A Den of Sinful Mothers - Cover

A Den of Sinful Mothers

Copyright© 2025 by MrCurrie

Chapter 6

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 6 - Serena, a devoted mother, comes into possession of a powerful mind-control device. With good intentions, she uses it to subtly transform the lives of her closest friends from their days as Den Mothers, fulfilling their deepest desires. Yet, despite the positive outcomes, Serena hesitates to wield its influence over the person she loves most—her own son.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Mind Control   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Mother   Son   Aunt   Nephew  

Serena fell back into her routine, helping Carter study before lounging on the couch afterward. With each of them wearing robes, their gazes locked together periodically as they caught each other glancing at their legs, ending in a smile.

One night, she recalled Noah’s interest in massaging his mother’s feet and on a whim scooted to the end of the couch opposite Carter and lifted her feet, placing them by his leg. “My dogs are barking, sweetie. Would you mind?”

Carter didn’t hesitate and held her heel with one hand while massaging her foot. His fingers kneaded the arch with gentle, yet firm pressure, moving in slow, circular motions. He worked his way up to her toes, giving each one individual attention, pressing and rolling them to relieve any lingering tension. Her foot relaxed in his hands, and she sighed with contentment, feeling the day’s stress melt away with each skilled motion of his hands.

She made a promise to tell Emma to thank her son for providing the insightful act of care. She placed her other foot in his warm hands, moving her foot off his hands. He began massaging her, while she subtly shifted her leg to the side, parting her robe, exposing more of her thigh.

His eyes darted from her foot to her creamy-white flesh, his breaths shortening.

She waited anxiously for his hands to travel up her calves, prepared to let him explore however far he desired. After ten minutes, he moved her foot to the side and said, “All done, Mom. Hope that helps. Think I’ll hit the sack.”

He rose, leaned down, pecked her on the forehead, and left for his room. She sighed, as she lay still, ready to be fucked, while he was probably jacking off his big cock, in the privacy of his room.

She refrained from initiating a foot massage for the next few nights, but then Carter took the lead and offered to do it. Unfortunately, for her, he kept it non-sexual, concentrating on making his mother comfortable. Even though it was enjoyable and she appreciated it, it wasn’t what she had hoped for.

A week later, Emma texted her, “Can we talk?”

“Of course. I’m free this afternoon at three. Your place or mine?” Serena wrote back, eager to see her close friend again.

“How about we meet in the park and take a walk?” Emma suggested.

“That sounds wonderful,” Serena agreed.

Once they met and strolled for a bit, Serena took Emma’s hand and said, “I’d ask how you and Noah are doing, but I don’t need to. You look more radiant than ever.”

“I’m on cloud nine,” Emma replied with a sigh. “I haven’t felt this good in years. I wish you could experience the same, and hopefully, you will someday. But what I wanted to discuss with you is Nina. She visited me, asking for help.”

“Our Nina? From Den 6? I haven’t talked to her since our circle’s meeting last month. She was my mentor when I first started as a Den Mother, and I’ve always admired how she cared for everyone. Is she okay?” Serena asked, her voice filled with concern.

“She taught me a lot, too. That’s why I want to help her. Since Noah and I grew closer, he confided in me something I wasn’t aware of. Evidently, Nina has been dishing out blowjobs for a couple of the boys she knew from Cub Scouts, Noah being one of them.”

“Really?” Serena asked, taken aback. Concerned that Carter might be involved, she continued, “Please don’t tell me it happened when she was a Den Mother.”

“Of course not,” Emma reassured her. “It happened years later when she was asked to help chaperone the high school track team. At one meet, one of the runners, Owen, sprained his hamstring. She had known him from years earlier when he was in her pack and felt closer to him than the other boys.

She assisted him into the locker room and while she massaged his thigh, his prick stiffened. She ignored it, but it became so painfully hard, that he yanked his shorts down and began yanking on it. Long story short, she helped him, using her hand.”

“That makes sense, given her strong ties to him from Cub Scouts,” Serena concluded. “What happened next?”

“After Owen divulged what happened to my son, Noah faked the same ailment, receiving the same wonderful treatment. After a few more times, it progressed to her blowing them. Fearing she would be exposed, she promised to suck them off whenever they needed relief if they wouldn’t tell anyone else. The three of them enjoyed the arrangement so much that they continued it even after graduation. However, Noah decided to stop seeing her once we connected.

