Of Mothers and Sons - Cover

Of Mothers and Sons

Copyright© 2023 by MrCurrie

Chapter 16

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 16 - Mike and his mother, Megan, physically unite and are so pleased with themselves, that they go on a campaign to join other mothers with their sons. To convince some of them to participate, Mike or Megan has to have sex with the mother or son to convince them to mate. If you're a mother/son purist who can't stand the thought of a mother fucking someone else, please don't read. You won't like it. Mike's wife and sister also participate. Mike impregnates most of them.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Incest   Mother   Son   Sister   Aunt   Grand Parent  

A week passed since we had joined two sets of mothers with their sons. It was a warm afternoon when we took a break in the living room. Brooke brought some glasses and a pitcher of iced tea for refreshments. After a few minutes of sipping our drinks, Brooke rose and announced, “I heard a car drive up. Be right back.”

After the front door opened and closed, I heard Brooke and another woman talking. I didn’t recognize the woman’s voice, but my heart rate increased when Paula strode in. I recalled the memories of helping the pretty psychologist coerce her son into having an incestuous relationship.

Every woman I had made love to had a distinctive quality. Her intense display of emotions during sex stuck with me. She was more in tune with people’s mental states, dealing with them daily. Her pussy would squeeze tightly during her orgasm, similar to when Mom snapped her channel.

Mom and I rose to hug her. Two thin straps held up her one-piece dress while a snug belt was directly beneath her breasts. The billowy bottom part of her dress was long enough to cover her knees.

She kissed me, and her distinctive essence caused my prick to stir. Along with each woman having a memorable trait, their scents were individualized. Hers was intoxicating, and I was thankful she didn’t mask it with perfume. It had been a long time since I had seen her - she looked radiant. It was evident Paul and his mother had continued their incestuous relationship.

After we sat, I poured her a glass of refreshing tea. We chatted, or I should say, the three women did. It was hard to get a word in; they were so engrossed in catching up.

After ten minutes, Brooke looked at me and said, “Mike, I invited Paula over today to look at the window in our study. When I explained what we had done, she thought it might be useful for her to install one and wanted to check its functionality. Megan and I will wait in the nursery while you two tour your office.”

When Brooke and Mom rose to leave, Paula reached over and placed her hand on my knee. “Let me finish my drink first. It was hot out there, and this iced tea is delicious. It’ll also provide time for us to talk. I feel bad we left you out of the conversation, but you know how it is when girlfriends get together.”

“Sure, Paula. It’s good to see you again. Your dress fits you perfectly, and your beauty has only improved.”

“You’re still the charmer, aren’t you?” she blushed. “Brooke told me you might be having some relationship problems concerning Mary. Can we talk about it?”

That was news to me. “Mary and I get along as well as ever. What did Brooke say?” I asked.

Paula rose and sat beside me on the couch. Holding my hand, she continued, “It’s a stressful situation that Megan and Brooke put you in. Mary blames you for allowing other men to fuck them. You were only obeying their wishes.”

“You know about Lena and Axel?”

“Brooke tells me everything,” Paula smirked with an all-knowing look. “There are no secrets between us. She has seen me in a semi-professional capacity to help sort out her emotions. She’s worried about what will happen when your sister discovers Brooke and your mother enjoyed intercourse with two more young men.”

“There’s no doubt Mary can be a little possessive,” I acknowledged. “I should probably tell her and not burden Brooke with the stress.”

“While it sounds noble, Mary is young and can’t comprehend how you need to heed Brooke’s and Megan’s desires. Brooke and I have discussed your dilemma in-depth, and when I told her I could help her, she was elated.”

“What did you suggest?”

“I’ll explain it when we’re all together. First, I want to see this office of yours.”

The sounds of passion filled the room when we entered the study. Mom and Brooke were on the nearest bed in the nursery in a sixty-nine position. We had a perfect view of Mom’s splayed legs with the back of Brooke’s head plastered to her pussy.

Paula moved near the lounge and appraisingly concluded, “So, this is where you fuck all the mothers. Your magnificent prick dissipates their inhibitions, magically transforming them into sex-crazed milfs. After that, the horny mothers are in a heightened sexual state, resulting in them mating with their sons.”

She giggled and turned her attention to me. “Your technique isn’t in my case study books, but you can’t argue with the results.”

