Of Mothers and Sons - Cover

Of Mothers and Sons

Copyright© 2023 by MrCurrie

Chapter 5

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 5 - Mike and his mother, Megan, physically unite and are so pleased with themselves, that they go on a campaign to join other mothers with their sons. To convince some of them to participate, Mike or Megan has to have sex with the mother or son to convince them to mate. If you're a mother/son purist who can't stand the thought of a mother fucking someone else, please don't read. You won't like it. Mike's wife and sister also participate. Mike impregnates most of them.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Incest   Mother   Son   Sister   Aunt   Grand Parent  

When I awoke to the smell of bacon, I noticed Mom had already risen. Even with my lack of sleep, I felt fully refreshed and invigorated. Running my hand down through my crotch, I laughed when I discovered my pubic hair was crusty with dried cum. I’ve never made love so many times in one night. I knew I would never tire of fucking my mother.

Since breakfast would soon be ready, I jumped in the shower to wash off the sweat and stench. I noticed the stall walls were wet and I was surprised I had slept so soundly while Mom showered. After quickly cleaning my body, I toweled off and threw on my robe.

When I entered the kitchen, she greeted me with a pleasing smile and chirped, “Just in time. It’s my turn to make your favorite meal, as you did for me.”

After she placed our filled plates on the table, she kissed me. “Good morning, honey. Did you get a good night’s sleep? I know I did. I’ve never felt so young or vibrant. All thanks to my wonderful and caring son.”

“Sleep?” I asked. “There wasn’t much of that, but I’m not complaining. Surprisingly, I feel great too. All because of you. I’m looking forward to bedtime already!”

She giggled as she dove into her food. There was no silence while we dined, with Dad’s mandates no longer existing. The conversations during our meals would be candid and loving discussions. After several more bites, Mom expressed, “There’s no need to wait until nighttime to show your affection. If you weren’t paying attention last night, I did say you own me.” Her raised eyebrows and upturned mouth conveyed her horny state.

“Mom, we’re equal partners for the rest of our lives. We can fulfill our illicit fantasies any time we desire. Our love and lust for each other are growing faster than ever.”

Her joyful expression, signaling her matching feelings, warmed my heart. Mom looked happier than I’d ever seen her. She couldn’t see but knew my prick was already stiff and poking from my robe. We ate in haste, both looking forward to connecting in a way no mother and son should.

When finished, we rose and carried our dishes to the sink. When I turned around, I noticed Mom bending over the table, slowly arranging items. Her legs widened, causing her short robe to rise high. Her wanton invitation didn’t evade me.

Untying my robe, I moved close to her and uncovered her luscious ass. As suspected, she wore no panties. Her slit glistened with anticipation. Her hands gripped the sides of the table while she lowered her head. I ran my fat head through her slot several times before slipping my piston gently into her. She wasn’t nearly as soaked as last night, so I slowly descended until her walls secreted more of her slick lubricant.

After five minutes of slowly gliding in and out, I bottomed out. Mom humped rearward to speed things up. Grasping her hips, I held her in place and withdrew, before slamming to the bottom. Her shoulders slumped on the table when I pinned her to the table.

My thighs smashed against the back of hers, as I relentlessly pounded her pussy. Neither of us wanted to prolong our joining. We fucked like dogs for ten minutes, before she surrendered and climaxed. I reciprocated and filled her with my entire load of morning cum.

After I withdrew, I dropped her robe back in place and pulled her upright. She turned, and we passionately kissed. I croaked, “That’s why breakfast is the best meal of the day. Dad doesn’t know how much he blew it.”

After catching her breath, she replied, “He’ll never experience the kind of love we share. Some men never appreciate the real priorities of life. I’m starting my life all over and will never allow the same to happen.”

We hugged each other silently for five minutes before she ordered, “Check your emails. When you’ve finished, we’ll take a walk to the park. It’s a beautiful day for a picnic. That was so much fun the last time we did it.”

“A picnic, Mom? We just finished breakfast. Are you trying to fatten me up?”

“No food. I want to enjoy the sun and talk with my wonderful son.”

Nodding in agreement, I went to my room and turned on my desktop. I changed into my comfortable walking clothes, patiently waiting for my computer to fire up. Messages popped up from Charlotte and Mary. I took my time to reply, giving Mom enough time to change.

I waited a few more minutes in case one of them had any other questions. When no replies appeared, I turned it off. Eager for our outing, I left and met Mom by the door. She looked gorgeous in her floral sundress. She knew from my radiant smile that I approved of her outfit.

“You’re beautiful, Mom. Let’s get out of here before I decide to demonstrate my appreciation.”

She giggled and led me out the door. We walked briskly, and after spreading out a blanket, we sat down and enjoyed the sun’s warmth.

