Of Mothers and Sons - Cover

Of Mothers and Sons

Copyright© 2023 by MrCurrie

Chapter 11

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 11 - Mike and his mother, Megan, physically unite and are so pleased with themselves, that they go on a campaign to join other mothers with their sons. To convince some of them to participate, Mike or Megan has to have sex with the mother or son to convince them to mate. If you're a mother/son purist who can't stand the thought of a mother fucking someone else, please don't read. You won't like it. Mike's wife and sister also participate. Mike impregnates most of them.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Incest   Mother   Son   Sister   Aunt   Grand Parent  

Days later, Mom and I took a long walk before our showers and dinner. Brooke was due to move in soon, and we were both excited at the recent turn of events. Mary arrived at six o’clock and looked happier than ever.

She flopped beside me and passionately kissed me. Looking at Mom, she said, “I’ll need you to stay in my old room tonight.”

Mom curiously asked, “Why?”

Mary exulted. “I’m going to thank Daddy all night for planting a baby in me.”

Mom’s face lit up when she heard about her daughter’s pregnancy. “I’m so happy for you,” Mom exclaimed. “When did it happen?”

“I missed my period and thought little of it, but my suspicions were confirmed when I took a test. I’m certain it happened the weekend Mikey deposited ten gallons of sperm into my womb,” Mary giggled.

“A lot of tests turn out to be a false positive. Let daddy make sure you’re pregnant, Pumpkin,” I joshed my sister.

She slapped me but laughed while skipping to our bedroom. Mom looked happier than ever and ordered, “Fuck your sister good. I’ll have breakfast ready when you wake up.”

Brooke and I packed up and moved the things she needed for most of the week. Some of my clothes went back into my old room to make space. She left enough at her apartment for the remaining two weeks.

Mary joined us for dinner on Thursday night. Brooke and Mom monopolized the conversation while working out the details of our impending marriage. They agreed to have the event eight days away, on a Friday.

Mary chirped, “Super! Another wedding. The last one was a lot of fun.”

“Sorry to disappoint you, but we’ve decided on a more traditional one,” Mom responded. “After a quiet ceremony, Brooke and Mike will spend the night at the cabin. They both have a week of vacation for their honeymoon. You and I will move the rest of Brooke’s belongings while they’re away.”

“Wait,” Mary bleated. “From getting laid all night at his first wedding, I get demoted to a porter on his second one? I hate to imagine my assigned chore for his third.”

“Blame me,” Mom confessed. “I’m the official wedding planner, and I switched it up this time. Charlotte and I have everything set for the event at the church. Cheer up. When they return, Brooke will be here full time, and you’ll have not one but two mothers to keep you out of trouble.”

“Yippee! Another parent means more presents for my birthday and at Christmas. Plus a full lingerie selection to share.”

Brooke objected, “Not my entire collection. I’m leaving some of it at the cabin. You never know when a couple might want to get away for a few days.”

“I can’t wait to see this hideaway of yours. Maybe I’ll get invited to it by someone who loves me,” Mary whined.

Mom replied, “You’ll get your chance tomorrow night. Be here at four o’clock so we can drive there and prepare for their wedding night. It might take a couple of days, so pack an overnight bag.”

After we finished dinner, Brooke left for her place for her last week of living alone.

When Mary arrived the next day, I handed Mom the Lexus’s FOB when it was time to leave.

She handed it back to me. “You’re coming with us,” Mom ordered. “You’re the driver, and we need you to assist us. Pack your bag; let’s get going.”

When we were in the car, Mom told me to stop by Charlotte’s as she was accompanying us. Damn, I wondered how many people it took to decorate a small cabin?

After Charlotte crawled into the back seat, she kissed Mary and smiled. “Congratulations. I hear you’re pregnant. The girls are eager to throw a baby shower for you.”

“It sounds like a lot of fun,” Mary beamed. “We can invite Brooke too and make it a double celebration. I can’t help but notice that you aren’t showing. When will you get a baby bump?”