“Of course, he did, when he’s constantly fucking his hot mother, why would he settle for a mouth?” Serena asked rhetorically, giggling.

“Exactly,” Emma agreed. “When Noah informed Nina he wouldn’t see her again, she suspected he had upgraded and that’s when she visited me. She explained everything to me, and then asked me if I was having relations with my son, assuming that’s why Noah stopped seeing her.”

“What made her think it was you? It could have been a girlfriend or anyone else,” Serena asked.

“Evidently, when she asked Owen about Noah, he told her that Noah was spending all of his time at home. That fact, along with the many times I confided in her how horny I am, she put two and two together. I still denied it and she didn’t press the point, but she knew.”

“So, why was it so important for her to bring this up with you?” Serena asked.

“Because she was jealous,” Emma replied plainly. “She’s been wanting to enjoy the same relationship with her son, Dylan, but hasn’t succeeded. She explained that she wanted to fuck Owen and Noah, but felt her son deserved to be ahead of them. After she opened up and explained everything, she broke down in tears and it broke my heart to see her in such pain. Without admitting anything, I described to her various ways to entice her son to look at her as a lover, rather than just a mother.”

“It sounds like you did the right thing. If I remember correctly, Dylan was very shy and rarely spoke. I wonder if he knows about his mother blowing his friends.” Serena surmised.

“This is where it gets interesting,” Emma said with excitement. “Noah shared the other side of the story with me. Not only does Dylan know about his mother, but he has also become better friends with Owen and Noah because of it. He’s even tried to convince them to fuck her, but they wouldn’t, wanting Dylan to be first since he’s a virgin.”

“It sounds like they’re all in agreement. Why can’t they just approach her as a group and explain everything?” Serena asked.

“I think it’s too big a step for her,” Emma surmised. “Although the boys know, she doesn’t even realize her son is a virgin and I didn’t tell her. That’s why I called you. If you use the device on them, they wouldn’t be held back by any of their insecurities.”

“That’s a terrible idea. I was considering never using it again; it’s way too dangerous. You didn’t mention it to Noah, did you?” Serena asked, her worry about her secret clear in her voice.

“Good lord, no,” Emma replied. “He’d hound you to death to borrow it. Can you imagine a horny young boy with a device like that? He’d be fucking the entire school.”

“My thoughts exactly,” Serena replied with a giggle. “In any case, don’t you think we can find another solution without using the device?”

“I’ve brainstormed and come up with nothing. Ultimately, it’s your decision, but would you consider talking to Nina before deciding?” she asked hopefully.

“It’d be nice to see her again, so sure, I’ll talk to her,” Serena agreed. They switched topics and finished their walk, sharing a hug and a kiss before saying farewell.

The next day, she met with Nina and while they didn’t discuss their private sexual activities, Serena sensed a void in Nina that she felt she could heal. After arriving home, she called Emma, informing her, “Against my better judgment, I’ll agree to use the device. We Den Mothers have always supported each other, and we owe her a lot. Let’s make plans.”

“Excellent!” Emma exclaimed. “I’ve been thinking about it and I think I have a solution. I’ll ask Nina to host a reunion party for the Vixen Circle and their sons. Noah can explain to Owen and Dylan that it will be a good opportunity to isolate Nina and have some fun. He’s kind of the ring leader, so they’ll follow his lead.”

“How’s that going to work? I’m not bringing Carter, and what about Owen’s mom, Ashley? We don’t want to involve more people than necessary,” Serena remarked, concerned that Emma’s plan was spiraling out of control.

“They’ll conveniently have conflicting engagements at the last moment and won’t be able to attend,” Emma replied. “And I’ll get an urgent call after I arrive, mainly because when I see all those young cocks, I’ll be tempted to join in the fun. This is for Nina, not you or me.”

Serena pondered about it for a moment and then relented, “It sounds risky, but it’s worth it if we can make Nina happy.”

“I’ve organized parties for the Circle before, so I’ll handle this one. Nina shouldn’t suspect anything since it’s just a simple get-together. Saturday afternoon should work for everyone. Are you in?” Emma asked, her voice brimming with excitement.

“I’m on board. I might need you to keep them occupied long enough for me to capture everyone before they become suspicious.” We’ll also need to figure out how to explain our disappearance,” Serena explained.

“Leave all that to me,” Emma replied confidently.

Serena waited until Saturday morning at breakfast to inform Carter of her plans. “I have an event to attend with Emma this afternoon, so I’ll be leaving a little after two.”

