Of Mothers and Sons - Cover

Of Mothers and Sons

Copyright© 2023 by MrCurrie

Chapter 2

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Mike and his mother, Megan, physically unite and are so pleased with themselves, that they go on a campaign to join other mothers with their sons. To convince some of them to participate, Mike or Megan has to have sex with the mother or son to convince them to mate. If you're a mother/son purist who can't stand the thought of a mother fucking someone else, please don't read. You won't like it. Mike's wife and sister also participate. Mike impregnates most of them.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Incest   Mother   Son   Sister   Aunt   Grand Parent  

Mary sat across from me at breakfast, and it was clear she inherited Mom’s beautiful face. Neither required any makeup to improve their looks. Not far into the meal, she smirked and asked, “How many girlfriends do you have, Mikey? I bet they’re knocking at your door, now that you’re available.”

Before I could answer, her foot stroked up and down the back of my hairy, lower leg. She mischievously smiled while caressing my bare skin. I huskily replied, “No girlfriends. I didn’t have time to date in school and wanted to wait until I landed a job before pursuing a relationship.”

Her foot rose and rubbed the underside of my exposed thigh. “Those poor girls, having to wait for a handsome, eligible man,” she teased with pursed lips.

Mom took it all in, and when I fidgeted in my chair, I worried she was aware of my sister’s footplay. Mary finally lowered her leg and asked, “What are you doing today? I have some free time and was thinking about hanging out here.”

Mom quickly interjected, “Mike and I are touring the firms that interest him. We’ll be out until late. I sent a note to your father saying we’d be out all day because he said he might come home early from his meeting. We can schedule something in a few days.”

Mary’s expression saddened, “Okay. Good luck on the job hunting.”

After Mary left, I turned to Mom and asked, “I don’t have anything set up with the companies. You messaged Dad?”

“No, I didn’t. I said that so Mary would think we’d be gone all day. I also wanted to plant the idea that your father could arrive earlier than scheduled.”

“Why? Do you have something else you want us to do?”

“Not us. You. I want Mary out of her relationship with your father. I don’t want her harmed and will offer her something she desires more, which is you.”

My face blushed. Did Mom want me to fuck my sister? I paused, then asked, “What exactly does that mean, Mom?”

“Simple. Your sister is sexually attracted to you, and it should be easy to transfer her affection to you. I don’t want to know the details, but I want you to make love to her. Today.”

There was nothing hidden in her answer. The idea of fucking my sister caused my prick to spring to life. I stuttered, “Mom, isn’t sibling incest illegal and morally wrong, the same as they’re doing? I’m not sure how we’re improving anything. What if neither one of us wants to have an intimate relationship?”

Mom couldn’t contain her laughter. “As far as incest goes, that ship has left the dock. Her incentive to leave him is you, and we need to take advantage of her desires. Regarding whether you two are agreeable, you can’t be serious. She practically threw herself on you yesterday. Isn’t that right, Mikey?”

As feared, she had heard Mary calling my name while masturbating the other day after Dad had left. Nothing evaded her. Before I could defend myself, she continued, “Remember, I was sitting in front of you in the closet. There was a noticeable reaction from you.” She glanced at my crotch before locking eyes with me.

Her facial expression softened, but I knew she had made up her mind. I replied, “I’m lucky you briefed me on how to answer difficult questions in an uncomfortable situation. Let me take some time to consider your offer.”

She turned and laughed, recalling her instructions. Fifteen minutes later, I had ironed out my plan. Mary was always a flirt, so I didn’t think I could directly approach her. She might be repulsed by my actions and inform Dad, making things worse. Unknowingly, Dad would be involved in my plan. I created a fake email account, typed in a message, and fired it off to my sister.

Pumpkin, I’m in a meeting and can’t talk. Your mother gained access to my phone, so respond only to this hidden account. I have some free time today and will return to town for a few hours. I want to meet you at the house today at two. I miss you.Dad

Would she be suspicious? Calling her Pumpkin should convince her it’s Dad. She responded within ten minutes.