Charlotte giggled, “Patience. It’s only been nine weeks. It won’t be long before I’m a giant. During my last routine visit, my Dr. informed me that she believes I’m bearing twins. I’m hoping for a boy and girl, but I won’t know for several more weeks.”

“Nice!” exclaimed Mary. “They can be fuck-buddies. There’s nothing better than brother and sister sex.”

Mom cleared her throat. “Excuse me. I hate to disagree, but mother and son incest tops the charts.”

Mary giggled, knowing she couldn’t trump her mom. “The bulging belly I don’t look forward to, but I can’t wait to grow bigger boobs. When do I get the giant hooters?”

Leave it to Mary to provide entertainment during our drive. She had us laughing most of the way there.

We returned Sunday night, and I couldn’t wait for the week to pass. We filed the necessary paperwork at the courthouse; I was ready to become a legally married man. When we arrived at the church, Mom insisted Brooke remain sequestered until the ceremony. They reserved a smaller room for the ceremony and made me wait in the Minister’s secret chamber.

Memories of the Swedes returned while I impatiently waited. When I heard the door close, my gaze shifted to a beautiful Chinese woman. I’ve never seen skin so pure and perfect. Her smile and dazzling, dark-brown eyes sent a chill down my spine. Her facial features mirrored the classic China-doll look. Her silky dress’s hemline was five inches above her knees, showing thin but sexy legs.

When she graciously approached, I was unsure of what was occurring. Before I could question her, she lightly kissed me and sexily purred, “Hi. I’m Mei, one of your wife’s helpers.”

Her jasmine fragrance flooded my nostrils and added to her exotic beauty. Saying nothing, she unbuttoned my shirt and removed it. While she undressed me, she explained, “As Brooke’s personal attendant, I grant all of her wishes. Anything she desires, I accept and provide.”

“It’s no wonder Brooke chose you when she needed a place to stay. You’re lovely.” Damn, that was corny, but I had to justify becoming hard from her sexual aura.

After removing my clothes, she shoved me onto the chaise lounge. With her eyes locked onto mine, she sensually shucked her chiffon mini-dress. Turning around, she ordered, “Unwrap me, please.”

After unsnapping her delicate bra, it floated to the floor. Facing away from me, she pushed her panties to the floor. She raised her arms and waited as if she wanted to be examined and approved. Maybe it was a Chinese tradition. I didn’t know, but it was sensuous.

Her white skin was flawless, and her shapely ass cheeks caused my prick to jerk. The sides of her breasts peeked out on each side. I estimated her age at mid-twenties, but she might have been ten years older, with good genetics.

Her dark-brown hair was nearly black and ended several inches below her shoulders. It was silky and finely stranded. Feeling sorry for making her wait for me to gawk at her body, I complimented her, hoping that would satisfy her. “Absolutely flawless. Your body is unbelievably sexy.”

She dropped her arms and turned to face me. Remaining silent, her beaming, wide smile signaled me to finish appraising her body. Her wide, almost black eyes gazed upon my expression as if she were judging my grading. Her oval-shaped face complimented the rest of her facial features. She was taller than most Chinese women I’ve seen. Her neck was long and smooth, begging for my mouth.

Her breasts were perfect for my hands, her cherry-red tips hard and pointy. There was no need for support, her perky tits proudly standing tall on her slight frame. Moving past her shapely waist, I stopped when my gaze locked on her bush. I didn’t know pussy hair could grow so long. It was dark brown, almost black, and prominently contrasted with her white skin. Her crinkly fur protruded beyond her pelvis.

Her knees touched, but there was a gap at the top of her thighs. Her legs were as perfect as the rest of her body. It was easy to see why Brooke had spent extra time with her.

“Jesus,” was all I could muster. My appreciative proclamation was enough for her. She held the sides of my head and purred, “Brooke likes to run her fingers through my hair.” She pulled me to her lips, kissing me. Her mouth opened, and her tongue searched for mine. Her eyes remained open and fixed on mine while she sexily kissed me. Abiding by her suggestion, my fingers glided through her silky strands and massaged her scalp. Her kissing intensified and stopped when our breathing became labored.

