so she left immediately after eating. When Mom and I were alone, her curious look begged for an answer from my meeting with Brooke.

“We’re a go, Mom,” I remarked. “She thinks it’s a great idea that we’re helping another mother and son come together. When she heard Charlotte was pregnant, she couldn’t remove my clothes fast enough. It was a rough two hours before her passion calmed.”

“She’s a real catch. We should introduce her to the rest of the family. Discuss it with Brooke and see how she feels.”

We arrived thirty minutes early, and Charlotte gracefully escorted us to the rear of the church. After she navigated us through a myriad of rooms and doors, we finally arrived at the room where the minister paid homage to his most loyal and lucrative benefactors.

Several comfortable couches and chairs were in the room, along with rugs positioned strategically on the floor. Three doors led to small rooms on one side. The sanctuary was set up for fucking. I placed the bag I was carrying for Mom by a chair along the wall.

Charlotte looked stunning in her conservative church outfit. Approaching Mom, she asked, “Are you prepped and ready?” She ran her hand up Mom’s leg and under her skirt. Finding her hairy pussy, she jammed a finger in deeply and brought it back out, licking her finger clean. “Excellent. You enjoy role-playing with your son, don’t you?”

Mom hoarsely replied, “I love doing everything with him, as you do. Let’s get Mike ready, shall we?”

Charlotte removed my shoes and socks, while Mom unbuttoned my shirt. Once all my clothes were off, Mom kissed me while Charlotte sucked my cock until hard. Before I became too excited, they released me.

Mom handed me a plush robe draped over a chair. It was heavy, but the soft cotton felt comfortable against my skin. I laughed when I noticed an official-looking gold cross embroidered on one side.

Charlotte ordered, “Okay, wait in your rooms until it’s time.”

Grabbing Mom’s bag, I left for my assigned quarters. Each room had a peephole, enabling us to monitor the progress. Charlotte left us when it was time for her to escort the woman in question to the love chamber. I looked through the view-hole when I heard Charlotte say, “Please have a seat, Lena. My husband organized this meeting to provide you with additional assistance.”

My prick jerked in appreciation when I viewed Lena’s body. She was a tall, big-boned, blonde Swede, and her display of wealth was clear with her expensive clothes and well-cared-for skin. Her tight blouse hid her large, augmented breasts, which stood proud and firm.

After they sat, Lena nervously asked, “What kind of help did your husband think I needed? I hope I haven’t offended him in any way.” She was trying to determine if Charlotte was aware of her affair.

Putting her at ease, Charlotte replied, “The minister is concerned with your stress level. He senses that you’re having a hard time, and, as a major contributor to the church, he asked me to help you feel more comfortable. We have a program here to cater to our more respected parishioners.”

I laughed to myself as I knew respect, in this case, was another term for a big donor.

Lena breathed a sigh of relief. “Thanks, Charlotte. It is stressful with a husband that’s never around to help. You know he’s almost seventy and still works over twelve hours daily, right?”

She was at least thirty years younger, and it was clear why she craved sex. Her husband was more concerned with his business than taking care of hers.

“You poor thing,” Charlotte consoled her. “Let me call one of our attendants to help. His hands are marvelous for stress relief.”

That was my cue. I backed up to the back of the room, near the bathroom door. Charlotte cracked her head through the door and yelled, “Mike, could you come in here, please?”

I waited for a few minutes before entering the room. Walking in front of Lena, her eyes scanned up and down my robed body.

Charlotte interrupted Lena’s leering when she introduced me. “This is Mike, one of our volunteers. He’s been training with us to learn various relaxation techniques. Mike, this is Lena, one of our important members. Would you please help relieve her tension using the techniques you’ve been studying?”

“Of course, Mrs. Wilson. It’s an honor to serve the church. I hope I haven’t embarrassed either of you with my casual dress. I was showering after my workout and threw on this robe when you called.”

“No, I understand,” Lena assured me, smiling widely. “It doesn’t bother me. Please remain comfortable and let me know what I have to do.”

Charlotte announced, “I have some church business to attend. I’ll be gone for thirty minutes or more. Is there anything else you need, Lena?”

She replied, “No, I think I’m in expert hands. Thank you so much.”

As soon as Charlotte was out of the room, I moved behind Lena. My fingers glided through her fine hair and gently massaged her scalp. She was tense at first, and after ten minutes, her shoulders slumped as she relaxed. My hands drifted lower to her neck and ears before returning to her head.

Progressing further, I snaked my hands into the top of her blouse and massaged the sunken flesh above her collarbones. “Excuse me, Lena. I don’t want to damage your beautiful blouse. I need to unbutton your top button to provide better access.”

She didn’t object when I undid the top one. Her chest heaved, prompting me to gamble and unbutton the next one. My hands returned to her shoulders and pushed the material to the sides, exposing her smooth flesh. After kneading her pliant flesh for several minutes, I leaned into her ear and whispered, “Your skin is magnificent. I can feel your muscles relaxing. Close your eyes and think of something pleasant while I continue.”

I lightly kissed her neck and ran my fingers lower into her open blouse. My fingers delved down to the crack between her tits before quickly retreating. After several more times, I felt she was ready to progress. Kissing her neck, I left my lips on her flesh for several seconds before moving to her earlobe. I gently captured her lobe between my lips and lightly squeezed. Her breasts expanded; her excitement level increased.

“Your straps are in the way of targeting your muscles,” I whispered. “Do you mind if I pull them out of the way?”

