Of Mothers and Sons - Cover

Of Mothers and Sons

Copyright© 2023 by MrCurrie

Chapter 1

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Mike and his mother, Megan, physically unite and are so pleased with themselves, that they go on a campaign to join other mothers with their sons. To convince some of them to participate, Mike or Megan has to have sex with the mother or son to convince them to mate. If you're a mother/son purist who can't stand the thought of a mother fucking someone else, please don't read. You won't like it. Mike's wife and sister also participate. Mike impregnates most of them.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Incest   Mother   Son   Sister   Aunt   Grand Parent  

It was noon by the time I arrived home. Sweat escaped my pores from the sun radiating through my exposed skin. After retrieving my suitcase from Jason’s trunk, I closed it with my elbow, avoiding the hot metal. The three-hour drive from my tech school seemed to take forever, but I was grateful my classmate gave me a ride. I hadn’t told anyone because I wanted to surprise Mom and Dad by showing up a week before my scheduled arrival.

“Later, Mike. Enjoy the summer and good luck finding employment,” Jason called to me before driving off to his apartment. My spirits were high, having finished my studies. I was looking forward to spending some time at home for a few months. The driveway was empty; Dad wasn’t home. He always parked his high-value Lexus outside the garage so everyone could be impressed with his prized possession. He usually arrived from work ten minutes before six.

Mom wasn’t due to be home from her job at the library. Dad never allowed her to purchase a car, using the excuse that her work was only five miles away. I was surprised it never bothered her. She always said she preferred to walk part of the way and then jump on a bus for the rest of the commute. She stuck to her schedule to arrive home at five to prepare dinner for Dad. He insisted on the evening meal being ready at six every night.

Knowing I had five hours to kill, I slowly walked to the front entry and fished my keys out of my pocket. The deadbolt didn’t slide, indicating an unlocked door. Adrenaline flowed through my body, my senses kicking into high alert. Slowly turning the knob, I silently opened the door to inspect for intruders. Nothing appeared out of place, but I could hear movement in the living room.

Quietly setting my bag on the floor, I stealthily crept to the inside arch to investigate the source of the sounds. I was confident I could take down one person, especially with the advantage of surprise, but two would be risky. Deciding to exit and call the police, I stopped when the voices became more distinct. There was only one person, a female - she was sobbing. Without further hesitation, I turned and stepped into the room. My mom, Megan, wept, sitting on the couch with her head cradled in her hands.

Not wanting to alarm her, I cleared my throat and called, “Mom? Are you okay?”

She stopped crying, lowered her hands, and focused her attention on me. teary-eyed, she said, “Mike? You’re not supposed to be here until next week.”

“I know, Mom. I finished early and wanted to surprise you. What’s going on? Why aren’t you at work?”

Taking a minute to compose herself, she rose and hugged me. “I’m sorry, Mike. That wasn’t the way I wanted to greet you. Welcome home. I’m feeling better already. You always cheer me up.” She paused long enough that our body heat elevated. She continued, “I took the week off to sort some things out.”

Mom’s soft breasts pressed into my chest while I held her tightly. She was the magnet that drew me home during my last two years of college. It was the primary reason I wanted to return when finals ended. She rested her head on my shoulder, smothering my face with her shoulder-length, brunette hair. She didn’t release me as quickly as usual, and I loved every minute. When she finally pulled back, I looked into her reddened eyes and asked, “Okay, Mom. What’s bothering you? I don’t think those are tears of joy at seeing your son return home.”

She laughed before her expression turned cheerful. She stuttered, “I’m confused, angry, and sad; all at once. You arrived at the perfect time. We’ve always been able to confide in each other.”

She pulled back, looked around, and asked, “Where’s your suitcase? Didn’t you bring the rest of your belongings?”

“I left it at the door. I thought someone had broken into the house. Imagine my relief when I discovered the intruder was my grieving mother.”