Daddy, I’m not sure I want to continue our relationship. I have never been comfortable with it. I spent yesterday with Mom. It reminded me of how much I love her. Hurting her is the last thing I want to do. I want to end our affair.Mary

Jesus H Christ! Just my luck. Mom gave me the green light to fuck my sister, and Mary suddenly grew a backbone. At least Mom would be happy to know her daughter is breaking free of Dad. What if my sister changes her mind, becomes horny, and crawls back to her father? My lower head took over the decision-making process. For Mom and my sister, I would have to fuck Mary. My fingers flew across the keyboard as I responded.

Pumpkin, I wouldn’t do anything to harm you. Whatever you decide will be how we progress. Let’s meet and talk it over. I won’t pressure you to do anything. Please allow me to discuss the issue in person.Dad

She was faster this time, knowing she had Dad’s attention.

Okay, Daddy. I’ll see you at two.

Everything had progressed as planned. My confidence level had decreased with Mary’s sudden display of morality and remorse. It wouldn’t be easy to convince her to continue her incestuous affair.

Pumpkin, For our final time, I want to play a game with you. I know I haven’t paid attention to your needs, and I want to make amends. I’ve placed a blindfold and a set of headphones on my bed. Wear them so you’ll be surprised when I enter. Follow my lead, and I promise you’ll enjoy the outcome.Dad

After I sent the note, I reread it and couldn’t believe how creepy it sounded. Mary took longer to respond than expected; I feared she would cancel everything. Ding. Her message came through.

Alright, Daddy. It’s so not like you. You’ve got me curious now. See you then.Mary

Perfect. It was all set. The next step would be explaining to Mom her part in the plan.

With my incestuous rendezvous solidified with Mary, I wasn’t sure how much information to divulge to Mom. She anxiously waited in the living room, and when I entered, her look indicated she wanted to hear that I was successful. I sat by her on the couch and laid out the process.

“Mom, it’s all set. I’m disguising my appearance because I’m not sure she’ll accept coupling with her brother. I’m not even certain I can persuade her to discontinue her current relationship with Dad.” I hoped my nose wasn’t growing while lying to my mother.

Mom contemplated what I said before answering, “We’ll play it your way, but you needn’t worry about her not switching her affections to you. Did you not see how your father makes love?”

Seeing my confused look, she continued, “I’ll spell it out for you. When I was growing up, all of us young girls mistakenly believed that a woman must orgasm to conceive a child. I can personally verify it is not a requirement; otherwise, you and your sister wouldn’t be alive today.”

Recalling his feeble performance, it did seem that his quick shooting did seem problematic for achieving sexual satisfaction with his partners. I assumed it was because he was in a hurry to return to work, but it appeared he had a history of premature ejaculation.

My prick hardened upon hearing Mom confess that she hadn’t achieved orgasms with Dad. Why did I feel a pang of excitement? Maybe it was the result of the perverted environment I was currently in, waiting to fuck my sister.

Since she opened the conversation, I was comfortable enough to ask, “Why did you marry him if you knew the sex was going to be so lackluster?”

She sighed and replied, “We were young. All boys lack stamina at first, and I believed he’d improve. I was pregnant with you when I figured out that wasn’t the case. I reasoned that raising a family was better than a fulfilling sexual relationship, and there are other ways of achieving release.”

I desperately wanted to ask her to go into details about how she satisfied herself, but from the look on her face, I could tell I shouldn’t go there. Mary would show up soon; it was time to terminate our discussion.

“Mom, stay hidden in my bedroom. When I finish with Mary, I’ll come to you and take your place. You’ll go to the front door and slam it to make her think I left. Wait five minutes before you make your grand entrance.”

We discussed several options available to her once I completed my incestuous encounter with my sibling. Neither of us knew how things would unfold. Before leaving, she said, “You’ll do fine. Remember one thing when you’re with a woman. Foreplay.” Her words sent chills down my spine. She wanted assurance that Mary would achieve orgasm during our incestuous coupling.

Unsure of how to answer, I nodded affirmatively.

Once confident that I understood her, she dashed to my room, while I headed for Mary’s. Searching her shelves, I found what I needed. It was one of her favorite CDs from an artist named Cabello. I never cared for the genre, but I knew she loved it.

Going to Mom’s bedroom, I located her music player, inserted the disk, and hit the ‘Play’ button. I searched and located Mom’s wireless headset, which I had given her the previous Christmas. I put it on to verify it worked. Mom had previously mentioned she used a sleeping mask, so I searched her night table and found one. Two silk ties in Dad’s closet were perfect for my use. After placing the headphones and mask on the bed, I sequestered myself in Mom’s closet and waited.

