Castle in the Sand - Cover

Castle in the Sand

Copyright© 1997

Chapter 24

Drama Sex Story: Chapter 24 - A divorced and down on his luck man buys a lottery ticket that wins big. He buys an abandoned missile silo to make it his home and builds a harem

Caution: This Drama Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   NonConsensual   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction  

Cindy gasped at the sexily clad mannequin: “God, she wasn’t kidding. That’s me there and I want to rip it off with my teeth.”

“Me too, but instead let’s slit these threads along the top. Damn, forgot about the cables. Have to patch the holes there. Maybe compensate for body sag if I just suspend from the fingers, toes and head.”

“Body sag! There isn’t an ounce of sag on this body ... cept these lovely parts ... and they’re firm!” Cindy said, indignantly. Cupping her breasts.

“Yes they are, truly lovely. No, I meant the sag in the center of the mannequin that will result from its weight if I remove the cables from the hips and suspend it from each end.”

“Oh ... I see.”

“Hand me that Exacto knife. I’m eager to take this off myself.”

John slit the tiny threads across the top and began to peel the outfit off the mannequin. The hip cables presented a problem. He solved it by shielding the mannequin with sheet metal while he torched the cables between the body and the frame. Doing both sides and then cooling the cables in a can of water before touching them. The ends were fairly smooth, but wouldn’t unravel as they were melted together. He ran a file over some rough spots before he pulled them through the tiny holes they left.

The arms and legs he just unhooked from the frame and snaked them through the large openings in the outfit. Just for fun he suspended the mannequin from ceiling hooks after he finished peeling off the outfit. It looked spookily like a nude Cindy hung there from the ceiling. Her eye’s closed ... having a bad hair day.

Cindy took the outfit and peeled off her scant outfit. She had pulled on only some tight terry shorts and a cotton halter top after her shower, as per Theresa’s commands.

Now she stepped into the skin colored outfit and began to tug it into place. It was much tougher than she expected. Some parts slipped into place like they had been painted there, others were much too snug. Between her legs the light fabric followed her almost hair by hair, hugging her labia like a second skin. She managed to get the outfit up over her breasts, but it was way too snug in lots of places. Finally, with John’s help she managed to get the outfit all the way on. It stretched enough to accommodate the tight spots. John threaded a needle and coarsely stitched the top seam back together.

He stepped back to survey his work, and started to salivate. Just about that time Theresa entered the room.

“God ... the mannequins walking now! ... Did her hair too! God that’s sexy! Make me one!” she said.

“Too damn tight in places.” Cindy muttered, looking at herself in a mirror John had carted in and leaned against the wall next to the replica Cindy.

“Been gaining weight? Maybe I’m feeding you too much?” Theresa joked ... drooling a bit herself.

John carefully looked back and forth between the two images.

“No ... and yes.” he muttered cryptically, “The problem is that you two have been working out ... and growing up since I first scanned you. You’ve both put on muscle mass and firmed up a bunch. Not that you weren’t slim to start with, but ... yes, your hips and breasts are bigger too ... Your buns more shapely.”

“Why thank you for noticing! I just thought I was getting fat. Maybe all that work for a few veggies was worth it ... it even feels sexy ... if a little oily.”

“Believe me, I noticed. On both of you. It just didn’t occur to me last night. No way that Theresa’s would fit her with all the lovely extra growth she’s put on on her breasts since I scanned her. Looks like I’m gonna have to scan you two again if we’re going to weave you comfortable clothes that won’t make your nipples blue ... that is if you’re up to it?”

Cindy looked at him and said: “Darling; You’re welcome to probe any part of my body with anything you want, any time you want!”

Theresa looked at her shocked ... but sort of nodded and said: “Me too ... let’s do it. I’m kind of interested in the changes myself. Can you compare the two on the computer so I can see what’s gotten bigger?”

“Sure ... I can even superimpose the images and highlight the changes. I’m interested myself. Be a learning experience seeing just how girls grow up ... who’s first?”

“Why don’t you go first, Theresa. This feels so good I want to wear it for a while. It feels so sexy I may just wear it till my nipples do turn blue! When I move it sort of caresses my ... labia. It’s beginning to make me wet ... besides ... I’ve wanted to unwrap Theresa since the moment I looked up at her this morning from bed; standing there dressed so sexily, like she was gift wrapped.”