She smiled. Her eyes dried as her attitude improved. “Lock the door, stow your bag, and meet me in my bedroom. I’ll explain everything there.”

When she turned and walked down the hall, I hesitated to admire the backs of her legs. Only her bare calves were on display because she wore her work uniform. The sexy swivel of her hips and exposed leg flesh held my attention.

After retrieving and storing my bag, I left to join her. Every time I entered their bedroom, I was amazed at its immense size. It was as massive as the living room. A few comfortable chairs, a makeup table, and three dressers filled the room. Large walk-in closets with louvered doors were on opposite walls, with the king-size bed in the middle.

I sat in a comfortable chair opposite her. After taking a deep breath, she stated, “I’m certain your father is cheating on me.”

It didn’t surprise me as I hadn’t witnessed much love displayed between Mom and Dad for years. I’m sure he never asked for a divorce because he loved flaunting his beautiful possessions, like his car. Was she guessing, I wondered?

“Mom, are you sure? Do you have any evidence, or is it a perception of guilt?”

Her face flushed while she readied herself to talk intimately to her son. “I found a filled condom in the bathroom trash a few days ago.”

Lost for words, I wasn’t sure how to ask Mom whether it was from them. She solved my dilemma by asserting, “We haven’t had sex for years.”

Thankfully, I didn’t have to elaborate. I argued, “Maybe Dad didn’t want to stain the sheets when he relieved himself. It’s a method men use to keep things clean.”

It was Mom’s turn to be uncomfortable when she explained in further detail. “The coating on the outside wasn’t from the manufacturer; if you know what I mean.”

Her description of pussy juice smeared on Dad’s rubber added to the fact she smelled it, affected me; my face flushed. There was no way I could continue this conversation without embarrassing one or both of us. She detected my uneasiness while I fidgeted. She rose and swept the covers aside on the bed. “Come here, Mike. Tell me what you see.”

The cum-stained sheet was something I couldn’t dispute. Mom’s eyes remained locked on mine. My facial expression disclosed that I also recognized the remnants of coitus.

Before I could comment, she continued, “The scent was the same as on the condom. Your father had sex on my side of our bed. I’m sure he did it on purpose and didn’t care if I found out. He’s that arrogant and full of himself.”

I sensed Mom’s anger and suspected it had been building for years. She had repressed her emotions and had finally arrived at her breaking point. She looked like she was going to cry again. I hugged her and rubbed her back. She held me tightly and whispered, “I found some short, crinkly hairs left behind too, and not the kind from a scalp.”

She paused, and when I didn’t say anything, she continued, “It wasn’t the color of mine nor your father’s, Mike.”

Once again, I couldn’t respond to her discovering another woman’s pubic hair in her bed. While we silently held each other, a car pulled into the driveway. We both recognized the powerful engine noise of Dad’s Lexus. Mom’s body stiffened. She exclaimed, “He’s bringing her here right now. I can’t wait to catch them.”

My mind raced as to the possible outcomes of this situation. Before Mom could leave to meet him, I pulled her back. “Mom, it’ll be better if you don’t. Maybe he forgot to take something to work, but if he does bring in a woman and you confront them, she’ll leave. You won’t have any proof of his infidelity.”

Her mind digested what I said; her expression changed. She knew I was correct. She grabbed my hand and pulled me into her closet before closing the doors. The spaced slats were far enough apart to allow us to view their activity. I positioned myself behind her and peered over her shoulder.

Soon after, the sounds of their voices and footsteps increased when they moved toward us. Mom must have been holding her breath because she exhaled deeply when the couple appeared. Dad and my sister, Mary, casually strolled in. Mom was about to open the door, assuming it was an innocent meeting, but I recognized the look of lust on Dad’s face. Gripping Mom’s waist, I pulled her to me and whispered, “Wait, Mom. Let’s see what they’re doing.”

Mom remained silent while we watched her daughter and husband.

