Of Mothers and Sons - Cover

Of Mothers and Sons

Copyright© 2023 by MrCurrie

Chapter 13

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 13 - Mike and his mother, Megan, physically unite and are so pleased with themselves, that they go on a campaign to join other mothers with their sons. To convince some of them to participate, Mike or Megan has to have sex with the mother or son to convince them to mate. If you're a mother/son purist who can't stand the thought of a mother fucking someone else, please don't read. You won't like it. Mike's wife and sister also participate. Mike impregnates most of them.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Incest   Mother   Son   Sister   Aunt   Grand Parent  

With Linda firmly on our side, I was confident she would find a solution to Mom’s problem. I couldn’t wait to return home and relay the news. I wasn’t sure how they’d take the upcoming fornication event with Grandma, but I knew they would be agreeable if it meant helping Linda.

After relaying the latest events to Mom and Brooke, we celebrated with a big dinner. They were both extra horny from the details of my session with Aunt Linda. Knowing I was going to fuck Grandma the next day added to their lustful condition. I spent the rest of the evening attending to their sexual needs.

Linda arranged for us to meet with her mother late afternoon. After picking me up outside my house, she drove us to Grandma’s house. Aunt Linda was too embarrassed to confront Mom, so I didn’t push the matter. I was confident that her flattering sundress was the sole article of clothing on her.

“After your dad ditched us,” Linda sighed and hesitated before continuing, “I’d occasionally bring home a man, and he’d fuck both of us. Mom always wore a mask so she could visualize it was her son. Men never passed up the chance to make love to us. Mom has maintained her sexy figure after dad’s death. She’s under sixty, and her sexual urges haven’t been satisfied for quite a while. She was ecstatic when I told her I was bringing home another man for us to share.”

Even though I was young when I last saw Grandma, I recall she was a fine-looking woman. “It’s a shame she won’t know it’s me. Will you ever tell her?”

“Eventually. We’ll see how it goes,” Linda lamented.

It wasn’t long before we pulled up in front of Grandma’s stately mansion. Linda turned to me and ordered, “Stay here while I prepare her. She’s a little conservative, so don’t try anything out of the ordinary. Your father told us oral sex was low-brow, so those thoughts probably remain with her.”

Ten minutes later, she waved from the door for me to follow. Once in the large bedroom, I stripped off my clothes, unlocked my phone, and handed it to my aunt. Grandma lay on her back with a thin sheet covering her nude body. Linda whispered, “She likes the man to talk to her during the act, but she doesn’t like to kiss. Good luck, and make her happy, like you’ve done for me.”

When Grandma detected my weight on the bed, she gasped in anticipation.

“It’s okay, dear,” I calmed her. “Your daughter has offered me a chance to enjoy your beautiful body.”

Louise smiled when I shoved the sheet to her mid-thighs. Her legs were fuller than my aunt’s but still sexy. Her breath rate increased while I caressed her smooth skin. My spread fingers traveled across her upper legs, ending at her groin. With my palms against her flesh, I moved down to her thighs before repeating my sensual caressing.

“Your legs are fantastic. So shapely and soft.” I leaned down, kissing her pliant flesh directly above her kneecap, moving toward her groin. I pushed the sheet up while licking her flesh, pausing on her meaty thigh. While sucking in a large mouthful of succulent meat, I kneaded her other thigh. She spread her legs, which released her powerful scent, causing my cock to jerk.

When I rose upright, her smiling face signaled her appreciation. The sheet heaved before I grabbed the edge and swept it off, exposing her nude body. She gasped in anticipation of what was to come but didn’t try to cover herself. Linda wasn’t wrong; her mother was still hot-looking.

Gripping her waist, I pressed my thumbs into her smooth stomach. Moving lower, I chuckled when I saw her trimmed bush was identical to her daughter’s. I passed it off as a mother-daughter thing.

Grandma’s body jerked when I ran my fingers through her furry triangle before moving to her outer lips. Slick juice oozed while my fingers ventured another inch into her warm depths.

Kissing her thighs again, I licked my way to the area between her pussy and thigh. Squeezing her labia between my forefinger and thumb, I pulled it to the side and exposed her glistening, pink interior. A quick kiss on her hooded clit caused her to inhale deeply. Before she could protest, I moved back to her thigh. Repeating the process, I lingered longer before licking her puffy lips.

The next time I placed my mouth on her sex, her hands pulled my head tightly to her slot. My tongue ravished her sensitive pussy while my fingers plunged to the knuckle. She yelped while I sucked and licked her hungry snatch. “I can’t believe I’m allowing a man to suck my pussy. It’s so wrong, but it feels so wonderful,” Louise croaked.

Another finger joined the dual digits, increasing my pace. Moving my mouth to Gran’s clit, I licked the covering until her pearl escaped her hood. Latching on, I mauled it with my lips, and within seconds, her body gently shook when she experienced a minor orgasm.

She gurgled, “Ugh, I didn’t know cumming from a man’s mouth would feel so heavenly.”