She motioned with her finger to approach her. Her lustful expression was one I’d seen before - she was horny. While she unbuttoned my shirt, I removed her tight belt. Stroking her arms, I moved up to her shoulders. Before I could slide her dress off, her hands halted my movement.

“Let me finish,” she ordered. “I’ll tell you when it’s time.”

After she removed my shirt, her soft hands caressed my torso. She purred with anticipation, and memories of our times together resurfaced. Looking at the lewd spectacle in the next room, she asked, “They can’t hear us?”

“No,” I answered. “It’s soundproof.”

She tapped on the window. Brooke’s face pulled off Mom’s pussy. Her lust-filled face gazed in our direction - her mouth smeared with Mom’s juices.

“She sure knows how to eat pussy,” Paula gasped. “I’m leaking from thinking about how good she’s sucked me in the past.”

When she noticed my curious expression, she explained, “I told you she confides everything to me. While all your sexual adventures are related to me, she eats my pussy. It’s her way of paying me for the counseling.”

Brooke moved her fingers to Mom’s crevice and pried it apart, displaying my mother’s juicy, pink interior. I immediately hardened. Paula unsnapped my pants and shoved them to the floor, followed by my underwear. Her hand wrapped around my stiff pole and squeezed.

“It’s perfect, just as I remembered,” Paula croaked. “You have a wonderful cock, and it’s easy to see why all those horny mothers melt with carnal desire. When I explained to Brooke how I could help her with Mary, she insisted that my payment would have to be better than her mouth. That’s why you’re here.”

“It sounds like Brooke is pimping me to pay off her debts. I might need to schedule a session with you to overcome my uneasiness,” I chuckled.

“First, we work on Brooke’s problem, and then I’ll help with yours. Of course, the payment will be the same,” she smiled widely.

We hugged and French kissed while her hands roamed over my flesh. Her breasts heaved on my chest, her pointy tips drilling through her dress into my torso. “It’s your turn. Pull my straps off,” she panted.

Her dress silently fell to the floor; she was nude underneath. Her eyes conveyed both excitement and apprehension. When she stepped back, my eyes feasted on her curvy figure. Her bulging belly was similar in size to Mary’s, and it suddenly hit me why her smile was so radiant.

I ran my hand over her distended stomach and grinned. My genetic line was spreading at a rapid pace.

“I knew when I went to your wedding,” she confessed, “But that day was for you and Brooke, so I didn’t tell you. I almost changed my mind when I saw the cute Chinese girl parading out with blobs of cum streaming down her legs.”

“It was a present from Brooke,” I replied, defending my actions. “The woman’s name is Mei, a friend of Mary’s and hers.”

“I know. Remember, Brooke tells me everything. Mei was instrumental in perfecting Brooke’s pussy eating skills.”

Now I understood why Brooke spent the extra days at Mei’s place. I couldn’t blame her when I recalled the passionate sex I shared with Mei in the waiting room.

Changing the topic to her pregnancy, I asked, “How does Paul feel about it? Does he know it’s mine?”

“My motherly instinct tells me that you impregnated during our first encounter, but It could be his,” she replied. “In any case, he didn’t care when I told him. He loves me and my child, whomever the father is. We’ve never been happier.”

Lying on the lounge, Paula spread her legs wide and croaked, “How about making love to the mother of your child?”

“You’ll have to be more specific,” I giggled. “Pretty much every woman I fuck now has been impregnated by me.”

“The one who can kick you in the balls if you don’t hurry up and stick that baby-maker into my horny pussy. Fuck me hard and fast. I’m hungry for your cock and have been waiting for this moment far too long.”

Gladly obeying the sexy psychiatrist, I shoved to the bottom of her wet, slick channel. Her state of arousal was an understatement. Her pussy was soaked - her walls greedily clung onto my ram.

During our initial joining, I remembered she had several mini-orgasms before we had both climaxed. Confident I could easily trigger her release again, I fucked her hard and fast.

She groaned with excitement as her body thrashed with my stroking. Her expression was blissful, and it surprised me her pussy hadn’t succumbed to my prick. I reasoned that her stamina had improved because the first time we fucked she was sex-starved. Paul was now satisfying her sexual needs - maybe a little too good. She looked like she was in control of her orgasm and determined to hold off her release.

