Of Mothers and Sons - Cover

Of Mothers and Sons

Copyright© 2023 by MrCurrie

Chapter 10

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 10 - Mike and his mother, Megan, physically unite and are so pleased with themselves, that they go on a campaign to join other mothers with their sons. To convince some of them to participate, Mike or Megan has to have sex with the mother or son to convince them to mate. If you're a mother/son purist who can't stand the thought of a mother fucking someone else, please don't read. You won't like it. Mike's wife and sister also participate. Mike impregnates most of them.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Incest   Mother   Son   Sister   Aunt   Grand Parent  

Mary successfully convinced Paula to accompany her back home. Before their scheduled arrival, Mom and I positioned ourselves so that anyone in our bedroom doorway would bear witness to a son pounding his mother. Mom bent her legs, squashing her knees against the sides of her breasts. Her elevated groin was high enough to provide an erotic display once we were in the act of coitus.

Mom wanted me to stay hard and not cum in her, so I finger fucked her until she was near her orgasm. While we waited, the anticipation of exhibiting our illicit joining almost tipped her over the edge several times. Finally, we heard the door open and the subsequent footsteps. Mom had warned Mary to be sure to follow Paula so she couldn’t turn and run.

“We can discuss this with my brother. He’ll be in the last room at the end of the hallway,” Mary spoke loudly, signaling Mom and me to jump into action.

Quickly moving into position, I fucked Mom hard. Our preparation paid off; her body stiffened with her climax after a dozen strokes. She screamed, “I’m cumming on my son’s cock. Fuck your mother hard!”

Her pussy spasmed, her slot squeezed, and her hips ceased humping, carefully avoiding triggering my eruption. “I love fucking you, Mom. Your pussy is so tight and juicy I could fuck you forever.”

Sloshing and slamming sounds filled the room while we noisily copulated. When Mom’s pussy ceased pulsing, I pulled out and lay face-up. Mom’s quivering, drooling pussy was fully displayed. Looking up, I saw Mary’s friend, Paula. One hand was over her mouth, feigning shock, while the other was underneath her breasts, squeezing her ribs. Her wide, hungry eyes feasted on the results of our incestuous mating.

Mary cleared her throat and stammered, “I’m sorry, Paula. I didn’t think Mom would be home. Anyway, that’s my brother Mike, and my mom, Megan. Guys, this is Paula, my friend from the hospital. Sorry about coming home without calling, but I assumed Mom would be at work.”

Mom rolled off the bed, threw on a robe, walked over, and shook hands with Mary’s friend. She smiled, “Hi Paula. Any acquaintance of Mary’s is welcome here. I’m sorry you caught us in such an embarrassing situation. I can tell from your curious look you have some questions for us. Feel free to ask anything.”

Paula stuttered, “Are you really mother and son? You’re in an incestuous relationship?”

Paula was an attractive brunette, and it was easy to see why Mary had chosen her as a friend. We both sought women who resembled Mom, using her as a gold-standard beauty.

Mom replied, “Yes, we were always emotionally close. Eventually, it turned physical. We love each other greatly, and our relationship has flourished from it. Are you against incest?”

“I’ve read many case studies on how harmful it can be to the parent or child, but you two don’t appear to exhibit the symptoms of emotional distress.”

Her shocked expression had transformed into curiosity. Mary had heard right. It was clear that Paula wanted to fuck her son. She only had to convince herself that it wouldn’t be a horrific misdeed. Her eyes kept darting to my cum-coated, still-hard cock, and I wasn’t about to cover myself. That was the reason Mom didn’t want me to orgasm and soften. My glistening pillar was the light to draw in the moth. In this case, the horny mother.

“How often do you two have sexual intercourse, if I may ask?” Paula uneasily shifted her stance while admiring the juicy after-effects of our coupling.

“Pretty much whenever we want, since we live in the same house. It’s very convenient to quell those horny itches. Of course, he spends much of his time with his sister, too,” Mom smirked.

