Of Mothers and Sons - Cover

Of Mothers and Sons

Copyright© 2023 by MrCurrie

Chapter 4

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 4 - Mike and his mother, Megan, physically unite and are so pleased with themselves, that they go on a campaign to join other mothers with their sons. To convince some of them to participate, Mike or Megan has to have sex with the mother or son to convince them to mate. If you're a mother/son purist who can't stand the thought of a mother fucking someone else, please don't read. You won't like it. Mike's wife and sister also participate. Mike impregnates most of them.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Incest   Mother   Son   Sister   Aunt   Grand Parent  

After dinner, Mom’s phone beeped. “Oh, it’s Vera. Let me read what she has to say.”

It must have been a lengthy note as she took some time to scroll through it. “I can’t believe it. She’s already set up a mediator for tomorrow. Your dad’s attorney wants to rush the process to finalize it. I’m sure they’re going for a quick victory. They know we haven’t had enough time to discover his assets. His firm expedited the process through their connections to the court.”

“That does seem quick,” I remarked. “Everything I’ve read indicates it takes months for a marriage with considerable assets, even if the children are adults.”

She frowned; I became concerned she was losing faith in her friend. “Mom, it’ll be alright. I’ll be able to support you if the settlement goes wrong. Let Vera do the best she can,” I reassured her.

Mom’s body was tense while we rode the bus to the meeting. Before we left home, I emailed Mary and told her to wait in the nearby coffee shop in the event we would require her assistance.

Vera was surprisingly happy when we arrived. She briefed us on how everything would proceed and added, “You can’t believe how much Charlotte helped. Don’t be alarmed when I replay segments of the videos during the proceedings. I’ll make sure no information goes any further. No harm will come to any of you. It’ll be a smooth process since Megan isn’t greedy and asking for less than the state would normally dictate.”

Vera ushered us into the conference room, where we sat on the opposite side of Dad’s team. The mediator was seated at the head of the table and welcomed everyone. The first item was for everyone to introduce themselves. Dad’s corporate lawyer, Victor, started the process. He announced his position with an air of authority. He wanted everyone to know he was a skilled and competent attorney.

Moving clockwise around the table, we stated our name and relationship to the case. After introductions, the mediator assumed control. He recited the instructions and procedures in great detail, allowing for questions after each point.

Impatiently, Dad angrily asked, “Why is my boy here? It’s between Megan and me.”

Vera sprang to my defense. “I asked him to be present to support his mother. He’s an adult - it’s not unusual in this type of process.” Dad’s lawyer and the mediator nodded in agreement; Dad reluctantly let it go.

The process resumed with the attorneys arguing back and forth with their demands. It surprised me how little Mom wanted: her retirement, the house, and three hundred thousand. Dad had to have many times that amount socked away in stocks and hidden in offshore accounts. It didn’t matter to him that the offer was unbalanced in his favor. He had to prove his dominance and crush his rebellious wife.

They haggled until they reached an impasse. Dad insisted Mom only receive the house and her retirement. The cash was off the table for him.

Vera turned her laptop to Dad and his attorney before replaying the video of him and Charlotte.

Partway in, she said, “We have proof you’ve been unfaithful to your wife. You’re the reason for the divorce, not her.” Knowing they’d seen enough, she turned it off.

Dad argued, “You can’t use that for evidence. I didn’t consent to it. I don’t know how you obtained it, but this stunt won’t hold up in court.”

Vera replied, “The recording took place in her home. She was afraid of a burglar since there were signs someone had entered your bedroom.”

Victor looked confident and couldn’t wait to interject. “My client has a right to believe his bedroom is private. That video would be inadmissible.”

Vera and Victor looked at the mediator; he knew they expected his opinion. “Both of you have good points, and it would ultimately be the judge’s decision. I would throw it out, but it’s only my opinion.”

The setback didn’t phase Vera. I was surprised, as it appeared to be a solid blow to her case. She continued, “We can’t use the video, but she has offered to testify of his infidelity.”

Dad quickly replied, “Her word against mine, and she has a reputation. She’s slept around before.”

