A Den of Sinful Mothers - Cover

A Den of Sinful Mothers

Copyright© 2025 by MrCurrie

Chapter 1

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Serena, a devoted mother, comes into possession of a powerful mind-control device. With good intentions, she uses it to subtly transform the lives of her closest friends from their days as Den Mothers, fulfilling their deepest desires. Yet, despite the positive outcomes, Serena hesitates to wield its influence over the person she loves most—her own son.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Mind Control   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Mother   Son   Aunt   Nephew  

Carter Miller was fascinated by science, more than anyone else in his eighth-grade class. His curiosity stretched far beyond the textbook, fueled by his mother, Serena, a dedicated research technician who encouraged him to explore beyond the classroom. Their evenings were often spent deep in discussion, conducting experiments, or diving into scientific theories.

His teacher, Mrs. Ferguson, recognized his passion and nurtured it, always ready with extra assignments and engaging challenges. She often stayed after school, looking forward to his eager visits, where they would discuss discoveries, theories, and the wonders of the scientific world.

It wasn’t surprising that during their first parent-teacher conference, Carter’s mother and teacher connected instantly, as their scientific interests were closely aligned. They exchanged insights on recent discoveries, explored Carter’s potential, and brainstormed ways to further nurture his curiosity. Before leaving, they exchanged contact information, promising to stay in touch and possibly collaborate on future projects.

Toward the end of the school year, a replacement teacher took her place. When Carter mentioned it to his mother, she immediately reached out to Mrs. Ferguson.

That evening, Serena sat beside him on the couch, gently taking his hand as she spoke with remorse, “I’m afraid I have some bad news, sweetie. Mrs. Ferguson has been diagnosed with a terminal illness and won’t be returning to teach.”

Carter felt his eyes water as he struggled to hold back tears. Mrs. Ferguson had been more than just a teacher. She was a mentor, an inspiration, and one of the few people who truly understood his interests. She had encouraged him, challenged him, and always made time to nurture his curiosity. The thought of never discussing new discoveries with her again, never seeing her proud smile after he solved a difficult problem, made his chest tighten.

Seeing the pain in his eyes, his mother wrapped him in a gentle embrace, holding him close as she had in his childhood, offering solace only a mother could provide. “I know how much you enjoyed her class, but take comfort in knowing you made this past year truly special for her,” Serena spoke softly. “She told me it was the best year of her life, watching you grow and embrace the possibilities ahead.”

It felt as if his world had fallen apart, and all he wanted was to talk to her one more time to thank her, to tell her how much she meant to him, and to hold on to the connection they had built.

“Mom, can we at least visit her? I miss our talks, and maybe we can cheer her up while she’s home alone,” he asked, his voice laced with hope and anxiety as he waited for her response.

“I’ll ask her and see how she feels about it, but in any case, I think it’s a really thoughtful gesture on your part. Just don’t get your hopes up too much,” she replied.

After Serena had a long conversation with Carter’s science teacher, Mrs. Ferguson, they agreed on a visit or two to see how it’d work out. Carter was ecstatic and maintained a separate notebook detailing what he wanted to cover with her, so as not to waste the limited time they had left.

With Serena’s husband, Dave, frequently on the road, she and Carter spent most evenings helping Mrs. Ferguson with housework and keeping her company. One Friday evening, as Carter busily tended to the yard outside, Serena sat with Mrs. Ferguson and gently asked, “Mrs. Ferguson, Carter enjoys his talks with you and wants to help in any way he can. Would you mind if we came by on the weekends as well? He’s eager to lend a hand, and I can assure you, he’s fantastic at keeping up a yard. Ours has never looked better thanks to him.”

“You’ve both been so kind to me, but please, call me Edna. Mrs. Ferguson feels far too formal,” she said with a warm smile. “I enjoy your company also and would love to have you over more often, but please, let me pay for Carter’s help. You can put it toward his college expenses.”

“I’ve already talked to him about it, and he’s adamant about not accepting any payment,” Serena said gently. “He told me it means a lot to him to give back to the teacher who has helped him so much. Please, accept our help as a gesture of friendship, not as a transaction.”