Increasing my pace, I collided with the back of her pussy on each stroke. She gasped and deeply sucked in breaths of air while her tits heaved and shook from the powerful force of my body slamming against hers. Her smile of smugness convinced me she was trying to outlast me.

“Is that all you got, stud?” She taunted me. “Fuck me like Axel did when he hammered your mother.”

That damn guy was a thorn in my side. It was bad enough that I had thought of him at times. Now Paula mentioned him. Visions of him pounding Mom energized my own pace.

Determined to bring her across the finish line, I grabbed her ass and pulled her tightly. Sloshing and slapping sounds filled the room - I fucked her harder. She grinned, arched her back, and humped her hips to magnify my efforts. Her fucking skills had vastly improved since the last time I had been with her.

Her face flushed; her body shook. I was going to win, after all. She reached over and tapped twice on the window. When I looked through the one-way mirror, Brooke rose again and opened Mom’s pussy. Mom’s engorged pearl emerged from its protective sheath like a fat prick. Brooke squeezed it, which caused Mom’s pussy to contract with her orgasm.

Her puffy pussy opened and closed, resembling a giant koi at feeding time. Cum drooled out of her slot, and that was all it took. Shock waves of pleasure shot through me - ending with the head of my prick exploding. My balls ejected a thick blob of jism.

Paula screeched with the onset of her climax. Her pussy squeezed my cock harder than a steel vice. Even her orgasms were more intense than our first time. When her tight glove finally released my ram, I plunged in again and spurted out another stream of cum. Her vibrating pussy lips clung to my prick and sucked out my creamy semen. Her contractions became less severe when she finished milking my cock. We gasped for air.

“Jesus, that was awesome,” I exclaimed.

“You got that right,” she agreed, her tits heaving.

“I can’t believe you held out until my prick blasted. Normally I’m much better,” I said, surprised by Paula’s performance.

“You were a little disadvantaged. I’ve learned to hold back my orgasms. It makes for a much larger one when it does happen, especially if I feel a cock blasting off before I cum. I knew it would be harder with you, so I enlisted your mother’s help.”

“Mom’s body has that effect on me,” I giggled.

“What else helped me was fucking my son multiple times earlier,” Paula snickered. “He hopes I come to see you more often with the attention I gave him. It’s nothing compared to what’s in store for him tonight.”

“He’s one lucky son, but I realized that when we first made love. You’re a special woman, Paula. I’m happy to see you and Paul have become so close.”

“Thanks to you, we are. Megan and Brooke are waiting for us in the living room. We better get moving.”

Looking into the nursery, I noticed it was empty. Paula had choreographed the entire event; she was the right person to help us.

Mom and Brooke were fully clothed and drinking their iced tea when we returned. Brooke smiled and asked, “Paula, was my husband satisfactory, or do you need an additional incentive?” She seductively swiped her tongue across her lips.

Paula laughed. “He was perfect, thanks to you two. Now that everyone is here, I may have the solution to your problem. One of my best friends is a principal at a high school. Her son broke down a week ago and confided in her that he was apprehensive about attending college this fall as a virgin. Girls shy away from him because of his mother’s position. He couldn’t even get a date to Prom because of her status.”

“It appears Brooke overpaid you,” I confidently bragged. “It sounds like the same scenario as always. I’ll invite the mother to my couch of seduction while my horny milfs prep the son.”

Paula giggled and replied, “Although that would appeal to you, it would do little to solve our current dilemma. Erica, my friend, noticed the remarkable change in my son. Since we’re both single mothers, she asked me what steps I had taken to improve his disposition. Reluctant to tell the truth, I explained that one of my clients uses sex as a relaxant, and I used her to take Paul’s virginity. Erica’s interest was piqued, desiring to hear more.”

“I see where this is going,” Mom piped in. “It’s not about connecting Erica with her son. You want to substitute Mary as your client and offer her the sacrificial virgin. Her sexual craving won’t allow her to maintain her fidelity.”

“Exactly,” Paula replied. “I’ll set it up with Erica. You need to convince Mary to participate, which may be tougher.”

“No, it won’t,” Brooke chirped. “Let me talk to her. She loved it when we involved her in working with Paul. We’ll meet this afternoon, and I’ll send you a note about when we can meet with her son. Mary’s schedule is pretty hectic. We might have to wait a day or two.”