“His Sister?” Paula questioned and turned to Mary. “You share him? Don’t one or both of you get jealous?”

Mary piped, “Nope. Mom and I are perfectly okay with sharing. We both love him and each other. Our family is closer than most, and we’re very comfortable with our relationship.”

Paula paused while her expression transformed to confusion. Her world was quickly changing. “It would solve the problem of searching for a suitable partner. I thought incestuous couples were rare and would often end in tragedy. It appears that it might work if all parties love each other.”

Mom held her hand and led her to the bed. When Paula sat down, Mom explained, “The benefit for me is that my lover’s body is fit and youthful. Touch and feel his chest.” Mom guided Paula’s hand until the pretty psychologist caressed my skin under her own willpower. Mom leaned over and whispered in Paula’s ear, “Kiss him and imagine that he’s your son. You’ll be able to see what it would feel like.”

Her full lips briskly met mine before pulling back. Once again, she made contact and swiped her tongue across my lips. I didn’t reciprocate, wanting her to progress at her speed. Her smile widened before she kissed me open-mouthed, her tongue searching for mine. She twisted her mouth around, seeking the most contact. Her suppressed sexual appetite rapidly awakened.

I pulled her head tightly to mine and French kissed her. Her floral perfume flooded my senses. After several minutes, she pulled off and kissed down my chest. She hadn’t feasted on a man for a long time. Inches away from my prick, she paused and looked at Mom.

Mary leaned over my groin and exclaimed, “Mom, his cock has your cum smeared on it. Let me clean it so Paula can admire its beauty.” Her mouth descended on my pole, sucking and licking off her mother’s remnants. When my prick was clean, she pulled off, resulting in a large pop.

She giggled, held my cock at the base, and pointed it at Paula. She croaked, “Mikey’s one-eyed monster says hi to you, Paula. It’s tame and enjoys a good petting.” My sister’s hand traveled to my bloated tip and lowered back down before holding it steady for her friend.

Mary’s humor broke the tension, and Paula chuckled at her friend’s antics.

Mom took advantage of the relaxed atmosphere and offered, “Go ahead. Touch him. Feel his hardness. Mary and I don’t mind.”

Having secured Mom’s approval, Paula wrapped her long fingers around my stem, directly above Mary’s clamped hand. She leaned over and licked my shaft, finishing with a wet kiss on my cockhead. Her tongue wiggled in my slit; my prick rewarded her with a blob of pre-cum.

Shivers shot through my spine when she engulfed my helmeted head. Once she explored every millimeter of flesh with her tongue, she descended an inch. Repeating her venture, she continued until her lips collided against the side of her hand. Mary released me, allowing Paula access to my entire length. Paula stopped when my spongy head hit the back of her throat.

Raising, she sucked and scraped her way to the top. When she finished her initial assessment, her mouth rapidly fucked my prick. Her hand released my root and cupped my balls, rolling and playing with them.

With Paula’s focus solely on my cock, Mom unbuttoned Paula’s blouse to reveal her utilitarian white bra. Mom wasted no time removing the garment, freeing Paula’s breasts. They sagged slightly, indicative of her age of forty-something.

Mom kneaded and caressed Paula’s mounds while the aroused psychologist concentrated on my cock. Paula’s nostrils blew hot air on my staff, trying to catch her breath. My prick was hard as granite, and thankfully, Mom gently tugged her off my pole before I blew. I rose and pulled Paula off the bed and hugged her tightly. Her breasts pressed into my chest. I stroked her back while we passionately kissed.

Breaking off, she rested her head on my shoulder and panted. Mom moved behind her and whispered, “It’s been too long for you, hasn’t it? Your body screams for attention, and you’re frustrated that the person you love and crave most lives with you. When was the last time you were fucked, Paula?”