Edna’s eyes misted over as she replied, “Thank you so much. I know we’ve talked about Carter’s passion for science many times, but I want to share what I admire most about him. It’s not just his curiosity or intelligence; it’s his deep consideration of the moral and ethical implications of scientific advancements. He doesn’t just see progress as an opportunity, questioning its consequences, something far too many overlook. That kind of integrity is exactly what the scientific community needs. Please, continue encouraging him to hold on to that perspective.”

“I’m fortunate to have such a caring and thoughtful son,” Serena said warmly. “You’ve nurtured his potential and brought out the best in him, and I promise to continue guiding him along the path you’ve set him on. Thanks for everything you’ve done for him.”

Edna’s expression softened with relief, knowing that Serena was an exceptional mother who would continue steering Carter in the right direction in her absence.

Several weeks later, as Edna’s condition deteriorated, she transitioned her confinement to her bedroom. While Serena sat by her side, keeping her company, Edna dozed off, something that had been happening more frequently.

When Serena stood to stretch, her gaze drifted to the bookcase along the wall. Drawn by curiosity, she stepped closer, scanning the shelves lined with textbooks, many in foreign languages and most covering advanced scientific methodologies she had never encountered. Her eyes then fell on several certificates and diplomas, revealing that Edna had been far more than just an ordinary school teacher.

Edna cleared her throat, pulling Serena from her thoughts. “Do you think Carter would like any of my reference manuals?” she asked softly.

Serena returned to her bedside with a gentle smile. “Honestly, I don’t think either of us would even begin to understand most of it; plus, many are in different languages.” She hesitated for a moment before asking, “Edna, what did you do before teaching? You could’ve easily been a professor at a prestigious university. How did you end up in a small town, teaching eighth-grade science?”

“What I’ve seen in Carter, questioning the ethics of science, is something I never encountered in the world outside,” Edna replied, her voice thoughtful. “I retired early because I realized it was more important to shape the minds of the next generation. I know it sounds foolish to think one person can make a real difference, but I followed my conscience, and that’s how I ended up here.”

“It’s certainly had a profound impact on Carter, and we’re grateful to have had the pleasure of knowing you,” Serena said, her voice filled with sincerity.

Edna’s gaze softened as she spoke. “Serena, I’ve loved spending time with both of you, but unfortunately, this will be our last meeting. My friends are moving me to a private retreat for my final days, and I’d prefer to spend that time with them. Please, allow me a moment with Carter, and thank you so much for everything you’ve done.”

Serena, her emotions raw, tears streaming down her cheeks, replied. “Of course, Edna. I understand.”

While Serena patiently waited in the car, Edna and Carter exchanged their final goodbyes. As Carter stood to leave, Edna gently instructed, “Carter, please take the big book on the second shelf titled ‘The Ethics of Scientific Research.’”

Carter carefully pulled the heavy book from the shelf, tucking it under his arm. “Thanks so much. I’ve really enjoyed the last year with you and appreciate everything you’ve done for me.”

Edna smiled softly, feeling a sense of fulfillment. “You’ve made my final time memorable, Carter. When applying science to life, always remember that with great power comes great responsibility.”

He stifled a small laugh, thinking she was quoting from a movie he’d seen, but instead replied, “I’ll keep it in mind, along with all the advice you’ve given me.”

Once he returned to the car, neither he nor his mother could hold back their tears as they embraced, openly sharing their sorrow for Edna.

Two weeks later, one evening, Carter found himself caught up on his studies and decided to start reading the book Edna had given him. When he opened it, he discovered why it felt abnormally heavy. Inside was a hidden compartment with a strange device lodged into it. Curious, he pulled it out and examined it, mystified by the array of switches and knobs on its surface.

Quickly flipping through the pages, Carter searched for any clues on how to operate the device. When he found nothing, he began experimenting, flipping several switches. One of them activated a small blue LED, clearly indicating the power button.

He continued to fiddle with the other knobs but made no progress in decoding the mysterious object. Frustrated, he set it on his nightstand and went to bed. The next morning, he brought it with him to breakfast. While sitting at the table, waiting for his mother to finish preparing the meal, he absentmindedly played with it.

Serena busily worked, making larger portions as her husband had returned late the previous night and informed her he would have to leave on another road trip directly after breakfast.

