Of Mothers and Sons - Cover

Of Mothers and Sons

Copyright© 2023 by MrCurrie

Chapter 7

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 7 - Mike and his mother, Megan, physically unite and are so pleased with themselves, that they go on a campaign to join other mothers with their sons. To convince some of them to participate, Mike or Megan has to have sex with the mother or son to convince them to mate. If you're a mother/son purist who can't stand the thought of a mother fucking someone else, please don't read. You won't like it. Mike's wife and sister also participate. Mike impregnates most of them.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Incest   Mother   Son   Sister   Aunt   Grand Parent  

Mom brought me out of my slumber in the morning, caressing my body until I regained consciousness. Her hand found my soft cock and brought it to life. Putting two fingers on my lips, she signaled me to remain quiet. She whispered, “I’m going to take a shower. Fill her one last time before she leaves. I know you love her as much as I do. Tell her that and treat her like you would your mother.”

She didn’t allow me to reply, as she silently rolled out and disappeared into the bathroom, closing the door behind her. Rolling to my other side, I uncovered Brooke. Her magnificent tits rose and fell while she soundly slept. I gently caressed her mounds, taking care not to awaken her.

Relishing the texture of her smooth flesh, I moved lower and kneaded her thighs. They instinctively spread apart, providing access to her bushy treasure. I gently stroked her outer labia, until her lubricating fluids oozed and coated her puffy lips. Her breathing quickened while she slept. Was she dreaming of us fucking the previous night?

Crawling between her legs, I ran my tip along her gash until it was slick and shiny. Lining up my cock, I pushed between her swollen lips and paused, waiting for her slot to accept my girth. A gentle shove and her slippery snatch sucked my helmeted head in deeper. I short-stroked her without interrupting her sleep. Her sheath secreted more juice, which quickly coated my cock and allowed me to sink deeper. She moaned, and her eyes fluttered while she emerged from her dreams.

Shoving to the bottom of her slot caused her to gasp for air. “What a wonderful way to wake up,” Brooke gasped. “Good morning, Mike. Sleep well?”

“Like a baby. You wore me out last night, but I’m not complaining. You’re a fantastic lover.”

When I kissed her, she wrapped her arms around my back. She held me tight while we slowly made love.

“You and your mother have treated me wonderfully. I can’t believe how lucky I’ve been. The total experience last night was so erotic. I’ll cherish those memories forever. You certainly know how to make a woman feel special.”

“To be fair, I owe a lot to a school acquaintance, Sarah. She taught me that giving is more rewarding than receiving.”

After I explained to Brooke how I used Sarah’s technique last night, she laughed. “I’m glad she helped you. She was right about most of it.”


“Yes. Sarah was right about how a woman’s mind was the way to unlock her pussy. The first time we met and talked, I knew what kind of man you were. That is the moment you seduced me, not last night. After the day at the store, you could have flopped your cock out, and I would have jumped on it.”

Emphasizing her desire, she humped her hips up, smashing our groins together while I continued to thrust in and out.

“Where’s your mother?” she huskily asked.

“In the shower. She wanted us to make love again, before you leave.”

Kissing her again, I picked up my pace. She raised her knees upright, bringing her feet close to her ass, elevating her pelvis to align with my pile-driving prick.

“She’s so thoughtful. It’s apparent you two love each other.”

“We do. Say nothing to Mom, but I’m proposing to her this week. I want nothing more than to be her lifelong partner.”

Her body shifted to a faster pace, squirming beneath me. “That’s wonderful. Does this mean our time together is limited?”

“Of course not. Mom doesn’t know the meaning of selfishness. You’re not getting rid of us. We’re going to be seeing a lot of you in the future. There’s also the fact that I’m in love with you.”

Her smile broadened. She replied, “I hoped your aim wasn’t to bag a milf and run away.”

“Technically, you’re not a mother, but I’m going to change that. You are a hot cougar, though.”

Her arms tightened around my back while we both neared our orgasm. “Fuck me hard, Mike. It’s time to fill my pussy with your potent sperm. You’ll be in love with two mothers after this weekend.”

My shaft increased in size; more blood surged into my prick. Brooke’s moans were steady, our bodies ready to explode. Leaning close, I said, “I’m going to ask her to bear my children, too. I’m breeding you and my mother in this same bed.”

“I love you, Mike. Fuck me! I’m cumming!”