“Years,” she sobbed. “I forgot how good it feels to hold a man. His body against mine brings back so many pleasant memories. Hold me, please.”

I hugged her tightly and caressed her smooth flesh. Mary stood off to the side in a trance while her mother and I seduced her friend. Kissing Paula, I croaked, “You have beautiful brown eyes. Keep them open and look into mine when we kiss.”

We kissed again with our eyes locked on each other. Motioning to Mary, I pointed to Paula’s skirt. She and Mom removed it and her panties. My hands gripped and squeezed Paula’s ass cheeks and pulled her against my hard prick.

Mom and Mary moved aside to give me room. I stroked the backs of Paula’s upper thighs before switching to her front to lodge my fingers between her thighs. She clenched her legs tightly in a veiled attempt at modesty. Snaking my hand between her tight muscles, I gripped and massaged a hunk of her firm upper thigh. She moaned and spread her feet, providing access.

Massaging her mound, I trapped her bush with my fingers and pulled. When my fingers found her slit, her oozing fluids coated them. “Your pussy is soaked, Paula. Don’t worry. We’re going to relieve your stress. You need to feel the love and attention your son should be providing.”

She held my head tighter, and her tongue went crazy when I slipped three fingers deep into her crevice. I finger-fucked her fast while she feasted on my mouth. Mom moved close and held Paula’s waist while Mary grabbed one of Paula’s legs, lifting it high. She stroked her friend’s firm flesh.

Shoving my fingers in as deep as possible, I rapidly pumped her pussy. Paula released my lips to pant and groan. She neared her climax, and when Mary found and rubbed her friend’s engorged clit, Paula’s body exploded. Her muscles stiffened and shivered as her orgasm overtook her. When she relaxed, I released my cream-coated fingers from her crevice.

After I lowered us to the bed, I cupped and kneaded her breasts. Massaging her mounds, I breathed, “Your breasts are perfect, Paula. One thing a son loves to do is to suckle from his mother.”

She yelped when my lips latched onto her nearest nipple, teasing the other with my fingers. Switching between her stiff, engorged tips, I brought her back up for another round. She spread her legs wide, begging for my hard prick. Releasing her tits, I shifted forward until my shaft rested on her mound. While I kissed her, Mom used my bloated cock-head to pry open Paula’s dripping gash.

When my flared head popped into her opening, Paula shrieked while her hands moved to my ass to pull me in. I slowly descended into her depths, allowing her long, unused channel to adjust to my girth. Her walls secreted juice and oiled my prick while I continued to separate her silky folds. I buried my cock to the hilt until my balls smashed against her groin.

I whispered, “Your pussy is so tight and hot. A son would love fucking you every day. Fuck me like you would your boy.”

Her hips bucked while I thrust in and out, scraping my flared head against the sensitive sides of her slot. A dozen strokes later, she came again and coated my cock, making it easier to glide through her gripping glove. Her slippery crevice clung to my prick, her pussy rippling with excitement. “Keep fucking me, Paula. You deserve to experience a major orgasm.”

While I maintained a steady pace, Paula’s groans grew louder and more rapid, her body releasing endorphins. Her pleasure centers fired off continuously while our bodies writhed against each other.

She raised her knees and shifted her ankles to her ass, elevating her slot for deeper penetration. After a dozen strokes, she croaked, “Fuck me as you did with your mother. I’m getting close. It’s going to be huge.”

Pushing her knees forward, I positioned her as I had Mom less than an hour ago. Resting on her upturned soft ass, I flexed my hips and ground into her sopping slot. The force of my strokes hindered her breathing, but her lustful expression portrayed the immense pleasure her throbbing pussy was receiving. Her head flopped back and forth while she chanted gibberish. Mary cupped one of Paula’s breasts and teased the engorged tip while I continued to pound mercilessly into Paula’s hungry pussy.

Feeling the rush of blood fill my prick, I yelled, “I’m going to blast, Paula. Cum on my cock while I fill your pussy.”

