Of Mothers and Sons - Cover

Of Mothers and Sons

Copyright© 2023 by MrCurrie

Chapter 14

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 14 - Mike and his mother, Megan, physically unite and are so pleased with themselves, that they go on a campaign to join other mothers with their sons. To convince some of them to participate, Mike or Megan has to have sex with the mother or son to convince them to mate. If you're a mother/son purist who can't stand the thought of a mother fucking someone else, please don't read. You won't like it. Mike's wife and sister also participate. Mike impregnates most of them.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Incest   Mother   Son   Sister   Aunt   Grand Parent  

Mom and Brooke were excited to get underway with their new adventure. Their love of joining mothers with their sons gave them a new sense of commitment. Both were eager to continue the prenatal classes to start the process.

Brooke intensified her conversations with Kate while Mom interacted closely with several women. During our final class, I saw Mom exchange information with one mother, and when she returned to her seat, I knew from her look that she had been successful.

On Friday night at dinner, Mom announced, “None of the mothers in my class attended with their sons, but I found one with her nephew. After lamenting how my son hated attending classes with me, she spilled her guts. It turns out her twin sister’s husband impregnated her during a party. Supposedly, he was drunk when he mistakenly thought she was his wife. I’m uncertain of her excuse, but I suspect she was looking for a sperm donor. The wife forgave her sister and wants to assist her, including forcing her son to help his aunt.”

Brooke exclaimed, “It sounds like the poor aunt needs a little more help from her nephew than his mother counted on.”

Mom giggled and continued, “Her son insisted on living at home after graduation, so there might be a chance of connecting him with his mother, if not with his aunt. Why else would a twenty-year-old remain home with his parents?”

“Not unusual anymore, Mom,” I replied. “Children are living at home longer because of the cost of living. I wouldn’t put too much faith in your assumptions.”

“A mother can hope, can’t she?” Mom jested.

“I can’t wait to see how you execute your plan,” Brooke said. “Tomorrow, I’ve invited Kate and her son over to rehash the material from the class. Megan, you will act as our official Doula, proficient in the emotional and physical support of expectant mothers. We have to rearrange our furniture, so it’s time my strong husband chips in.”

It didn’t take long to modify the nursery with a couple of beds to facilitate our fake class. Excited by the situation unfolding, Mom and Brooke couldn’t sleep. They drained me, ravishing my body in anticipation of the next day’s events.

Kate and her son promptly arrived, and after our introductions over a cup of tea, we moved to the nursery. Kyle was shy and uncomfortable with the situation. Even though he was a year older than me, he looked younger than his age, as did his mother. I chalked it up to their fair skin and good genetics.

Being in the same room with three hot women didn’t help Kyle’s uneasiness. He relaxed when my pregnant mom took charge. She was her cheerful self, and her sexy smile improved his attitude. His furtive glances at Mom and Brooke displayed his interest in their curvy figures.

It paid off that Mom had spent the previous night researching the duties of a Doula. Her professional presentation gave the illusion she had been doing it for years.

After Mom outlined the course’s topics, she paired us up. “As a pregnant mother, I know how uncomfortable physical interactions can arise between a son and mother. Kyle will work with Brooke, and Kate will team up with my son,” Mom instructed. Kyle looked relieved, and I knowingly grinned that Mom borrowed a portion of Charlotte’s seductive technique.

We had purposely removed all the chairs from the room, ensuring the beds were the only available places to sit. Mom continued, “Remove your shoes. Ladies, kneel on the edge of the bed, facing the middle so the boys can stand behind you and massage your shoulders.” Mom positioned the women to face each other from the two adjacent beds. “We’ll start with a simple stress reliever by working on the shoulders. Run your hands across the tops and knead her muscles.”

Kate flinched when I initially touched her. After gently rubbing her covered flesh, her muscles slowly relaxed. After several minutes, Brooke unbuttoned the top two buttons on her blouse and pulled it off her shoulders.

Brooke explained, “The material prevents his fingers from relieving my pressure points.” Kyle immediately replaced his hands on her bare flesh. Suddenly, his shyness had shifted to enthusiasm.

“Excellent, Brooke,” Mom praised her aggressive action. “Kyle, search and press into the depression along the ridge.”