My lips locked onto hers; her eyes went wild. Her pussy convulsed, and with three more strokes, I erupted. Her channel squeezed each time I bottomed out, ensuring I filled her clasping cavern with potent seed. Our kissing ended while we struggled to gasp for air. She held my ass and pulled me tight when she sensed I might pull out.

“Stay on me, please. I want to savor this moment as long as possible. I love feeling your body on top of mine.”

We kissed and caressed each other while relaxing. The bathroom door opened, and Mom emerged, smiling at our interlocked, nude bodies. “It looks like my son has done his duty. You two make a lovely couple. The water’s warm if you want to shower, Brooke.”

I eased off, allowing her to roll out of bed. Going to her dresser, she pulled out some panties and slipped them on. While dressing, she explained, “No, thanks. I want to smell Mike’s scent all day. My pussy is going to carry his cum until my body absorbs it. Keep the key to the cabin and come back as often as you want. Thanks for everything you’ve done for me.”

Mom and I slipped on our robes and walked with Brooke to the door on her way out. We all hugged, and with tears in her eyes, Mom wept. “We love you, Brooke. We’ll meet when we get home and discuss our future.”

The days flew by while my connection with my mother grew stronger. We hiked together, dined at all the restaurants in the village, and thoroughly explored the surrounding area. We enjoyed our private heaven, openly displaying our love.

On the day of our departure, we made love one last time before we left our sanctuary of love. We slowly fucked missionary style, desiring the close, personal joining. After feeding on her succulent breasts, I looked into her eyes and proposed, “Mom, I love you and have for years. There is no other woman I want to spend the rest of my life with; marry me, Mom.”

She smiled and lightly kissed me. “Sweetie, you know that’s not possible. I’m not divorced, and even if I were, a son can’t marry his mother.”

“I don’t care about the legal part. You’re my soulmate. It’s a way to confirm our deep love for each other.”

She hugged me tightly and slammed her hips into mine. “Your wants and desires are identical to mine. Marry me, Mike, and make me the happiest woman on earth. I want you as my husband and would love to begin a new life with you.”

We kissed to seal our deal, and I quickly pumped her to an orgasm. Our bodies climaxed together, our illicit relationship sealed.

Upon arriving home, we showered and retired to bed. Once again, I found myself between my mother’s legs, pounding my cock into her drenched pussy. As often as we had made love, it always felt like we were doing it for the first time. Mom’s glove snapped and locked my cock in place. After releasing me, I continued thrusting and chuckled, “You have my attention, Mom.”

She smiled. “As your wife, I won’t keep any secrets from you and vow to treat you like no woman has. You won’t regret marrying me. The key to a good relationship is honesty and communication. And a lot of fucking,” she giggled.

“You’ll get plenty of that, Mom. There is one more thing I need from you. I want you to go off the pill. I want you to bear my children.”

“Oh, my! First, you want to marry your mother, and now you want to impregnate her? I’m afraid that’s not possible.”

Seeing my sorrowful look, she continued, “What I meant, it isn’t possible to go off the pill. I was never on it. You’ve deposited so much sperm into my pussy, that I might already be pregnant. I’ve loved you for years and knew I wanted your baby. Fill your wife with another load.”

Our fucking intensified with the knowledge we were a mother and son breeding. Our eyes and mouths locked while we neared our release. Her body turned rigid, her pussy releasing cum. After two more strokes, my prick throbbed and streamed out my sticky semen. After my balls emptied, she held onto my ass, keeping me locked in her body.

“Let it soak. We don’t want any of your guys escaping. Hug me tightly.” We held onto each other until we both fell asleep, our bodies fused as one.

Escaping the fog of sleep, I rolled over to see it was already nine in the morning. Mom was in the kitchen on the phone. After dragging myself out of bed, I freshened up and joined her for breakfast. She looked vibrant and full of life.

“Mom, what’s the plan for today?”

“Moving Day,” Mom chirped. “First, we’re going to haul the rest of your items into our bedroom, including your workstation. Afterward, you’re going to your sister’s apartment to assist her in moving back home.”

“She’ll be a handful after being neglected for a week,” I grimaced. “I’m concerned about her feelings when we inform her of our upcoming marriage. Do you want me to tell her?”

“Yes, be honest and explain that our commitment to each other won’t affect our feelings for her. We love her, and she will continue to be an integral part of our family. Don’t disclose our relationship with Brooke, as I don’t want her to feel overwhelmed. Dealing with her mother marrying her brother will be enough for her to handle emotionally.”