“Let me get this right,” I interjected. “Mom has always said a mother should take her son’s virginity, and Mary insists I should be the sole man to make love to her, Mom, and Brooke. Mary won’t be able to help herself and will take the son’s virginity, breaking both rules. Do you think this will change her mind? A little confusing, but is that the plan?”

Their cackling response caused me to blush - they weren’t laughing with me. Paula answered, “Sort of right, but not quite. Mary should learn that everything can’t be set in stone, meaning each situation might have a different solution. In this case, Erica has no interest in taking her son’s virginity, so that point is moot.”

“Okay, it kind of makes sense. It sounds like we’re a go,” I said in conclusion. “If Erica has no interest in her son, maybe I should entertain her in my study while Mary ravishes the horny virgin.”

Paula laughed, “No fucking the mother in your office this time. Our stunt with my son was corny, but I want to repeat the same hypnosis trick. Erica might be hesitant, but once I explain how it will benefit Ethan, her son, I’m convinced she’ll jump on board.”

We plotted and planned for another hour before Paula departed. Brooke called Mary and invited her over for dinner.

Mary couldn’t contain herself throughout the meal, going into great detail about her studies and work at the hospital. After we finished, we adjourned to the living room. The conversation eventually led to what we had been doing while she was busy at school. Brooke described in detail our liaisons with the prenatal participants. Mary was visibly upset, her eyes glistening with tears.

“You guys told me the episode with Lena and Axel was a one-time thing, and it wouldn’t happen again. Mikey, why are you allowing other men to make love to Mom and Brooke?” Mary asked, on the verge of crying.

Mom couldn’t allow Brooke or her son to take all the blame. “Mary, it played out differently than any of us wanted, but our love for each other hasn’t wavered.”

Brooke knew the time was right to pull my sister into her plan. “Mary, I do feel bad, and that’s one of the reasons I invited you here today. We’re working with another couple, and if you’re involved, you can help us keep on track.”

Mary’s smile returned - she chirped, “Sounds good. I’ll be happy to monitor the situation. What will I be doing?”

Mom explained, “Erica, Paula’s friend, will join with her son, Ethan.”

“Another mother and son?” Mary laughed. “Talk about deja vu. If you tell me that hypnotizing will be used, I’m questioning whether you guys are screwing with me.”

Brooke giggled, “Actually, that’s exactly right. It’s Paula’s show, and you know how she’s most comfortable using her skills as a psychologist.”

“Great,” Mary said, conceding. “At least I know how to play the part. It was pretty exciting. Hopefully, my baby bump won’t turn him off. Be sure you tell him my belly is from being pregnant, not beer.”

Before departing, Mary provided several prospective dates and times she would be available. Brooke sent Mary’s schedule to Paula.

Paula’s reply arrived the next day. Our plan would execute two days later. Paula assured us she would set up everyone’s schedule.

Paula and Mary arrived on time, anxious to get started. We convened in the nursery to review our roles. My sister was in high spirits because she knew that in the end, her brother would reward her with a good fucking as always.

Paula laid out her plans. “Mary, wait here while I brief Erica. She knows you’re faking but believes I’m helping you satisfy your sexual appetite.”

“So, only Ethan will think that I’m in a trance? How’s that going to work with his mother here?” Mary asked.

“I explained to her that one of your requirements is that another couple is present in the room, so the focus isn’t entirely on you. Erica thinks Mike and Brooke are participating. When Erica arrives, Brooke will be absent due to an emergency, so I’ll convince her that she’ll need to fill in. It’ll be a hard sell, but I’m confident I can do it because she wants to help her son. To put Ethan at ease, I’ll tell him his mother is in a hypnotic state.”

“It sounds complicated, but since I don’t have to do anything but let Ethan fondle me, I’m good.”

Brooke and Mom disappeared while Paula and I waited for Erica to arrive. The principal was predictably punctual - her firm handshake setting the tone. She was as tall as me, and her stern stature made it easy to see why girls were afraid to approach her son. Her authoritative stance matched her conservative suit. She was an attractive woman, even with the absence of makeup. Her light-brown hair, tied in a bun, and thick-rimmed glasses completed her look of a high-school principal.

Erica scanned the room and asked, “Paula, you promised me that Mike and his wife are participating. Can I meet her?”