They kissed and not in a father-daughter kind of way. After a few minutes of heavy smooching and petting, Dad hoarsely croaked, “Get to it, Pumpkin. I have a busy schedule this afternoon.”

That was his pet name for my sister. She was nineteen, one year younger than me, and after high school, she decided to jump directly into the workforce. Her sexy looks and body enabled her to earn generous tips wherever she worked. Her interests focused on enjoying life rather than pursuing higher education. She kneeled on the floor to strip off Dad’s pants and underwear. Once removed, she wrapped her hand around his hardening prick.

Mom’s body stiffened while struggling to free herself from my arms to open the door. I pulled her tightly to me, preventing her from interrupting. Mom’s body shook; tears would soon follow. Fearing her wailing could give away our presence, I turned her around and hugged her. I pulled her head into my shoulder to muffle any sobbing. She didn’t struggle and pressed her face into my shirt. It quickly became damp from her tears.

Needing something else to muffle her sounds, I unbuttoned my shirt and slipped it off my free arm. Bunching up the cottony material, I shoved it under her face. She buried her head into my wadded-up shirt while her sinewy fingers gripped my bare sides. I massaged her scalp while my hand pulled her head to my body.

When my attention shifted to the bedroom activity, I watched Mary sucking Dad’s cock. She cradled his balls with her hand while bobbing her face onto his stiff shaft. Dad’s moans voiced his pleasure with her experienced mouth.

After several minutes of enjoying his daughter’s blowjob, he pulled back and handed her a packaged condom. “That’s a good little slut. Suit me up. I can’t wait to stretch your tiny cunt.”

“Okay, Daddy,” she obediently replied.

Smiling sexily, she rolled on the non-lubed rubber before sliding his latex-encased cock into her mouth to wet it. She pulled off and crawled up on the bed. Since the closet was on the side of the bed, I couldn’t see her pussy when he crawled up between her legs and flipped her skirt onto her chest. She must have come prepared as I didn’t see him remove her panties.

Dad entered her and immediately slammed his pelvis into her groin. Her face didn’t paint a picture of pleasure. Dad paid no attention while plowing into his daughter.

After a dozen strokes, Mary’s breaths increased, and her expression transformed into passionate moans.

“Fuck me hard, Daddy. I love your prick.”

Dad groaned and yelled, “Here it comes, Pumpkin. Your little twat is amazing. Fuck, it’s tight!”

“No, Daddy. Not yet. Keep pumping.”

He grunted when his hips flexed, filling the condom with his semen. My sister’s face displayed her disappointment, but he didn’t acknowledge her.

Mom heard their sounds of lust and gripped my sides harder, hearing her husband finish in her daughter.

Dad pulled out, unrolled the rubber, and disappeared into the adjoining bathroom. Mary was silent, and her frustrated expression made it clear she hadn’t achieved a climax. She flipped her skirt down, and by the time she was off the bed, Dad had returned.

He didn’t take time to kiss her, ordering, “It’ll have to be later tomorrow, around two.”

“Okay, Daddy. I’ll meet you here, so you won’t have to pick me up.” Mary followed her father out of the house, and it wasn’t long before the sound of his car signaled their departure.

Mom held onto my ribs after I pulled her off my shoulder. “They’re gone, Mom. It’s over.”

With tear-filled eyes, she sobbed, “Why didn’t you let me stop them? He had sex with my daughter. I should have protected her.”

“Mom, it’s clear it wasn’t the first time. If you interrupted them, they would continue at another location. We must obtain concrete evidence before continuing with any action.”

Mom released her fingers and agreed, “You’re right. Let’s go to the living room and talk.”

Once Mom was on the couch, I retrieved a box of tissues from the kitchen. Sitting beside her, I dried the tears from her face. She smiled and took the wipe from my hand. She giggled as she looked at my shirt hanging off my shoulder. After removing it, she commented, “I’ve made a mess of your shirt. It needs washing anyway.”