When he found it, his fingers sunk into the tops of her shoulders. Brooke moaned, which encouraged Kyle to knead harder. Kate shifted her torso in an attempt for my fingers to locate the same spot. After another moan from Brooke, Kate unbuttoned her blouse and exposed her smooth, white flesh. I quickly found her sensitive area, and it wasn’t long before a low moan of pleasure escaped from her.

“Nice,” Mom exulted. “It looks like you’re learning the technique. Now, close your two middle fingers together and use your knuckles to drill down and relieve the pressure.”

Both women groaned while we followed Mom’s instructions. “An important step to relaxing a pregnant woman is to compliment her. The stress of their changing bodies affects their disposition. Practice instilling confidence in your partner,” Mom read from her script.

Kyle hesitated, unsure of what to say; I took the lead. I moved close to Kate’s ear and whispered, “Your smooth, pearly-white skin is sensual. It’s like fine ivory and looks spectacular against your red hair. You’re a beautiful and sexy woman.”

I knew from Brooke’s expression that Kate was widely smiling and enjoying our intimate conversation. Kyle’s eyes focused on his cute mother while he whispered to Brooke in the same manner as I did. After a few minutes, Brooke leaned forward far enough for Kyle to sneak a glimpse of the top of her bra.

It took several more minutes for Kate to mimic Brooke and provide me a glimpse of her light-blue bra. My fingers extended forward and kneaded her hot flesh, itching to dive lower and grab those milky-white breasts. Knowing my spontaneity would not be approved by Mom, I refrained.

When Mom was satisfied we had adequately progressed, she stopped us. “That’s enough for this exercise. It’s a wonderful way to relieve the stress of motherhood and should be performed daily, if not more. While I continue with the lecture, practice what you’ve learned.”

She was better at speaking in front of a group than I had imagined. She kept our attention while she covered the subject matter of problems, symptoms, and home remedies. Kyle and I remained behind our partners and gently stroked their shoulders until Mom finished.

“The final item to address today is hugging,” Mom stated. I rolled my eyes, more for Kyle’s benefit than anyone else. “You boys might think that embracing your mother is silly, but your mother needs to experience the closeness of her mate. Please hug your partner.”

Brooke rose, turned, and pulled Kyle to her body tightly, mashing her soft tits into his chest. Kyle’s smile indicated how much Brooke excited him. Kate was slower to repeat Brooke’s moves and blushed when she carefully wrapped her arms around me. She was still timid and wary, so I didn’t pull her into me as Brooke had done to Kyle. Our shoulders touched while I kept the rest of my body away from her. When she parted, she smiled in appreciation of my gentlemanly behavior.

When we turned to exit, Mom instructed, “Everyone should wear loose-fitting sweats next time to avoid any embarrassment.” Kyle’s face was a shade lighter red than his hair, and I didn’t have to look to know he was sporting a boner from Brooke’s embrace.

Mom continued, “I have another couple scheduled for tomorrow. Would Monday at five be okay for our next lesson?”

Kyle blurted, “We’ll be here. No problem.”

He’d accepted before his mother could respond, and although Kate looked surprised by his assertiveness, she nodded in agreement.

After they left, Mom grinned, “That went well. It was Brooke’s plan, but I should get credit for my great performance.”

Brooke laughed, “You did very well. Kyle’s transformation was amazing. He has a cute way of flattering a woman. I’m a little worried about Kate as it appears she’s still grieving from her loss. Mike, do you remember how you told me a seduction is faster through the mind? I’m going to need your assistance during our next meeting. Megan, what is your plan for tomorrow?”

Mom smirked, “You did such a fantastic job; I’m going to copy you. Why change when it went so well?”

“Imitation is the best form of flattery, so I should be honored,” Brooke smiled. “It’ll be easy since you’ve already been the instructor for one class.”

“You’d be right if I’m the teacher, but I won’t be,” Mom jeered. “You’re the Doula tomorrow, so you better study tonight.”

“Me?” Brooke exclaimed. “Won’t it look strange if Mike’s mother is his partner and his wife is the teacher?”

“Not at all. I attended the class with Mike, and she’s aware that you’re helping your poor mother-in-law cope with the stress of childbirth. Besides, I already told her you were the expert and would be training us.”

Breaking for dinner, we rehashed the day’s events before retiring.

