Of Mothers and Sons - Cover

Of Mothers and Sons

Copyright© 2023 by MrCurrie

Chapter 12

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 12 - Mike and his mother, Megan, physically unite and are so pleased with themselves, that they go on a campaign to join other mothers with their sons. To convince some of them to participate, Mike or Megan has to have sex with the mother or son to convince them to mate. If you're a mother/son purist who can't stand the thought of a mother fucking someone else, please don't read. You won't like it. Mike's wife and sister also participate. Mike impregnates most of them.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Incest   Mother   Son   Sister   Aunt   Grand Parent  

The following Thursday, the three of us relaxed in the living room when the doorbell chimed. Mom answered it and returned teary-eyed, holding some documents. “I’ve been served. The bastard wants to haul me back into court before the divorce is final. We were so close to being finished with him.”

Brooke and I consoled her while she digested the upsetting news. Breaking off, she cried, “I’ll be right back. I’m going to call Vera and see what she can do.”

After she finished consulting with her librarian friend, Mom’s attitude improved when we discussed our options. “Mom, maybe you should concede and be rid of him,” I suggested, wanting nothing more than to distance ourselves from him.

She replied, “I would, but he’s requesting half of my retirement. It isn’t even enough to matter to him. It’s all about revenge for him. He only wants to hurt me. Let’s wait for Vera before we decide.”

Later in the day, Vera called, and they talked for a long time. When the conversation ended, her depressed expression made my heart sink.

“Vera contacted Victor. He explained that Michael hired a new attorney, who is very adept at acquiring large settlements for her clients. She raked over her ex and has a reputation for being one of the best in the business. Vera told me who it was. I missed it the first time I looked at the papers. See for yourself.”

She handed me the summons, and it took a while for me to find her name. “Aunt Linda?”

“Yes,” she answered. “Michael got his big-shot sister to take care of his business. She’s always hated me, and I bet she jumped at the chance to pounce on her sister-in-law.”

Brooke curiously asked, “If she’s that good, why didn’t she represent him at the first mediation?”

“Simple,” Mom replied. “He thought it would be a slam dunk and didn’t think Vera had a chance against him.”

“Mom, I’m not sure what we can do with her reputation,” I lamented.

Brooke chuckled and offered, “You two seem to solve every problem with the same method. Dare I ask if she has a son?”

I laughed, “Boy, I didn’t see that coming. Not.”

Mom grinned. “Yes, but I doubt if it would work. We can’t approach her, and her son, Bill, will fully support her. Even though it’s been years since we’ve last seen them, they’ll recognize both Mike and Mary.”

It had been a long time. I wasn’t even ten when Dad severed our connections to his family. He wouldn’t allow Mom or me to talk to or visit them. It looked like we’d hit a dead end.

Brooke chirped, “They don’t know who I am. Let me help.”

Mom replied, “I’m not sure what you could do, and I hate pulling you into my mess. Maybe Mike is right, and we should surrender to his demands.”

“You aren’t a quitter, Megan,” Brooke declared. “It’ll be fun for me to help, and all three of us should be able to come up with something. I could become friends with Linda or her son and attempt to find a chink in her armor. Please?”

Mom grinned when she saw how enthused Brooke had become. “Linda is definitely out. The problem with Bill is I’m not sure how you would approach him to extract any information. I don’t even know where he lives or what he does.”

“I do,” I quipped. “I approved a friend request from him a few years ago. I’m uncertain if he knew he sent the request, as the app continuously pops up with suggested friends. I don’t know if he lives at home anymore, but he routinely posts pictures at a large coffee shop. It’s his favorite place to meet friends, and he loves to take selfies with them.”

“Perfect. I’ll accidentally meet Bill there and strike up a conversation. Hopefully, he won’t be disgusted with an older woman flirting with him,” Brooke smirked as she threw out her proposal.

“If he rejects a hot milf like you, at least we’ll know he’s gay. And no, I will not hit on him if he is, so don’t go there,” I joked.

We giggled and formed a rough plan on how to introduce Brooke to my unsuspecting cousin. After reviewing Bill’s social pages, Brooke knew she’d be able to recognize him.

From the time stamps, we knew he went to the shop after work ended at four. Brooke and I were at one end of the coffee bar, awaiting his arrival.

