A Den of Sinful Mothers - Cover

A Den of Sinful Mothers

Copyright© 2025 by MrCurrie

Chapter 5

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 5 - Serena, a devoted mother, comes into possession of a powerful mind-control device. With good intentions, she uses it to subtly transform the lives of her closest friends from their days as Den Mothers, fulfilling their deepest desires. Yet, despite the positive outcomes, Serena hesitates to wield its influence over the person she loves most—her own son.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Mind Control   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Mother   Son   Aunt   Nephew  

Serena busied herself preparing dinner for Carter after Jackie’s visit, her mind occupied with all that happened with her sister and nephew. What could have ended in a disaster turned into an unexpected and rewarding outcome. Hearing her son’s car pull up, she met him at the door, gave him a light hug, and said, “Dinner’s almost ready. You have time to change, though.”

“Thanks, Mom. Everything alright?” he asked, his face filling with concern.

She knew why he asked. They had rarely hugged unless one of them was upset, but earlier, when she noticed her sister welcoming her son home with a hug, it warmed her heart and she thought she’d start repeating the simple gesture of affection. “No, nothing at all,” she answered. “As a matter of fact, things couldn’t be better. Now run and change.” Her smile brought one back from Carter as he turned and left for his room.

While they ate, her eyes lingered on her son’s face, her mind drifting back to Jackie’s words. Her sister had flirted and given him plenty of opportunity to take advantage of her, but he refrained. He obviously wasn’t gay as his stint with Allison proved that.

She pondered for a moment, reasoning that perhaps it was because her sister resembled her so much that he instinctively respected her parental authority. They were both brunettes with brown eyes and their facial features were so similar, that people often confused them as twins when growing up. Although Jackie wore shorter hair, with hers falling just to her shoulders, they both favored bangs. It was either that or it could be as simple as he preferred someone his own age.

“Mom, did you hear me?” Carter asked, pulling her from her thoughts.

“Sorry, I zoned out. Could you say that again?” she asked, apologetically.

“I was wondering if you could help me prepare for my biology test tomorrow. There’s a lot to memorize. Would you mind reading the questions from the study guide at random, and see if I answer them correctly?” he repeated.

“I’d love to help,” Serena said with a smile. “I’ll finish up here while you shower, then take one myself. After that, we’ll dive right in.”

While Serena soaped her body under the warm spray of the shower, her mind flashed back to images of her sister and son. She twisted her hard nipples just as Lucas had done to his mother, trying to experience the same pleasure her sister had enjoyed. Shifting her attention to her aching pussy, she rubbed her fingers up and down her outer lips and moaned with enjoyment.

An image of Lucas’s cock popped into her head and she wondered how her son’s compared. She knew they were both circumcised and imagining Carter’s was similarly shaped, she jammed three fingers into her horny hole. She fucked herself, replaying the scene of Jackie sliding up and down her son’s pole.

While her fingers twisted her nipple and her other hand busily worked her pussy, she recalled the look of ultimate, sinful pleasure plastered on her sister’s face when she came on her son’s cock. Serena’s body shook and shivered as her pussy contracted and spewed out her juices, cumming as hard as when Emma brought her off.

When she finished, she moaned and giggled, “Fuck, I’m horny. I must be catching it from Emma and Jackie.”

After drying, she lotioned her legs and slipped on her undies before putting on her robe to join Carter in his room.

While they studied, Serena thought once again to earlier when she stood behind Lucas, watching him massage his mother. Lucas’s robe was short enough to display his well-defined, hairy legs and a pang of envy hit her that Carter always wore sweats. Glancing at her son, she envisioned how nice it’d be if he displayed his legs like Lucas. She made a mental note to stop by the store and pick up a robe for him.

When they finished, they stood and stretched, both stiff from hours of studying. Serena opened her arms for a hug, and Carter hesitated, his face showing a trace of confusion. Serena gently asked, “Does it bother you when I hug you? I get the feeling you’re uncomfortable showing affection toward me, your mother, but there’s no one else around to embarrass you. Would you prefer I didn’t?”