Another deflection; Vera still exuded confidence. “You’re right. An important person like yourself will carry more credence in testimony. I do have another item to disclose. The online service that stores our videos has been hacked. There is a possibility they’ll be released.”

Victor retorted, “You’re treading on the verge of blackmail. I’ll need the name of the company.”

Dad didn’t flinch, replying, “I don’t care. We were horsing around and rehearsing a scene for the church. It’s still my word against hers.” He was winning and confidently beamed with satisfaction. He came out on top on every point. It looked like Vera might not have been the best choice for an attorney.

Vera didn’t hesitate and noted, “Charlotte stated if she has to testify, she’ll divulge her husband’s affairs to justify her actions. Some of the women are wives of the Elders. We’ll need to notify them as we wouldn’t want them blindsided by the news. I’ve printed a copy for you.”

Dad took it out of her hands and threw it to the side. Victor picked it up, and while he scanned the names, Dad ranted, “I don’t care about anyone at some dumb church. Do what you have to. We’re finished.”

Victor’s face turned ashen white, whispering into Dad’s ear. Victor looked at the mediator and requested, “Can we take a ten-minute break? We need to discuss something privately.”

“Your dime. Take all the time you want.” The mediator looked happy. It appeared the meeting was nearing a conclusion.

After Vera escorted us to a secluded room, she explained, “The list Charlotte gave you was pure gold. Several of the husbands are prominent people in your dad’s firm. Victor recognized them immediately. It would not go well for him if that list gets out. He’s on our side now and will do anything to shield the company. That was his primary duty, and his priority has shifted from your father. His entire focus will be on protecting his superiors. It should be easier now, but if not, I’m ready.”

My respect for Vera elevated after witnessing her manipulate Victor and Dad. When we reconvened, Dad had abandoned his arrogant, boasting attitude. Victor kept a close eye on Dad as he conceded, “I’ve decided to be the more generous partner and agree to a better outcome. I’ll award you half of the cash you requested.”

Victor’s face hardened; Dad wasn’t following their arranged script. Clearly, Victor wanted him to agree to all terms and expeditiously end the process. Vera didn’t flinch; she faced the screen toward them again. “There’s one more video that might leak out that I need to disclose.”

It was a video of Mary entering the room. Before Dad appeared, the screen froze. “Damn laptop,” Vera said, exasperated. “It’s so old and outdated. It stops way too often.” She turned it around and acted like she was fixing it.

Victor’s confused look revealed he wasn’t aware of Mary’s identity. Dad did and looked worried. Without talking to Victor, he turned to the mediator and asked, “Can we take another half-hour break? I need to consult with someone.”

On the way to our room, I said, “You two go ahead. I need to see someone.”

When I arrived at the coffee shop to meet Mary, her attention was on her phone. I sat across from her and asked, “Dad, right?”

She handed me the phone.

Pumpkin, I regret being harsh with you earlier. I’d like to make it up to you by helping with your rent and a few outfits. Megan is dragging your name through the mud at our hearing. To protect you, I’ll need you to explain that you initiated our relationship and I was the victim.Your loving Daddy

She chuckled when I finished reading it. I explained, “Vera has him on the ropes. She’s ready to close, and you’re his last hope. It looks like you have to save Mom again. Want me to help answer his note?”

“Nope.” She grabbed the phone and quickly swipe-typed a message far faster than I’d be able to. She faced it to me and said, “Here’s the first part.”Daddy, You’ve always told me to be truthful in life, so I have no choice. I’ll have to describe that when I was drunk and depressed, you stripped and raped me. After that, I feared for my safety and allowed you to continue. Mary

I smiled and confirmed, “Excellent. That should make dear old dad think twice. He’ll be afraid of more than losing money.”

She snatched it back and snarled, “He’s not getting off that easy. Call me a slutty cunt, will he?”

Finishing her note, she handed her phone back to me to read.

Don’t worry too much about it, Daddy. No one would consider our actions as intercourse. You ejaculate so fast that no woman would count that as sex. It’d be hard to convict an impotent male of a sex act.