Carter’s expression brightened as he asked, “Can I tag along?”

“Sorry, dear, but it’s something private between her and me,” Serena replied, feeling sad that she had to exclude him, knowing he still had a crush on Emma. “I’ll be back by six to prepare dinner. I’m setting out some pork chops to defrost. How does that sound?”

“Great!” he exclaimed. “That’s one of my favorites. After I finish the yard work, I’ll get my homework out of the way so we can spend the evening together streaming that movie you wanted to see.”

“Okay, I’ll tidy up the kitchen so you can get an early start. I’ll have lunch ready for you by noon,” Serena planned out the day.

After feeding Carter lunch, Serena busied herself until it was time to depart. She dressed conservatively, respecting Emma’s intention to keep Nina the center of attention.

During her drive, she meticulously planned out the afternoon, aware that it wouldn’t be as simple as when she joined the other mothers with their sons. Although she was confident that the three boys and Nina were all willing to participate, chaos could ensue if she wasn’t precise with her commands.

She wanted the event to be special for Nina, so she carefully choreographed every detail in her mind until she was confident it would be perfect. As Serena pulled up, she noticed Emma’s car already parked. Nina greeted her with a hug and while looking over Serena’s shoulder, asked, “Where’s Carter?”

“I’m sorry, he had to attend an exhibit for one of his classes. He felt bad about the late notice, but I thought it best for me to attend anyway. Do you mind?” Serena asked.

“Of course not. Owen’s mom couldn’t make it either. Everyone else is here, so we can get started with the party,” Nina said cheerfully. As always, Nina arranged an entertaining schedule, showcasing her skills as the lead Den Mother. After one of the games, where each Den Mother shared a funny event, the boys recited their favorite scouting memories.

When it was time for the snack break, Serena scanned the plates, noting that Nina had thoughtfully prepared each boy’s favorite treats, reminiscent of the ones the Den Mothers used to give them. She felt a pang of guilt, noticing a plate of cheesecake brownies, Carter’s favorite.

When everyone had finished and the dishes were in the kitchen, Emma gave Serena a nod, silently signaling her, and announced, “For our next activity, let’s see how well you remember the Scout Pledge. Line up in front of me, and each of you will recite one line.”

The three boys formed a line while Serena remained seated behind them. When Nina stood to the side, Emma suggested, “Nina, why don’t you stand behind them, facing me, and be the judge since you know it better than any of us.”

Nina walked behind them and waited. Serena seized the opportunity and flicked each switch as the boys stumbled through the pledge, Nina helping them when they couldn’t remember. When the last boy finished, Serena captured Nina.

Once they were all under the control of the device, Serena double-checked the levers to ensure they were in the correct position, making her invisible to everyone except Emma. Nodding to her friend to continue, Emma pulled out her phone, read a message, and announced, “I’m sorry, but Serena and I have to leave to meet Carter. Thanks for everything, Nina.”

Although Nina could hear, she couldn’t respond without proper instruction. Emma walked by them and exited the house, leaving Serena alone with the other four. Serena began by ordering Nina, “Make yourself comfortable on the couch.”

As Nina settled onto a cushion, Serena instructed the boys to sit and continue sharing their scouting memories. Once she was satisfied that everyone was ready, Serena ordered Nina, “You suddenly feel stiff. Ask the boys to help you.” Serena then instructed the boys to assist Nina with whatever she needed and waited patiently for her commands to take effect.

Nina rubbed her neck and winced. “Owen, would you mind massaging my shoulders? I’m feeling a bit tense from preparing for today’s events,” she said.

Owen immediately jumped up, moved behind the couch, and began rubbing Nina’s shoulders, a broad smile on his face.

Soon after, Nina kicked off her heels and asked, “Noah, could you help by massaging my feet? Your mom mentioned you’re good at it.”

Serena chuckled to herself, knowing Emma had described to Nina how Noah liked giving her a foot massage.

Noah happily complied, giving Nina’s feet the same careful attention as he did for his own mom.

Giving them a few minutes to loosen Nina up, and knowing Noah was the leader of the three boys, Serena ordered him, “It relaxes a mother if someone kisses her, especially her son.”

Noah looked at Dylan and said, “My mom always appreciates it when I kiss her. It’s your turn to help your mother.”

Dylan moved closer to his mother, apprehensively, unsure of whether she’d approve. He leaned close and lightly touched her lips with his before withdrawing.

Nina smiled and said, “That was nice, Dylan. You can do it again, if you want.”

