A Den of Sinful Mothers - Cover

A Den of Sinful Mothers

Copyright© 2025 by MrCurrie

Chapter 7

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 7 - Serena, a devoted mother, comes into possession of a powerful mind-control device. With good intentions, she uses it to subtly transform the lives of her closest friends from their days as Den Mothers, fulfilling their deepest desires. Yet, despite the positive outcomes, Serena hesitates to wield its influence over the person she loves most—her own son.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Mind Control   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Mother   Son   Aunt   Nephew  

On Saturday, Serena found herself standing at the window, her gaze locked onto her handsome son mowing the lawn. Grappling with her conflicted emotions, she resolved to confront her inappropriate obsession with her son. Acknowledging the wrongness of her actions, she vowed to distance herself from him and refrain from further pursuit.

On Sunday morning, after a restful night, she reaffirmed her commitment to do what was best for Carter and guide him in the right direction. As she finished cooking the scrambled eggs, Carter entered, set the table, and poured the orange juice. They sat down, their conversation as lively as ever, lifting her spirits. When his gaze briefly met hers, the warmth in his brown eyes and his infectious smile made her feel, for a moment, less like his mother and more like a desirable woman.

When they were almost done, Carter turned to his mom and asked, “I finished most of my chores yesterday. What’s on the slate for today?”

Serena thought about her promise to steer herself away from Carter, paused, and replied, “It’s a beautiful day for a walk. We’ll head to the park and then swing by Fifth Street for a light lunch at the food trucks. Tonight, I’d like to go to a new restaurant I’ve been wanting to try, and we can finish the evening by watching a show.”

“Sounds great! Let’s clean up and change,” Carter chirped, jumping up and starting to tidy up. Once the kitchen was spotless, they left for their rooms to get ready.

Serena selected the short tennis skirt she had worn before, stood in front of the mirror, and pulled up her hem, pleased she didn’t detect any stray pussy hairs peeking out from her tight, pink, bikini bottoms.

Picking out a sleeveless, cotton blouse, she slid it on and inspected herself once again. She contemplated her choice to forgo wearing a bra and when she smoothed the fabric to ensure her nipples weren’t obvious, she smiled, confident with her decision. Unbuttoning the top two buttons revealed just enough valley between her breasts to be tantalizing but not slutty.

After a final check of her hair and makeup, she chuckled, recalling her vow to limit her flirtations with Carter. “Well, there’s always tomorrow. Today, I’m having fun.”

Their walk became relaxed, and after a block, she interlaced her arms with his as their conversation turned lively. They laughed and discussed the funny moments they’d shared when growing up doing similar activities, which were easy on budget, yet fun. As they strolled through the park, they stopped to rest on a lush, grassy hill.

They sat with their legs stretched out in front of them, and watched others stroll by, guessing their occupations, a game they played years earlier. Serena, caught in the moment, leaned over and kissed him on the cheek, the edge of her lips touching his. After a few moments of savoring their connection, she pulled back and murmured, “Thank you for spending so much time with me. I know you’d rather be out with your friends, so I appreciate you keeping me company.”

Her captivating face and full, luscious lips drew him in as he leaned closer. His lips met hers in a tender kiss, their eyes locking in an intimate gaze. After a few seconds, he gently pulled away and whispered, “I’d rather be here with you than anywhere else, Mom.”

She sucked in a deep breath, tears welling in her eyes from his display of affection. “We better get going and grab some lunch,” she said, turning her head away to hide her misty eyes. Standing up, she extended her hand to help him up, and together they continued their walk.

Over lunch, his lingering gaze at her cleavage made her blush, a warmth flowing from her face to her pussy. Afterward, they walked home and rested in the living room, before preparing to dine out.

“Mom, how classy is this place? Should I wear a suit or is casual okay?” Carter asked.

“Business casual will be fine,” Serena replied.

As she turned to head to her room, Carter asked, “Mom, would you mind wearing your blue dress?”

She smiled, “Of course, dear. See you in a bit.”

Pulling out the dress that he loved, she laid it on the bed, before removing her clothes. Slipping the A-line dress on, she modeled in front of the mirror, pleased with the reflection. The fabric felt nice against her skin and without a bra, there was no silky trim to peek above the edge of the plunging neckline. Several inches of the insides of her mounded breasts showed, bringing a smile to her face, knowing where Carter’s eyes would be most of the night.

Swiveling around, she was glad she hadn’t worn panties, with no line showing, only her nicely rounded ass. After brushing her hair and applying red lipstick to her full lips, she left to join Carter.

As expected, his eyes roamed up and down her body as he remarked, “Beautiful, as always, Mom. Shall we go, m’lady?” He held his arm out, inviting her to take it. With a warm smile, she looped her arm through his, and together they headed out the door, ready to enjoy their evening.

When they neared the passenger door, she stood, waiting for him to open it for her. After helping her in, he dashed around and hopped into the driver’s seat. She plugged the destination into the navigation screen, and they drove away, their conversation flowing effortlessly. They reminisced about shared memories, and laughed at inside jokes, enjoying each other’s company as they headed towards their destination.