She nailed it. With a grin of approval, I handed it back to her. She quickly hit the send button and kissed me. “Good luck to you and Mom. Work called, and they need me to fill in. Let me know how it goes.”

When I returned, Mom and Vera stood outside the meeting room. I gleefully informed them, “Dad will be a lot more cooperative. Mary has come to our aid again.”

It was clear Dad was beaten when he entered. He had lost his trophy wife he enjoyed showing off to his buddies. If the knowledge of his incestuous affair with his daughter and his poor sexual performance leaked, he would be cast aside from his social circle. His only option was to follow the corporate rules when disaster strikes: take the hit, cover up, and move on.

Victor’s stern look signaled that he didn’t want Dad to repeat his cowboy performance. Dad softly acquiesced, “Megan, I agree to all terms.” That was short, but there wasn’t anything more he could say. Vera grinned, knowing she had championed him. Unwilling to let him off easy, she demanded, “Hand over your FOB.”

Dad was confused and asked, “What?”

Vera demanded, “The Lexus. It’s Megan’s now. She deserves it after you denied her a car for years.”

That was another blow to him. He loved his car. After ten seconds, Vera added, “If you wait any longer, I’ll add my fees to the settlement.”

The mediator and Victor grinned when Dad quickly pulled out his FOB and handed it to Vera. Everyone in the room knew Dad was an asshole, except for him.

“Have your assistant bring the other one to Megan’s house and any transfer paperwork tomorrow,” she commanded. “He can pick up any of your personal effects left in it.”

Victor looked pleased with the outcome. He had protected his firm and watched someone he despised get a thorough screwing. He stood and announced, “Vera and I can iron out the details. We’ll collect signatures later. The rest of you can leave. Thanks for negotiating in good faith and avoiding a lengthy court battle.”

Dad didn’t acknowledge anything, staring blankly at the table. His primary concern was how to keep Victor from divulging any of his embarrassing information. He had seen plenty of confidential leaks out of the firm’s legal department.

After locating the car, Mom handed me the FOB. “You’ll pass by the library for our commute, so you’ll drive most of the time. You might as well get used to it.”

We were both mentally exhausted when we arrived home. We ate a light lunch and relaxed for the rest of the afternoon. Remembering the gift I bought, it seemed like the right time to present it. Mom curiously looked at the box when I sat beside her on the couch. “What is it?” she asked.

“It’s a gift to celebrate your divorce. I hope you like it.”

“You shouldn’t have,” she gushed. Untying the ribbon, she lifted the top off. Her face brightened when she pulled out the blue baby doll she had admired at the mall. “I can’t believe you remembered I swooned over this.”

“You did say you wanted it for when you’re free of Dad.”

Her fingers ran through the thin material, holding it up. “It’s so sheer. It’s a shame I can’t model it for you. Thank you so much.” She hugged me and beamed, “Let’s celebrate and dine at a fancy restaurant tonight, my treat.”

“Sure, give me a minute to change.”

I threw on the clothes she had picked for my job interview and joined her in the living room. She looked more radiant and sexier than ever when she appeared in a short skirt and tight-fitting blouse. Her transformation into a hot divorcee had begun.

After I locked the front door and pulled out the FOB to open the car, she pleaded, “Nope, let’s take the bus. I want to celebrate and have some wine. We’re hoofing it.”

There were open seats on the bus, but Mom insisted on standing. Did she fear her short skirt would rise uncomfortably high? We received plenty of leering looks as it was. When we exited the bus at the mall, we walked the remaining three blocks before arriving at the restaurant.

She was like a new person, laughing and flirting while dining. She consumed three glasses of wine to my one. When we were ready to leave, Mom unsteadily wavered. She wasn’t used to heavy drinking.

After she paid the tab, she kept glancing at her phone. After five more minutes, it got the best of me. “Mom, what is so interesting? We need to get back to the bus before the final run.”

“Bus? Not this late. Your mother may be old and feeble-minded, but I know better than to use public transportation late at night. I called for a Lyft, and he just pulled up to the front. Let’s go.”