Admiring my lovely wife, I complimented her, “You look hot in your new dress. He’d be nuts not to go crazy over you. Make certain you go to the counter first so he can steal a look at the backs of your fantastic legs. When you sit down, he’ll be bug-eyed when he locks onto your cleavage.”

He arrived a little after four, and a pang of jealousy hit me, knowing my wife would soon be flirting with another man. When he sat with his drink, Brooke made her move. Bill’s line of sight was on the counter, and he took notice of the hot woman ordering her coffee. Not taking a chance that he’d recognize me, I lurked behind a couple and discreetly observed the action.

After she had her cup and a piece of carrot cake, she scanned the room, looking for an empty table. There were plenty, but she sauntered over to Bill’s, leaned over, and said something. We had rehearsed this part at length. She would explain she didn’t want men to hit on her, so she’d ask to sit with him.

His answer was quick, and by the looks of his expression, we could rule out him being gay. When I remembered the first time we met in the store, I knew Brooke’s adept skills at breaking down barriers would soon melt Bill. At one point, I saw her raise her hand, showing off her wedding band. We intended to make him feel more comfortable and not be suspicious when a sexy woman approached him.

She succeeded in her mission; they talked and laughed for thirty minutes. After shaking her hand, Bill rose and left. Once I saw him walk across the street and knew he wouldn’t return, I met with Brooke, and we departed for home. She wouldn’t tell me anything, as she didn’t want to repeat it for Mom.

Once home, she rehashed the event. “It was pretty easy getting Bill to talk. He’s lonely and a bit shy, but when he knew I was married, he was more at ease discussing topics. I made little headway and didn’t pry into his private life so he wouldn’t get wise. We agreed to meet tomorrow. It might take a few more days. I discovered he doesn’t have a girlfriend, but it’s still a reach, thinking he has the hots for his mother.”

“Depending on whether she’s changed, I would bet he does. Aunt Linda was attractive the last time I saw her, and she routinely competed with Mom when I masturbated.” Mom and Brooke raised their eyebrows but didn’t pursue the conversation.

Brooke continued to work on my cousin for several more days and successfully cemented their friendship. When I picked her up after their last meeting, she was excited to discuss her findings with Mom and me.

“Bill was curious today why I spent so much time with him and asked why I didn’t talk to other women closer to my age,” Brooke began relating her findings for the day. “I had to explain that I was very lonely because my husband was busy with his career. Since I missed him, I wanted to talk to someone his age. You couldn’t believe his transformation when he discovered I was married to a younger man. He wanted me to tell him everything about how our relationship originated and progressed.”

“How did you say you met your husband?” I asked.

“It was a hard story to make up. I said my husband was a customer at the lingerie store where I’m employed when he came in to buy a nightie for a friend.”

We laughed at her factual response.

“I even described in detail how we flirted. Bill had a hard time departing with his prick tenting his pants. Tomorrow, we’ll make some real progress now that his interest is piqued.”

She was right when she explained her progress the next day. “After several questions about me, I probed into his personal life. He told me earlier that his mom had divorced a few years ago, so I asked him what kind of men she was dating and if any of them were younger. He admitted the cause of his loneliness arises from his distant relationship with his mother. She’s either at work or sequestered in her room every night.”

“Did he say why she spends so much time in her bedroom?” I asked.

“He said he doesn’t know but suspects she’s working as she loves her profession. He’s concerned about the amount of free time she spends alone. We need to find the reason she’s isolated herself.”

“There is some risk involved, but I have a solution. One of my coworkers keeps a thumb drive with a keylogger to install on the workstations of problematic employees. I’ll talk him into making me one that will send her keystrokes to my email. If she’s using a desktop, it should be hidden from her if he sticks it into one of the ports. Once installed, he can remove it the following day.”

Brooke’s face scrunched as if she was in doubt it would work. “How do you convince someone to put malware on their mother’s machine? I’ll work on him while you obtain the logging device.”

It was an easy favor to ask my friend the next day. With the drive in hand, we were ready when or if Brooke was successful. In our briefing that evening, she disclosed, “I worked the angle that his mother might be into something over her head, and he should do everything possible to help her. He explained that he couldn’t search her computer because she has everything password protected.”

“Sounds right,” Mom interjected. “She’s an attorney and would be very security-minded. Did you pursue Mike’s idea?”

