Of Mothers and Sons - Cover

Of Mothers and Sons

Copyright© 2023 by MrCurrie

Chapter 6

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 6 - Mike and his mother, Megan, physically unite and are so pleased with themselves, that they go on a campaign to join other mothers with their sons. To convince some of them to participate, Mike or Megan has to have sex with the mother or son to convince them to mate. If you're a mother/son purist who can't stand the thought of a mother fucking someone else, please don't read. You won't like it. Mike's wife and sister also participate. Mike impregnates most of them.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Incest   Mother   Son   Sister   Aunt   Grand Parent  

Mom and I spent the better part of the next day working around the house until we stopped to have an early dinner at one of the restaurants at the mall. We took the Lexus, parked, and walked down the main concourse. When we passed in front of the lingerie store, Mom noticed her nightie in the window, stopped, and requested, “I want to meet Brooke.”

Even though I knew there was a chance she wouldn’t be working or might be with a client, I was still eager to see Brooke again. I wondered how Mom would react, meeting the sexy woman who captured my lustful attention.

When a different sales associate greeted us, I asked, “Is Brooke available, and if so, would you tell her I’d like to talk to her? I’m Mike.”

She smiled and replied, “Let me check. I believe she just completed a transaction.” Curtly turning, she pranced to the rear of the store. Minutes later, Brooke briskly walked out, smiling widely. When she was close, she reached out and held my hands, exclaiming, “Mike! It’s so good to see you again.” Glancing at Mom, she eyed her from top to bottom. She remarked, “I know exactly who this lovely lady is. She’s your friend, and you described her perfectly.”

Mom smirked and replied, “I am his friend, but more importantly, I’m his mother. Hi, I’m Megan.”

I grinned at Brooke’s look of surprise. She released my hands and blushed. Her loss of words only lasted for a few seconds before composing herself. “I’m glad to make your acquaintance. Mike didn’t tell me it was for his mother, but his description was so accurate, I should have known it was someone close to him.”

Mom giggled at Brooke’s nervousness and extended her hand. They shook hands, easing the tension. Mom explained, “He didn’t tell you because he was ashamed to tell someone he was buying lingerie for his mother. I thought it was sweet of him, and I must say, my new boyfriend, Victor, appreciated it. Please forgive my son for deceiving you. He’s been a little overprotective since my separation and tries hard to look after my best interests.”

Brooke smiled and appeared noticeably more comfortable with the tense situation. “It was my pleasure working with him. He’s such a considerate young man. You’re lucky he was there to support you through your ordeal. Fortunately, you stopped by when you did, as my shift is just ending.”

Mom paused and admired Brooke’s beauty before asking, “Please, join us for a late lunch? My treat. It’s the least I can do for the amount of help you provided.”

Brooke blushed again and replied, “Oh, I don’t know. It doesn’t seem appropriate for me to take advantage of a customer.”

Mom wouldn’t take no for an answer. “Nonsense. We’d love the company, and it would be more comfortable for Mike to dine with someone other than his mother. We’ll wait here for your return.”

Brooke didn’t argue and dashed to the back. When she was out of earshot, I stared at Mom and said, “Seriously, Mom? Victor?”

Mom’s smile turned into a sneer. “He did try to screw me. Isn’t that what boyfriends do?”

We giggled, and before we could continue, Brooke reappeared. We made our way to the restaurant, and before long, I found myself seated with two beautiful women. They wasted no time becoming friendly. It was clear they enjoyed each other’s company. Mom tried to include me in the conversation, but Brooke appeared nervous speaking to me. In my mind, I hoped it was because she didn’t want to alert a mother that an attractive, older woman was eyeing her son.

After a lengthy discussion and they felt comfortable with each other, Mom asked, “Brooke, if I may ask, do you have any children? Mike hasn’t told me anything about you, but someone as lovely as you must be married or have one or more boyfriends.”

Brooke’s face flushed, but she didn’t back off from the personal questioning. “Single, for ten years. No kids; that’s why I’m divorced. I don’t know why children scare off so many men.”

Mom’s face saddened, understanding how Brooke felt. They had both experienced harmful relationships. “I know what you’re going through. I was lucky to have found someone, plus Mike has been a tremendous help. I lost my parents several years before my divorce, so he’s had to fill in for my lack of family, too.”