Unable or unwilling to respond verbally, she leaned forward and provided access. I ran my hand down her back and unhooked her constricting bra. Shoving the top straps to the side, I resumed kneading her shoulders. She sighed while her muscles melted with my firm touch. She relaxed, causing her bra to fall and reveal her engorged pink nipples.

Moving my hands lower to the tops of her breasts, I gently squeezed and returned to her shoulders. Kissing her neck, I sucked in a hunk of her succulent flesh as my hands descended to her nipples. I lightly twisted her engorged tips before releasing them. She groaned while I grew more adventurous.

“Your breasts are gorgeous,” I croaked. My hands slid to her chest and cupped her mounds. After several minutes of kneading, my fingers captured both tips and teased them. Her constant moaning signaled her approval. She squirmed in her seat and sucked in her breath when I released them.

I finished removing her blouse and bra while she remained frozen in her blissful state. Her smile was all the approval I needed. Moving in front of her, I said, “I think you require some additional stimulation.”

My mouth latched onto her nearest areola and sucked hard. She yelped and pulled my head tightly to her soft flesh. While I feasted on one, I squeezed the other. Her giant tits heaved while I fed on her. Switching to her other one, I milked it for another five minutes. When I untied my robe, my prick sprung out into full view.

Standing up, I said, “You can open your eyes, Lena. We’ve concluded the first step. If you’re ready for the next phase, I’ll continue.”

Her eyes flickered. When her focus returned, her gaze locked onto my hard prick.

“Please, Mike. I’m getting much more relaxed. Do whatever you think would help me.”

I would have loved to have her blow me, but that wasn’t part of the plan. I pulled her out of the chair and moved her to one of the soft rugs. Holding her close, I whispered, “Remove your high heels. I need to focus on your legs now.”

While she kicked them off, I unsnapped her skirt, allowing it to fall to the floor. Lena’s eyes filled with lust, and her lips quivered as my hands roamed across her body. Gently kissing her, I ordered, “Remove my robe, Lena. Don’t you want my bare chest against yours?”

I kissed her again and opened my mouth. Her tongue searched and found mine. She shoved my robe off, and once it hit the floor, she hugged me tightly and mashed her full lips against mine. My hands caressed her back and gripped her soft ass cheeks, pulling her against my hard prick. Her eyes widened when she felt my hardness.

“Touch it, Lena. Wrap your hand around it.”

One of her hands gripped my shaft while the other cupped my balls. She stroked me and smeared my pre-cum along the length. Her chest heaved into mine while she panted, out of control.

Knowing the minister’s fear that one of his women would get pregnant, I surmised he always wore a condom. “Grab the head; imagine it plowing through your tight pussy.”

She captured my mushroom-shaped crown and twisted it. We both groaned when she squeezed out a blob of juice and coated my staff. “Don’t you want me to shove my bare prick up your hungry pussy? Wouldn’t it feel good? That big flared cap of meat will scrape along your pussy walls. You’ll feel a fleshy cock instead of some rubber-encased pencil dick. Show me you want it. Take off your panties and feel the pleasure of my hot meat.”

“Yes,” she croaked. “It’s been so long since I’ve had a bare, hard prick. Please, Mike. Fuck me.”

Keeping one hand around my pole, her other pulled her panties off and quickly kicked them to the side. My hand roamed down her smooth stomach and found her soaking snatch, eager for a cock.

Her height matched mine, and we aligned perfectly for a standing fuck. Grabbing behind one of her knees, I brought her leg up horizontally, opening her gaping gash. Sticking my prick between her legs, I drug the top of my shaft along her slippery slit. She groaned and begged, “Oh god, I need you. Quit teasing me and fuck me.”

“If you want it, Lena, stick it in. Put it where you want it. Sink your tight pussy onto my cock.”

She wasted no time and pulled me into her opening. Once my cock was snugly seated, I thrust in halfway. She screamed in pleasure when I split her tightly clenched sheath. After three short strokes, I buried my prick to the hilt and furiously banged her pussy. She wailed and thrashed as if it was her first fuck. No wonder the minister couldn’t keep up with her voracity for cock.

Locking my lips with hers, I rapidly fucked her, attempting to trigger her orgasm before I blew. Six strokes later, her body shook; hot fluid coated my shaft. Thank God she was an easy-comer. I pulled out before my climax hit me and held her tight while she recovered.

“Thank you so much, Mike.” She kissed me, assuming we had finished.

“You can thank me when the session is over. You interrupted me before I could demonstrate my other skills.”

Her eyes twinkled with anticipation when I lowered her to the rug. Her tits remained upright and rounded.

Kissing and kneading my way up her legs brought her excitement level back. I couldn’t see her face with her giant tits blocking the view. Her scent flooded my senses, my prick jerking in appreciation. After feasting on her upper thighs for ten minutes until her moaning was continuous, I dove into her wet pussy. She screamed when I nibbled on her outer lips and swirled my tongue around her labia. She groaned and forcefully pulled my head into her steaming snatch.

“Eat me, you little motherfucker. I need to cum again. Suck my pussy!”

I inwardly laughed that she got lucky and called me my rightful name. Bringing three fingers into play, I fucked her while my tongue washed her outer areas. Finding her engorged clit, I squeezed it with my lips while my fingers stroked faster. Pleasure wracked her body when she climaxed.

When Lena’s body relaxed, I slurped her sweet nectar before rising and running my fingers through her sparse patch of light-colored pussy hair. That confirmed my suspicions that she was a true blonde. I kissed my way up to her large breasts. Knowing she was proud of them, I sucked and kneaded on her mounds until her excitement level built up.

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