After we crawled into the back seat, she promptly leaned against me. She was more than a little tipsy. To steady herself, she gripped my thigh with her hand. Seizing the opportunity, I wrapped my arm around her and held her tightly. She sighed and pressed closer. Her breasts brushed against my sides with every bump in the road. All too soon, we arrived home.

Once in the house, Mom stopped to hug me. “Thank you for a wonderful evening. I can’t remember the last time I had so much fun. You’re the perfect gentleman.”

“I’m glad you enjoyed it. It’s time to take our showers and relax.”

She slurred, “Good idea. I’ll bring us a glass of wine to finish off the evening. Wait for me on the couch.”

While showering, I had doubts Mom would emerge from her room, because of the extent of her inebriated state. After ten minutes of resting on the couch, I heard wine pouring into two glasses. The shower most likely sobered her up somewhat.

My breathing stopped when I looked at her, veiled in her new nightie. Brooke had done a perfect job in the modifications. The top was tight and stretched across her smooth flesh. Mom’s bare, hard, pointy tips proudly poked against the thin material. Most of her luscious legs were visible. When my eyes finally made it to hers, I gazed at her sexy smile. She cooed, “Do you like it? I think it’s a good fit.”

“It’s beautiful, as you are. Trust me. You won’t have trouble attracting men when you wear it.”

She set our glasses on the coffee table and sat beside me. Lifting her wine for a toast, she proclaimed, “Here’s to our future.” We clinked the stemware together and drank several gulps. Carefully placing her glass on the table, she rested against me and cooed, “There’s only one man I want to attract. He’s right here.”

Her hand gripped my thigh, sensually stroking my hairy leg. She rested her head against my neck, smothering my face with her hair. The strong scent of chocolate hit my senses. I couldn’t recall if I had previously smelled this fragrance from her. Bowing my head to hers, I inhaled deeply. It was her shampoo.

I giggled, wondering whether Mom had accidentally dropped a Snickers bar in her hair since she was so drunk. “Mom, your hair smells like chocolate. Is it a new shampoo?”

She twisted to face me. My eyes darted to her hard nipples, poking out the thin fabric. After leering longer than appropriate, my eyes drifted to her lovely face. Her sexy grin acknowledged my interest in her jutting tips. She slurred, “It’s new. Do you like it? I thought dark chocolate would pair well with my brown eyes.” Running her tongue across her lips, she added, “Don’t you like my brown assets?”

I focused my attention on her beautiful eyes. Inhaling deeply, she expanded her chest, resulting in her dark-brown nipples pushing out the thin material. She croaked, “Remember when you used to crave chocolate kisses? Do you still like them?”

My eyes lowered and lewdly stared at the puffy, engorged buds sitting on the tops of her breasts. My cock turned rock-hard. Was she offering her tits to me? I wanted nothing more than to suck her tasty nubs. Her body wobbled, and I feared she might fall over. Who was I kidding? She was drunk and didn’t know what she was doing.

Without acknowledging her lucid display, I replied, “They’re still my favorite candy. The shampoo fragrance was the perfect choice to accent your delicious, desirable features.”

She smiled, turned, and resumed resting on me. Her hand remained on my thigh, while her fingers played with my leg hair. Softly, she whispered, “Mike, I won’t object if you want to go over to Mary’s tonight. She’ll be lonely, and I’m sure you could relieve both of your stress levels. I’ll be fine, staying here alone.”

Wrapping my arm around her, I pulled her close. My fingers were directly below her thinly covered breasts and pressed into her soft flesh. Her breathing rate increased while I held her tightly. “Mom, there is no other person I’d rather be with tonight. I’m not leaving you on your night of celebration.”

She squeezed my thigh; her body relaxed against mine. I gently stroked her side while admiring her partially exposed body. Her breathing deepened and slowed when she drifted off. My fingers crept higher, traveling across the silky material. The side of my hand pushed against the rounded bottom of her mound. I contemplated reaching up and holding her breast, but it felt deceitful. I ceased movement and allowed her to sleep in peace.