The normal societal limits between a mother and son were no longer applicable. We laughed and talked for an hour, freely discussing our innermost feelings. Shifting our conversation, Mom inquired, “Did you receive any emails?”

“Sure did,” I answered. “Poor Mary is already horny. She hoped to experience a full day of loving today. She agreed she’d abstain until we meet again.”

Mom grinned and chuckled, “I know what she’s going through. The hornier we get, the easier we can achieve an orgasm. Don’t get a big head just because you made me orgasm multiple times last night. I knew it’d be that way during our initial sexual union. It’s why I drained you first, to take the edge off. I wanted to experience as much pleasure as possible on our first night together. You sure delivered.”

“When I saw you in your nightie, my prick rose from the dead,” I replied. “I had no control. You look beautiful wearing anything, but if you put it on again, you can expect to get a thorough workout.”

“It’s the nicest gift I’ve ever received because it was from the person I love most. The fit was perfect. How did you know my measurements?”

“Brooke is wholly responsible.” For ten minutes, I relayed my entire flirtatious encounter with the attractive sales associate.

After listening attentively to my story, she replied, “You’re lucky to have found such a friendly and sensitive woman. I might become jealous of her. It sounds like you two connected emotionally.”

“No worries, Mom. You’re still number one. Brooke and I had a special moment. If things had turned out differently between you and me, she would be high on my list for courting. I’m certain my initial attraction to her was because she’s so similar to you.”

Mom grinned at my feeble attempt to squirm out of an uncomfortable situation. “Mike, you don’t have to explain yourself. She sounds like a wonderful woman, and it wouldn’t bother me if you see her again.” Her eyes and smile turned sexy when she asked, “You have a courting list? What man does that? Am I on it?”

“Nothing is written in stone,” I laughed. “It was a figure of speech, but it sounds funny, doesn’t it? You’d be at the top, even if I connected with Brooke. At least we have her choice of lingerie as a memory.”

“That nightie will be saved for special occasions. Don’t get your hopes up on routinely seeing it.”

“The visions of the first time I saw you dressed in it will be with me forever. It’ll be nice to reserve it for memorable events; otherwise, it will be in shreds from overuse. You have to know I cherish and love you more than anything. Pleasing you is my only focus, now and forever.”

Her cheerful, blushing face reflected a knowing look. Our attraction to each other was far greater than an infatuation; it was a deep and committed love.

Switching back to our original conversation, I continued, “Charlotte was happy to hear from me and is eager to meet again. She made arrangements for two o’clock this afternoon, and I agreed. From what you said last night, it sounds like you have something in mind other than thanking her?”

“Of course,” she giggled. “It’s my turn to seduce her. She’s filled with lust, and I can’t wait to press my flesh against hers. You’re not the only one who enjoys a woman’s soft body.”

My eyebrows raised in surprise, replying, “Wow, Mom. I learn something new about you all the time.”

She laughed at my newfound discovery. “Remember when I told you about my powerful sex drive when I was young? I often didn’t want to deal with men, and the right woman can be sexually rewarding. In case you didn’t know, Mary inherited more than just my sex drive.”

“Mary? I don’t know, Mom. She’s crazy about cock.”

“Sometimes you can be so naive,” Mom giggled. “Those slumber parties your sister hosted at our house were pretty wild.”

She was right. I had no clue. “Damn, her girlfriends were hot, too. I wish they had invited me. That doesn’t mean Charlotte will be the same.”

Her eyebrows lifted; her expression signaled she knew more than she let on. “The library is like a central collecting agency for rumors. Believe it or not, a minister’s wife’s extra-marital affairs with women rank high on the list.”

I was stunned again. “I wouldn’t have guessed it. Do you want me to take a walk so you can be alone with Charlotte?” Hopefully, she’d correctly interpret my wishful expression and include me.

“No,” she replied in a stern tone. “You’ll hide until the time is right. Don’t fret. You’ll be fucking her again. Watching your prick slide in and out of her turned me on. We better head back. My panties are already soaked, thinking about what’s to come.” We packed up and returned home.

Hearing Mom admit she was sexually attracted to women took me by surprise. For some reason, it caused my prick to stir. “Mom, you’re the one I love. Do you really want me to continue a sexual relationship with others?”

Mom stopped and held my hands, keeping her eyes locked on mine. “Our souls are joined and will always be that way. Making love to only you would be fine with me, but I also enjoy sharing our pleasure with others. I will make this promise. You will always have the final say on who we include, and my heart will never stray from yours.”

My love for her grew, as did my prick. Smiling with approval, I replied, “Understood, Mom. Let’s not be late for our rendezvous with Queen Cleopatra.”

After we showered, we convened in Mom’s bedroom. We were ready ten minutes before the appointed time. Mom’s hair showed signs of dampness from her shower. She wore the blue robe Charlotte had worn during our encounter. Mom chirped, “I’m ready to meet your Cleopatra. What do you think?”