Mary arrived ten minutes early. I remained fully clothed in case she snooped around before the scheduled time. Spotting the items on the bed, my sister slid the sleeping mask on and lay on the bed. After she put on the headset, her smile widened, listening to her favorite tracks.

I waited until two o’clock, and when convinced she was distracted, I opened the closet door and stripped. The music prevented her from hearing anything, so I was confident she would think it was her father. Once nude, I approached her prone body, wrapped a tie around one of her wrists, and tied it to the headboard. Before she could react, I fastened her other hand.

When she objected, I placed my finger on her lips to silence her. She relaxed and anxiously awaited for her ‘Dad’ to please her. Moving to her feet, I slid off her shoes. I massaged her soles and toes while her head swooned to her favorite music. After several moans from her and being assured that she was calm, I moved my hands up her calves to massage her thin, sexy legs. She didn’t protest when I caressed past her knees. Her short skirt rose, my hands exploring and stroking her upper legs.

Kissing her hot flesh, I made my way higher. She groaned when I neared her hidden treasure. Switching to her other leg, I traveled up until I pushed her skirt above her bare, shaven pussy. Unable to resist, I licked her mound while squeezing her luscious thighs. Her scent was strong, further arousing me.

Her attention shifted away from her music. She demanded, “Daddy, take off my headphones. I want to concentrate on what you’re doing.” I quickly removed the headset and tossed it to the side. Returning to her legs, I slid my hand under one knee and lifted her leg until her thigh was vertical. Holding her meaty leg as if I were eating a drumstick, I sucked and gnawed on her succulent flesh.

She groaned with pleasure and raised her other leg, spreading out to give me more access to her gaping crevice. Her slot glistened with her juices, finally receiving the foreplay she had always desired. After devouring her other thigh, I kissed her mound. My tongue traveled to her slit and teased her engorged labia. Her hips excitedly twitched while I swirled my tongue around her outer lips.

Her panting increased while croaking, “Daddy, you’ve never done this before. You are giving me a special treat today. Eat me!”

Gripping her firm buns, I lifted her pelvis for a better position. With my mouth planted squarely on her open gash, my tongue fucked her horny channel.

She groaned and pleaded, “Please untie me so I can pull your mouth tight against me. You’re driving me insane.”

Her arms twisted and turned in an attempt to free herself. Giving up, she resigned herself to relishing the pleasurable act. A continuous, loud moan signaled she was nearing her climax.

Her pelvis jerked when my tongue scraped across her exposed pearl. Sticking three fingers into her quivering quim, I rapidly poked into her depths while latching onto her swollen clit. She screamed in ecstasy and climaxed when I squeezed her pearl. I lapped up the sweet nectar flowing into my waiting mouth. When her hips ceased humping, I eased off.

Her chest rapidly heaved while recovering from her orgasm. Crawling up between her open legs, I unbuttoned her blouse and exposed her firm, perky breasts. Her light brown nipples were engorged from her orgasm and begged for attention.

My mouth latched onto one of them while my fingers toyed with her other stiff tip. She wasn’t used to someone paying attention to her body. “Daddy, you’re doing things you’ve never done before. I can’t believe how you’ve changed and how much attention you’re giving me. I love your sucking mouth.”

Nursing on her sensitive breasts elevated her excitement. Moving my prick closer to its target, I ran my puffy tip through her soaked slot. Once my head was coated with her juices, I popped my flared helmet past her outer lips. She gasped and clamped onto my intruding rod, preventing me from proceeding.

“I don’t know who you are, but you’re not my daddy.”

Damn, how did she know? It must have been my fat head. I remembered Dad’s tiny tip, while mine is large and mushroom-shaped. I stopped my progression, unsure of how to proceed.

She barked. “I didn’t say stop. Push it in. You’ve already given me more pleasure than my dad ever has. You deserve it all. Shove your cock up my pussy and make me cum again.”

I gladly complied and thrust in further. My sister’s leaking channel oiled my drill; my girth stretched and spread her velvety interior. Her groans intensified when I plunged deeper into her depths. Her walls tightly squeezed when I was halfway in, impeding my progress. I pulled out until my tip was barely trapped and immediately slid back in, separating her clasping cleft. After a half dozen short strokes, her body vibrated with a mini orgasm. She humped her hips to ensnare more of my snake.