Theresa blushed brightly. But didn’t fight it when Cindy moved to her and began to unbutton her blouse as her mouth moved softly to her lips. She felt herself quivering. This alluring woman in the sexiest outfit she had ever seen, desiring to see her unclad. She pushed her doubts and phobia’s aside as she abandoned herself to Cindy’s soft touch slowly peeling the sensual cloth from her body. She was getting pretty wet herself.

John didn’t seem to notice as he set about making preparations for re-scanning Theresa’s luscious body.

Both women were fairly dripping with passion when Theresa climbed up onto the scan table.

“Do we have to get so personal this time?” she asked.

“No...” John said, “I don’t think an internal probe is needed. I doubt those area’s have changed very much. Maybe your vagina a little bit as your hips grew wider, but probably not much. Unless you want to see how much I don’t think we need put you through that indignity. The outside scan will be just as personal though. OK? That is unless you want me to re-probe your inside?”

“No ... at least not with this damn machine. Maybe with something else if it gets me as hot as it did last time.” Theresa said, half worried, half excited.

“I don’t need to get quite that hot myself. This outfit is doing a pretty good job of priming my pump without that hot poker growing up inside me.” Cindy muttered.

She moved up behind John and caressed his chest as he started the scanner running on Theresa. When he didn’t respond enough, she moved off and began to caress Theresa, staying out of the way of the probing of the scanner. She shared an upside down kiss with her, bending over the top of the table. An arm indignantly pushed her out of the way as it went about its task.

“Humph ... a lot of damn good this outfit does. Damn machine won’t let me close to Theresa and you’re paying attention to the damn computer!” Cindy grumped.

John looked up at her. “You think I haven’t noticed how that outfit looks on you, you aren’t as observant as I thought. But I don’t want one of those arms peeling off one of Theresa’s perfect nipples either.”

“Thank you.” said Theresa, only half joking.

“Why look at that! Mr. Happy is wide awake and standing at attention! As much good as it does me. Maybe I should get intimate with my mannequin. She doesn’t seem to be too busy at the moment.”

“Why don’t you...” said Theresa suddenly ... then dropped her eyes as John and Cindy looked at her startled.

“I mean ... I’d kind of like to see what you look like next to ... a twin.”

Cindy shrugged ... but a part of her seemed anxious to touch her double. She moved around it, sort of letting her hands touch it here and there. She moved against the back of it and felt the soft cheeks against her pelvis. Thinking that this is what Theresa felt when she was behind her. She moved her hands around front of the mannequin and traced her fingers over the hips and along the curves within them. Then pulling it back against her, feeling her breasts against the firmly muscled back. Pressing her pelvis up against the cheeks of her buns. Without thinking her fingers traced down over the pubic area and between the legs.

Theresa gulped, trying to strain her head up to watch and out of the way of the scanning arms. The machine had begun its physical probe and she was actually oozing from her vagina. John was sitting with his mouth open, touching his self unconsciously. He glanced over at Theresa, and noting her predicament, moved to tip the whole scan table upwards so she could get a better view.

“Kiss me.” Theresa said huskily.

John waited as an arm passed and then kissed her passionately. He barely pulled back out of the way in time as it returned.

“Mmmm that was nice ... perhaps before our walk...” Theresa murmured, her eyes glued to Cindy and her twin.

Cindy now had one hand up caressing her breasts. The other had found the opening in the crevice between the legs. She was exploring herself. Becoming hotter by the second.

“Did you include all the scans you made on Cindy in that mannequin?” Theresa asked.

“Uh ... yah. I did. Not on purpose, the machine just duplicated the whole image. Why?”

“Oh ... I was just thinking ... Cindy might find it ... exciting ... to see what it looked like ... when you were ... well ... inside her...” Theresa stammered out.

John grinned at her. “I think maybe you’re right ... and maybe she wouldn’t be the only one who found it ... exciting.”

Theresa blushed deep red, but sort of nodded.

John kissed her deeply and then grinning like a Cheshire cat, moved towards the twins, stripping off his clothes.

Cindy watched his approach with hungry anticipation. She had overheard Theresa’s suggestion and was surprised how much it appealed to her. She moved to the side as John moved up to the mannequin, then moved in as in a three way tryst. John’s hands moved about over both the real and the duplicate Cindy, exploring and comparing. He had to admit that the duplicate felt VERY lifelike. The lips, however were in no way satisfying. He sought out the real thing and they shared one of the hungriest kisses of their relationship.