“Good morning, Carter,” she greeted her son with a warm smile, noticing him playing with something she hadn’t seen before. “What’s that? Something from your science lab?” she asked, her eyebrows furrowing with curiosity.

“Mrs. Ferguson gave it to me,” he replied.

“Really?” she asked. “I don’t remember seeing you bring it home. When was it?”

“The last time we saw her, she gave me a book and it was hidden inside. I haven’t really figured out what it does or how it works,” he explained.

She was about to turn around when Carter flipped a switch, and a thin green line of light shot out, landing on her robe. She suddenly felt frozen, unable to move, as if waiting for a command. Hearing her husband’s footsteps in the hallway, she noticed Carter frantically flipping switches, clearly aware that his dad would reprimand him for playing with things at the breakfast table.

When Carter turned off the power button, she immediately felt normal again, though a sense of confusion lingered. “What just happened?” she asked herself. She tried to set the thought aside, the aroma of food cooking on the stove catching her attention. As she scooped the eggs and potatoes into serving bowls and placed them on the table, she noticed that the object Carter had been playing with was now missing, likely hidden on his lap under the table.

“Good morning, dear,” she smiled, greeting her husband.

He grunted in response, shoveling a big spoonful of eggs into his mouth without acknowledging her greeting. As always, the silence stretched between them, a stark reminder of their strained relationship. She suspected he was having an affair but, for Carter’s sake, chose not to confront it.

Her husband left as soon as he finished, not saying another word until he reached the door. “I’ll be out of town until next week. Make sure Carter behaves and keeps the yard up,” he stated before slamming the door behind him.

Her expression softened with sadness, watching him go without a second glance. Carter excused himself to prepare for school and returned a few minutes later.

“See you tonight, Mom. Do you think we’d have some time to work on my science project?” he asked, his cheerful attitude instantly lifting her spirits.

“Of course, sweetie. Have a good day,” she replied.

After he left, she searched every nook and cranny where she knew he hid his treasured items, such as his porn, and finally discovered the odd object. Running late herself, she dashed to her room and stowed it in her security safe, confident it was secure with her the only one with the combination.

By evening time, when she helped her son with his studies, she had all but forgotten about the device, enjoying the time working with Carter.

A week later, at breakfast, Carter hesitantly asked, “Mom, have you seen that thing Mrs. Ferguson gave me? Did you maybe pick it up when you were cleaning my room?” His anxious expression betrayed his fear that his mother might discover his hidden porn.

“No, I haven’t,” she replied, maintaining a calm and neutral expression. Carter wanted to press further but hesitated, fearing that his mother might become suspicious of what he was hiding in his room. As the weeks passed, they gradually forgot about the device, continuing their lives as usual.

Serena devoted all her spare time to Carter, pouring her love and attention into their bonding. Her husband only appeared sporadically, usually just long enough to have his laundry done before disappearing again. They hadn’t shared a kind word or a bed for over a year. He made no effort to mask the lingering scent of another woman on his clothes, a silent confession she chose to ignore. For now, her priority remained unchanged: keeping Carter safe and secure until he was ready to go out on his own.

Carter recognized the strain in his parents’ relationship and instinctively sought refuge in his room whenever his father was around. He knew there was no risk of being disturbed since his father had never shown the slightest interest in his school activities or made any effort to spend time with him on weekends. To his father, he was little more than an afterthought, a reality Carter had long since accepted.

A year passed with little change until tragedy struck. Serena’s father was killed in a car crash, sending shockwaves through the family. The grief proved too much for her mother, whose already fragile health deteriorated rapidly under the weight of loss. The stress culminated in a severe heart attack, leaving her even weaker and more vulnerable.

When Serena contacted her husband, who was on a two-week solo vacation supposedly to refresh from working so hard, he declined to return for the funeral, dismissing it as an inconvenience. After the services, Serena worked with her sister, Jackie, to handle their father’s estate and care for their grieving mother.

Exhausted from juggling work and family responsibilities, she returned home one evening to find her husband, Dave, waiting for her. Without a word of concern for her parents or even a passing acknowledgment of her well-being, he simply stated, “Serena, things have changed, and it’s time for us to file for divorce. I’m sure this isn’t a shock to you. I’ve been seeing someone else, and we’ve decided to get married.”