When the new couple arrived, Mom introduced us, and it was the first time I got a good look at the aunt Mom had befriended. Her name was Tina, and she was cute, bubbly, and outspoken. Tina’s outgoing attitude was the opposite of Kate’s, and I looked forward to being her partner. Tina’s brunette hair was the same style as Mom’s, and she was three years older.

Her nephew, Tony, looked like he wanted to flee. If he wasn’t attracted to his sexy aunt, I wasn’t sure how Mom would connect these two.

Brooke repeated Mom’s steps, and Tina’s behavior was noticeably different from Kate’s. When Mom unbuttoned her blouse to expose her shoulders to Tony, Tina quickly followed. When I aggressively massaged her, the horny aunt leaned forward, exposing the tops of her breasts. She was more than willing to show off her body to an appreciative young man.

When we should have concluded the physical phase, Brooke changed procedures and instructed the mothers to lie on the bed.

“This exercise is to help with the abdominal aches mothers experience. Gently soothe and caress your partner as if you’re consoling her growing child. When her belly becomes larger, the male partner will have to apply stretching cream to lessen the damage from the mother’s expanding belly.”

Tina had already unbuttoned the bottom buttons of her blouse and had it pulled apart to reveal her bare stomach before Mom followed her actions. Tony switched his gaze from his aunt’s display to Mom’s, and when he witnessed my hands gliding across Tina’s stomach, he did the same to Mom.

Circling my groping hands around her belly, I drifted upward until I hit her ribs. She didn’t flinch, and her smile never wavered. Next pass, I extended my pinkie and let it glide across her flesh an inch below her bra. Her blouse concealed my actions, so Mom and Tony couldn’t observe what I was doing.

After several more passes, I slowly ran my little finger across the bottom of her bra-covered breasts. When she puffed out her chest, I paused stroking and left my finger pressed against one of her soft tits. When I resumed, my hand on her stomach navigated closer to her waistline while the one holding her ribcage inched upward, pressing my finger deep into her mushy mound.

She inhaled deeply, and I felt her stomach sink in when her excitement grew. My fingertips briefly grazed under the tight band of her skirt before returning to her soft stomach. When I looked at her lust-filled eyes, it was evident this woman was horny and wasn’t getting the sexual satisfaction she deserved.

Before I ventured further, Brooke terminated the exercise. “That’s enough time for this exercise,” Brooke declared. “Return to your previous position so the boys can massage your shoulders while I cover the rest of the material for today. Don’t forget to compliment your partner during the relaxing technique.”

It was a thrill to see how far I could go with Tina without alerting the others. When I neared her ear, I gently squeezed her lobe with my lips and swirled my tongue around her rim. Her breathing was short and rapid. “You’re a beautiful and sexy woman,” I whispered. “I want to feel more of your smooth flesh.”

“Brooke!” Tina exclaimed. Damn, I wondered if I had misjudged her and gone too far.

“Yes, what’s wrong?” Brooke asked.

“Nothing,” Tina replied. “My lower back feels tight. Would it be okay if your husband massages that area instead of my shoulders?”

Brooke smiled, “He’ll do whatever you need. Feel free to request anything from him.”

While Brooke continued lecturing, Tina yanked her blouse out of her skirt and leaned forward several inches. My hands moved under the bottom of her blouse and massaged her back. Feeling more confident with her acceptance of my groping, I snaked one hand to her front. When her stomach sank with a breath, I ventured upward to her breasts.

“Thank you, Tina,” I whispered while licking her ear. “Your body is driving me nuts. Brooke said I was here for your needs. You desire more intimacy, don’t you?”

Tina nodded; to anyone else, it would look like we were enjoying an innocent conversation. Lightly kissing her lobe, I continued, “Look at your nephew and my mom. He’s barely exploring her sexy body. Do you want me to demonstrate what I’d do with a beautiful woman in my hands?”

She nodded once more, and I wasted no time in progressing. I knew from the previous day there wasn’t much lecture time remaining. My hand reached up and cupped her breast, causing her to groan. Her blouse was billowy enough that no one could see that I was squeezing and mauling her breasts. She gasped for air, and before her excitement escalated too far, I lowered to her stomach.