It was Brooke’s turn to get personal. “Megan, I know how you feel, as my mom and dad died a few years ago. Mike said he bought the gift for you because you’re recently divorced. How did you meet someone so quickly after your prior relationship? I haven’t found anyone in ten years of searching, but then again, I gave up after a few years of failed attempts.”

Mom chirped, “My boyfriend and I have been close for a long time; however, we were never romantically involved. After my divorce was all but over, we hooked up one night. It quickly escalated from there. Without going into too much detail in front of my son, your perfectly sized lingerie made it easier to break the ice, if you know what I mean.” Mom’s sexy smirk conveyed her veiled message.

Brooke giggled and knowingly winked at Mom.

Changing topics, Mom continued, “We’re going to stay at a resort for a week to see if we’re as compatible as we think. I still have to look around for a suitable location. I’m looking forward to it, and Mike will have our place to himself, so he’ll be happy to get me out of his hair.”

“I’ll find something to do around the house,” I answered. Mom wasn’t getting off that easy. “There’s always something that needs repairing. Since I returned home, I’ve found several items that haven’t been taken care of for years. It’s been fun getting them back into shape,” I teased.

Mom almost spat out her water when she laughed. Hoping I hadn’t gone too far, I breathed a sigh of relief when Brooke changed the subject and said, “You don’t have to look any further. I own a small cabin in a cute little town in the mountains. It’s tiny but has a fireplace and is only a ninety-minute drive from here. You can stay there for the week. It’s perfect for a romantic adventure.”

Mom’s eyebrows rose when she heard the offer, and I knew she wouldn’t readily accept it. As expected, she politely refused. “We couldn’t impose. You barely know us. We could rent it from you, though. I wouldn’t feel right taking advantage of your generosity.”

Brooked replied, “You’d be doing me a favor by utilizing it. I don’t need the money, and I know enough from talking with Mike and you to know you’re good people. Please allow me to do this for you.” She pulled out a business card and hurriedly scribbled on it. “Here is the address to my cabin. I’ll meet you there at seven tonight. I won’t take no for an answer,” she sternly stressed, handing the card to Mom.

“Thank you so much, Brooke. We better get home and pack our bags.”

We finished our meal and were on our way home in no time. My thoughts drifted to the recent development; I couldn’t believe my good luck. Once home, Mom and I packed enough clothes to last a week. Walking by my suitcase, she tossed in my short robe. Puzzled, I asked, “Do you think I’ll need this? We’re past the shy stage.”

“Smartass, obey your mother,” she scolded and giggled. She knew I’d do anything she wanted. We were on schedule and only thirty minutes away from the cabin when Mom reached over to unzip me. It was tough keeping my concentration on the road while Mom stroked my prick. When I was semi-hard, Mom asked, “Do you remember the promise I made to you concerning bringing other people into our relationship?”

After I nodded in agreement, she continued, “How about Brooke?” My cock responded with a jerk when I recalled our flirting episode. “That’s what I thought. She deserves some manly attention, and I want to help her. Would you mind assisting me in improving her love life?”

“Mom, whatever you want, I’ll gladly aid you. It was clear you were attracted to her. Will you use your persuasive skills to add another notch to your belt of seductions?” She squeezed harder while I teased her.

“Mike, you’re thinking like all men. Every woman isn’t bisexual. Let’s not force her into an uncomfortable situation. All I want is to make her happy. She deserves your prick jammed up her pussy, which I’m sure will restart her lust for life.”

“Since she’s a shorter version of you, it’ll be a delight making love to her. For now, you better stop stroking, or I won’t be much help.” Mom immediately released me, stuffing my cock back into my pants. She patted my leg before running her hand through my hair and massaging my scalp. She always knew how to soothe my inner angst.

The cabin was easy to locate, and before we knew it, we were at the door, knocking lightly. Brooke greeted us and invited us in. Her look turned to concern when she noticed me holding our suitcases. She scanned beyond us and remarked, “Megan, I’m sorry. I forgot to mention there’s only one bedroom. I assumed it would be only you and Victor.”

Mom quickly replied, “He’s in a meeting, but it’s all right. I would’ve called you, but I figured you’d be on the road already. He’ll arrive tomorrow. Mike will return home tonight.” Once Mom looked over the interior design, she exclaimed, “I love your cabin. The open concept with the living room and kitchen is perfect. Your fireplace looks marvelous, too. I’m sure we’ll enjoy it while we’re here.”

