Of Mothers and Sons - Cover

Of Mothers and Sons

Copyright© 2023 by MrCurrie

Chapter 17

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 17 - Mike and his mother, Megan, physically unite and are so pleased with themselves, that they go on a campaign to join other mothers with their sons. To convince some of them to participate, Mike or Megan has to have sex with the mother or son to convince them to mate. If you're a mother/son purist who can't stand the thought of a mother fucking someone else, please don't read. You won't like it. Mike's wife and sister also participate. Mike impregnates most of them.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Incest   Mother   Son   Sister   Aunt   Grand Parent  

With their appetite for matching mothers with their sons satiated, Brooke and Mom concentrated on the health of their maturing babies for the subsequent months. Their bellies rapidly swelled during that time, but their sex drive didn’t wither. During dinner one night, Brooke announced, “One of my clients at our store has become frustrated with our current selections. She’s a sweet woman, and I’d like to assist her, but I’ll need your help, Megan.”

“Does she have a son?” I chuckled.

“No,” Brooke replied. “She’s around thirty, and her marriage is two weeks away. All arrangements are in place except for her wedding nightwear. She desires a high-end nightie but hasn’t been happy with any of our outfits at the store. I want to invite her here to select one from my collection. There has to be one that she’ll like.”

“That sounds easy,” Mom commented. “If you like her, that’s enough for me. Mike, no casting couch for you.”

Brooke laughed, “He’ll be on it but alone. I thought we’d use the nursery and stage a show for her. While one of us is changing, the other can be modeling. It’ll proceed much faster that way.”

“Our big bellies will look odd with the tighter nighties, but we’ll do our best. When did you want to set up a meeting?” Mom asked.

“She’s free tomorrow night. I’ll arrange for her to arrive at seven if that’s okay with you.”

“Perfect,” Mom agreed. “It’ll give us some time to bring a rack into the nursery for your collection. We can use it for a privacy wall, so we don’t have to leave the room,” Mom excitedly exclaimed, shifting to planning mode.

Brooke continued, “I don’t want April to know our relationship with each other. Except that Mike is my husband. Mike, if you happen to be here when April arrives, your mother is a friend of mine and not your mom. Call her Megan. And I don’t want Mike’s name mentioned as I can’t remember everything I told her.”

April, Brooke’s client, arrived on time and was led into the nursery. It was easy to see why she desired a high-end product. She reeked of money. Her layered, bob-style hairstyle was two-toned, blonde, and light brown. It was clear that she had spent a lot of time and money on her makeup. Her breasts were more voluptuous than either Mom’s or Brooke’s. They appeared firm enough that they wouldn’t droop without a bra. Her silk blouse and fashionable skirt exemplified her expensive tastes. My thoughts drifted to how she would trim her bush. By her looks, I had to guess she would be Brazilian waxed.

Mom brought in a pitcher of refreshments and filled their glasses. They chatted until they were comfortable and at ease with each other. Setting her glass on the table, April stated she was ready for the review to begin.

I’ve often seen Brooke and Mom in sexy lingerie, but I never tired of a repeat performance. Whipping off my clothes, I seated myself to enjoy the show. Brooke set a fast pace demonstrating her expert skills in modeling lingerie. April’s head shook at most of them, shrugged her shoulders with others.

When I decided to go to the kitchen to get a drink, Brooke found one that April liked. I knew it was one of her favorites, although she rarely wore it. I assumed the nightie was high-valued. In any case, April immediately recognized its quality. Brooke elected not to wear a bra causing her nipples to push out the thin material. It was a strapped baby doll consisting of different kinds of material incorporated into exotic designs to present an alluring look.

“You have excellent taste, April,” Brooke commented. “This piece is a unique nightie, designed and made by one of our more prominent vendors. The client never came in to purchase it, and according to the designer agreement, we couldn’t sell it to anyone else. Lucky me!”

Running her fingers through the material, April asked, “Silk? It feels even slicker than normal.”

“Satin, which is silk but weaved differently. The feel of it on your skin is amazing. Let’s see how it fits on you.”