She screamed when my balls hit her groin, my spongy head slamming against the back of her cavern. Her body uncontrollably thrashed while my ram pistoned in and out of her hungry snatch. Her tight, twisting pussy increased my excitement level. I feared I would explode before I could provide her with the release she desperately needed.

When I pulled my cock out of her snug slot, she cried, “No. Don’t stop; I’m almost there. Please don’t tease me. Fuck me hard!”

I wasn’t about to leave without finishing her. Holding her upright knees, I pushed them to the sides of her breasts, bringing her pussy up in the air. Once in position, I rammed my cock to the bottom. Air rushed from her lungs when I filled her full of hard prick. I fucked her hard and fast. She rapidly gasped, struggling to recapture her breath. Her head rolled side-to-side while her hips humped to meet my powerful thrusts.

She arched her back in anticipation of her orgasm. Sensing mine approaching, I hoped she would release before I had to pull out. When she sensed my shaft and head expanding, she screamed, “Don’t you dare pull out. I want to feel your hot cum spraying my insides. Fill me with your sperm!”

That was all it took. My balls jettisoned a thick stream of cum through my staff. I thrust as deep as I could and deposited a load of baby-batter in the innermost recess of my sister’s clasping crevice. She contracted on my shaft, her orgasm overtaking her. Our bodies were in sync. She milked my spurting prick until my entire load of cum filled her hungry pussy.

Once my cock finished pulsing, I left it buried until it softened. A big glob of semen dripped onto Mary’s mound when I pulled out my cum-coated cock. The realization I had filled my sister with sperm hit me. She had to be on the pill. Why else would she demand that I unload in her? My anxiety surged when I remembered Dad always used a rubber. Not wanting to take the time to think about it, I rose and dressed.

After lowering her legs, I moved her skirt back in place. Her smile displayed her gratification while I dressed her. Once I buttoned her blouse, I took one more look at her contented face. Before I could exit, she pleaded, “Would you please remove my mask? I’d like to see the father of my baby if I’m pregnant. Please?”

That was not good news. My sperm would already be seeking an egg. Sensing my nervousness, Mary whispered, “If you can’t tell me who you are, will you at least meet with me again? I’ve never felt so much love. Give me a signal.”

My cock was already responding to the thought of ravaging her body again. Pressing my mouth to hers, I ran my tongue along her full lips before pulling off.

“Thank you so much,” she murmured. She was confident of a repeat performance.

Retreating, I dressed and quietly entered my bedroom, silently signaling Mom it was her turn. I left my door open a crack so I could hear her performance. She slammed the front door so Mary would think I’d left the house. After five minutes, the door shut again, and Mom yelled, “Anyone home? Hello?”

Mary responded, “Mom, I’m in your bedroom. Please help me.”

Mom strolled down the hall before I heard her exclaim, “Oh my, what happened? I saw a man leave our house when I approached. I didn’t recognize him, and he ran before I could confront him.”

Mary replied, “I think he was a burglar. When he discovered me, he tied me up but wasn’t here long enough to take anything. I screamed and scared him off. Please untie me.”

After a few minutes, I heard Mom say, “Are you okay? Did he do anything to you?”

Mary replied, “No. He wasn’t here long enough. Good thing you came home. I thought you were going to be out all day. Where’s Mikey?”

“He’s still doing tours,” Mom explained. “I got bored and told him I’d meet him back here. We should call the police and file a report.”

Mary quickly retorted, “No. Don’t bother, Mom. He didn’t take anything, and we don’t have a description of him. It would be a lot of paperwork, and I just want to go home.”

“Alright, dear. Let me know if you need anything.”

Hearing them walk toward me, I gently closed my door. After Mary left, Mom returned and entered my room. I couldn’t tell if her look was approving or scolding. She broke the awkward silence. “I don’t have to ask if you were successful. My bedroom reeks of sex. How will we know if she’s finished with your father?”

“I should hear something by evening. I’ll send a note to make certain. There’s something else I want to discuss. Mary was clean-shaven.”

Mom blushed and sputtered, “I told you I didn’t want any details.”

“You need to hear this because of what you described the other day. You found a woman’s pubic hair in bed. It couldn’t have been from Mary.”