Serena wasn’t surprised that she didn’t shed a tear as he finally admitted the truth, but a deep sense of regret settled in: an acknowledgment that their marriage was truly over. She had met his secretary before and recognized her perfume on his clothes when she did his laundry, leaving no doubt about who the other woman was. Fixing him with a sharp gaze, she asked accusingly, “So, you’ve been shacked up with Sharon these past two weeks? How long has this been going on? Two years?”

He sat dumbfounded, caught off guard that she already knew exactly who he was seeing. As he silently traced back to the moment he first hooked up with his young receptionist, he let out a small sigh and nodded. “Something like that,” he admitted. “I’m sorry, Serena, but we’re just more compatible. This feels like the right direction for me.”

“You couldn’t even cut your little getaway short, when cheating on your wife, to pay respects to my father?” she asked, her voice laced with bitterness. “And to think, he actually liked you. It broke my mother’s heart not seeing you there, but then again, your priorities have always been yourself. So really, I shouldn’t be surprised.”

“I’m sorry, Serena. I liked him too, but something important came up during our vacation, and I couldn’t leave,” he said, his voice trailing off as if he’d revealed too much.

Serena’s eyes narrowed. “And what exactly was more important?” she demanded, her tone rising.

Dave hesitated before admitting, “Sharon told me she’s pregnant, and we wanted to spend the two weeks alone, celebrating.” The moment the words left his mouth, he knew it was a mistake.

Serena’s eyes narrowed, her breath catching in her throat. “Celebrating?” she echoed, her voice trembling with anger. “While I was burying my father and taking care of my grieving mother, you were off playing house with your mistress?”

Dave exhaled, rubbing the back of his neck. “Serena, I...”

“Just stop, for Christ’s sake,” she interrupted, her voice sharp and unwavering, barely restraining the anger surging within her. “I don’t want to hear another excuse. You’ve made your choices, Dave. Now you can live with them.”

He stood and turned to leave. “I’ve already packed my things and loaded them into my car. My attorney will be in touch. I don’t want this to turn into a messy divorce, Serena. I’ll make sure you receive your fair share.”

Serena stayed silent, stunned by his audacity at acting as if he were taking the high road after betraying her.

She remained at the table, the crushing weight of her mother’s condition and the collapse of her marriage pressing down on her. Her chest tightened, and a deep ache spread through her as the stress became unbearable. Unable to hold it in any longer, she buried her face in her hands, her shoulders shaking as silent, uncontrollable sobs escaped her.

After ten minutes, she jolted at the touch of a hand on her shoulder. “Mom, what’s wrong?” Carter asked.

She had forgotten he was home, likely buried in his studies for hours, avoiding his father as usual. Blinking back tears, she looked up, and despite everything, her mood lifted at the sight of his bright, innocent face.

“I’ll be fine, Carter. I’m just a little overwhelmed. Your dad just told me he wants a divorce. He’s moved out,” she said, unsure how he would take the news.

Carter’s expression shifted from concern to quiet contemplation as he absorbed her words. He glanced toward the door, secretly hopeful he wouldn’t have to see his father again.

“I kind of figured this was coming,” he admitted softly. “He was never really much of a father, and I don’t think he was a very good husband, either.”

Serena’s heart clenched at the maturity in his voice, the way he seemed more confident. She reached for his hand, giving it a gentle squeeze.

“I’m sorry, sweetheart. I know this isn’t easy.”

Carter clasped her hand tightly and stated, “Honestly, Mom? It’s probably for the best.” He offered her a small, reassuring smile. “At least now, we don’t have to pretend things are okay when they’re not.”

He gently pulled her to her feet and wrapped her in a tight embrace. They swayed together, finding comfort in their unbreakable bond. “It’ll be alright, Mom,” he whispered. “I’ll take care of you from now on.”

A smile broke through her tears, and for the first time in hours, the weight on her heart felt a little lighter.

When her sister, Jackie, heard about her divorce, she called immediately. “I’m so sorry, Sis. How are you and Carter holding up?” she asked, her voice sincere.

“We’re coping the best we can,” Serena replied. “There’s so much to sort out, trying to find a lawyer and deciding how to move forward. I just worry I’m not going to have much time for Mom.”

“Don’t worry about Mom, Sis,” Jackie assured her. “I’ll make it my full-time job as Bob has been on the road a lot lately. You know him, always chasing a big business deal somewhere.”