Brooke pulled it up and off, allowing her breasts to be on display. April blushed, and when Brooke sensed her discomfort, she explained, “Sorry if I embarrassed you. At shows, I’ve learned to shed my modesty with the rapid pace.”

“No, it’s okay. I understand,” April stuttered. “I’m a little shy, that’s all. I’ll change behind the rack if you don’t mind.”

April didn’t take long before she returned. It was a tight fit, nicely showing off her curves. Her sexy hourglass figure accented her ample and high tits. She didn’t have to change undies since hers were high-class and sexy. Brooke fiddled with the material as she contemplated what changes to incorporate while Mom ran her fingers through the thin material.

“You look lovely, April,” Mom complimented her. “It’s perfect for you. The only suggestion I’d make would be to go braless.”

“I completely agree,” April confessed. “I didn’t want to do it here, but I won’t wear one on my wedding night.”

Brooke shifted her attention to April’s top. She pulled out the silky material, her brow arching while appraising the fit. “Without the support of your bra, it might not fit right.”

April took the hint and vanished behind the screen before emerging - sans bra. Her tits perkily remained in the same position as before. She smiled confidently, her firm, upright breasts proving that she didn’t require any support.

“Wow,” Brooke exclaimed. “Your breasts are unbelievable.”

April blushed, “The best that money can buy. If there’s one thing my man does well, it’s showering me with cash.”

Mom had often criticized women who were gold diggers. I was sure she didn’t say anything since April was Brooke’s friend. Mom asked, “Was it a painful procedure? There are so many horror stories of implants causing problems.”

“Not at all,” April replied. “My doctor is a very sought-after plastic surgeon. My boyfriend always ensures I receive the finest care.”

Brooke ran her fingers over April’s thinly covered breast and queried, “Did it affect the sensitivity of your nipples? I couldn’t stand it if that happened. A man sucking on my nipples is a must for me.”

Brooke lightly squeezed April’s nipple, causing her young client to gasp. “As you can tell, they’re very sensitive, maybe more than before,” April croaked.

Brooke pleaded, “April, do you mind if we feel your breasts? We’d like to see first-hand how they feel. I hope we’re not too forward.”

April smiled; she was proud of her highly-prized rack. Puffing out her chest, she insisted, “Please do. I think we’re past the shy stage at this point.”

April fully expected Brooke to caress her tits through the silky material. Her expression turned to surprise when Brooke snaked her hand in the gap of the nightie to cup her bare tit. After squeezing and caressing one of April’s firm breasts, Brooke ordered, “Feel the other one, Megan. They’re firm and smooth.”

Mom joined in, and both women fondled April’s perfect tits. Brooke pulled the straps off April’s shoulders and removed the expensive garment. Before April could object, her nipples were latched onto by Brooke and Mom. April moaned while the two lustful women sucked her tits.

After several minutes of feeding, Brooke pulled off and exclaimed, “Jesus, these are fantastic. My pussy is all itchy and wet.”

Mom added, “Mine too. April, these babies will get a workout on your wedding night.”

April’s face remained flushed from the rave reviews. Her chest heaved from the excitement while her taut, sunken stomach pulsed.

Brooke grinned mischievously and suggested, “Megan, would you like my husband to relieve us of our horniness?”

“That sounds wonderful. April, would you care to join us,” Mom pleaded.

April stammered, “Oh no, I can’t cheat on my intended.”

Brooke argued, “We’re not asking you to do that. Megan and I do this all the time. You can watch without participating. We’ve done this before with clients. We’ll blindfold my husband so he won’t recognize anyone.”

“He’s going to make love to both of you?” April queried. “You two are extremely sexy women. How does he last?”

“Since he doesn’t do anything, he can hold back his release. Our big bellies prevent us from regular sex, so our only option is to ride him until we cum.”

“I guess it won’t hurt to watch,” April blurted. “If nothing else, it’ll be interesting to see a man that can resist blowing his load in under a minute. My boyfriend is a quick shooter.”

“Excellent!” Brooke exclaimed. “He’s currently in his office. I’ll take him to our bedroom to set it up.”