My arms were tired of hefting the luggage, so I set it on the rustic, wood floor. My sighs caught Brooke’s attention. “I’m sorry, Mike. Here we’re blabbering away while you’re holding the bags. Follow me, and I’ll show you the bedroom.”

It looked like she drove straight to the cabin, still dressed in her work clothes. Her conservative skirt hid her upper legs, allowing her thin calves to be displayed while leading the way. Her large, king-sized bed didn’t crowd her oversized bedroom. Several dressers and a makeup table were along one side, and a full-length closet was on the other. The door leading to the bathroom was between the dressers.

Brooke paused and mentally sized the bags I held. She remarked, “I have a couple of suitcase racks in the closet you’ll be able to use.”

While I remained, Mom followed her. When Brooke slid the door open, Mom shrieked, “Oh, my! Look at your lingerie collection.”

Twisting my head to observe what Mom had seen, a rack of nighties came into view. Dozens of delicate sets of nightwear filled the closet. Apparently, working at a women’s store had its perks. Brooke blushed and explained, “The store generously gives deep employee discounts on defects and returns. I hope you don’t find it weird that a woman who can’t snag a man has an extensive collection of sexy clothes. They relax me when I’m here, even if no one will appreciate them.”

Mom stepped closer and ran her fingers through the material of several outfits. “It’s not strange at all, Brooke. I’d do the same if I worked there. Clothes like this make a woman feel special. If anything, I’m jealous of your collection.”

Brooke smiled when she realized Mom wasn’t alarmed at her immense, sexy collection. “There’s some room at the other end to hang your clothes. Feel free to wear these for the time you’re here.”

Mom stuttered, “Really? Most people would get grossed out if someone else wore their intimates. Are you sure?”

“Someone should get some use out of them. It’d make me feel like it was worth it, if put to good use. Please wear what you want while you’re here. Matching panties and bras are in the dresser drawers. I will warn you that I haven’t modified any of them; they might be oddly sized. Please inform me later which ones were a hit.” Brooke giggled and gave Mom the same knowing look from lunch.

She pulled the luggage racks out and set them up along the wall. Placing the suitcases on top, I stepped back while the women continued their conversation.

Mom answered, “Deal. I appreciate it and can hardly wait to try them on. They’re all high-end and sexy. You have excellent taste, but I knew that. Mike told me your expertise in the store saved his hide. By the way he was enamored of you, I thought he had found a new girlfriend.”

Brooke’s face flushed from Mom’s compliments. “I’m glad he was pleased. It takes years to learn the products we sell and become confident enough to select the correct items for the customer.”

Sensing the conversation turning uncomfortable, I turned and headed back to the great room. When Mom thought I was out of range, she continued with the sale of her son. “Brooke, initially, I thought he was impressed with how you managed the sale. When I met you in person, I knew it was more. You’re a beautiful and sexy woman. I know Mike, and his crush on you isn’t because of your sales skills.”

Their voices lowered, and all I could eavesdrop on were their giggles at the end of their conversation. Scoping out the kitchen, I looked and found the glassware. Brooke led Mom to the comfortable couch where they sat.

“Would you ladies like anything to drink?” I offered. “I’m not sure what’s available, but I’m pouring water for myself.”

Brooke chirped, “Juice and milk are in the fridge. I stopped at the market and picked up a few items to hold your Mom and Victor over until they visit the village. There’s also a bottle of wine on the counter. Water for me, please.”

Mom responded, “I wouldn’t mind a glass of wine. It’s a nice way to finish the day, and I don’t have to drive home like you two.”

Taking the stopper off the open wine bottle, I poured half a glass and another with water. Carrying the drinks over, I set them on the coffee table. Brooke sexily smiled and thanked me. Mom’s warm-up conversation in the bedroom positively affected Brooke; her mood was noticeably warmer.

Giving Mom a warning look, I glanced at the wine to remind her of the last time she had too much. She returned a knowing smile before I turned to retrieve my glass. Brooke pulled out a pile of pamphlets from a drawer, showing Mom the maps of the hiking trails and going into detail on all the dining guides for the local restaurants.

Before I could sit, Mom pleaded, “Mike, could you make a fire for us? It’s a little chilly. I love the ambiance and smell of a working fireplace.”

“Sure, Mom. Anything to warm up my lovely ladies.” I snickered. Mom grinned in return.

Finding the scoop, I cleaned out the ash on the hearth before arranging the logs and kindling. After I opened the damper, I lit the tinder, and after a few minutes, an impressive fire was roaring.