A warning bell rang in Serena’s mind at the mention of her sister’s husband being away so often; just like Dave had been. But it wasn’t her place to say anything, so she simply replied, “I really appreciate it, Sis. I owe you. Is there anything I can do to help make things easier?”

“Actually, yes. I’m running into trouble finalizing a lot of the paperwork. Mom’s attorney mentioned that things would go much smoother if I were named executor of Dad’s estate and possibly Mom’s, if it comes to that.”

“That sounds reasonable. If you need my approval, I’m more than happy to give it,” Serena assured her sister.

“That will definitely help. The attorney said I only need Mom’s consent, but having everyone on the same page makes things smoother. I’ll stop by later so you can sign the paperwork,” Jackie said. “Have you decided on an attorney yet? Maybe Mom’s could assist you.”

“I haven’t given it much thought, but I think I’ll check with Emma and see what she recommends. She went through her divorce not too long ago,” Serena replied

“Isn’t she one of your friends from your group of Den Mothers? Didn’t you all call yourselves ‘The Vixen Circle’ or something like that?” Jackie asked.

“Yep, that’s us,” Serena said with a chuckle. “We’ve all stayed in touch, but Emma and I are the closest. I’ll call her tomorrow.”

“If you change your mind, let me know,” Jackie said. “I’ve got to run. Take care, Sis.” As soon as she hung up, Serena dialed Emma and arranged to meet the next day.

They met at a restaurant, and after divulging all the details to Emma, she immediately dove into offering her support. As she outlined the legal process her attorney had guided her through, Serena found herself momentarily distracted, mesmerized by her friend’s timeless beauty. Emma’s Armenian heritage was striking, her sleek, jet-black hair cascaded forward, framing her delicate yet expressive face. Her slightly prominent nose only enhanced her refined features, complementing her high cheekbones and large, chocolate-brown eyes that radiated warmth and intelligence. It was no surprise that other patrons stole glances at her, drawn in by her effortless elegance.

“Serena, did you hear me? Which direction were you interested in?” Emma asked, breaking Serena out of her trance.

“Sorry, my mind wandered with everything going on,” Serena said. “What was the question again?”

Emma smiled, giving her friend’s hand a reassuring squeeze. “I know this is a tough time, but I’ll help you through it. You have two main options: go after everything you can, which could drag things out, or settle for what’s fair and move on. With his admission of cheating and the pregnancy, you have leverage either way. It’s entirely up to you.”

Serena exhaled, considering her options. After a brief pause, she nodded. “I’d like to keep the house, hold on to my retirement investments, and take a third of our assets which should balance out the house’s value.”

“That sounds more than fair, considering he’s entirely at fault,” Emma agreed. “I’ll call my attorney and get the ball rolling. We can meet at my place to go over the details, and from there, I’ll handle everything. Divorce can be overwhelming, but trust me, it’ll be much easier if you let me take care of the legal side.”

Serena exhaled in relief, her gratitude evident. “I knew calling you was the right choice. You’ve always been there for me, ever since we first met as Den Mothers. We’ve been through so much together, and I can’t thank you enough for standing by me again.”

“We’ll get through this and you’ll see that your life will be much better without him. By the way, how’s my favorite Cub Scout, Carter, doing? Is he upset about his father leaving?” she asked.

Serena giggled at hearing Emma refer to her son as her Cub Scout, a title from a decade earlier. “Surprisingly well,” she replied. “Dave never really took an interest in raising Carter, so it wasn’t as heartbreaking for him as it might be for other kids. My biggest worry now is sending him to college. I had hoped to stay in the marriage long enough to secure that. Sometimes I feel selfish for not confronting Dave’s infidelity sooner, but I felt like I had no other choice. Carter’s happiness always came first.”

“Don’t beat yourself up over it. You did what any mother would do: put your child first. I’d have done the same for Noah. Actually, after my divorce, he and I have grown even closer, learning to manage without a second income. Oh, and speaking of Noah, he still brings you up from time to time. You do know he had a crush on his Den Mother, don’t you?” she added with a playful smirk, her eyes glinting with warmth.