“Me, too,” Paula screamed. “It feels so good. I can’t believe I waited so long to feel a stiff dick. Shoot me full of your wonderful cum.”

My prick jerked and spewed its contents into her welcoming cavern. Her pussy spasmed and clamped onto my plunging cock. She grunted and groaned while her body surrendered to a blissful orgasm. Her pussy shook and pulsed while she experienced one climax after another. Paula’s contractions were some of the strongest I’ve encountered, successfully squeezing every drop of sperm from my spurting cannon.

After my cock ceased twitching, her body returned to normalcy. Her muscles relaxed, and her expression reflected the pleasure coursing through her sex-deprived system. Withdrawing, I moved her limber legs back and collapsed beside her.

She broke the silence. “God, that was good. Why did I starve myself from sex for so long? For someone who is supposed to know the importance of mental health, I sure ignored my own needs.”

“Sometimes we get caught up in our lives and forget the important things of life,” Mom reassured her. “The answer to your problems lives in your house.”

Paula looked at my sister and apologized, “I’m sorry I avoided you after we divulged our innermost secrets. I was embarrassed that I had admitted my desire for my son and was afraid you pictured me as some kind of pervert. I even thought you were kidding about trying to get pregnant with your brother to relieve the tension. It was kind of you to invite me after how I treated you.”

Mary replied, “I saw your pain and only wanted to help. You didn’t hurt my feelings. Let’s look at the future and not the past. It won’t be long before you and your son can enjoy an incestuous relationship.”

Paula giggled. “I don’t know if I can commit to the same level of intimacy, and I wouldn’t want to lose him. He mostly stays in his room and has little social contact with others. He wouldn’t even take me up on an offer to rent an apartment closer to his college. Can you imagine a nineteen-year-old wanting to remain home? If there was a way to know he wouldn’t freak out, I might proceed. If not, I can hunt for another man to satisfy my cravings.”

“We should be able to figure out something,” Mom quipped. “Seducing a son isn’t tough, as they already love their mother. It’s a matter of coaxing them into a physical relationship. We’ve had success using a form of church therapy.”

“No,” Paula stated. “I have another method I’d like to try. It’s more in my field of expertise, and the stories I’ve read exploiting it excite me. It’s using hypnosis as a tool.”

I laughed, “Looks like we surf the same porn sites. That’s one of my favorite scenarios, too. It’s pretty flaky and generally only good for the imagination. I’m not sure if it’d be successful in real life.”

Paula’s face portrayed her disappointment until Mom remarked, “I’m sure we can make it work using Paula’s expertise to guide us. Once I finalize a plan, I’ll let Mary describe it to you. In the meantime, you can work on your son.”

Paula smiled widely, and while she dressed, Mom spouted the same tips she explained to Lena to fill her son’s head full of incestuous fantasies.

After Paula left, Mom turned to Mary and said, “You’ve got your wish. My plan involves you, and if you’re not good, it won’t work. We’ll talk more tomorrow night when Brooke is here.”

Mom explained everything after dinner the following night. When finished, Mary stated, “Brooke, I’ll have to live at your place. You can’t be there and also can’t remain here.”

Brooke replied, “No problem, I can stay at the cabin.”

“No, there’s no reason to take time off from work,” Mary disputed. “I have a better idea. Of all the girls you met at our party, who did you like the most?”

Brooke blushed, pausing to answer, “Mei.”

“Excellent choice,” Mary bleated. “She’s my favorite, too. I’ll ask her, but I’m sure she’d love to have you stay with her for a few days.

Brooke beamed, “Thanks. Don’t pressure her. If it’s inconvenient, we can work something else out.”

Mom ordered, “Okay. Mary, it’s up to you now. Make the arrangements with Paula and Mei tomorrow. Let us know what will work and if we need to make any adjustments.”