The loud crackling noise drew Mom from the couch. She kneeled beside me and held her hands out to the flames, warming them. “Nice fire. Show me what you did, so I’ll know how to do it when you’re gone.”

She attentively listened while I explained everything. Our backs were to Brooke, which hid our movements. Mom pulled the scoop out of the bucket and purposely dusted the front of my clothes with ash. She exclaimed, “Oh, my goodness, I’m so sorry, Mike. My hand slipped. Take off your pants and shirt before the stain sets in. I’ll hand-wash them and throw them in the dryer. You can change into Victor’s robe while we wait for them to dry.”

After closing the bedroom door, I stripped and retrieved the short robe. The bottom was a mere eight inches below my crotch, allowing my hairy legs and thighs to be displayed. I thought back to when Mom threw it in the case. She planned this, knowing a seduction would be easier with skimpier garments. Following Mom’s intentions, I didn’t wear any underwear.

I carried my clothes back and handed them to Mom. She quickly disappeared into the bathroom. Brooke’s constant stare at my exposed flesh made me regret my commando decision. My cock could easily escape and poke out the front. Mom yelled, “Sit by Brooke so we can finish reading the booklets together. Don’t worry, she won’t bite,” she chuckled. “At least I hope not. I wouldn’t want my son damaged.”

Brooke giggled and patted the spot next to her. At least it’d be easier to arrange my prick discreetly. Holding up one of the pamphlets, she acted like she was leafing through the pages, but I caught her repeatedly glancing at my legs. When I sat near her, my calves touched hers. She didn’t move away and bumped me several times when she retrieved more material from the drawer.

Mom emerged and sat beside me rather than sitting on the other side of Brooke. Finding myself sandwiched between two sexy, beautiful women, I concentrated on various topics to keep my manhood from making a surprise appearance. It didn’t help that frequent wafts of perfume from each of them flooded my senses. Mom’s left hand dropped to my leg and held it while she held open a menu. “Look at the delicious meals offered by this restaurant. Victor and I may have to patronize them several times during our stay.”

Her hand remained on my leg when she passed the menu back. Brooke took the paper, and I could see her eyeing Mom’s intimate touch. Not mentioning it, she replied, “Good choice. It’s one of my favorite places to eat.”

After they had finished reviewing the material, Mom yawned and asked, “I’m sticky and stinky. Do you mind if I take a shower while we’re waiting for Mike’s clothes to dry?” She removed her hand and rose.

Brooke replied, “Enjoy. I should leave anyway before it gets too late. I’ve shown you everything you need.”

Mom’s face turned to sorrow, pleading, “Please stay until Mike leaves. I enjoy your company, and I’m sure he would like someone to talk to while I’m showering. Right, Mike?”

Turning to look at Brooke’s pretty face, I begged, “I’d love for you to stay. We’ve barely spoken since Mom likes to command the conversation.”

They laughed, and when Mom rose to leave, she retorted, “I get the picture. You two can have a nice talk while I shower.”

Mom knew her excuse to shower provided a chance for me to connect with Brooke. Before I could speak, Brooke barraged me with questions and kept the conversation centered on me. Partway through one long answer, I recognized my error and quickly wrapped up my rhetoric. Rising off the couch, I said, “It’s still a little chilly. Let me throw on a few more logs.”

While I fed wood into the fireplace, I recalled a portion of Sarah’s training. I could distinctly hear her words.

“Contrary to young men’s beliefs, you can’t win over a girl by flopping your cock out in the open and hoping she’ll go gaga over it. Seducing a woman is accomplished quicker through her mind, rather than physically. Inquire about her interests and beliefs. Stay engaged in what she says, and ask questions when needed. Hold your attention on her, and don’t drift off while thinking of a tricky comeback to something she’s saying. Compliment her. Often. When she asks you something, don’t dwell on a long-drawn-out narrative. Allow her to pry information from you.”

Scolding myself, I had inadvertently fallen into what Sarah had warned me. Closing the spark screen, I returned and nestled next to Brooke. She smiled and remarked, “The room is warm, but with your short robe, you might feel chilly. I’ve noticed that you inherited your mother’s great legs; more hair, though,” we both chuckled; the ice had broken.

It was my turn to focus the dialogue on her interests. After a few topics that didn’t go anywhere, I shifted the discussion to her employment, knowing she was proud of her sales skills. That’s all it took. She loved to talk about fashion and her position at the lingerie store.