When her pulsing orgasm diminished, I released my lips and allowed her to recover. Linda grinned and didn’t appear upset that I had disobeyed her warnings. Her mother enjoyed it, and that’s what mattered most to my aunt. Moving up Gran’s body, I cupped and held her bountiful boobs. They were quite a bit bigger than her daughter’s.

“Your breasts are magnificent. I could play with these forever.” After kneading and playing with her tits, I leaned over and latched onto a nipple. She gasped and held my head to her body again.

“Linda, dear. You snagged a good man this time. He knows how to treat a woman. How long have you been hiding him from me?”

“Not long, Mom. I knew you’d like him, and you haven’t even experienced the best part.”

While I nursed from her mother, Linda grabbed my iron rod and rubbed it against Grandma’s thighs.

“What a nice, stiff cock,” Grandma groaned. “I can’t wait to feel a big prick again. Did you already make love to him today, Linda?”

“No, Mom. I wanted to save his load for you. You’ve always said you cum harder when you feel a man’s bare prick blast you with hot sperm.”

“Such a considerate and caring daughter,” Gran hummed. “I’m ready for your giant cock, Mister.”

Moving my head near hers, I whispered, “Louise, it excites me more when I can pretend you’re my mother. Do you mind if I call you Mom?”

Her breasts heaved into my chest; her excitement escalated. “Please, I’d love to play the part of your mommy.”

Her outstretched legs widened when I dragged my cock across her mound. Resting on my elbows, I rose high enough so Linda could get a good picture. “Lift your hips, Mommy. Your daughter wants the honor of sticking my prick into her mother’s horny pussy.”

Louise planted her feet and thrust her pelvis upward to meet my cock. Linda grabbed my base and dragged my stem through her mother’s groove until it was slick and slimy. When I felt my head push past her engorged lips, I shoved in several inches and allowed it to soak.

“Oh my god,” Grandma panted under her breath, her walls slowly separating to accommodate my size.

Slithering my snake farther into her burning crevice, she gasped and groaned.

Her slick, velvety slot was unbelievably snug. How did a woman in her late fifties have such a tight cunt? “You’re on fire, honey. Your pussy is surrounding my cock and making me feel all tingly. Is it big enough for you, Mommy?” I taunted my grandmother.

Pushing further, she screamed, “It’s perfect. I’ve never been so full. It’s been too long since I’ve been fucked by a gentle and caring man. Stuff your cock into your mother’s cunt.”

When I buried my prick, the air gushed from her lungs. Before she could inhale, I pulled out and slammed back in. Setting up a torrid pace, I ground into her and banged her hard. Her breathing rate rapidly increased with her approaching major orgasm.

Louise’s hips humped up to meet mine. Sloshing noises from our frenzied mating filled the room. She hadn’t forgotten how to fuck, bucking like a mare in heat.

Her pussy rippled with several mini-orgasms while I hammered her for another ten minutes. The thrill of fucking my grandma for the first time affected me. I knew I wouldn’t last. Chancing one last request, I asked, “Mommy, I’m going to explode. Can we kiss while I fill your pussy with cum?”

“Yes, kiss your mother,” Gran squealed, remaining in role-playing mode. “I’m going to cum on my son’s cock and feel his sperm fill me. Fuck me hard!”

When we locked mouths, her tongue poked and danced with mine. Her arms hugged me tightly when my prick swelled and plowed deep into her depths. Unable to wait for her, my cockhead exploded and coated the walls of her pussy with thick cream. When she felt my hot, sticky cum fill her, her orgasm triggered, causing her pussy to collapse on my spitting prick.

We fucked like animals until we were both spent. Easing out of Louise’s sodden slot, I felt a glob of cum spill out and knew Linda would get an excellent shot. Grandma stretched her legs and lowered her bottom to the bed. I rolled over beside her and fought to catch my breath. Linda smiled while she displayed my phone to signal her success.

“Thank you, Linda,” Grandma exulted. “That was the best orgasm I’ve had for a long time, maybe for all time.”

“You’re welcome, Mom. Rest until I clean our lover and receive my reward for pleasing you.”

My aunt licked and sucked my flaccid prick until it was clean. Sitting upright on my thighs, she kissed me while I fondled her tits.

Louise rolled onto her side and ran her fingers across my chest. With her mask still in place, she groped and found my prick. Cupping my low-hanging nut sack, she remarked, “He has a lovely set of balls, doesn’t he, Linda?”

“They feel like golf balls when they bang against your ass,” my aunt professed.

Grandma held my prick upright and requested, “Linda, do your magic and bring him back to life.”

My aunt obeyed her mother and sucked my cock until I was hard again.”Ride him, Linda. I’ll hold him upright for you. Fuck him hard and cum on his wonderful cock.”

She needed no encouragement from her mother, sliding up and down my slick pole. Louise wrapped her fingers around my base and bent her forefinger so her knuckle would bang against my aunt’s clit when bottoming out.