“I did,” she smiled. “Mentioning my husband was away for a few days, I knew he had a device that would enable someone to observe the sites someone visits on their computer. I told him I didn’t know how to alter the destination where to send the information so it would transmit to our home computer. I’d be the only person looking at the data since I was alone. It took a while, but he finally agreed and asked me to bring it to him tomorrow.”

The plan progressed swiftly. After Brooke delivered the device, we waited anxiously the next night to track her activity. At seven, data flowed in. It made sense she’d wait until after dinner to perform her work.

After an hour, I had plenty of information to figure out she had logged into a social site specializing in legal problems. Using a fake name, she lent out advice on the forums everyone could see. The website caters to people dealing with marriage, affairs, and relationship problems. It made sense, and it looked like we were running into another dead-end.

Giving Brooke another device to remove the virus, she gave it to Bill the next day and assured him his mother was fine and was volunteering her time to help others. She said he was relieved to remove the virus. He regretted that he had violated her privacy.

“It looks like mating Bill with his mother won’t happen,” I concluded. “It would look suspicious if you stop seeing him abruptly but too much more contact, and he’ll fall madly in love with you. Try tapering off your visits until we come up with a plan.”

After a couple of nights of viewing my aunt’s activity, I was ready to give up when Mom declared, “I have an idea. Bill is out, but maybe we can connect a nephew with his aunt. You said you had a crush on her.”

“Sure, but how will we convince her to screw a stranger, much less someone from her brother’s family that she detests?”

“Carefully. One step at a time. Make an account and send a personal message to Linda asking for help. We need to establish a line of communication with her.”

“Okay, if I remember my porn stories correctly, I should use BadBoy or MotherLover or something along that line for my name.”

They chuckled, and Brooke instructed, “Dave will be your screen name. You can’t act like a horny guy taking advantage of women. Make the account, and your mother and I will take over.”

Quickly registering and logging in, I stood back to allow the professionals to assume command. They opened a messaging box and entered her screen name, DebLaw, into the address. Mom quickly typed their first message.

DebLaw, Hi, I have a serious problem and would like some advice. I was wondering if you’d help me.Dave

Just five minutes later, we received her reply.

Dave, I’m sorry, but I only respond to public posts. Please don’t message me.Thanks for your consideration, DebLaw

“That’s a reasonable response. Linda is very protective. We’ll take a chance and answer, but we’ll word it in a way she won’t block us,” Mom surmised.

DebLaw, Forgive me. I just joined the group and wasn’t aware of the rules. I didn’t want to post in the public forums as it’s very personal and embarrassing. I’ll respect your privacy and won’t bother you. I have a lot to learn as I’m only twenty and new to this. Thanks for the advice you give others. It always sounds like you provide excellent guidance.Thanks for all your help.Dave

No more replies, but Mom was confident she had set the hook. “Post nothing for the next few days, but log in periodically as if you’re reading posts, in case she checks people’s online status. We’ll see if she gets a conscience. Although, I’m certain you learn to bury that trait when you pass the bar.”

After a week, we decided we’d need to devise a new plan without hearing from my aunt. While chatting with Mary on the computer, my social page chirped with a new message. Finally, DebLaw responded. It looked good.

Dave, I might have been a little abrupt with you. I’m sorry if I sounded rude. I haven’t seen you post anything on the forums and wanted to know whether you received help.DebLaw

Switching back and informing Mary I had to run, I yelled, “Mom, Brooke. Aunt Linda wrote back. Get in here and help me reply.”

As soon as they read her note, I popped open a reply and asked, “How should I proceed?”

Mom rolled her eyes. “You don’t. Only a predator would respond that fast. Make her wait a day. Log off the application immediately and don’t return until tomorrow at the same time.”

I logged in the next night and smugly grinned, “Nothing, it looks like we lost her.” Mom didn’t act phased, and we broke for dinner. When I returned to check, her note was waiting for me.

Dave, Checking in to make sure you’re okay. You didn’t reply to my last message. I understand if you feel disheartened by the way I treated you. Please answer, and I’ll try to help you. I promise I won’t be judgmental.DebLaw

After Mom scanned through it, she grinned. “Let’s wait another hour before we respond.”

It took me that long to compose my answer. Before sending it, I called Mom in to see if she agreed.