“I’m sorry, Erica,” Paula replied. “She was called away for an emergency. Mary, my client, is prepped and ready for your son, but she insists another couple participate. If you fill in for his wife, I’ll tell Ethan you’ve been hypnotized, so it won’t bother him if you’re present.”

“This is ridiculous!” Erica exclaimed. “I can’t be in the same room while a woman takes my son’s virginity. As handsome as Mike is, I won’t be a substitute for his wife.”

Erica fumed, but at least I’d received a compliment. I felt that Paula wasn’t going to succeed.

“I understand your concerns,” Paula attempted to comfort her friend. “I wouldn’t ask, but it might help Ethan overcome his anxiety if you’re present. When someone close to you is in the same room, it can make an uncomfortable situation more bearable. I’ll explain to him that you won’t recall his actions. It should allow him to act more freely.”

“That’s fine for him,” Erica remarked. “How about me? Do you think I’m stripping and allowing him to ogle me while he’s making out with your client?”

“There’s a chance you won’t have to do anything,” Paula explained. “Your presence should be enough. I’m not sure what direction it’ll go, but whatever you do, don’t reveal you’re not in a hypnotic state. It could cause irreparable harm to his psyche. We also risk the damage of him becoming despondent if we tell him we have to cancel.”

Erica adjusted her glasses, analyzing the situation. After a moment, she replied, “I have seen a sharp improvement in his attitude since I informed him about his belated eighteenth birthday present. He was extremely excited this morning about the prospect of losing his virginity. I would hate to go this far and then dash his hopes.”

After pausing for another minute, she firmly stated, “I’ll do it.”

Paula smiled at the success of her manipulative skills, persuading a stern disciplinarian to breach her moral boundaries. She continued, “Great. I’ll introduce you to Mary and position both of you for Ethan. Don’t relate any information to Mary while I’m not there. She’s shy, and if you mention your son is a virgin, she may opt out.”

“Okay,” Erica replied. “Do we need to worry about Mary becoming pregnant?”

“No,” Paula smirked and rubbed her bump. “It’s too late for that. Mary and I became pregnant around the same period. Her hormones haven’t subsided, still requiring frequent treatments to relax.”

Erica nodded in agreement. Her questioning expression made me believe she wondered if the two pregnancies were connected.

Paula led Erica to the nursery and quickly returned. Not more than ten minutes later, Ethan knocked on the door. It was apparent he had inherited his mother’s genetics. His lanky height had outpaced his ability to move smoothly. His jerky motion while shaking our hands and his uncoordinated walk to the couch was unsettling, but I suspected it was from the stressful situation.

Paula briefed him on the basics and added, “My client, Mary, insists on another couple present in the room. Mike and his wife volunteered, but she had to leave at the last minute. I’ve asked your mother to participate.”

“Mom? She’ll be watching me while I’m with a woman?” Ethan asked, squirming and noticeably uneasy with the situation.

“She’ll be in the room but won’t remember anything.” Paula explained, “I hypnotized her along with Mary. When they awaken, they will feel refreshed but have no memories of anything that transpires. They might talk or look around while under, but nothing will be committed to memory. I’ve done this many times before and have never encountered a failure.”

“Okay, do I need protection? I forgot to bring any.”

“No, Mary is pregnant - you don’t have to worry about her. Mary gets nervous if she knows the man is a virgin. Act as if you’ve been with other women. If I think she’s uncomfortable, I’ll let you know.”

“I’m ready for the best birthday present I’ve ever received from Mom,” Ethan exclaimed. “I can’t believe she set this up. She’s so straight-laced and strict that I was shocked when she suggested it.”

“She loves you and wants you to be happy,” Paula reassured him. “Enjoy the experience, and don’t be shy around Mike and me. I’ve seen a lot of nude men, and Mike has always been professional when working with me. It’s time to meet Mary and lose your virginity.”

The faux-hypnotized ladies sat on the ends of two adjacent beds. Erica was on the one next to the mirror while Mary was one over. When Ethan took his position, his eyes drank in Mary’s assets before croaking, “Wow, she’s cute. Can I touch her hair and scalp?”

“Of course,” Paula replied.

Ethan ran his fingers through Mary’s locks and leaned over to inhale her scent. “She smells nice, too. I like her hair down. Mom does it after her shower, and she always looks happier.”

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