My hand on her back slid under her skirt and panties. Her wrists slapped flat on the bed to stabilize herself while she rose a few inches. She gave me full access to her firm ass, and I didn’t pass up a chance to squeeze her cheeks. Her untucked blouse concealed my other hand in the front. I seized the opportunity and slipped underneath her garments. My fingers dove through her narrow patch of silky fur and found her dripping snatch.

Moving my hand on her ass, I jammed three fingers into her drenched canal. She yelped, and I halted movement when everyone looked at us.

“Is everything okay?” Brooke asked. She was closer to us than Mom, and her expression acknowledged that she knew I was the cause of Tina’s sudden outburst.

“Mike hit a sore spot, that’s all,” Tina panted. “Sorry if I distracted everyone. Any additional sounds will be the result of Mike soothing my aches. Please continue.”

God, she was horny and needed release. Brooke correctly interpreted the situation and moved between the beds, blocking the view from Tony and Mom. Facing away from us, Brooke continued lecturing in a louder tone to disguise Tina’s moaning.

My hands went to work on Tina’s hungry pussy. My hand in the back pumped her cunt while the one in front massaged her lips and puffy clit. The sounds of her panting escalated, preventing her from containing her moans. Brooke spoke more rapidly and louder, drowning out Tina’s sounds of passion.

After several more minutes of finger-fucking her, I squeezed and pulled her engorged pearl. Her channel tightly clamped onto my fingers, her cum flooding her pussy. Her loud groan had to be heard by Mom and Tony. When she ceased convulsing, I removed my hands. Her gaze was locked on my face while I licked her juices from my fingers.

Taking advantage of our blocked view, I squeezed one of her firm breasts on the outside of her blouse and kissed her. Her tongue immediately dove into my mouth. After a minute of necking, she whispered, “Thank you, Mike. You obeyed Brooke perfectly and attended to my needs like she said you would.”

Returning to our original positions, we resumed the pretense of innocent massaging. Brooke sensed we were finished and moved to her original position. When we progressed to the hugging spiel, Tina pulled me tightly and ground her groin into my stiff prick. Her eyes and body signaled she was ready for more attention.

Before they left, Mom asked, “We’re busy the next few days. Would Thursday at five work for you?”

This time the pregnant aunt quickly responded, “We’ll be here. I can’t wait to see what the next class covers.” Her wide, sexy smile reflected her desire that she wanted more. Her pussy burned with passion, and I had the hose to extinguish her fiery desires. I looked forward to addressing her needs.

After they left, Brooke asked, “Megan, why did you delay their return? Is something wrong?”

Mom smirked and commented, “I might be old, but I recognize the sound of a woman cumming. Tina is a lot further along than Tony. A few days off will give me enough time to decide how to proceed.”

“Dang,” I said. “I thought I was being pretty discreet. You’re right, though. If you would’ve left us alone, we’d be fucking. Tina is like a horny Mary. If her twin sister is the same, I pity Tony if we’re successful.”

Brooke chuckled, “Don’t lie. Your shallow empathy doesn’t fool me. He’ll be in sexual bliss, but you shouldn’t be jealous because you already have two horny women to care for your needs.”

“You’re right, of course,” I admitted. “I’ll be happy if we’re successful, but definitely not envious since I live with the hottest women ever.”

“Good recovery,” Brooke laughed, “With a woman so horny, I wonder whether Tony might be gay or not into older women. Megan, what do you think?”

“He’ll come around,” Mom replied. “His attitude improved when he groped my bare midriff. That was nice of you to progress further than I had. It was your plan; understandably, you’d know how far to take it.”

Brooke and Mom demonstrated how horny they were for the rest of the night. Everyone’s excitement level was high from the prolonged intimate contact from the class.

Kate and Kyle promptly arrived, dressed in comfortable sweats. Kate hugged me tightly, and I could feel her bra push into my chest. Brooke was braless, and Kyle’s wide smile reflected his pleasure when she pulled him tightly into her.

Mom instructed, “Let’s warm up and begin with the shoulder massage routine before proceeding with the new material.”

Brooke pulled her loose sweatshirt to her upper arms, exposing her bare shoulders and upper chest. Kate interrupted, “Megan, I’m sorry, but I need to use the restroom. I’ll be right back.”

Grabbing her purse, she left and quickly returned. “Thanks for waiting. I feel terrible for inconveniencing everyone,” Kate apologized.