She brought the pits to her nose and confirmed, “Yep, it was due.”

“Mom, I’m too old for you to smell my shirts.”

She smiled and locked her eyes with mine. “Like you don’t sniff my clothes?”

She couldn’t have known I’d used her soiled panties to masturbate. I was always careful to return them. Thinking back on it, I might have kept a pair for a day or two. My face reddened; her grin widened, seeing my recollection of using her underwear.

Needing to escape the conversation, I replied, “I need to put on a fresh shirt. I’ll be right back.”

When I’d returned, Mom had recovered and was more cheerful than I thought possible after witnessing her husband and daughter fuck. My mind filled with a plan of how to proceed.

“Mom, does Dad know you’re off work this week?”

She quickly replied, “No. I didn’t mention it.”

“We’ll need to set our stories straight so that Dad doesn’t suspect anything. I’m going to stash my suitcase in the garden shed before going to the mall to wait until tonight. You’ll have to go somewhere in case Dad comes home early. Return at your usual time and tell him you received an email from me about my late arrival tonight. I’ll grab my bag and make my grand entrance at eight. He won’t suspect I arrived earlier.”

She digested my proposal and replied, “Sounds like a good plan. I need to go to the library and talk to my friend, Vera. She’s an attorney and has done some divorce work. I’ll return here at my normal time.”

“You’re hiring a librarian to represent you? Wouldn’t a normal divorce attorney be better?”

“Nope. First off, I’m not hiring her. She’s my friend and has offered to represent me whenever necessary. I have the utmost faith in her ability and can’t think of anyone I’d rather use.”

The confident look on Mom’s face convinced me she knew what she was doing. I agreed, “If you’re comfortable with her, she’s the best choice. We need to tell Dad we won’t be here tomorrow, so he won’t change his plans. My story will be that I’m going on a hike with Jason and won’t be back until after seven.”

“Perfect, Mike. I’ll make an excuse that I have to work on a project at the library until six, too late for me to prepare dinner.”

“Okay, I’m off to the mall to waste the rest of the day.” I rose to leave when Mom stopped me.

“Wait. I’ll go with you. The library is on its way there. We’ll ride the bus together.”

After stowing my bag in the shed, we made our escape.

I followed Mom while she led us to the back of the bus. Although there were open seats toward the front, she kept walking until we neared the rear doors. There were no unoccupied seats, so I grabbed an upper bar to hold while the driver continued his route. We swayed to and fro with the bumps. Mom couldn’t or didn’t want to reach up to stabilize herself. I wrapped my free arm around her and held her to me to keep her balance. She smiled and leaned into me.

After a few stops, a man my age sitting with an older woman offered, “Ma’am, you can take my seat. I don’t mind standing.”

I couldn’t believe that some fool wanted to be chivalrous, while I relished the feel of Mom’s body pressed to mine.

Mom quickly wrapped her arm around my waist and replied, “No, thanks. My stop isn’t far. We’ll be fine.” A warm sensation swept through me while Mom clenched my side and held me close.

The man smugly smiled and said, “Understood.”

I wondered what he meant when he said he understood. Did he assume we were married or a dating couple?’ He acted like he had summed up our situation and knew our status. I wanted to burst his bubble and tell him it wasn’t long ago that I was in a closet with my mother - watching my father fuck his daughter. Maybe that would have wiped off his smug look.

After another mile, we arrived at Mom’s stop. When she released my waist, she kissed me on the cheek. “See you tonight, sweetie.” The man and woman observed Mom’s farewell performance. Did she put on a show for them?

After two more stops, the man jumped off. The mall was still miles away, but I didn’t want to impose on the woman. The bus stopped again; she motioned to me, pleading, “Please, sit with me and keep me company.”

She was an attractive, middle-aged woman with a personable smile. I didn’t hesitate to take her up on her offer. Her hemline was a foot above her knees, allowing her toned legs to be on display. Not wanting to be caught gawking, I played with my phone and stole glances.