DebLaw, I’m sorry I didn’t reply sooner, but I was more disgusted with myself than mad at you. My emotions are on a roller coaster, and I don’t know who to trust. If I confess my intentions to someone, the outcome could land me in jail. My knowledge of the legal system is nil, so it was a desperate attempt. Thanks for writing back, but I’m unsure if we should continue. I don’t want to burden you with my problems.Dave

Mom nodded and said, “Looks good! You might be getting the hang of it, after all. I’ll wait here because I’m confident she’ll quickly respond since she’s worried you’re going to jackrabbit.”

Not five minutes later, Mom grinned when the note popped in.

Dave, Thank you for writing back. I was worried about you. Don’t give me all the details of your problem, but I need something to determine if you’ll be facing legal recourse. Any information you divulge will be strictly confidential. DebLaw

As soon as I finished reading it, Mom motioned for me to move out of the way. Quickly typing Dave’s response, she dispatched her reply.

DebLaw, It’s embarrassing, and I hope you won’t become upset, but I need to know the definition and punishment regarding incest and rape.Dave

“Jesus, Mom. That’s going to set off some alarms,” I objected, thinking she had gone too far.

“Relax,” she replied. “If she’s abhorrently against incest, she’ll ditch you fast, and we’ll know.”

The return note was what I expected.

Dave, Those are serious offenses, indeed. If you’ve engaged in either, I’m duty-bound to report them. Have you committed one or both of these acts?DebLaw

Mom typed her response and sent it before lamenting, “I hope she gets it before she blocks you. It was a risk.” Brooke walked in and looked over our shoulders to observe our interactions.

DebLaw, No, I haven’t done either. My message didn’t explain enough. Sometimes I see in the news that someone charged with a crime doesn’t sound like it’s the same. I’m trying to get a handle on the descriptions of various legal terms. Sorry if I misled you, but I’m trying not to do anything illegal.Dave

Several exchanged notes later, and I felt confident about our progress. “I guess we use the same plan as always,” I surmised. “Dave is in love with his mother and needs some help controlling his feelings. It’ll be like my therapy time with Charlotte. Piece of cake.”

Brooke fondly looked at me and wryly asked, “How were you ever able to fuck your mother?”

“Actually, she seduced me,” I admitted. “So, yeah. I guess I might not be the best lead in this situation.”

Mom looked at Brooke and laughed. “It’s funny when he assumes he knows how women tick. Mike, you don’t need to do anything. Brooke and I will take it from here. It’lll take several days to cement a rapport with her.”

It was more than a few days. A week had passed, and they had steered their conversations to Dave’s raging hormones and his fixation with his mother. When Mom described their progress, I mockingly gibed, “Both of you scoffed at me for my suggestions and then implemented them. Someone owes me an apology.”

They laughed, and Mom attempted to defend herself. “We didn’t know it would go in that direction. She showed genuine empathy for a son’s emotional connection to his mother. It led me to believe she has repressed sexual feelings for Bill.”

Progressing with our plan, we snapped a picture of Brooke in the shower. The steamy glass door blurred her body, but you could still make out her delectable assets. It was a side shot, so her breasts and shapely body were visible. She faced the faucet’s head, so it looked like I took it without her knowledge. Mom had agreed to use Brooke since she feared Aunt Linda would recognize her.

We sent the nude along with a note explaining this is why Dave’s mother made him so horny. The picture didn’t scare off my aunt like I thought it would. I credited it to Mom and Brooke. They had weakened her defenses for a week.

I almost felt sorry for Aunt Linda because she acted like she was concerned about Dave’s dilemma. If she wasn’t determined to screw Mom, I might have held more compassion toward her. Turning the computer over to Mom, she conversed with DebLaw for the next hour. She smiled, “We did it. She’s cautious but promises to help you solve your problem by hiring a prostitute.”

“How’s that going to help us, Mom?”

“Because she’ll be afraid to conspire with anyone. There’s the possibility that it will leak out, and it’ll ruin her. She’ll show up, instead of sending an escort and will be wary of any monkey business. Be on your best behavior and pay attention to what she says. Follow her instructions, and you should be fine.”

“Will she recognize me? She’ll freak out when she discovers I’m her nephew.”

“Your voice has changed dramatically since she last saw you, so we don’t have to worry. She explained that the escort does not want to be recognized and will conceal her face.”

“Should I say anything or keep quiet?”