“Mom, will you accompany me? She might need more consoling than I’m able to provide.”

“Mike,” Mom hesitated until she held my attention. “I don’t have time to join you and your sister. Charlotte is picking me up so we can plan the wedding. We’ll be busy all day. I know we didn’t discuss the conditions of our special arrangement in detail, and that’s on me.”

She paused, taking a deep breath before continuing, “Our situation is complicated. Although we will be married, I want to continue our physical relationship with Mary, Charlotte, and Brooke. They need us, and if you’re willing, I’d like you to continue to keep your harem of horny women sexually satisfied. I won’t hold you back if you want to have a relationship with other women. The only thing I ask of you is that you tell me so we can determine the best course of action for us.”

I replied, “Mom, there will be no one else. I agree we all need to support each other, and if it means fucking four extremely hot and sex-starved women, I guess it’s a sacrifice I’ll make to accept your hand in marriage.”

We giggled before we resumed eating.

Driving our newly acquired Lexus to Mary’s, I was apprehensive when I greeted her, unsure how she would react. Her cheerful attitude and welcome kiss made it even more difficult.

She chirped, “I’ve missed you so much, Mikey. Did you and Mom have a good time? It makes me more than a little jealous when I see how you two act around each other.”

I kissed her and held her close before I began my rehearsed speech. “Mary, I’ve enjoyed our relationship together, but...”

Mary interrupted. “I’ve heard this before. You’re dumping me, aren’t you?” Tears formed in her beautiful eyes.

Wiping away her tears, I said, “No, you’re my sister. I love you. I wanted to tell you that Mom and I are getting married. It won’t be legal, but we’re committing ourselves to each other.”

Her face brightened. I continued, “Mom loves you and wants to include you in our physical relationship.”

Without saying a word, she gripped my hand and pulled me to her bedroom. Unbuckling my belt, she pulled my pants and underwear down in one fell swoop. She flopped on the bed and lifted her skirt, exposing her slick, bare pussy. “Let’s celebrate your marriage with a fast fuck. I couldn’t be happier for both of you.”

There was no need for foreplay, sliding effortlessly into her lubricated channel. We furiously fucked, and before I could unbutton her blouse, her body shook and humped against mine; her body orgasmed. Her frantic assault triggered my release. I unloaded a fresh batch of semen deep into her horny cunny.

Once our panting subsided, I croaked, “That went better than I thought it would. I was afraid you’d be upset about Mom and me.”

“It was my greatest wish. I feared you’d meet a woman, and she’d steal you away from us. You’re ours now, and we’ll take good care of you. There won’t be a need to pursue anyone else. Mom cares about others so much I knew she would want to share our love with you.”

“She’s amazing. She also wants us to maintain a relationship with Charlotte.”

Mary shrieked, “The Queen? You are one lucky husband. I wouldn’t mind having a session with her myself. She has a sexy, fuck-me look that does something to me.”

“She is alluring and passionate. Let’s finish packing so we can get you moved in by nightfall.”

After several more trips, we had enough of her belongings transferred back home to enable her to live in either place. Her lease didn’t expire for several more weeks, so we decided to wait until then to finish moving. She elected to stay in her apartment one last night since she was scheduled for an early shift the next morning. After a lengthy love session, I left for home, reeking of my sister’s cum.

Mom was home by the time I arrived. Hugging me tightly, she took a deep whiff and ordered, “I’m going to fix us a light dinner. Take a shower and wash off Mary’s juices.”

We both laughed when I turned to leave.

“Does this mean she took the news well?” Mom asked.

“Extremely so. Mary was thrilled with the news. Want to take a shower with me?”

I hardened while I leered at my beautiful mother.

“Normally, I would love to, but we both know what would happen. I want you to save yourself for our wedding tomorrow night. The best present I expect from you will be a huge load of my son’s cum.”

“Mom, are you going to invite Brooke to our wedding?”

“No, let’s give her some time to get to know us better first. We’ll keep your relationship with Brooke secret. I know it’s confusing, but it’s alright to admit you love her.”

Her expression displayed her genuine concern for my conflicting emotions. “It’s different from how I feel about you, Mom. You both drive me crazy. Yes, I love her, but nothing will be as intense as my connection with you.”