After they parked, Serena remained in the car, and Carter, taking the hint, rushed to the other side and opened it for her. She swung her legs out, her skirt riding up high enough for Carter to steal a glance at her bare upper thighs before she stood.

They walked, arm-in-arm, into the restaurant, and the hostess seated them at a romantic table lit by a single candle. After they ordered, their conversation continued.

“Mom, this is a really nice place, but you know I can’t dance, right?” Carter mentioned, nodding towards the dance floor.

“You’re not the only one,” Serena replied, giggling. “I never really got into it, and your father wasn’t much of a dancer either. It was the menu that attracted me. Didn’t you think their selections were unique?”

“Yeah, it’s rare to see lobster ravioli on a menu. I can’t wait to taste it. I noticed you ordered scallops and butternut squash, your favorite. That’s probably what caught your interest the most, isn’t it?” Carter remarked with a smile.

“Guilty,” she replied, giggling.

After their entrees arrived, they dined, savoring both the exquisite meal and each other’s company. Partway through, soft music filled the restaurant, and a couple ventured out to the dance floor for a slow dance. By the time they finished eating, several other couples had joined in, swaying gracefully to the melody.

They watched the dancing couples for several minutes before Serena remarked, “Maybe I’ll take some lessons. That looks relaxing and a little fun, too.”

Carter nodded in agreement, stood, and extended his hand to her.

“Sweetie, we haven’t paid yet. We can’t leave,” she objected.

He grinned and replied, “I want to dance with you so you can see what you’re missing.”

“But neither of us knows how,” Serena protested.

“Look at them, Mom. They’re barely moving. We’ll just fake it and stay by the table. Come on, you said you wanted to have some fun tonight,” he pleaded.

She stood and replied, “It’s worth a shot. What’s the worst that can happen? I stomp on your foot with my heel and cripple you?”

They giggled, embraced each other in a manner suitable for a slow dance, and swayed to the gentle rhythm, taking care not to step too wide or too quickly. After a few moments, Carter’s hand on the small of her back, slowly rose and gently pulled her close to him, until her breasts pressed against his chest. She rested her head on his shoulder, feeling the warmth of his body permeate through hers.

His breath washed across her ear as he whispered, “You smell nice, Mom.” When he kissed her neck, he felt her body tense. “Relax, Mom. It’s just a dance. I’d never hurt you.”

“I know,” she whispered, her voice barely audible as his kiss sent a jolt of electric joy through her body. Her mind raced, envying the other Den Mothers who could relish moments like this every day, while she could only savor these rare, fleeting instances of closeness with her son.

When the song ended, the other couples on the floor paused, kissed their partners, and either strolled back to their tables or waited expectantly for the next tune. When Carter faced his mother, their eyes met, a silent exchange of deep affection and shared memories. He leaned in and kissed her gently, a tender brush of lips that didn’t last long enough for Serena.

He whispered, “Thanks for the dance, Mom.”

She yearned for more, much more, and without thinking about the consequences, returned his kiss, slightly opening her mouth. They connected as lovers, rather than mother and son, their sensitive lips meshing and grinding together, their tongues refraining from touching, each of them fearing that would ruin the moment.

When she pulled back, she murmured, “Thank you, Carter. It’s not often I get to experience what it’d be like with a partner.”

They sat at the table and found the bill waiting for them. Serena laid her card on it, glanced at Carter, and hurriedly picked up a napkin and wiped off the remnants of her lipstick around his mouth. “Sorry about that. I wouldn’t have worn lipstick if I knew we were going to kiss.”

He held her hand, squeezed it, and replied, “No problem, Mom. I’m glad you did. It’s a nice touch with your dress. Maybe I neglected to say this before, but you look beautiful tonight.”

Stowing her card, after their server completed the bill, they left for the car. Carter assisted her again and while he walked to the other side, she discreetly nudged her hemline up higher, displaying most of her thighs.

Carter took notice, stealing glances at her luscious flesh on the way home. When he parked and opened the door for her, she swung her legs out and shifted her ass forward causing her dress to ride even higher. Carter’s eyes locked onto her display, catching a glimpse of her hairy pussy before she rose. His cock hardened and he knew it’d require a lot of attention that night.

After their showers, they met in the living room to relax. They didn’t make it through the first show, when Carter leaned down, grabbed her ankles, and said, “You’ve been on your feet all day, Mom. Let me massage them.”

“I’d love that,” she cooed, scooting away while lifting her feet and resting them on his lap.

Repeating her previous actions, his hand ventured higher on her leg after giving her foot a thorough workout. His fingers slid up the underside of her lower leg, lowering to her foot when he neared her knee. After a dozen strokes, he repeated it with her other leg, caressing her smooth flesh. Her whole body relaxed with his touch, except her nipples and pussy, which were both tense and hot.

“All done, Mom,” Carter said, pulling his hands back.

“Thanks so much, Carter,” she murmured, swung her legs to the floor and stood. She walked in a daze to her room while saying “Good night, sweetie.”