Theresa watched in fascination. Her body quivering with pent up sexual passion. The straps on her wrists forbidding her the pleasure of touching herself only heightened her sexual frenzy. The probing fingers of the scanner serving to excite her even further. When an arm moved in to gauge her vulva her body literally shook with pleasure. The machine didn’t seem to care. Routines had been written to deal with movement. The machine just patiently re-measured ... re-probed the area in search of repeatable, consistent readings. The effect was not lost on Theresa. To her the machine just seemed to be probing her most sensitive spots all the more often. She strained against her straps as her body began to writhe in orgasm.

John guided Cindy to her knees. It took her just a moment to find his manhood with her lips. Sucking him deeply into her mouth. His erection as solid as she ever remembered it. She fought to bottom her lips out around his throbbing unit. Then, the figure of her duplicate drew her mouth like a magnet.

“Damn, no taste.” she muttered.

“Oh ... I’ll bet you have an ample supply of the real thing to draw upon by now.” John urged huskily.

In a flash one of Cindy’s hands found its way to a leg opening and under the thin fabric of her second skin. Finding their way between her labia, she plunged them into her vaginal opening. Alternating fingers in a frenzied search for fluids. Her body quivering from her own assault. Her other hand searching identical spots out on her alter-image. After thoroughly coating all her fingers and much of her hand she withdrew it and moved to smear them over the entire area of the mannequin. Even up inside where her tongue would never be able to reach. Her fingers sought out the rear entrance and pushing in, devirginized it as John had the vaginal opening the night before. A part of her mind clicked on the occurrence. Realizing that John had explored the duplicate vagina the night before only heightened her excitement.

Cindy’s tongue followed after her fingers. As the first waif of her womanly aroma met her nostrils and the first taste of her nectar met her taste buds, her real body began to convulse in orgasm. This only drove her to search deeper with her tongue.

John lifted first one, and then the other of the mannequins legs. He grabbed a bit of packing rope he had in the corner and attached the cables coming out of the feet to lift them. He attached the other ends to hooks he caught over the edges of the bare beams in the ceiling. Now Cindy’s duplicate image appeared to be sitting in the air. Legs spread wide to Cindy’s oral attack.

A moan from Theresa caught John’s attention. Looking over he saw the poor girl glistening in the sweat of her own excitement, her body trembling and quivering from the machines probing and her sexual frenzy. He grinned at her, but moved back to the two Cindy’s.

As John moved in Cindy lay back underneath the duplicate, staring straight up into herself. She quivered at the thought that this was how she actually looked from beneath. Quite sexy she thought. Perhaps even sexier than Theresa ... Her hands grabbed John’s member and guided him between the labial lips. Spreading them for him with her other hand. The area glistened with her juices and saliva. She positioned the head against the vaginal opening.

Between the combined juices on the area, John groaned in astonishment at close the duplicate felt to the real thing. Pushing in and feeling the slick foam engulf him, almost identical in all respects except temperature. Have to do something about that, he thought. Perhaps heating coils inside around both orifices. and maybe a reservoir of lubricant and a mechanism to seep it into both areas. He pushed in until he felt himself bottom out against the duplicate cervix.

Cindy was in a frenzy upon the floor, her hands running all over herself. Her body quivering with pent up sexual tension. The movements of her body causing the second skin of her body suit to ride up tight against her labia. Her fingers traveling over the area, pushing the fabric tighter into her natural folds. Then sliding beneath the fabric to plunge into the warmth of her vagina. Mirroring the image above her. John began to stroke within the pseudo love canal. Cindy’s fingers matching the movement within her own vagina.

She sat up and put her head up close to the scene. The rich aroma of her womanhood lingering in the area serving to heighten her sexual frenzy. Scant inches from her eyes, John’s penis stroked inside her. Her body began to convulse once more in orgasm. Her mouth found the underside of John’s manhood, stroking back and forth against her lips. She snaked her tongue out and tried to compete with it around the foam opening. The taste of her nectar meeting her lips from deep inside the duplicate.

To John it felt close enough to the real thing that he felt himself slipping towards orgasm. With a great deal of concentration he fought it off. This wasn’t made easy by the added feel of Cindy’s mouth and tongue along with her pseudo vagina.