Her endearing expression, with her lips slightly pouted, melted his heart. He sighed, then replied, “Of course not, Mom. I’m sorry if I haven’t shown enough appreciation for everything you do. I guess I’m just a little shy.”

She smiled warmly. “You do more than enough around here. That’s reward enough for me. Good luck with your exam tomorrow,” she said before turning and heading to her room.

From that point on, their hugs became a regular part of their routine, and Carter even began initiating them, sometimes in public, without hesitation.

During a visit to the mall one day, Serena bought a plush, terry-cloth robe for Carter. When she arrived home, she found a package on her doorstep, the sender being Jackie. She eagerly tore open the box and laughed when she pulled out the blue, see-through nightie her sister had worn to tease Carter. After washing both items, she carefully hung the new negligee in her closet, suspecting she’d likely never wear something so flirtatious.

That evening, just before they showered, she handed Carter the robe with a smile. “I saw this in the store and thought you might like it. The material is really soft and would be more comfortable for when you’re studying. What do you think?”

Carter held the robe against his body, feeling its soft texture. He smiled. “I love it, Mom. Thank you so much.” He hugged her more tightly than usual, his face flushing as he pulled away. Then, he turned and headed to his room to shower.

Later, as they studied together, Serena couldn’t help but smile when she caught sight of her son’s bare, lower legs. Her sister had unintentionally strengthened the bond between her and Carter. While these changes were subtle, they paled in comparison to the benefits Jackie had reaped from the experience.

On Friday, Serena received a notice from the scholarship committee congratulating her on being selected. A smile spread across her face, knowing that Lucas had decided to transfer to be closer to his mother. As she reread the closing lines of the letter, she smiled again when she noticed they mentioned she had been highly recommended by Jackie.

Since it was a special occasion, she prepared one of Carter’s favorite meals and when she’d almost finished, she went to her room to change. She chose her blue dress and, after a final glance in the mirror to ensure everything was just right, joined Carter in the dining room. As always, the reward for wearing it was immediate, his wide smile and eyes lighting up with admiration.

As they neared the end of their meal, Serena shared her news. “Carter, I received some great news today. We were awarded the scholarship I applied for. You’ll be able to attend state university next year.”

She had expected a more enthusiastic reaction, but when he caught her hopeful, cheery expression, his mood softened. “That’s great, Mom. I’ll download their course outlines, and we can go through them together. Did the scholarship include dormitory housing?” he asked.

“No, but without the burden of tuition, I can rent you a studio apartment again. No hurry in preparing as they gave me a month to accept and respond,” she replied, adding, “Hopefully, this time, you won’t be as distracted as before.”

“I think I’ve learned my lesson, Mom,” he said, his tone unusually serious.

They finished the meal in a more subdued mood, the earlier excitement dimmed by the looming reality of being apart. Both felt the weight of the coming change, a quiet sorrow settling between them.

Serena had stayed in touch with Emma through their text exchanges, yet they hadn’t seen one another since the day their relationship took a deeper turn. One Wednesday, Emma invited her and Carter over for dinner, and Serena accepted without hesitation, knowing Carter had a crush on Emma and would jump at the chance.

When Carter arrived home, Serena mentioned, “Carter, Emma invited us over tonight, and I accepted for you. Hope you don’t mind.”

He sighed and replied, “I wish I could, but I’ve been putting off a research report for over a week, and it’s due tomorrow. I’ll be working on it all night.”

“Oh, that’s a shame,” she said, disappointment clear in her voice. “I’ll call her and cancel so I can stay and help you.”

He paused, considering her offer before replying, “No, actually, it’s better if you go. I need to focus completely, and there’s not much you can do to help. I’ll just grab some leftovers and get started. Have fun, Mom.”

He hugged her before heading to his room, while she lingered, contemplating ways to help him rather than spending the evening at Emma’s. Knowing he needed to concentrate, she decided not to interfere and left for Emma’s shortly after.

When she arrived, Emma greeted her with a warm hug, while Noah offered a wide smile but remained still. Noticing his hesitation, Emma gently scolded him, “Noah, you know better than that. Be a gentleman and greet my lady friends just as you would me.”

After a brief hug, he apologized, “Sorry, Mrs. Miller. It’s been so long since I’ve seen you, I wasn’t sure if you’d be comfortable with a hug.”