That was a clue I understood. Brooke was taking care of me. I still had no idea how April fit in, but it looked like I would get laid. Once I left my study, I met Brooke when she exited the nursery and led me to our bedroom. Handing me a mask, she explained, “It’s see-through. Remember to be careful about your Mom. She’s Megan, not your mother.”

“Got it,” I replied. “What’s your endgame here? You have an ulterior motive you’re not telling us about.”

Brooke’s mysterious grin confirmed my suspicions. “She’s a gift to your mom. I wanted to give her something special. April fits the bill.”

“Not to be obstinate, but I don’t see how Mom could be interested in April.”

“You’ll see. Play along, and you’ll get a nice reward. Don’t you dare cum until the time is right.”

“How will I know when?” I asked.

“It’ll be obvious,” she quipped.

She left before I could ask her anything else. Throwing the thin sheet over me, I waited, flat on my back.

When I heard their footsteps approach, I acted like I couldn’t see anything. All three of them were nude except for their panties. April exclaimed, “Oh my, he’s so young.”

Brooke grinned, “You might say I robbed the cradle, but he was quite the catch. Watch the sheet.”

When Brooke’s nipple pressed against my mouth, I immediately suckled from her distended teat. As expected, my prick woke up, causing the sheet to rise. April was wide-eyed when Mom pulled the covering off my body. A sharp gasp exuded from the sexy client with the display of my stiff staff.

Brooke slid her panties off before straddling my face. I licked and slurped on her engorged lips while Mom did the same to my prick. Once Mom lubed me, she removed her undies and impaled herself on my cock. She knew exactly how to fuck me without elevating my excitement level.

Taking time out from eating Brooke’s pussy, I panted, “Megan, your pussy is juicy today. It feels wonderful, as always.”

Brooke looked at April and commented, “He’s always so nice to her and compliments her as he does with his mother.”

Mom slammed onto my pelvis, most likely in an attempt to contain her laughter. After another dozen strokes, Mom’s pussy bathed my cock with her creamy cum. Pulling off, she switched places with Brooke. I slurped on Mom’s cum-filled slot while Brooke rode my steel-hard shaft. Her big belly plopped against my stomach on each downstroke filling the room with slapping noises. Already excited from my tongue, she came in record time. Mom remained glued to my mouth while Brooke dismounted and gripped my cock by the base.

“April, do you want a taste of his cock?” Brooke asked.

Noticing her hesitation, Brooke apologized, “I’m sorry, you don’t want to taste our cum on him. Let me clean him first.” Lapping up the sides of my cock, she cleaned off every drop of juice. She held my prick by the base, and Brooke argued, “You’re not cheating if you lick or taste him. Go ahead.”

April didn’t object, bending over and kissing my tip. After slowly swirling her tongue around my large head, she engulfed it with her hot mouth. While sucking my pole, her teeth scraped along my shaft. If she continued with her expert blowjob, I knew she’d end up with a mouthful of cum.

Thankfully, Brooke recognized my dilemma. She ran her hand across April’s panties and exclaimed, “You poor thing. You’re soaked and need relief. Sit on his face and allow my husband to take care of you.”

April released my stiff prick and shucked off her damp panties. I instantly saw that I had missed the mark on guessing she had a shaven mound. There was a thin line of hair on the sides of her groove and a triangle of hair above. Memories of my aunt and grandma flashed before me as the trims were similar. It gave the appearance of a martini glass. I chuckled, knowing I’d be drinking from her dark-brown chalice.

She positioned herself above my face. I held her hips and pulled her to my waiting mouth. She groaned the minute my tongue dove into her depths. In less than ten minutes, her pussy flooded me with sweet nectar.

“Damn, that was good,” April murmured. “My man doesn’t allow us to do oral sex. I think that’s why he told me not to shave, giving him an excuse. Your husband sure didn’t have any trouble, but it made me hornier. Would you mind if I ride him and cum on his wonderful cock?”

“Of course not, April, “Brooke replied.

“Are you sure he won’t cum?” April asked. “I’m unprotected, and it’s the time of the month when I’m fertile.”

The light went off in my head. It appeared the entire scenario was to plant a baby in April. I wondered if Brooke’s motive was to teach the gold digger a lesson.