Mary busily worked the next day, following through with their plan. Mei was thrilled to host Brooke, and Mary took enough belongings to Brooke’s place to appear she lived there. She met Paula for lunch and briefed her on the details. Paula was thrilled with the plan and confident it fell within her restrictions.

Our seduction scenario quelled her fears of emotionally damaging her son. It was scheduled for the following Saturday, allowing Paula to work on her son.

Mary and I anxiously waited in the living room while Mom remained at the door to greet the couple at the appointed time. When they showed up, Mom led the mother and son to meet us.

Paula broke the tension by introducing us. “Paul, these are the people I told you about last night. Mike is one of my most talented proteges. He’s a master in relaxation techniques using hypnosis. He has assisted me with my patients and has been a godsend. I thought it’d be nice if you met some people I work with.”

I laughed inwardly at how she named him after herself as my parents had.

He nodded in my direction and shifted his gaze to my sexy mom. Paula continued, “This is Megan, his mother.” He weakly shook Mom’s hand but couldn’t stop staring at her beauty. I didn’t blame him as I do the same.

Turning to Mary, Paula introduced my sister. “This is Mary, the volunteer nurse I know from work. She has a promising career ahead of her.”

Paul’s eyes drifted over to scan Mary, who had sexily dressed for the occasion. Her short skirt showed off her long, firm legs. I knew she wore panties because I checked before their arrival. Her braless tits caused her stiff tips to push out her thin blouse. If he didn’t appreciate her sexual appeal, I’d have to chalk him up as gay.

His burning eyes appraised her sexy figure. He blushed when he glanced at her and knew she saw him checking her out. Instead of shaking hands, Mary moved closer and lightly hugged him. I could see him inhaling her fragrance. I had picked out her perfume, and I could see it had the same effect on him as it did on me. It mixed with her natural scent perfectly.

The ladies moved to the couch to talk, and Mom told me to take Paul to my room to get out of their hair. He was noticeably uncomfortable until I handed him a controller and logged into my account. The ice broke when he showed me a couple of his favorite games.

He relaxed, and my ears perked up when he mentioned his college classes. His studies were related to mine. I had to be careful not to disclose too much since I was supposed to be a psychology student.

We had missed a flaw in our plan; Paul brought it to my attention. “Why are you wearing a wedding ring if you live at your mother’s home? Where’s your wife?”

Thinking fast, I stammered, “I’m not married. My career is important to me, and I was tired of getting hit on all the time at the hospital. When it happens now, I flash the ring, and they go away, allowing me to concentrate on my duties. My mother lent me Dad’s after the divorce.”

As a bonus, this solved the dilemma if he noticed Mom and I wore matching rings. I found it funny that Paula hadn’t discovered we wore matching wedding bands. When I asked Paul about his girlfriends, he blushed and changed the subject.

After ten more minutes, he asked, “Is your sister married or dating anyone?”

Mary’s sexual bait had hooked him. It was a fishing game, and I only had to reel him in. “No, she’s kind of busy and doesn’t have much free time. She works long hours at the hospital with your mother. Why? Are you interested in her?” I asked.

“No,” he quickly replied. “I was just curious. Mary is your sister, so you probably don’t realize she’s pretty hot.”

He was ready. Mary’s seductive body had done its job. “Some people might think so. I actually prefer older women myself,” I replied.

Before he answered, his mother called him. “Paul, honey. It’s time to head home. I have some work to do before it gets too late.”

We met the women at the door, and Mom lamented, “It’s a shame you have to work on such a beautiful day and on a Saturday, to boot.”

Paula replied, “It’s for something I’m publishing. I let the deadline slip by, and it’s due on Monday. I’m going to be working all day tomorrow, too.”

Mom suggested, “We could pick up Paul and bring him here tomorrow if you want to work without distractions.”

Paula replied, “Sure, that would be a big help.”