“Noah, there’s no need to be so formal. Just call me Serena, like you did when you were in my Cub Scout troop,” she said with a playful pat on his head, just like she used to do years ago.

Emma looked behind Serena and asked, “Where’s Carter? Still in the car?”

“No, unfortunately, he couldn’t make it,” Serena replied, sorrowfully. “He’s behind on a project that’s due tomorrow and has to work on it all night. He sends his best, though.”

“That’s unfortunate,” Emma said, her expression reflecting concern. “I’ll put together something for you to take home and cheer him up. Why don’t you two get comfortable while I finish dinner? It won’t take long.”

“I can help if you need it,” Serena offered.

“No need. Noah already set the table and helped chop the vegetables,” Emma replied.

Noah sat on the end of the couch while Serena settled into a plush chair facing him. She found it easy to converse with him, as he attended some of the same classes as her son, Carter. Familiar with the material, she effortlessly brought him out of his shell, and it wasn’t long before he felt comfortable talking to her.

Feeling uneasy under his frequent glances at her legs, she crossed them. When their eyes met, his face flushed a deep shade of red with embarrassment. She giggled to herself at his shyness and wondered if he had dated much.

After thirty minutes of lively conversation, Emma called them to dinner. As Serena savored the exquisite dishes her dear friend had prepared, she couldn’t help but notice the close bond between Emma and her son. It warmed her heart to see their relationship remain strong after the divorce. If anything, they seemed even closer, just like her and Carter.

When they finished, Noah quickly stood and gathered the dishes, carrying them to the dishwasher. Emma smiled and remarked, “Don’t bother helping. This is what he does after every meal.”

“You’ve raised a wonderful son, Emma. You should be proud,” Serena replied.

Once the table was cleared, Emma suggested, “Noah, why don’t you take a shower while I prepare dessert? Serena and I will chat until you’re back, then I’ll take mine. After that, we can all relax in the living room and enjoy a treat.”

“Sure, Mom. See you in a bit,” Noah agreed before heading to his room.

Once he was out of earshot, Emma leaned in eagerly. “So, have you experimented with the device since we tested it?” she asked, standing to slice up a pie without losing her focus on Serena.

Serena hesitated, considering how much to reveal. She decided to share her experience with Allison but kept the afternoon with her sister and Lucas to herself. As she recounted the events step by step, Emma’s eyes widened with fascination.

“Wow!” Emma exclaimed. “That was risky, but it worked out perfectly. I’m so relieved she’s out of Carter’s life as I was concerned about him. From the sounds of it, you don’t even need to give precise instructions, just a subtle push in the right direction. It’d be fascinating to experiment with it further.”

“I agree,” Serena said. “I was shocked by how little guidance it required, but I can’t help worrying that if we’re not careful, we might cross a line we can’t come back from.”

Emma shifted her head to the side, intrigued. “So you think there are limits to what it can do?”

Serena hesitated. “Not necessarily limits, but ... consequences. The more we use it, the more risk that we’ll be discovered.”

Emma smirked. “Then we just have to be smart about it.”

“Exactly,” Serena agreed. “We should limit the number of people we test it on.”

After placing the slices of pie on three plates, she sat down next to Serena. Smiling, she asked, “Since Carter didn’t tag along, should we get rid of Noah and have a little fun?”

“So, a little dessert after our dessert?” Serena replied, giggling.

“Take off your bra,” Emma ordered.

“What? Why?” Serena asked, unbuttoning her blouse obediently.

“I’ll show you,” Emma said, helping her friend slide off her blouse and unsnapping her bra. When her breasts bounced out, Emma cupped them, rubbing her thumbs over her nipples until they hardened.

After Emma stuffed the bra into the waistband of her skirt, she helped Serena put her blouse back on. “Perfect,” she remarked, eyeing Serena’s hard tips pressed against the thin fabric. “When Noah checks you out, he’ll have to excuse himself to go whack off, giving us some alone time. I’m horny and need you.”

“You’re wicked,” Serena teased, fully aware that she had teased Carter the same way.