Once she closed the door to her room, she leaned on it and jammed her fingers into her juicy pussy, stroking it. Remembering she hadn’t got to experience their good night hug, she quickly opened her door and walked back out, smiling when she saw Carter tidying up.

He looked up curiously, his eyes darting to her hard nipples pointing out her robe. She embraced him and explained, “I left in such a hurry, I forgot to hug you and give you a proper sendoff. Thanks for a wonderful evening.”

He hugged her tightly, once again feeling her soft tits press into his chest. “It was a nice evening,” he agreed, and added, “The whole day was fun. I enjoyed it and there’s no one else I would’ve wanted to share it with. Thanks, Mom.”

Releasing each other, their eyes locked and when he leaned in to kiss her, she turned and left, saying, “See you in the morning, sweetie.”

While her fingers flew in and out of her sopping wet slot, she felt bad about refraining from kissing him in the kitchen but knew she wouldn’t be content with only a kiss. She was so horny, she felt she might not be able to control herself with another kiss. It was easy to resist him when they were out in public, but quite another when they were alone.

His mind toiled with turmoil also, as he stroked his long cock, concentrating on their moment on the dance floor. The feeling of her warm, soft body against his, plus her full lips pressed against his, convinced him that she was the only one for him, but her resistance to continue later made him consider that they weren’t on the same page.

Throughout the week, she continued to go braless in the evenings while increasing her innocent touching and flirting while they studied or cuddled on the couch, hugging him tightly each night. On Thursday night, she quickly accepted his offer to massage her feet. She lay flat on the couch, her eyes closed as he had finished one and worked on her calf.

When he switched to the other one, she stretched, bending her knee, shifting her free leg up and to the side. She felt the cool air across her thighs and she knew her robe had parted, revealing her creamy flesh.

Carter’s panting increased as his eyes devoured her smooth thighs. Her robe barely covered her pussy and his cock hardened when he wondered if she wore panties. When he held her ankle while running his hand up her calf, he gently lifted her leg and moved it to the side, until her hairy pussy came into view.

He inhaled deeply and caught the scent of her aroused sex. His hands itched to venture up her thigh and sink her fingers into her glistening gash, but refrained. Feeling like he had taken advantage of her, he brought her leg back and laid it on his, saying, “Finished, Mom.”

Once again, she was so horny, she almost ran to her room, jumping up and excusing herself. Leaving him quickly on purpose, she decided to step up her game for their good night hug. She ran through her hangars until she found the nightie her sister had bestowed upon her. Throwing off her robe, she slid on the see-through garment and when she looked in the mirror and saw how revealing it was, she removed it, put on a bra and panties before pulling it on again.

Walking out to the kitchen, she sighed with relief seeing him finishing up. He smiled while his eyes roamed over her body and asked, “Mom, did you get that from Aunt Jackie?”

“Why, yes, I did,” she replied, surprised he’d remembered it from the way her sister told her he ignored her when she wore it. “She no longer wanted it and I like to wear it as nightwear. I was almost in bed when I remembered that I forgot to hug you goodnight.”

They embraced tightly and when they released, Carter’s eyes once again pleaded for a kiss. Feeling the tug at her heart, she gave in and leaned in to kiss him, slightly opening her mouth, running her tongue across his lips. They kissed for only a few seconds but it felt like a minute, both of them wanting it to last much longer.

It took all of her willpower to release him and return to her room, knowing Carter was watching the backs of her bare legs as she strolled down the hall.

After Carter released his load twice, he thought long and hard about his relationship with his mother. His lust for her had risen to a critical level and he wasn’t sure if he could refrain from pushing himself on her to satisfy his craving and perhaps destroying their relationship forever. She had given mixed signals, one time she’d come on to him, while at other times, she remained steadfast in her motherly role.

He blamed himself for making her feel like a woman, forcing her to break her parental boundaries. If he continued, there was the possibility of hurting her, and as long as he remained in the house, she would never seek another partner. Resolving to break his heart to save hers, he fell asleep, dreading what he’d have to tell his mother the next night.

Serena, unaware of his decision, cuddled next to him on the couch Friday evening, enjoying their closeness. When it was time to retire, she started to rise, when Carter grabbed her hand and pulled her back to the couch. Turning to face her, he stated, “Mom, I’ve been thinking about that scholarship offer and I’ve decided to accept it and switch to the university next quarter. Could you arrange it?”

Her heart sank as her world fell apart, fearing the loss of her son, the man she loved so dearly. She felt the throbbing behind her eyes as she struggled to hold back her tears. “Of course, dear. I’ll make arrangements this weekend,” she replied, her voice shaky and trembling.

She rose and turned away, knowing her eyes showed her distress. After she closed her bedroom door, she desperately tried to control herself. When she spotted her baby-doll nightie, she paused, knowing the proper thing to do would be to hang it up and go to bed, but instead, she shrugged off her robe and slid the nightie over her nude body.

Looking in the mirror, she reasoned to herself, “The least I can do is give him a parting gift; something he can whack off to when he’s away from home, before he meets someone else.” Wiping away her tears, she composed herself and smiled, wanting to provide him with a pleasant, parting memory of her.

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