She twirled around and displayed her shapely body. I kissed her and ran my hand into her robe to cup one of her bare breasts. The other hand searched and found her hairy mound. After I drug my fingers through her slit, I said, “Mom, no panties, and your pussy is wet. You’re looking forward to this, aren’t you?”

Her hand found my stiff prick and replied, “You too, I see. You know when to make your appearance. Remove your robe and wait in your closet.”

Doing an about-face, I marched toward the door. Before I reached it, Mom yelled, “Mike!” When I looked at her, she was pointing at Dad’s closet. “Unless you want to remain in your old room tonight,” she chuckled.

Grinning at my misunderstanding, I went to Dad’s previous wardrobe and opened the doors. The chair from Mom’s closet was there, and anything that Dad owned was gone. Our sleeping arrangements had changed for the better. I looked at her and exclaimed, “I love my new closet!”

She did an eye-roll, while I hung up my robe and positioned myself. When the doorbell rang a few minutes later, Mom left to answer it. I heard Charlotte stammer, “Good afternoon. I’m Mrs. Wilson, the minister’s wife. I had a meeting scheduled with Mike. You must be...”

Mom cut her off with, “I’m his mother, Megan. He’s not here, but please come in. Time slipped away from me, and my shower ran late. Let’s go into my bedroom, and we’ll talk while I finish my hair.”

Charlotte’s voice squeaked with nervousness. “I’m sorry to have missed him. I can reschedule for a later date.”

“No, it’s alright. When Mike informed me you were coming to see him, I sent him to the park. I want to discuss something without him here. Come and sit.”

Hearing no movement, I knew Charlotte had frozen. The wife of the man she had an affair with wanted to talk to her. She knew this could quickly turn into an uncomfortable confrontation.

Mom recognized her hesitation and comforted her, “Don’t worry, I won’t bite. You did me a tremendous favor, and I don’t know how I’ll ever repay you. My deadbeat husband is out of my life, and I’m grateful. I don’t want to talk about him anyway. It’s Mike I’m concerned about.”

Peering through the slats, I noticed Charlotte’s dress was skimpier than the conservative clothes she wore last time. She was ready to fuck a young man, not converse with his angry mother. Mom sat in a padded chair facing the bed and motioned for Charlotte to sit on the edge of her bed. From my angle, I could see Charlotte checking out Mom’s exposed flesh. She had to remember she had worn that same robe when I groped her body.

Charlotte was understandably nervous and stammered, “Megan, I want you to know how sorry I am about my affair with your husband. It was wrong, and I should have never believed him when he convinced me you two were separated. When I heard about your proceedings, I tried to make amends by agreeing to assist you with your divorce.”

Mom’s wide smile eased Charlotte’s stiff posture. “The list you provided was of great help. I’m glad we didn’t have to make you testify. I didn’t want you to suffer in the process, and I don’t fault you for it. You were a victim of my husband’s adulterous relationships.”

Charlotte replied, “I didn’t know if it held any value. All I know is that a list of old, rich men with secrets can often be useful. I’m glad it worked out. How is Mike doing? You mentioned you wanted to have a conversation about him.”

Mom scooted closer, now that she had gained Charlotte’s confidence. “Yes, he was depressed before you worked with him, and now his attitude has greatly improved. I wanted to thank you for your great counseling.”

Charlotte sighed with relief. It looked like an enraged wife would not kill her. “It was nothing. As the minister’s wife, I help people work through stressful situations. I do my best, and it makes me proud when I can improve a situation.”

Mom paused while staring at Charlotte’s face, and softly asked, “Do you mind if I touch your hair? It’s beautiful. I can see why Mike was so enamored with it.” Mom raised her hand and ran her fingers through Charlotte’s shiny-black locks.

“He’s right. It’s as silky and fine as it looks,” Mom cooed. Running her hand to the back of Charlotte’s head, she massaged her scalp. After a minute, she pulled her hand back and murmured, “You are stunning. No wonder they call you Cleopatra.”

Charlotte laughed and sputtered, “It used to bother me because the Egyptian queen wasn’t attractive. My female acquaintances who call me Cleopatra admit it’s because of my likeness to Cher from the movie. They insist I maintain this look because they adore her greatly. It doesn’t negatively affect me anymore.”

“I thought the same thing,” Mom laughed. “I never looked her up in a history book, but the cut and style of your hair look exactly like Cher’s did in the movie. Your facial features are much prettier, and your body is far sexier.”

“Thank you so much,” Charlotte swooned. “When your son described you, I assumed he was exaggerating. Now that I’ve seen how beautiful you are, I know why he is obsessed with you. It must be difficult for a young, healthy man to live in the same house with such a desirable mother.”