Her facial expression was one of comprehension. “It means Michael is meeting someone else in our bedroom besides Mary.”

Mom left to work in the kitchen, while I checked my email in case my interview had been canceled or postponed. Nothing from the firm; I checked my secret email account and found the Inbox empty. Not long after, Mom entered my room and motioned for me to vacate my computer chair.

For two hours, Mom put her research skills to good use. The information she acquired on the company I was going to interview was far more detailed than the brochures I received at the job fair. I was confident I could professionally present myself.

After our dinner and showers, I assumed my position on the couch. Mom strolled in wearing her short, white robe. My eyes alternated between her sexy, bare legs to the revealing gap displaying the tops of her breasts. When I noticed she wasn’t moving, I glanced up to see her staring at me while I ogled her body. She smiled, walked over, and snuggled up next to me like Mary did the previous night. She folded her legs up, providing the same show as her daughter had done.

“Mary was right. It’s nice and toasty here. I hope you don’t mind. After all that’s happened, I need some comfort.”

“It’s the least I can do, Mom. It relaxes me, too. I love being with you.”

If it was a competition, Mom would’ve won. Her legs were fuller, and my hands itched to caress them. I didn’t watch much TV with my eyes locked on her luscious limbs.

An hour later, we retired to our rooms. Once in bed, I coated my stomach with blobs of cum from the visual aid of Mom’s body. When recalling the torrid fuck session with my sister, my prick reawakened. It took another twenty minutes of punishment before I climaxed again.

Still excited about the day’s activities, sleep evaded me, so I crawled out of bed. After gulping down a glass of water, I sat at my desk and fired up my desktop. I checked for messages, and one was from Mary on my other account.

Whoever you are, I was serious when I told you I wanted to meet you again. I’ve never experienced so much pleasure. Please respond.Mary

My heart fluttered when I read her note. There was no mention of the ramifications of our unsafe sex, only a plea to rendezvous again. Tomorrow was the start of the weekend, and I would be busy on Monday with my interview, so I wouldn’t be able to see her again until Tuesday. Quickly composing my note, I dispatched it when complete.

Mary, I also enjoyed our time together. You are a vibrant, sexy lady. My only problem is the fact you’re having sex with your father. If you sever your physical relationship with him and remain abstinent until Tuesday, I’ll do my best to satisfy both of our sexual desires.An admirer of your beauty.

After successfully achieving my goals, I felt relief and was tired enough to attempt to sleep again. It didn’t take long to fall into a deep slumber.

Looking out my window the following morning, I noticed Dad’s car in the drive. He must have returned during the night. Dressing up in my new clothes, I ventured out to the kitchen. It was Saturday, and Dad was present, explaining why Mom dressed conservatively. She smiled when she saw me wearing my business casual attire. Dad didn’t look up from his phone when I took my seat.

We ate in silence with the occasional secret smirk between Mom and myself. The weekend was uneventful, giving me ample time to prepare for my interview. Late Sunday evening, I received a message from Mary.

My secret admirer, I sent a message to my father yesterday and told him it was over. We exchanged several more notes until he relinquished, but I’m afraid our entire relationship is in jeopardy now. He wasn’t happy and demanded obedience until he realized our affair had actually terminated. It doesn’t bother me because he was never a good father. My mom and brother are all I have now, and I love them both. See you on Tuesday.Mary

Mission accomplished. After my interview on Monday, I’d be home before Dad and would be able to relay the good news to Mom. Monday morning breakfast was a repeat of the weekend, except Mom wore her work outfit. Her week off had finished; she was returning to work. Dad broke the silence with, “Have either of you heard from Mary?”

Did he suspect either of us had something to do with her dumping him? We had to be cautious not to alarm him and make him aware of Mom’s intent to divorce him. Mom answered, “Not for a few months. Why?”

He looked at me questionably, and I replied, “Even longer. We haven’t talked much since I started school.”

His face turned sour when he ran into a dead end. He paused to formulate his response. “Mary’s negative attitude towards her family is a symptom of her depravity. Distancing herself from us demonstrates how selfish and entitled she’s become. I don’t want any of us supporting her in any form. I want everyone to sever ties with her because she’ll eventually harm our family. In short form, she’s persona non grata.”

Mom’s smile acknowledged my apparent success. They left for work while I reviewed my notes one final time before departing for my interview.