Prompting her to recollect some funny stories she had encountered while working sped up the pace. Her leg kept bumping into mine while she talked with her hands, describing various customer interactions. When we heartily laughed at one funny tale, her nearest hand slapped on top of my leg, directly above my kneecap. She didn’t remove it through several more stories.

Her cute laugh and wonderful smile warmed my heart. Her fingers slowly intertwined through my leg hair, barely noticeable. Was this her way of making a move? Was she ready for me to advance? Deciding to change topics, I said, “Either your shower is extremely relaxing, or Mom is thoroughly scrubbing herself for tomorrow. She’s been in there for a long time.”

Brooke’s expression turned serious when she asked, “How do you fit in with your mother’s new relationship? It’s clear that you care about your mother’s well-being. Do you like or trust Victor?”

I didn’t have to lie to her when I replied, “He’s fantastic. My mother has never been happier, and he’s the perfect man for her. I’ve never seen two people more in love.”

Her facial expression was saddened when she confessed, “I’m so envious of your mother. She found a great man after her divorce, and I have failed so many times.”

While her hand was still holding my leg, I wrapped my arm around her. Desiring to ease her pain, I consoled her, “It saddens me your ex-husband treated you so poorly. From the time I’ve talked with you, it’s obvious you’re compassionate, caring, and have a great sense of humor. You’re strong-willed, and your personality exudes happiness.”

She smiled and squeezed my thigh. “That’s the description of what you looked for in a woman when we first met. Are you saying I possess those qualities?”

Pulling her closer, I whispered, “All of those, plus others. You’re beautiful and sensual. Men of any age would be lucky to have you as a partner.”

Her eyes filled with lust, and I knew this was the moment of truth. She leaned in for a kiss, and before we could connect, we heard the bedroom door open. Brooke jolted back, her fingers digging into my thigh flesh. Brooke gasped when Mom strolled out, adorned in one of Brooke’s nighties. Brooke and I were awestruck while Mom slowly turned around, showing off her sexy figure.

Mom broke the silence with, “I’m sorry, Brooke. I couldn’t wait and had to try on one of your delightful pieces. There were so many I couldn’t decide which one would be perfect for tomorrow. Since you’re a fashionista, I decided it’d be a perfect time to get a professional appraisal. What do you think?”

Brooke paused and replied, “It looks good on you, but I’m not sure if any of the outfits would portray you in a poor light. Some women, like yourself, can wear anything and look great. From my conversation with Mike, he knows you better than anyone. Let’s hear his opinion.”

All eyes were on me, while I contemplated how to proceed. The white nightie wasn’t tight-fitting, and its hemline fell below Mom’s knees. I immediately thought of several improvements.

“It’s not an awful choice, but it’s not the best color for your dark-brown eyes. A lime-green outfit would provide a better accent. The length isn’t right either. Your legs are one of your best assets and should be on display. The hemline should be at least a foot higher.”

Mom’s eyebrows raised, mulling over my suggestions. Brooke added, “Those are all good recommendations. I have several green outfits in the closet you can try on.”

Mom turned and left for the bedroom, and before the door closed, she chuckled, “Critics. Hard to please anyone nowadays.”

Brooke giggled and asked, “Does your mother wear lingerie in front of you at home? I’ve never reared children, so I’m not sure what’s normal. It appears to be a little risque to wear skimpy clothes in front of her grown son.”

“Mom has always taught me not to be embarrassed by our bodies. She’s proud of how well she’s maintained her shape. I’m not complaining, that’s for sure.”

Brooke snickered, and before she could speak, Mom re-entered the room. She wore a light green nightie that tightly hugged her sexy frame. It was shorter, allowing her luscious thighs to be on display. She twirled around to show off her outfit. My first recommendation would be to lose the bra, but that might take it too far. “Mom, perfect choice. It shows off your best features. I wouldn’t change a thing.”

“He’s right. It’s a great nightie,” Brooke agreed. “Fortunately, Mike has the temperature so high you won’t catch a cold with so much exposed leg,” Brooke smirked before changing to a sorrowful tone. “Now that you’re all set, I should head off. I don’t think there’s anything else you need help with, is there?”

Mom didn’t miss Brooke’s hopeful tone. “Not so fast,” Mom said. “If Mr. Smartypants here thinks he knows so much about fashion, I want to see how he would critique someone with a different body type. Pick out an outfit, and we’ll see what he can recommend.”