Emma grinned, raising an eyebrow. “Guilty as charged,” she said, her tone playful. “But hey, you’re not exactly innocent yourself.” She leaned over, her eyes twinkling with mischief, and reminded her friend, “We both know you’ve pushed those boundaries before. Don’t you remember visiting me without wearing panties?”

Serena blushed, and before she could answer, Noah’s door shutting interrupted them.

Emma rose, leaned close to Serena, and whispered, “I won’t be wearing any undies under my robe when I return. The sooner Noah leaves, the sooner we can start having fun.”

As Emma passed by Noah, she said, “Have a seat, sweetie, and we’ll have pie when I return.”

Once Noah settled in, he picked up the conversation with Serena where they had left off before dinner. To her surprise, he didn’t act as if he noticed the outlines of her nipples, clearly visible pressed against her blouse, even when she made a point to glance at his bare lower legs, exposed beneath his robe.

Although she often teased Emma about Noah being her favorite Cub Scout, it wasn’t just in jest. He was genuinely thoughtful and attentive, with a curiosity for learning that set him apart from the others. His qualities mirrored his mother’s, and it was that similarity that had initially drawn Serena to Emma, sparking their lasting friendship.

During a quiet moment in their conversation, Serena remembered her discussion with Emma about the device, and a mischievous idea began to take shape in her mind. “Emma’s going to get her wish and find out the device’s abilities for herself,” Serena thought to herself, grinning widely.

“Noah, would you mind bringing the plates of pie into the living room?” Serena asked, smiling wide.

“Of course, Serena,” he replied, returning her smile, his voice faltering slightly as he stumbled over her name, clearly unaccustomed to using it.

On his way to the kitchen, Serena teased, “You know, Noah, when I was your Den Mother, you accidentally called me ‘Mom’ a couple of times. Maybe that would be easier for you.”

“Please don’t tell my buddies that, or I’d never hear the end of it,” he replied, shaking his head as he stepped near the counter.

While he faced the other direction, Serena discreetly pulled out the device, flipping the switch to the upper position, capturing him in its control and rendering herself invisible. He paused for a moment, as if sensing a shift, then stood still, awaiting her next command.

She hesitated, taking a deep breath as she debated whether to release him and abandon the experiment. Yet, something inside her reassured her that Emma wouldn’t object. Hoping it wouldn’t backfire, she chose to proceed. She wanted to keep the command to a minimum, just enough to test their theory while guiding him toward his dreams.

Finally, she pressed the button and instructed, “Follow your desires and live out your fantasies.”

Noah strolled back to the couch with a relaxed, contented expression and sank into it, stretching out comfortably. He shifted around a bit before his hand crept inside his robe.

Serena’s eyes widened, when Noah threw his robe open, exposing his hand wrapped around his already hard cock. He slowly stroked it, bending and swiveling it around, his wide smile reflecting his pleasure.

“How did her instructions prompt him into beating off?” she asked herself, worried something had gone terribly wrong. Her eyes locked onto his prick, noticing he was uncircumcised, recalling that Emma told her that their culture doesn’t believe in it. His length wasn’t that long, but its thickness was a nice size. Curls of pubic hair covered his base and balls. His hand gripped his shaft firmly and pulled the skin downward, exposing his moist glans to the cool air.

Serena began to wonder if it was normal for horny boys to play with themselves whenever they could, even if their mother was nearby. “How many times has Carter jacked off while I’m in another room?” she asked herself, grinning widely, thinking about her son.

He groaned as he pleasured himself, but stopped when Emma’s door opened. Pulling his robe closed, he rose and walked toward Emma, who was coming down the hall.

Serena held the device tightly, prepared to either turn it off or capture Emma, depending on how things played out. He embraced his mother, his arms pulling her tightly to him. Emma rested her head on his shoulder and looked curiously at Serena.

Serena shrugged her shoulders, a wicked grin appearing when she saw Noah’s hands lower to his mother’s ass and yanking her into him. Her eyes widened as his hard cock pressed against her. He kissed her neck and croaked, “I love you, Mom.”

“I love you, too, sweetie. Let’s eat our treat, now,” Emma replied, her eyes focused on Serena’s expression, trying to determine what was going on.

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