Linda shrieked when her pearl smashed into her mother’s waiting digit. My aunt screamed, “Mom, I don’t need any help! You’re going to make me cum too fast.”

Gran chuckled and returned her hand to my stomach. “It’s always been a rule for me to keep my mask on, but today I’m changing that.” She removed her mask and tossed it to the floor. After several blinks, she exclaimed, “Mike?”

Grinning, I nodded, and before I could answer, she leaned over and jammed her tongue into my mouth. While we orally fucked each other, Linda came on my cock. Gran continued to kiss me when Linda pulled off and snuggled beside me, opposite her mother.

Releasing my mouth, Gran croaked, “Welcome back, Mike. I couldn’t have asked for a better way of reconnecting with family.”

“It’s nice to see both of you again,” I confessed. “Now that the edge is off, I think it’s time for Mommy to get a long, hard fucking.” Rolling on top of my grandmother, I sunk my cum-coated cock to the hilt.

She screamed, “Oh my, this time will be even better knowing it’s someone I love. Bang your grandmother’s cunt and make me cum again.”

Several positions later, and after she climaxed twice, I was ready to blow again. Nibbling on Louise’s earlobe, I whispered, “During our release, let’s make it special for your daughter and act as if we’re mother and son, only this time call me Bill.”

She giggled, her thrashing body expressing her complete agreement. “Mom, I’m ready to cum in your tight pussy. My cock is going to blow again,” I yelled.

She groaned and screamed, “Fuck your mother, Bill. I’m cumming on my son’s cock. Fill your mommy’s pussy and make her happy. I love you, Bill. Fuck me hard!”

Her last orgasm was the largest of them all, her shrills of passion filling the room. When we finished, I rolled between them; they immediately caressed my sweaty flesh.

Linda smiled and didn’t mention our role-playing. Louise and I had planted the thought in her mind, and I hoped it would be enough.

Grandma insisted I stay until she and Aunt Linda baked some cookies, wanting to make up for the times we missed growing up. While I sat at the kitchen table and watched them work together, my aunt brought her mother up to date with everything. After the cookie pan was in the oven, they grilled me for all the intimate details of my relationships.

“I missed talking to you and Mary,” my grandmother lamented. “I can’t forgive my bastard son for taking my family away from us.”

With a stern look directed at my aunt, Gran vowed, “We have to make this right, Linda. Whatever you need, let me know. Anything.” Her fixed, determined expression led me to believe she had control over her son’s affairs.

Linda nodded and replied, “Don’t worry, Mom. I have some ideas I’ll discuss with you in a few days.”

After we finished our hot cookies, Louise led us to the door. “Go on to the car, Linda. I want a word with my grandson,” Louise insisted. Her daughter obediently obeyed her mother and briskly walked away.

When alone, my grandmother stated, “You’ve made me very happy today. I wouldn’t mind another bout with you, but I want you at full strength to go home and fuck your mother as a dutiful son should.”

“Yes, Ma’am,” I giggled. “I bet Mom would love me to visit my grandmother more often for milk and cookies.”

“Your mother is a good woman and raised a fine son,” Louise said. Her facial expression turned serious, asking, “What do you think about Bill? I’d do anything to watch him fuck his mother and then me.”

“We’ll see,” I replied. “Sons are instinctively drawn to their mothers. I don’t think it’d take much.”

She kissed me and shooed me out the door with a wide smile.

We arrived at my house an hour later. Linda kissed and thanked me, “It warms my heart how you made my mother so happy. The caring and closeness of your family is a reflection of how you treat other people.”

We hugged farewell, and before I entered our house, Linda had already departed. Mom and Brooke were both home and made me disclose the intimate details. Brooke insisted Mom ride me while I described my role-playing joining with Grandma.

When I described the part of Grandma yelling out Bill’s name, Mom’s sudden orgasm caused me to climax.

Later in the evening, I showed them the videos Linda had captured for Mom’s collection. Mom’s library of incestuous porn was rapidly increasing.

We quickly settled back into our daily routines. Mom and I spent the afternoons together while I spent the evenings with Brooke. Mary was gone most of the time, preferring to stay at one of her girlfriend’s houses near the school, wanting to concentrate on her new career.

Mom received a phone call three days later, and with a concerned look, she walked to the kitchen for privacy. Brooke and I remained in the living room, awaiting her arrival. Minutes later, she sat opposite us and beamed, “Vera called. She’s been working with Linda, and the divorce is final. Your father dropped his lawsuit, and his hidden assets were mysteriously revealed. Due to the latest discovery, our settlement amount is greater than before. We’re receiving an additional million dollars from his sorry ass.”

“Great news, Mom. I knew Linda was a good person. Opening her eyes to the truth was enough.”

“A much bigger factor is when your prick opened her tight, horny pussy,” Mom laughed. “It comes at a good time. It’s time we find a bigger place for our children. Mary might want to move back in once she gives birth.”

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