I breathed a sigh of relief when Brooke jumped up and headed for the bedroom. Mom sat beside me and snaked her hand into my robe to stroke my aching prick. “It looks like you’re making progress if your cock is any sign.”

“We were rolling along smoothly, almost kissing, until you interrupted us the first time you came out. Your timing was not the best.”

“Sorry, sweetie. She’s not one to give up on anything. Don’t worry. It’ll happen.”

Mom removed her hand, allowing my prick to snap up along my stomach. It wasn’t long until Brooke emerged, draped in a pink, lacy one-piece. The thin spaghetti straps showed off her shoulders, and it was low-cut enough to display the insides of her mounds. A strip of red bra peeked out of her nightie. The hemline was mid-thigh.

My eyes traveled to her face, which was almost as pink as her outfit. Either the heat of the room or my leering elevated her passion. It fit so perfectly that I surmised she had worn it many times to brighten her mood. It would be hard to offer a recommendation.

Mom broke the silence with a long wolf whistle. Brooke laughed and responded, “I take it I did okay by your reaction. What about you, Mike? Any ideas?”

I motioned for her to turn around to get the full view. She walked closer, and when she was five feet away, she swiveled around to show off her pick. “It’s very flattering and accentuates your sexy curves. I’m not sure I’d propose anything different,” I commented.

Mom, eager to move things along, suggested, “Mike, when you told me about your first meeting, you described how she determined the necessary alterations. Show me what happened, and maybe you’ll think of something. Brooke, go through the steps you used.”

Brooke’s face flushed when she realized Mom was aware of her initial flirting. I stood and moved close to her body.

“Megan, it was the first time I used that technique. He didn’t know your size, and my hasty decisions might have been inappropriate, but I’ll show you what I remember. Not knowing your height, I had him lower himself until my head was where yours would be.”

Wrapping her arms around me, she pressed close, mashing her soft breasts into my stomach. Like the first time, I bent my knees to slowly lower. I stopped once her hair smothered my nose. Breathing in deeply, I inhaled her fragrance.

Brooke stepped back and continued, “My next step was to get an estimate of how long your legs were by the location of your waist.” She placed my hands on her midriff, and I immediately extended my fingers and dug into her flesh. She gasped as I slid my hands upward. Our connection was more exciting than previously, with only the silky, thin material separating us.

Looking into her wide eyes, my hands continued further than before. When my thumbs pushed into the bottom of her filled bra, I ceased movement. Her breasts heaved from the contact, but she didn’t attempt to dislodge me.

Our body heat caused a sheen of sweat to form on her face. Releasing her, I took a step back. While she fought to catch her breath, I took the lead. “Mom, that’s how she determined your leg height. You were right, though. Our demonstration has brought some potential suggestions to mind.” Brooke remained transfixed and didn’t speak, anxiously awaiting my recommendations.

“Her beautiful brown eyes work well with the pink nightie, but the brightly-colored material overpowers the warm tone of her smooth skin. The color should accent her eyes and flesh, although I’m not sure which shade would be best.”

Mom chirped, “I’m certain I saw several choices that fit the description.”

“The next idea came to me when my hands were on Brooke’s waist. The material shouldn’t conceal her slender figure and slightly sunken stomach. A two-piece nightie consisting of a crop top and a skirt would be perfect. With her shorter frame, the hemline should be high enough to show off her shapely legs.”

Reaching over, I gripped the bottom of her nightie and moved it upward, running my palm over her firm thigh. Her panting increased when my hands glided against her slick, soft skin. I stopped when I was directly below her panties. Leering at her legs, I croaked, “See, it would be a crime to hide these.”

Continuing to drink in her beauty, Mom interrupted my leering when she jumped up and vanished into the bedroom. Removing my hands and allowing her nightie to drop, I heard Mom rifling through the rack.

Brooke reached out and held my waist, her lustful face reflecting her horny state. Holding her, I pulled her close. Her head rested against my chest as I inhaled deeply. “Mmmm, Apple again. Still a good choice.”

She pulled her head back and gazed up at me. “It’s not by accident. I’ve been using it every day since our first meeting. I know it’s silly, but I hoped it would act as a pheromone to lure you back to me.”

It was my turn to smile. “It wasn’t a chemical attraction, more like a physical one. Your magnetic personality pulled me back.”

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