Mary chirped, “Mike and Paul can come to my place. It’s going to be hot, and there’s a pool at my apartment complex. They can cool off in the afternoon.”

Paul interjected before anyone could change direction. “That sounds perfect. Thanks a lot, Mary.”

I smiled as my sister finished reeling in our unsuspecting target. The plan was proceeding without any problems.

After they left, Mary smugly remarked, “I guess my stellar performance was perfect. I can’t wait for tomorrow, Dr. Mike. I hope Paula’s tips I taught you on hypnotizing pay off.” We lounged around for the rest of the day while I practiced my pseudo-hypnosis techniques.

I picked up Paul on my way to Brooke’s apartment. Mary greeted us with warm cookies and cold drinks. With no gaming consoles available, we headed straight to the pool. Mary remained inside while Paul and I alternated between swimming and sunbathing. It was relaxing, and I made a mental note to do it more often.

While we were in the water, Mary appeared in a haltered, triangle bikini. She spread out on a lounge chair and soaked in the rays. With memories of how great she fucks, I discreetly adjusted my stiffening manhood. I noticed Paul had to do the same. Her body was working its magic.

After exiting the pool, I announced I was heading in to take a shower. Paul followed, and I told him to go first. After I finished mine and entered the front room, I noticed him at the window leering at Mary, who was still at the pool. Glancing at her, I remarked, “I guess you’re right. She is attractive, but I’ve seen more of her, that’s even better. Do you want to see her naked?”

He blushed profusely and sputtered, “Nude? You’ve seen her without clothes?”

I replied, “Yeah, I was researching how far I could proceed once someone is under hypnosis. She’s receptive to suggestions and is a perfect subject for practice. I’ll demonstrate when she returns.”

Mary knew to give us about twenty minutes to shower and talk. She appeared at the appropriate time, and after drinking a cool drink, she exclaimed, “Damn, it was hot out there. I’m tenser than before I went out. A long bath might be in order.”

“I have a better idea, Mary,” I suggested. “Remember how I used hypnosis to relax you when you had a rough day at work? Let me help ease your pain again.”

She twisted her nose as if she was going to disapprove when Paul appealed, “It would be interesting to witness. I could observe his technique and report my findings to Mom on his success.” He was eager to admire Mary’s body.

Mary nodded and agreed. “Okay, let’s go into my bedroom so I can sit on my bed. This bikini doesn’t cover much skin, and I’ll stick to the chair.”

We followed her, and once she was situated, I performed all the steps Paula had explained, so it looked somewhat realistic. Only a professional would recognize how utterly inept I was. Mary soon faked a trance, leaving her eyes fixed straight ahead.

“Mary, your skin needs to be free of constricting material,” I began. “Remove your top and allow your flesh to breathe the healthy air.” Paul couldn’t stare any harder while Mary slowly reached around and unsnapped her top before discarding it. Paul gasped when her beautiful tits came into view. He looked at me as if he wanted to say something.

“It’s okay to talk,” I said, putting Paul at ease. “She hears voices but can’t understand them when she’s in this state. The only time she’ll understand is when I call her name first. Watch this.”

“Mary, lie down and relax,” I commanded.

She promptly plopped onto the soft mattress. I moved to the other side of the bed, allowing Paul to get closer to her. Reaching over, I cupped her breast and lightly squeezed it. “She has firm tits, that’s for sure. Try the other one.”

His hand shot out and kneaded her mound. Mary involuntarily moaned. “She may talk and make noises, but she’s still in a trance. She won’t come out until I command her. Go ahead and explore,” I encouraged Paul.

When my fingers teased her nipple, his hand followed suit. I knew it would drive Mary crazy with lust, and it was fun paying back my sexy sister. “Her nipples fill with blood if you suck on them. Let’s double-milk her.” His mouth was quicker than mine as we latched on.

She groaned and croaked, “Oh yes, Daddy. Suck my titties. That feels so good.”