Mom’s assistance paid off. I answered every question and followed up with my own, impressing the suit behind the desk. When he concluded the interview, he asked me to remain until he returned. My nervousness increased the longer I waited.

When he entered the room, he handed me an employment form. Smiling, he said, “Sorry about that, but I wanted to get approval to present an offer to you. I want you to know that we’re interested in hiring you but also realize you’re probably looking elsewhere.”

“Thank you. If you don’t mind, I’ll review it here and let you know immediately,” I replied. Mom would have scolded me for accepting anything without thinking about it for a day. Knowing I wanted employment with this company, I intentionally broke her rule.

“By all means, take your time,” he countered. He worked on his phone while I scanned the form.

The starting salary was in the right ballpark, and the benefits matched the numbers from my research. Mom’s voice rang out again to never blatantly accept a tentative proposal. After considering my options, I countered and asked for immediate retirement-matching contributions, rather than kicking in after a year of employment.

He appeared to be relieved I didn’t ask for more. He informed me he’d have to run it by his manager, but I should hear back in the next few days. I left and felt confident that my employment search had finished successfully.

Finding myself starved, I took the bus to the mall to grab a bite to eat. On my way out, I passed by the lingerie store, and the blue nightie caught my eye. The way Mom’s eyes twinkled when she looked at it convinced me it would be the perfect gift to celebrate her divorce.

The only problem was I had no idea of her size or measurements. The floorplan was conveniently sectioned off with clothes racks ensuring privacy for their clients. Nervously stepping into the store, one of the store’s attractive sales associates, Brooke, introduced herself. After a warm handshake and a sexy, wide smile, she asked for my name.

Brooke escorted me to her area and correctly perceived my nervousness. It was abundantly clear she was skillful at calming male customers. She asked about my interests and studies. The conversation eventually led to my job interview. She was attentive and knew exactly how to warm up a customer.

It didn’t hurt that she was similar to Mom’s age and was equally as attractive. Brooke’s wide-set brown eyes, cute little nose, and full lips reminded me of Mom. My fingers itched to run through her tousled light brown hair. She could have been mistaken for Mom’s sister if she’d had one.

I quickly relaxed and comfortably conversed with her. Confident we could proceed, she inquired, “Mike, how can I help you today? Please don’t be shy to ask any questions about our products. I know it can be embarrassing to talk about intimate apparel with a woman but don’t worry, we’ll take it slow until you’re satisfied with your purchase.”

Feeling more at ease, I described what I wanted, and before I could finish, she stopped me and exclaimed, “That’s my favorite nightie! Your girlfriend will love it, or is it for your wife?” she smirked and added, “You don’t have to disclose any embarrassing information. Unbelievably, most of the married men who purchase our outfits confess it’s for a girlfriend.”

Sounding cringey at best, my thoughts drifted to Dad’s adulterous affairs. My naivety showed as I wasn’t aware frequent cheating was common. Were the more successful husbands less faithful or longer married ones? I made a mental note to research it at a later time.

Correctly interpreting my concerns, she continued, “By your expression, I can tell you’re one of the good ones. You’re respectful of your partner. Do you know your special lady’s size?”

Panic set in as I contemplated how much information to divulge to Brooke. Not wanting to scare her off, I decided against disclosing the recipient was my mother. “To be truthful, we’re not romantically involved. She’s an older friend going through a divorce, and I overheard her confess that buying a new nightie would improve her depression. I might even send it to her anonymously to not embarrass either of us.”

Brooke’s smile widened, responding, “What a sweet gesture on your part. May I ask if you know her age?”

Guessing they were close to the same age, I rewarded Brooke for her personable attitude. After she watched me appraise her features, I paused a minute before I answered, “She’s probably five years older than you. I’m fairly certain she’s thirty-eight.”

Brooke’s expression brightened. “I can see why you’re friends. You know how to compliment a lady. I’m close to her age. She’ll be thrilled with this piece. Would you happen to have overheard her size?” she giggled, revealing her suspicions I hadn’t received my information from eavesdropping.

She had me there. I didn’t have a clue, shrugging my shoulders in response. Brooke held my arm and soothingly comforted me, saying, “It’s perfectly okay not to know a woman’s size. It’s not something we like to give out. We can figure it out. Is she taller or shorter than me?”

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