He repeated his kiss, lingering longer before releasing her. Nina’s voice cracked as she asked, “Wouldn’t you like to kiss me like a girlfriend?”

She pouted her lips enticingly, drawing Dylan in for another kiss. Fearing he’d pull away again, she held his head tightly to hers while she opened her mouth and swirled her tongue across his lips. Dylan’s tongue met hers and soon they were moving their mouths around, increasing their contact.

While they necked, Serena ordered Dylan, “While kissing your mother, remove her blouse and push her bra down to feel her breasts.” While Dylan’s fingers unfastened her buttons, Serena ordered Noah, “Pull her skirt and panties off and caress her legs.”

When Nina’s tits spilled out, her nipples already hard, Dylan’s hands cupped and squeezed them. Nina moaned as her son played with her tits. Meanwhile, Noah stroked her long, shapely legs.

Serena gazed at Nina’s nude body on display. She had always wondered if she was a true blonde, her sparse patch of fur on her mound confirming it. Nina spread her legs as Noah’s hands ventured higher, squeezing and caressing Nina’s soft thighs.

Serena next ordered Nina, “Since you’re nude, the boys need to shed their clothes.”

Nina released her son’s mouth and ordered, “Aren’t you boys hot? Why don’t you take off your clothes and become comfortable?”

Owen and Noah immediately complied, shucking everything off, and throwing their garments in a pile. When Dylan stripped down to his underwear and hesitated, his mother insisted, “You too, Dylan. There’s nothing I haven’t seen before.”

His prick sprung out when he pulled them off, matching the other boy’s stiff pricks, already at attention. Serena mentally measured it, noting it was similar to Lucas’s. She’d seen Noah’s before but Owen’s was new. His red pubic hair matched his hair and she recalled his mother was also a vibrant redhead. All three were uncircumcised and she thanked herself for having her son cut, as she loved the sight of his large helmeted head on display. Her pussy throbbed as she thought back to the shower incident.

She was brought out of her trance when the boys started to return to Nina. Pressing Noah’s button she ordered, “Spread her open for Dylan.”

Noah took charge and kneeled in front of the couch, gripped one of Nina’s legs, lifted it, and bent it to the side, gently nudging her while sliding her ass to the edge of the couch. He ordered Owen, “Get on the other side and hold her leg.” With her legs spread wide open, her juicy pussy on display, Noah instructed, “Dylan, she’s your mother, so you’re first. It’s time to pop your cherry.”

Nina’s eyes widened and filled with lust, hearing for the first time that her son was a virgin. She raised her hips for easier penetration and extended her arms out, inviting her son. Dylan cautiously knelt and crawled up to the couch, stopping when his prick was inches away from his birth canal. Nina’s hands gripped his sides and asked, “Are you really a virgin?”

“I wanted my first time to be with you, Mom,” he whispered, his shy voice barely audible.

“Oh, baby, I love you so much. Let Mommy make you remember this time for the rest of your life. Play with my tits and I’ll do the rest,” Nina instructed him, her voice filled with lust.

He leaned over and filled his hands with her spongy breasts, kneading and playing with them. “Your tits are unbelievable, Mom. I love playing with them,” he said, excitedly.

“From now on, you can do anything you want with them,” Nina replied. She wrapped her hand around his jutting prick and ran it up and down her slit.”

He groaned and exclaimed, “Oh, fuck!”

She paused and asked, “What’s wrong, sweetie? Did it hurt?”

“No,” he gasped. “No one else has ever held me. It feels much different than when I do it. This is much better. It makes my body tingle.”

“Your prick is beautiful, baby, Nina croaked, boosting his confidence as she’d always done as his mother.

“It’s not too small, Mom?” he asked, afraid she’d prefer a larger man.

“It’s perfect. Push it in slowly and enjoy the sensation of a pussy for the first time,” she instructed, seating his cockhead between her outer lips.

Serena looked in awe, as Owen and Noah gently stroked Nina’s legs, holding them open for Dylan. They were both stronger and could’ve easily shoved him out of the way, but they were a tight-knit group, bonded since their scouting days. It warmed her heart that she, as a Den Mother, might have helped form them into supportive adults.

Nina, living out her dream, felt her son’s tip enter her horny hole, sending jolts of pleasure through her. It was one thing to have a man fuck her after so many years of being sexually inactive, but for that man to be her son, who was a virgin, caused her heart to pound with excitement.

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