After catching her breath, she smiled and giggled, “Brooke told me your naivety was one of your cutest traits. I meant my pussy hair, silly.”

Kissing me again, she lowered her eyes and connected with my mouth. Taking the hint, my hands traveled lower. Cupping her firm breasts, I stopped to knead and squeeze her tits. My right palm slid down her smooth stomach until I reached her hairy mound while my left hand kneaded her firm ass.

My fingers ran through her fine pussy hair, discovering that her fur wasn’t as long as I had thought. Her mons pubis was baseball-sized and accounted for the bulging appearance. Squeezing lightly, she moaned while continuing to kiss me. I fantasized about what it would feel like fucking her doggy style while my balls slammed against her soft mound of flesh. Trapping her fine pubic hair between my fingers, I pulled and played with her muff.

Mei released my mouth and gazed into my eyes. “Can you guess my birth sign? I’ll give you a hint. Squeeze me,” she gasped.

Her mound fit my hand perfectly while I gently applied pressure.

She moaned and croaked, “I call her Puffy, the Magic Dragon. Do you like her?”

“She’s very nice. Does she breathe fire?” I joked.

“No, but you’ll soon discover she’s a meat eater and loves swallowing serpents, especially snakes. Born under the zodiac sign of luck, I think this may be my best year. Brooke has allowed me to share my good fortune with you. Please continue to enjoy her gift,” she murmured.

She kissed me again while I moved my hand between her legs. Her gap allowed me to cup her crotch in its entirety. While holding her, I lifted her light body before setting her back down. Spreading my middle fingers, I trapped her outer lips and squeezed. She released my mouth to groan and pant. Running my hand through her soaked groove, I brought it to my mouth and licked her juices clean. Her smile widened, and she climbed on my lap, straightening her legs on either side of me. She hugged me and pressed our hot flesh together.

Leaning back, she wrapped her petite hands around my rock-hard prick and slathered my shaft with my pre-cum. Once lubricated, she wrapped her arms around my neck. “You know that cute little ass you were staring at,” she croaked. “Grab it and lift me.”

Did she have eyes in the back of her head, or did she know I couldn’t resist admiring her buns? Doing as ordered, I raised her until her tits were level with my mouth. Her legs wrapped behind me and locked together. Squeezing my ribs with her powerful thighs, she croaked, “Suck my tits. Your hands are free to explore.” I squeezed her nearest breast while my lips latched onto her tip.

While sucking on her breast, my hands roamed her hot body. Her natural scent, loaded with pheromones, drove me crazy with lust. After ten minutes of feasting, she held onto my shoulders and loosened her legs, causing her body to slide down until we were face to face.

Her lustful expression made my manhood throb, anticipating what was yet to come. “It’s been a long time since a cock has been in me, and never one so large,” expressing her fears. “Don’t move until I tell you.”

Lowering until my prick bumped her puffy mound, she stopped. With her arms around my neck to support her, she ordered, “Stick the head of your marvelous cock between my outer lips.”

I slipped in, taking all my willpower not to rapidly fuck her. I ceased movement, not wanting to disobey her wishes. Once my hands returned to caressing her body, she lowered very slowly. She was three inches down my length before she rose. She repeated short-fucking me for over five minutes, her breasts heaving while panting rapidly. Her beautiful neck was a magnet, drawing me in. I kissed and sucked her succulent flesh.

Her humping increased, and I fought to remain still while she thrashed on my prick. She locked her mouth onto my clavicle. Her teeth closed slightly while her tongue washed my flesh. We were like vampires, drawing blood from each other while we mated. Her body stiffened along with her mouth. Her clenched teeth sunk into my skin, but I didn’t object when her wonderful pussy spasmed and squeezed my prick. Her juices soothed my excited cock, allowing me to slide effortlessly.

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