“There’s no chance of that. He won’t cum in this position,” Brooke attested. Her expression communicated that I wasn’t supposed to release inside of her. There went another suspicion. I was batting a zero on my assumptions.

Brooke assisted April in positioning herself above my prick. My cock separated her velvety folds while she lowered her tight, slippery pussy. When her pelvis slapped against mine, April gripped my rib cage and humped me. Her face filled with bliss while she fucked herself on my prick. Mom positioned herself behind April and reached around to squeeze her perfect tits.

April moaned; her earlier inhibitions vanished. “His prick is stretching me further than I’ve ever felt. I can’t believe how good it feels. Oh fuck, I’m cumming!”

When Mom twisted April’s nipples, April’s muscles tightened while her pussy convulsed on my rod, her orgasm hitting her. Cum flowed down my pole, soaking my pubic hair. She continued to pump my stem until her channel ceased spasming.

Her muscles relaxed, and she fell to my groin, leaving me buried in her tight glove. She panted, “Thank you, Brooke. That was wonderful.”

Brooke asked, “April, you told me your future husband’s first name, but what is Michael’s occupation? If you don’t mind me asking.”

Mom’s expression turned sour, knowing what was coming next. When April announced Dad’s company and position, Mom uncontrollably spouted out Dad’s last name.

April’s flustered expression matched her tone when she replied, “Do you know him?”

Brooke interjected, “You might say that. Megan is his ex-wife.”

April looked confused and peeved. “Brooke, you knew it all the time. Are you blackmailing me so you can tell him to dump me?”

Brooke replied, “Not at all. We want you to marry him.”

April asked, “Even though you know I’m marrying him for his money?”

Mom answered, “You’ve shown affection toward him, or he wouldn’t have bequeathed you so many presents.” She emphasized her point by squeezing April’s firm mounds. “There’s nothing wrong with what you’re doing. I had no idea who you were, but I’m guessing Brooke surprised us so we could meet and discuss your future.”

“About what?” April asked.

“Have you had a conversation with him concerning children?” Mom asked.

“Yes, he always wears a rubber, but he promised we’d have bareback sex on our wedding night. He wants to wait until the right time to start a family. Starting tomorrow, he’s going to give me a birth control pill each night during dinner. He said it was because I’m very forgetful and didn’t want to take a chance on me missing a day. He’s not entirely wrong.” she chuckled.

“Do you want children?” Mom asked.

“I want a family. He promised we’d work on one a few months after our wedding.”

Mom didn’t react and held back on disclosing the bad news. Dad hated children, and there was no way he would allow his prized wife to bear his progeny.

Mom leaned forward and kissed April on the neck. “I wish you great happiness with your life. You’re a good person, and we wouldn’t do a thing to harm you.”

April pulled off, and a big blob of her cum streamed out of her dripping pussy. Stroking my cock, April remarked, “You two are lucky women. Thank you for sharing him. Is there anything I can do to repay you?”

Brooke chirped, “Actually, there is one thing you could do for us.”

“Name it. I’d love to repay you for your kindness,” April replied.

“Because of our large stomachs, we can only fuck my husband in a few positions. He enjoys missionary style, and we’d love it if you would allow him to make love to you with him on top.”

“Another round?” April asked. “I’m not sure my body can have another orgasm. Won’t he be more apt to cum if he’s more excited?”

“He’ll pull out and spray your big tits with his cum,” Brooke assured her new friend.

April looked unconvinced, but when my prick jerked in her hand, she decided the risk was worth it. I rolled off the bed; April took my place and spread her legs. When Mom pulled my mask off, April smiled in approval. The pretense of hiding our identities was long gone. She opened her legs even wider while smiling sexily.

Stroking her smooth thighs, I relished her beautiful body. It was exciting and satisfying, knowing I would be fucking Dad’s girlfriend. Her pulsing stomach belied her reluctance to cheat on Dad. Inching closer, I lifted her ass to align with my stiff prick and ran my engorged head through her gooey slot.

After I sunk my helmet-shaped knob several inches into her hungry slot, she grunted, “Your cock drives my pussy crazy. I love getting stuffed with a huge, bare prick.”

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