“Think nothing of it,” Mom replied, “We have no time constraints.”

“Thanks,” Kate stuttered. “Mike, would you please arrange my top and proceed as your mom directed?”

Sliding her material to the sides, it became evident that she didn’t need to pee. She used the excuse to remove her bra. I’d have to thank Brooke later for setting the example. Kate’s shoulders were tense but melted under my probing fingers. When she relaxed, her top allowed enough gap for me to see the tops of her breasts.

Leaning close, I whispered, “You’re more relaxed today. I love running my hands over your smooth skin.”

She moaned when my knuckles dug into her sensitive spots. Looking over at Brooke, I saw Kyle leering down her open top. From his intent gaze, I was sure she was giving him a view of her nipples.

“Thanks for removing your bra. It’s a pleasant feeling to run my hands over your flesh. Your breasts are beautiful,” I whispered in Kate’s ear, gently licking her lobe.

She inhaled sharply in surprise. Didn’t she realize I had detected her silky garment when we hugged? Or was it from my compliment about her breasts? She leaned forward and allowed me a glimpse of her pink nipples. They brightly contrasted against her lily-white skin, the same as her hair. My prick stiffened, pointing straight up against my stomach.

After a few minutes, Mom instructed, “It’s time to switch and practice on your actual partner.”

Kate immediately leaned back, concealing her breasts. Was she nervous, or did she have negative feelings toward her son?

After we rotated, Kate locked eyes with me while Kyle and I massaged the expectant mother’s shoulders. My smile reflected hers while she relaxed under her son’s hands.

Out of earshot of everyone, I leaned in and stuck my tongue in Brooke’s ear. I whispered, “There’s nothing more I’d like to do than bend you over and fuck your tight, hairy pussy.”

She giggled, and Kate’s curious expression concerned me. Did she think I was telling Brooke about the private conversation we had? I continued, “Don’t lean forward as you did with Kyle. I don’t want Kate to get the wrong idea.”

Brooke obeyed while we resumed quietly. Mom instructed, “It looks like everyone’s comfortable. Switch partners, and we’ll proceed.”

When I was behind Kate and had my hands on her shoulders, she leaned forward again. Allowing me to view her breasts that she denied her son excited me. It wasn’t long before Mom directed us to proceed as Brooke had done the previous day.

Kate was slow to pull her top far enough for me to rub her exposed flesh, whereas Brooke had hers pulled up to the bottom of her breasts. Kyle didn’t wait for instructions and roamed all over her smooth midriff. When I touched Kate’s belly, goosebumps appeared, and her muscles tightened. She kept her gaze locked onto Kyle’s actions and was visibly alarmed.

Her inattention and timidness weren’t going to work. Heeding Brooke’s earlier advice, I needed a way to talk to Kate alone. Glancing at Mom, she read my expression and knew what I needed. Our knack for silent communication had grown over the previous months.

“We’re going to change our program,” Mom announced. “As this is a more intimate situation, I’d like us to separate into different rooms and privately continue so everyone will be more relaxed. Brooke, take Kyle to Mary’s room, and I’ll attend to some work in the study.”

Knowing Mom would monitor me from my office made me nervous, but I couldn’t afford to allow her to detract me. Switching my focus to Kate’s needs, I placed my hands on her smooth skin. She flinched from my cold touch.

Releasing her, I retrieved a bottle of buttercream from the nightstand and placed it beside her. Sliding my hands under her back, I explained, “Relax, I’m warming my hands so I can apply the oil. It’ll prevent stretch marks, and as a bonus, its soothing effects are beneficial.”

After squirting a blob of oil in my hand, I gently rubbed it on her smooth skin. Her muscles relaxed, and her cute smile returned while I caressed the small amount of exposed skin. Sensing she was still nervous, I guided one of her hands on top of mine. “This technique allows you to show me where you want me to rub. Direct my movement to where it feels good. It will prevent me from making you uncomfortable.”

She was more at ease since she was in control and moved my hand even higher than I had gone. More of her pearly-white flesh became exposed, causing my prick to jerk with excitement. “Your skin is beautiful and very erotic.”

She smiled and purred, “You have a gentle touch, and your compliments make me feel good about myself. My husband adored my pale-white flesh and was always careful to shield me from the sun. He knew our pure skin makes us vulnerable to harmful rays.”

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