Serena smiled and chuckled. “Those boys were so impressionable back then. That was such a fun time, wasn’t it?” she said, reminiscing about the memories they had shared.

“It brought us together, along with the other Vixen Circle members. The bonds we formed back then have only made us stronger,” Emma emphasized. Glancing at her phone, she added, “I need to get back to work. I’ll be in touch later. Bye, sweetie.”

“Thanks for everything, Emma,” Serena said warmly.

Emma, true to her word, handled the legwork for the proceedings. When they hit a roadblock, she invited Serena over to discuss the final hurdle with her attorney, Briana.

“Dave’s attorney isn’t the easiest person to work with,” Briana began. “He’s not above using dirty tactics to get his way. Despite the odds being stacked against him, he’s determined to make this about your shortcomings. He plans to paint you as the cause of the problems, accusing you of denying your husband sex and driving him into the arms of another. He’s willing to drag your reputation through the mud and knowing how much you care for Carter, he won’t hesitate to try to take him from you.”

“Unbelievable,” Serena sighed, her frustration evident. “What’s he hoping to achieve? I won’t let him drag Carter into this. I’ll do whatever it takes to keep him out of it.”

“That’s what they’re counting on; taking advantage of a caring mother,” Briana noted. “He wants the house, not to live in it, but to sell it. It’s all part of some twisted revenge. The only silver lining is that Dave says he’ll agree to the original settlement if he can meet with you privately to present an amendment to the offer.”

Serena’s brows furrowed in curiosity, wondering what he could possibly want in exchange for his outrageous demands. “Do you have any more details?” she asked.

“No, sadly not,” Briana replied. “It caught his attorney by surprise, too, when he brought it up. Still, it might not hurt to meet with him and see what he’s after. He insists it be private, though.”

“Okay, I’ll do it,” Serena agreed, resolute in her decision to settle everything once and for all.

Two days later, Serena dropped Carter off at Emma’s house, where he would stay while she met with Dave at her own home.

When her husband arrived, she cordially invited him in to discuss his proposal. After an awkward silence, Serena, eager to get it over with, asked, “So, what’s this mysterious offer you can’t even share with your attorney?”

Dave sighed, clearly conflicted, and stated, “I’d like Carter to live with Sharon and me.”

Serena, stunned by the unexpected request, shot back, “You’ve barely been a part of his life all these years. Why would you want to take an interest now?”

He hesitated, bracing for her reaction, knowing it would only make things worse. Finally, he spoke, “It’s more for Sharon’s sake. She’s worried about the care a newborn will need, and she could use some help.”

“Seriously?” Serena exclaimed, disbelief dripping from her voice. “You want to use your son as a babysitter? I can’t believe you would even suggest such a thing.”

“It’s not like that’s all he’d do,” Dave tried to clarify, though it only seemed to make matters worse. “I’ll hire a nanny, so he probably won’t need to do anything. Look, you won’t be able to afford to enroll him in a decent university anyway, and I’ll make sure he gets into the school of his choice. It’s just for three years until he graduates, and honestly, the rewards will be worth it.”

The prospect of Carter choosing his college struck a raw nerve; she knew Dave was using it as leverage. Still, she was determined to do what was best for her son. “I’ll propose it to him, but I can’t guarantee he’ll agree,” she said, feeling a surge of guilt for giving in to his demands. “What happens if he refuses?”

“If he decides to stay with you, without you influencing him, I’ll stick to the original deal. I just want you to focus on how he’ll be able to attend a school of his choice, without mentioning the part about the baby,” he said, his expression hopeful.

Serena’s stomach churned, but she kept her composure, replying, “I don’t like deceiving him, but I do want what’s best for him. I’ll agree to your terms and talk to him tonight. I’ll let Briana know afterward about his decision.”

After picking Carter up from Emma’s, they stopped to eat at a diner before heading home. Later that evening, after their showers and while sitting on the couch, Serena carefully chose her words, beginning, “Carter, I have something important to ask you regarding the divorce. Your father has offered to pay for any university you desire if you move in with him and Sharon. It’s a great opportunity, and I don’t want you to feel obligated to stay with me. If you decide...”

“Stop, Mom,” Carter interjected, cutting her off mid-sentence. “I’m not leaving you. And if it comes down to you not wanting me to stay, I still wouldn’t move in with him.”

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