It was Mom’s turn to blush. I silently chuckled, as it appeared Charlotte had turned the tables and was seducing Mom.

Never missing an opportunity, Mom proceeded with her original plan. “Mike explained a portion of his treatment, and I’m interested in knowing what happened. He said you kissed him as some sort of test. Could you kiss me in the same manner to demonstrate? Unless it’s against church policy or you don’t like to kiss women.”

Mom’s face pleaded for attention, and Charlotte feigned a professional response. “It’s my duty to assist whenever possible. I see no harm in it If there’s the possibility that it’ll improve your relationship with your son.”

Charlotte leaned forward, and before making contact, Mom guided Charlotte’s hands to her bare thighs. “Use my legs to keep your balance.” Charlotte’s hands squeezed Mom’s flesh while connecting with Mom’s lips.

Their eyes closed; Charlotte pulled off after ten seconds. Mom remained in position and pursed her lips. Charlotte connected again, lasting twice as long. Charlotte’s face flushed while her hands tightly gripped Mom’s thighs.

Mom opened her eyes and purred, “I hope he kissed you that way. It was pleasant and exactly how a son should kiss his mother. May I demonstrate how he told me you kissed him?”

Charlotte croaked, “Sure, if it’ll help.”

Mom ran her hand through Charlotte’s scalp again and pulled her head close. When their mouths touched, Mom swirled her tongue between her lips and ran it across Charlotte’s lips. After several laps, she opened her mouth and snaked her tongue inside Charlotte’s mouth while clasping her head. Charlotte’s eyes flew open to stare into Mom’s lustful gaze - the same as hers. Neither attempted to pull back while they French kissed.

After several minutes, Mom pulled back, the motion causing her robe to show more breast flesh. Charlotte panted, and before she could object, Mom stroked Cleo’s legs. “He was right when he said your legs were smooth and soft. He wouldn’t tell me if mine were satisfactory. Could you check them?”

Charlotte didn’t need further coaxing; her hands explored Mom’s upper legs. Mom’s hemline barely hid her hairy bush; Charlotte’s fingers inched higher. After several minutes, Mom said, “When Mike reviewed the process with me, I wore my evening lingerie. The distraction made it hard for him to concentrate. Would you mind wearing it, so I can demonstrate?”

Charlotte croaked, “Of course. Where is it?”

Mom slumped in her chair and pointed at her nightie. “Over there. I never wear a bra under it,” she beamed and spread her legs apart. By the looks of Charlotte’s widening eyes, I knew Mom’s groin was in full view.

I laughed inwardly, observing Mom mimicking my seduction technique. Charlotte didn’t care; she was horny and would do whatever it took to satisfy her sexual urges.

Charlotte rose, picked up Mom’s nightie, and disappeared into the bathroom. My prick jerked when she reappeared, wrapped in Mom’s see-through baby doll. Braless and fresh from observing Mom’s lewd display, Charlotte had elected to forego panties. Mom stood and met her, holding her at arm’s length while she examined Charlotte’s luscious features.

“Your body is flawless and very sexy. No wonder Mike has such a crush on you. He won’t stop talking about his counseling session. Do you want me to show you what else he did?”

“Please, Megan,” Charlotte gasped. Mom hugged her and locked her mouth on Charlotte’s again. After their panting escalated, Mom’s hand cupped Charlotte’s covered breast. Charlotte groaned, but rather than pull Mom’s hand away, she snaked hers in Mom’s robe and kneaded Mom’s breast. They explored each other’s bodies while they disrobed. As soon as they were both nude, they hugged tightly, their meaty breasts squishing out the sides. They humped their hips against each other.

I couldn’t differentiate who was moaning louder. The horny women gripped each other’s ass cheeks while squeezing and pulling their nude bodies tightly together. Mom gushed, “I want to see your cross.”

Charlotte replied, “Cross? I didn’t wear my necklace.”

“No,” Mom answered. “Your pussy cross.”

Charlotte’s face reddened while backing away from Mom, displaying her groin. Mom laid on the bed with her head towards the bottom and said, “Up here. I want to see it up close.”

Charlotte hopped up on the bed and quickly lowered her soaking-wet, pubic mound onto Mom’s mouth. She shrieked with pleasure as Mom wasted no time exploring the queen’s treasure. Charlotte reciprocated and dove into Mom’s gash. They slurped on each other’s slots as if they had been lovers for years. They spread their legs wide for better access. Mom wouldn’t last much longer; it was my cue to act.

No one noticed me when I opened the door and moved to the bottom of the bed. Mom looked up at me; her lust-filled eyes signaling it was time. Easing onto our bed, I brought my prick near Mom’s sucking mouth. She pulled back, and I immediately sunk my cock into Charlotte’s slick channel. While gripping her hips, I drove my stiff prick to the bottom until my balls slapped against her mound.

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