Castle in the Sand - Cover

Castle in the Sand

Copyright© 1997

Chapter 31

Drama Sex Story: Chapter 31 - A divorced and down on his luck man buys a lottery ticket that wins big. He buys an abandoned missile silo to make it his home and builds a harem

Caution: This Drama Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   NonConsensual   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction  

John sat drinking coffee, reading a print out.

He hadn’t viewed what the girls were doing for some reason. He sensed he didn’t really want to know. Besides, the tape was running, making an accurate record he could watch in the future should the urge strike him, it hadn’t yet.

Lately his surveillance had started to nag at him. He changed the tapes mainly out of habit. Heaven knows he certainly had much more than enough material for any sexual stimulation he was ever likely to use them for. But that wasn’t really why he did it.

On the tapes was a history. It was a record of two women growing up. Their social interactions between themselves, and he. Part of him he hadn’t really acknowledged looked forward to viewing the tapes with Cindy when he got old... er.

Perhaps the nagging feeling was a surfacing of his ethics. He didn’t examine his motivations too closely. Life was good. Not a likely time for soul searching.

He looked up and smiled at his two lovelies when they entered the kitchen. He could tell that something important had transpired. They were somehow different ... more ... content with themselves about something.

Cindy smiled at him and moved to sit in his lap. She snuggled to him.

Theresa passed by on the way to the coffee, running her fingers through his hair as she walked by. “So ... Did you keep it warm for us?” She asked.

“In the oven. Have a nice time?” John asked, he kissed Cindy softly on the cheek.

“Mmm ... Very nice.” Cindy said, snuggling to him.

“Yes, quite nice.” Theresa added, “Thank you for being such a dear.”

“You asked me to keep it warm. Not too tough to put it into the oven.” John said, lightly.

“I know ... but. Well thank you, just the same...” Theresa said.

She moved the hot plates to the table, placing one in front of Cindy.

“You’re both quite welcome...” John said, snagging a piece of bacon from Cindy’s plate.

He took a bite and then fed the rest to Cindy. Once food hit her mouth she kissed him lightly and moved to another chair.

“Didn’t you eat?” Theresa asked.

“Yes, but bacon stealing is a long tempting tradition. For some reason certain foods are fair game. Like French fries. You’d never think about stealing an asparagus spear, but something like bacon compels your hand.” He chuckled.

“So what’s on the agenda today?” Cindy asked between bites.

“Oh ... not too much. I’ve got some legal mumbo jumbo to dig through over the patents. What about you girls?”

“Oh ... I don’t know. Thought I’d study some and I think Cindy and I need to get moving on some fashions.” Theresa said.

“I was wondering if you girls were going to clean up that mess in the lab.” John kind of chuckled.

Both girls blushed crimson.

“I ... I ... I’m sorry John... “ Cindy stuttered.

“Relax ... love. It’s not that big a deal. I was just teasing” John said, chuckling.

“I ... I ... Couldn’t help myself ... I saw the completed mannequin and it looked so much like you ... and well I guess I just got carried away... “ Cindy said, defending herself.

“I said relax. I meant it. You think that I’m going to find your being sexually attracted to an exact image of me somehow offensive ... then you don’t understand me very well.” John giggled.

“Wish I could take one with me to college.” Theresa mused, still blushing.

“Why not?” John asked.

“Might cause a ruckus in the dorm.” Theresa replied.

“Sweetheart, I don’t know if you realize it, but you don’t have to stay in a dorm. You’re well off enough now that you can afford an apartment of your own as well as tuition.” John said.

Theresa looked up startled. She hadn’t thought of herself as “Well to do.”

“You really are a sweetheart, John. You can steal my bacon any time you like.” Cindy said.

“Why thank you kindly, Ma’am.” John said.

“Quite welcome, Sir.” she replied.

“You know, you’re spoiling other men for us.” Theresa said, finishing her French toast.

“My great secret plan.” John said.

“It’s working.” Cindy muttered to herself.

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