He found no help looking over at Theresa, writhing against the straps of the scanning table. The scan had stopped now, leaving her without stimulation to release her pent up frenzy any further. She fought at the straps, her hips bouncing around as she fought to rub herself against the folds of her own vulva by her movements. The area glistened with the moisture of her excitement.

As he watched she succeeded in overpowering the grip of the Velcro on one wrist. The hand instantly found her pubic area. Her fingers fumbling between her labial lips. Her thumb rubbing furiously against her clitoris. Her body began to convulse almost instantly in response. She abandoned her attack just long enough to free her second hand. Then her hands were all over her body. The fingers of the first hand now back probing inside her. The other sliding over her large breasts, squeezing them and pinching her nipples.

John was about to lose his battle when Cindy suddenly stopped him.

“Put it in back! I want to see how it looks!” she gasped.

John pulled out in one motion. The opening slowly shrinking back, leaving a dark tunnel just like the real thing. He moved around behind the figure and positioned himself against the opening. He pushed inwards as he pulled back on the inert figure. It fought him, being too dry.

“Have to go get some lube.” John said.

Theresa sat up and removed her ankle restraints.

“This is silly!” she said.

Both John and Cindy looked up at her questioningly. The whole thing had been her idea. (and not such a bad one.)

“That floor is cold, I’m horny as hell and Cindy’s about to bust her seams from her writhing. We have a nice big, soft comfortable bed downstairs with a drawer full of whatever accessories we could want. Come on. John, can you bring the second Cindy. I don’t think she’ll object.”

The two of them nodded enthusiastically. But then John said: “Just one idea ... since were likely to be a while ... why don’t I thread the table up and get it started on your replica ... It’ll only take a few minutes. Then the machine can do it’s thing while we’re doing ours.”

“Good idea!” Cindy said.

“Not so sure it is. Don’t know how much of this sort of excitement I can take. With all this fuss that started over Cindy’s double think what two might result in!” Theresa said rolling her eyes. But nodded over the suggestion.

John pulled his self away from the two Cindy’s and moved to the computer. The girls moving together in a hungry kiss before coming to look over his shoulder. Just for fun John called in the first scan and then wrote a quick routine to compare them.

As they all knew Theresa showed marked growth in her breasts. But also over much of her whole body. Her hips were wider (and sexier), her buttocks more shapely, but firmer. Her abdomen just plain firmer. But the surprise was how much muscle she had put on her legs and arms, particularly her shoulders. Looking at the images side by side, it was obvious how much she had matured into a woman. In the first image she looked considerably younger. But in the second considerably sexier.

“Glad to see I’m improving...” Theresa mused.

“I’ll say! Damn I knew you were looking fine, but I didn’t realize how much finer you had gotten to be. I thought you looked super back then. Now...” Cindy just shivered.

“Nice to know you feel that way...” Theresa said, but blushing just the same.

“Come on, let’s get a move on!” she concluded.

John shrugged and move to thread some new cable in the casting frame. To avoid the problems encountered with Cindy’s image he added some removable connections to the hip locations. Then he moved back to the computer and started the process rolling. He watched for a minute to be sure it was working right and then moved to disconnect the second Cindy from the beams. He carried her over his shoulder as he had Theresa the first night. The girls snatched up what few clothing items were on the floor and followed him down.

Once there, John unceremoniously dumped her on the bed.

“Hey, take it easy with me!” Cindy joked.

Theresa passed by and headed for the wardrobe. She returned with two silky items. She pulled a pair of crotchless panties onto the mannequin and then added a cup-less bra. Somehow the second Cindy got sexier.

“Too bad she can’t kiss worth a damn. I wouldn’t mind finding out how good a kisser I am.” Cindy laughed.

“Good enough for me!” Theresa said, pulling her to her to prove it.

“Guess I’d better get aquatinted with Cindy’s twin.” John pouted.

“The hell you are! I’m about to bust! I call squatters rights. That brazen hussy is going to have to wait! So climb up there so I can squat!” Theresa commanded.

John brightened visibly and moved to obey.

“Oh look, Theresa. Mr. Happy’s gone back to sleep.” Cindy mocked.

“Not for long if I know our John.” Theresa replied, climbing onto the bed pulling Cindy behind her

The two women descended upon John’s shriveled member. Fighting a mock battle between them, alternating who took the high ground with her lips. John’s hands began exploring their firm, young bodies. Paying particular attention to Theresa’s. His hand found her large breasts and played lovingly over them. In short order, he was at full attention once more.

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