“Don’t show surprise when you first lay eyes on her. She stated she’s going to hire an older prostitute so you can fantasize about your mother, which confirms my suspicion that it’ll be her. Talk to her and make her feel at ease, with no rough sex or passionate screams. Do your business and get out. I shouldn’t have to tell you to send her to heaven, so she’ll want a repeat performance.”

“That might be tough. Where do we rendezvous?” I asked, anxious to meet my sexy aunt.

Mom replied, “It’s at a hotel near here. She wants to meet in an hour. She left instructions at the front desk to give you the key without identification. She’s going by the name Debbie Smith so that would make you Dave Smith.”

“That sounds good. An hour after an orgasm should be short enough time to give Aunt Linda a good fucking. It’s time for my wives to properly prepare me.”

Brooke took the hint and wasted no time fishing out my cock and sucking me deeply. Her mouth worked its magic. Did it excite her I was on my way to fuck my aunt? After ten minutes, Mom grew impatient and feared I would be late. She French kissed me to rush things. With both wives stimulating me, I soon flooded Brooke’s mouth with a load of cum.

Satisfied and fully briefed, I dressed and left to meet my unsuspecting aunt.

On my way to the hotel, I tried to visualize Aunt Linda’s appearance. She was an alluring woman with short, golden hair. Her height was taller than Mom’s, and I remember she never wore a bra. Her breasts were smaller than Mary’s, so they most likely didn’t require support.

My mind flashed to the different pubic hair trims from the foray of women I’d encountered. How would a prominent attorney groom her private region? Maybe it’d be in the shape of a gavel, as she probably had aspirations of becoming a judge. Before I knew it, I arrived at the parking lot.

After obtaining the keycard, I made my way to her room. When I entered, I noticed it was a suite.

“Hi, I’ll be there as soon as I undress,” I pronounced in the bedroom’s direction. No one answered, and I wasn’t sure if that was a good sign or bad. Removing my clothes quickly, I strode into the bedroom.

She was clothed and positioned on the bed doggy-style, with her head buried under a pillow. Her skirt concealed her upper legs. She wore conservative clothes, and I surmised it was so she wouldn’t draw attention from the front desk clerk.

Crawling onto the end of the bed, I touched her calf and felt it shake. She was either scared or extremely nervous. Maybe she was having second thoughts, meeting a stranger in a hotel room. I could be a rapist for all she knew.

“Relax,” I consoled her. “I’ll go as slow as you want. Your legs are gorgeous, by the way.” Spending the next few minutes stroking her sensitive flesh, I ventured under her skirt and moved to the backs of her upper legs. “Your thighs are smooth and firm. They remind me of my mother’s. Thank you for helping me fulfill my fantasy.”

Going higher, I cupped her bare ass cheeks and squeezed them. She wore no panties, probably to speed up the process. Before I could move to her cunny, she yelped, “Stop! I can’t continue.”

Damn, Mom was going to kill me. What did I do to alarm her? Remembering Mom’s words, I quickly removed my hands. “I’m sorry if I scared you. I’ll dress and leave.”

I pulled my pants on and zipped up; my hand was on the doorknob when I heard a noise from the other room. I went to the doorway and asked, “Is everything okay? I’m ready to head out, but if you need anything, I’ll be glad to assist in any way I can.”

“It’s ridiculous. You came here because of me, and after I called it off, you’re still offering to help me,” my aunt lamented. “I’m DebLaw and not a prostitute. I promised to aid you, and it was wrong for me to change my mind. Please finish what you started. I won’t stop you again.”

I breathed a sigh of relief when my aunt relented and decided to proceed as planned. “DebLaw, I appreciate your help and am grateful for your friendship. If at any point you become uncomfortable, please, let me know, and I’ll stop.”

“That’s kind of you, considering how I treated you. Let’s satisfy your illicit attraction to your mother.” Her voice cracked, giving away her building excitement.

Quickly discarding my clothes again, I didn’t want to take a chance by lingering. My hands returned to her bare ass, where I left off the first time. Leaving one hand on her firm bum, I lifted her hem with the other. Gently placing it on her back, her legs and slick slit became displayed for my lustful eyes.

The area around her slit and puffy lips were bare of hair, and I couldn’t tell if she had left any on her mound. In my mind, a picture of a hairy gavel materialized. I was only too willing to dispense justice to her pussy with my hammer of flesh.