Paul pulled off, and to answer his curious look, I explained, “When someone is under hypnosis, they fantasize about a situation to rationalize their actions. It’s a recurring dream of hers; It means nothing.”

His hand drifted to Mary’s smooth stomach and circled her sunken flesh. Paul’s panting was as heavy as Mary’s. He was ready for the next step. “Mary, your flesh is still hot. I’m going to assist you in freeing yourself. Close your eyes and relax.”

Gripping her bottoms, she lifted her ass to help me remove the rest of her suit. I spread her legs, exposing her wet slit. Paul’s panting increased when his gaze locked onto Mary’s pussy. Gripping a chunk of her thigh, I commented, “This is one of her finest assets. Her thighs are perfect. Feel her other one.”

His hand wasted no time and kneaded her luscious meat. “Jesus, they feel so smooth and firm. She’s much hotter than you give her credit,” Paul asserted.

Running a finger through her slit, I brought it to my mouth and smacked my lips. “Nectar of the gods,” I giggled.

Paul replied, “Doesn’t it stink? I’ve always heard pussies smell like fish.”

His lack of knowledge cemented my belief that he was a virgin, but I wasn’t going to mention it and embarrass him. I replied, “Some women maybe, not my sister. It’s an aphrodisiac. Stick your finger in her and taste her.”

Without hesitating, he jammed two fingers in deeply and quickly removed them. After smelling and licking my sister’s juices, he agreed, “You’re right. It’s stimulating. She’s bare-shaven, too. Do most women keep their pussies hairless?”

“Some do, others don’t. Older women tend not to; some trim them in various styles. Being shaven makes it easier to eat pussy. If they have hair, run your fingers through their bush to pull apart their pussy lips. If not, you can dive right in.”

Leaning down, I licked her oozing gash, which caused her to moan. After her outer lips puffed full, I pulled off and said, “See how excited she became? With enough stimulation, it’s easy to make a woman climax.”

Mary’s pearl emerged from its protective sheath, and Paul asked, “Is that little appendage some kind of anomaly to Mary?”

Jesus, didn’t he take any biology classes in school?

“It’s her clitoris, and it can be painful to rub it if she’s not stimulated enough.”

Paul remarked, “Of course. What an idiot. I knew that but have never seen one in real life.”

He blushed, and I addressed the elephant in the room. “It’s fine to be a virgin. There’s plenty of time for sex later in life. A lot of women get turned on when taking a man’s virginity. Make sure it’s with someone you love, and you’ll both cherish the moment forever.”

He relaxed and ran his fingers over Mary’s puffy lips. “Put your mouth on her pussy,” I instructed. “Lick her and stick your tongue inside once in a while. Squeezing her sensitive labia turns women on as well.”

His voracious appetite for pussy built Mary up fast. Was it because her brother was watching someone eat her or the thrill of teaching someone about sex?

“Keep sucking and fuck her with three fingers,” I ordered. Paul rapidly stroked Mary’s slot while her tits heaved with excitement. Recognizing her release was imminent, I directed, “Keep jabbing her and squeeze her clit with your lips. When she cums, drink her sweet juices.”

As soon as he latched on, she bucked her hips while her body stiffened. She came hard, flooding Paul’s mouth with her cum. He quickly slurped her nectar. When she relaxed, Paul pulled back, and I laughed at his face covered with Mary’s cum. “She’s a gusher, isn’t she?”

He wiped her juices off and fidgeted. He had to be as hard as I was. “Dammit,” I exclaimed. “She’s got me all agitated. I need some relief. Let me show you a trick.”

It wasn’t part of the plan, but I thought I’d torture my horny sister some more - or maybe it’d be a reward. When I dropped my pants and shorts, my hard prick popped out. Moving upwards, I turned Mary’s head in my direction and ran my hard cock along her lips. Knowing she was facing away from Paul, her eyes popped open to lock onto mine. They were filled with lust and begged for more.

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