“Don’t hold back your feelings. Brooke is taking a week off beginning next weekend. She invited us to the cabin.”

My smile silently signaled my approval.

She continued, “I accepted and promised we’d let her know when we would arrive. I didn’t tell her that you’ll be the only person who shows up. It’s my wedding gift to her. I want you two to savor the same uninterrupted bliss we enjoyed during our stay. Bond and cement your relationship with her, and when you return, I’ll want you to demonstrate all the sexual positions you two enjoyed during your stay.”

“My love for you continues to grow more than ever. I’ll do more than re-enact our sessions of passion. She’ll model as many of her nighties for me as possible. With her approval, I’ll record her fashion shows plus our ensuing lovemaking. When I return, we’ll review them while we fuck our brains out.”

Her breath quickened; she croaked, “Stop it. My pussy is soaked thinking about it. Let’s change the subject before I break my vow of abstinence.”

Knowing she might not have the willpower to fulfill her promise, I didn’t want her to regret a rash decision, arising from her passion. I lightly kissed her and reluctantly left for my old room to cool off.

The rest of the evening flew by before cuddling in bed. When I informed Mom about Mary’s infatuation with Charlotte, she snickered.

When we drifted off, I spooned her, draped my arm around her side, and held her smooth belly. As I rubbed it, I wondered if a child was already growing.

The next day lagged on, while we waited for the festivities to begin. Mom and I drove to Mary’s apartment early in the evening, where Charlotte met us. Mom had picked out a nice restaurant to celebrate our upcoming nuptials. I barely got a word in while the three women conversed.

When we arrived home, Mom ushered me into my old bedroom, where I remained until they were ready. Less than thirty minutes later, she called for me. Three sexy, beautiful women anxiously awaited my arrival. Mom wore the blue nightie that I had gifted her. Her nipples were already hard and pushed out the thin material.

Charlotte wore Mom’s blue robe while Mary was in her work uniform. Seeing my puzzled look, Mom explained, “We’re in the outfits we wore the first time we made love with you.”

Charlotte eyed my sister, remarking, “Seriously, Mary? You had sex with your brother while wearing your work uniform? We may need to schedule some therapy time together.”

Mary squealed, “Yes, I’d love to have a one-on-one session with you.” Her eyes lustfully communicated her desires.

Mom chuckled and interrupted the sexual tension. “It’s common practice to give the bride’s attendants a present. Charlotte is first.”

Looking at me, she directed, “Mike, remove your robe and lie flat on your back on the bed.”

When I was in position, Mom declared, “Charlotte, you need to be stress-free when conducting the ceremony. For your present, I want you to ride my son until you release, and don’t you dare get him too excited.”

Charlotte smiled widely, and without removing her robe, she lowered herself onto my upright shaft. She was already wet and had no trouble descending my length. When her mound hit my groin, she murmured, “Best gift I’ve ever received for officiating at a wedding. Thank you so much.”

She humped my body, twisting and turning to ensure her sensitive areas made contact with my ram. Careful not to get too excited, I remained still so I wouldn’t climax. After ten minutes, Mom’s impatience got the best of her. Moving behind us, she snaked her hands inside Charlotte’s robe and twisted her sensitive nipples.

Not wanting to be left out, Mary teased the Queen’s clit with her agile fingers. In less than a minute, Charlotte climaxed and released her juices. Pulling off, she collapsed on the bed to recover.

After five minutes to allow us to cool off, Mom announced, “One down, one to go. Mary, as my daughter and official wedding photographer, I have a special gift for you.”

Mary smiled, eyeing my shiny, upright prick. Mom moved to Charlotte and spread her robe to the sides, revealing the Queen’s luscious body. Mary’s eyes widened, anxiously waiting for what was next.

Mom grinned widely. “Mary, your gift is Queen Cleopatra. Feast on her as you did your mother.”

My sister wasted no time scampering between Charlotte’s widely splayed legs. Charlotte squealed with delight while Mary voraciously licked her slick labia. Mary paused while studying Charlotte’s cross-shaped pubic hair. She chuckled. “This is like drinking holy fluid from a sacred artifact and is the most fulfilling religious experience I’ve ever had.”

Charlotte humped her hungry slot into my sister’s mouth. “Mother, son, and daughter all intertwined in an incestuous web. It looks like I’m going to have to schedule many more family therapy sessions,” Charlotte giggled.

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