Gripping the insides of her upper thighs, I slowly moved upwards while gently squeezing and massaging. Applying pressure to the insides of her firm legs, she widened her knees, splitting her juicy slot open. Running my fingers through her engorged lips, I gently squeezed her sensitive labia.

“Your pussy is as beautiful as my mother’s.”

“You’ve seen hers?” my aunt asked.

“When she masturbates, I’ll sneak into her room unnoticed and watch. She stares at the ceiling light, focusing her attention upward. I crawl across the floor and can get a peek at her. It drives me nuts.”

Her outer lips oozed pre-cum while I stimulated her. Pushing my thumbs into her warm core, I stroked and squeezed her labia between my thumb and forefinger. She groaned and bowed her back, which raised her ass even higher. She was more than ready.

Bringing my cock near her opening, I stroked her engorged lips with the soft head of my cock. After my prick was shiny and coated with our pre-cum, I nudged it against her pussy. “I’m ready,” I warned her. “If you don’t want to continue, please say so.”

“Do it. Push it in!” Aunt Linda grunted.

Shoving in an inch, I withdrew and sunk deeper on the next stroke. Linda moaned loudly when my girth widened her long-unused pussy. Her panting was as loud as her groans when my pace increased, descending only three inches into her channel. Her walls secreted more juice, and they relinquished their tight grip, allowing me to gain more ground.

“You’re big,” she exclaimed. “You’re filling me with so much cock! Fuck me faster.”

Maintaining my shortened distance into her slot, I accelerated my cock thrusting. Hearing her groans increase in volume, I reached under my prick and rubbed her clit.

“Oh god, I’m cumming. It feels so good,” my aunt screamed. “Keep fucking me!”

Her pussy squeezed and contracted on my prick. Thanks to my wife, I wasn’t worried about cumming, even while her pussy clamped hard. Once her pulses subsided, I ceased stroking, leaving my cock lodged several inches into her drenched channel.

Panting hard, she asked, “Did you cum? I forgot to tell you to pull out because I’m not protected.”

“No, I didn’t. Don’t worry. I won’t release in you.”

When her breathing returned to normal, I asked, “Do you want me to finish with my hand, or can I continue?”

“My orgasm was pretty intense,” she professed. “I’m not sure if I’m up for another round.”

Before she could continue, I pushed in further, my flared head seeking new territory. When I descended through her clingy, velvet sheath, she moaned with pleasure. Pulling back out, I drove to the bottom, burying my prick to the hilt. She passionately screamed, finally having her horny slot fully filled with hard cock.

Placing my hands on her hips, I hammered her slick slot while she muttered nonsense. Her creamy and naked ass gyrated while I stabbed her hungry cunt. Grabbing her hip bones firmly, I jerked her back onto my cock with each stroke.

The loud sounds her ass made when she slapped against my stomach caused us to huff and puff with excitement. I fucked her solidly for ten minutes through two more minor orgasms. I was getting close, but I knew I could get one more out of her. “Fuck me back. I’m close to blowing, and you need one more large orgasm.”

Her bucking pelvis squashed my balls each time our hips collided. After my spongy head smashed against her cervix several times, she exploded. “It’s a big one. Keep fucking me hard. My whole body is tingling.”

A major orgasm swept through her body while she clenched her ass cheeks. Her convulsing pussy squashed my prick. Her entire body stiffened when her muscles seized from the pangs of pleasure flowing through her. She was still climaxing when I had to retreat. Barely making it out in time, I covered her back with blobs of hot cum. Her pulsing gash opened and closed, looking for the cock it missed so dearly.

After my balls drained, my cock continued to lurch from the excitement of finally fucking my aunt. We remained silent while we recovered from our mutual orgasms. After her breathing returned to normal, she remained still. Not wanting to make her feel uncomfortable, I slowly backed off.

“Wait a minute; I’ll get a Kleenex to clean your back,” I comforted her. After wiping up my jism, I kissed each of her fleshy ass cheeks. “You’re a sexy woman and a great lover. Thank you for helping me.” After cleaning the pearly white cum off her hot flesh, I pulled her dress back in place.

She sighed. “I’m glad I could be of assistance. I’ve never cum that many times in one session.”

I quickly dressed, and before I departed, I remarked, “If it’s okay, I’d like to continue messaging you. Our conversations are comforting. Good night.”

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