After twenty minutes of our intimate union, she stirred and sat up. My eyes glued onto her barely concealed tits inches away. Rising off the couch, she held her arms out for a hug.

While I held her to keep her from falling over, her glassy eyes focused on my lips. She pulled me close and pressed her mouth against mine. We kissed as lovers for the first time. Releasing me, she purred, “You’ve been such a good son through all of this. I owe so much to Charlotte, Mary, and you.”

Without answering, I pulled her in for another kiss. Her mouth was open and ready to receive her son’s affection. Our tongues battled while her hands snaked into my robe and gripped my ribs. While I stared into her eyes, my hands explored higher and cupped her full breasts. Her eyes didn’t alter, and I wondered if she was conscious enough to be aware of my inappropriate action.

Her boobs were firmer than I imagined. Even though I knew it was wrong to take advantage of her, I couldn’t control myself and kneaded her magnificent globes. My prick turned steel-hard from gently squeezing her mounds for the first time. The silky material effortlessly slid across her flesh as my hands caressed her covered breasts. When her tongue receded, she pulled her lips off of mine. I ceased groping and held her steady.

Her blurry eyes reflected her intoxicated state. She croaked, “Sweetie, I’m exhausted. Can you take me to bed?”

Those were words that I’d wanted to hear for a long time, although I knew she didn’t share my improper intentions. Reluctantly releasing her breasts, my arm wrapped around her waist to assist her to her bedroom. Once she was flat on her back, I ogled her thinly-clad body. Mom’s deep, steady breathing interrupted my gaze. She was fast asleep or passed out. Either way meant the end of fun for me. I had no desire to take advantage of my unconscious mother.

Covering her, I kissed her gently and left for my room. Before I could relieve my aching prick, I fell into a deep sleep.

Awakening early after my restful night, I brewed up a pot of coffee and patiently waited for Mom to wake up. Even with a hangover, she looked incredibly sexy. Rising out of my chair, I waited for her to sit. After helping her move closer to the table, she immediately sipped on my coffee. Without asking her what she wanted, I prepared her favorite breakfast of scrambled eggs and toast.

She slowly ate and drank a full cup of coffee, before she recovered enough to speak. “That was some night. I haven’t consumed that much wine for years, maybe decades. I hope I didn’t embarrass you. All the events after the restaurant are a blur.”

I heaved a sigh of relief; she hadn’t remembered our groping session the previous night. I quickly determined there was no need to burden her with those details. I figured a short description would be the best solution. “We took Lyft home and went to bed soon after. You deserved it after your big victory. We can relax today and rejuvenate.” I said, nothing more. It looked like we were back to our normal relationship.

Mom showered after eating, allowing me time to clean the kitchen. She looked refreshed and in much better shape than when she had earlier emerged. She sat on the couch and surfed on her phone, while I went to change.

When I returned, she was elated and explained, “I received an email from Vera. She and Victor have become friends and have worked out all the details civilly. Your dad was so frightened the damaging information would get leaked that Victor assured him it would be buried with the condition that he’d pay Vera’s expenses of twenty thousand. Your father didn’t object and agreed to everything. He has already signed the papers. The divorce won’t finalize for several more months, but the terms are locked in and won’t be changed. I’m essentially an unattached woman again.”

“Some words of advice then, Mom. Don’t drink heavily on your dates,” I joshed.

“Wine will be out for a while,” Mom lamented. “Hangovers aren’t that much fun. It was a turning point in my life, but I might have celebrated a little too much.”

We lounged around for a few hours and ate a light lunch. Mom was her cheery self again when we finished our second meal of the day. After clearing the table, I said, “Mom, I need to fill out some online forms for the company.”

“Perfect. I’ll swing by the library and meet with Vera to sign the settlement agreements. See you in a few hours.”

“Do you want to take the car?”

“No, your father’s assistant will want to remove some items. It’s a nice day for a walk.”

An hour after she left, Dad’s aide showed up with the other FOB and paperwork for the car. He was in a good mood, admitting it gave him a laugh when Dad told him he ‘lost’ his car. After retrieving Dad’s effects, he drove off, leaving me to complete my forms.

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