She broke the silence. “I’m sorry if my son appeared to be a little forward. He’s always been a sweet gentleman and loves to assist the elderly and women.”

“It was nice of him to offer. You did a splendid job of raising him.”

Once the ice broke, we enjoyed a relaxed discussion. When my stop was next, I smiled and said, “Thanks for the conversation. It made the ride a lot more pleasurable.”

“No problem. I enjoyed it too. I’m afraid my son is exactly like you. It’s hard for him to have a lasting relationship.”

I suddenly became uncomfortable and responded, “Oh?”

She smiled and whispered, “Yes, you two have problems dating because you’re in love with your mothers.”

My face reddened. The woman wasn’t fooled and knew our relationship. Before I could rebuke her theory, she continued, “Don’t worry, she harbors the same desires. I could see it in her eyes when she kissed you.”

The bus rolled to a stop, and I was never happier to reach my destination. When I rose, the woman advised, “Don’t push your mother. She’ll let you know when it’s time. Like I did with my son.”

Her sexy smile made me jealous of her son. After I stepped off the bus, I looked at her through the window. She smiled and mouthed the words, “Good Luck.”

My mind raced with indecent thoughts. What had only been fantasies of Mom and me together might be possible. Maybe incest wasn’t as rare as I had always believed. Common sense returned when I thought about the woman telling me she saw it in Mom’s look. She couldn’t possibly have gleaned that much information from a glance. She had to be fooling with me. He probably wasn’t even her son, most likely a guy she asked to sit by her before we boarded.

Dispatching the incident, I spent a long time eating and surfing on my phone in a restaurant. Once finished, I made a beeline to the camera store. I needed to acquire something to capture Dad and my sister in action the next day. A mini, motion-detecting camera for twenty dollars would fit the bill. The quality wasn’t high, but it had a wide-angle lens that protruded out an inch, perfect for mounting on the closet door.

After wasting several more hours, I returned home as planned. After retrieving my suitcase, I opened the door and called, “Mom, Dad! I’m back.”

Mom greeted me and hugged me. “So good to see you, Mike. Welcome home.”

She smiled and nodded to indicate Dad’s presence. He sat in the living room reading the paper while listening to the business channel. “Hi, Dad. Good to see you.”

“Hey, Son. Since you’ve finished school, how long before you get a job? I can’t imagine you’ll get much with your limited education.”

It always irritated me when he called me ‘son’ instead of my name. I had always assumed it was because I had the same name as him. Everyone had to address him as Michael, so I never understood why he wouldn’t call me Mike. I chalked it up to some kind of authoritative gesture.

I never hated Dad; there just wasn’t any love. He never spent time with me growing up and hardly spoke to me other than assigning me various tasks. Before I could answer him, his attention drifted back to the paper and TV. It was his way of telling me our discussion had ended.

Mom broke up our uncomfortable situation when she said, “Take your bag to your room and get unpacked. Do you want a snack before you retire tonight?”

“No thanks, Mom. I’m tired and want to hit the sack early.” Initiating our plan, I continued, “I’m going on a long hike tomorrow with Jason. I won’t be back until late tomorrow night.”

Mom picked up on my hint and moved in front of Dad, catching his attention. “Michael, I’m afraid I have to work late tomorrow. Mike and I both won’t be here until late.”

He wasn’t nearly as disappointed as usual when he heard dinner wouldn’t be ready for him. His plans to meet with his daughter were still on track. I’m sure that was his only concern. He replied, “Fine, I’ll grab something at the club. I have a big meeting tomorrow in preparation for a business trip. I’ll be gone for two days.”

Standing behind Dad, I gave Mom a thumbs-up before leaving for my room. All she could do was return my grin so as not to reveal our plans.

Once in bed, my aching prick spewed out a load of cum, recalling when Mom pressed against me in the bus and closet.

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