Castle in the Sand
Copyright© 1997
Chapter 11
Drama Sex Story: Chapter 11 - A divorced and down on his luck man buys a lottery ticket that wins big. He buys an abandoned missile silo to make it his home and builds a harem
Caution: This Drama Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Fa/Fa Consensual NonConsensual Lesbian Heterosexual Fiction
Cindy basically moved in with them. John insisted on keeping the bedroom available should one of them including him- wish privacy.
He set up their computers for them in the Com room. He brought out another one of his own and set it up. Four top of the line units now crowded onto the long counter. The girls remained persistent in their stock tracing.
When they thought they were ready John set up an actual account for them with his broker. He didn’t tell them he had made a fairly large deposit to cover them if the need should arise. It wasn’t needed.
John kept the video recorders running for some reason he couldn’t define, but now any activity they recorded would likely include himself. He had purchased extra equipment so that the girls never knew what was going on back in the closet when one machine ran out of tape and the computer automatically switched to another machine. John modified the program to recognize sleep activity and to do reduced sampling to save tape. Still, he was using a minimum of two tapes a day and usually three. These he coded and stored in a locked closet off the Com room.
The girls took to wearing random outfits. It wasn’t unusual for one to walk around at lunch in lingerie, or at dinner wearing only tennis shoes. Some times they would dress up fancy with make up and all, only to seduce each other and peel it all off again.
John did his best to keep a normal diurnal schedule. He spent the majority of his free time working on the master bedroom.
The girls cabin fever seemed to have faded with the change in relationships. John asked about another trip to town but the girls both shrugged and said: “Maybe later”.
They kept John well fed and exercised.
One day Cindy said to Theresa : “I’m kind of worried one of us is going to get pregnant!”
Theresa started giggling.
“What’s so funny?”
“If you were planning on it, you better change your plans.
John got his tubes cut before you ever got here.”
“A vasectomy?”
“Yup!” Theresa giggled.
“Shit!” Cindy said.
Theresa looked at her startled ... and then busted out laughing. A moment later Cindy did the same.
John did his best to stay out of the middle of any intrigues. Which wasn’t an easy thing to do with two teenage girls hatching various plots almost daily. If anything the clothes parade would have seemed almost comical if they hadn’t been so damn seductive.
Despite the girls help he managed to finish the master bedroom.
The girls actually did help when it came time to move in. From the time the relationships changed, he had changed the design so that there were three large closets. It cut down a bit on space, but the bedroom was really huge to start with; occupying a whole floor with the exception of the master bath. The hardest part had been routing the plumbing in a manner that would remain trouble free, yet efficient.
The bedroom was still huge. Even so it barely seemed large enough to John with Theresa and Cindy sleeping there. The bed was the biggest Water bed John could find; a California King. The first night in residence the girls tested the limits of the seams, not to mention John’s limits.
John solved the problem of where to put the exercise equipment by moving the new equipment into the old apartment. It was perfect for it really, with its own shower and hot tub. The kitchen was a bit much, but was nice to have there to keep orange juice and such cold.
John turned the girls loose to finish a floor of their own. He had other projects in mind.
“I’m not ready!” Theresa protested.
“Then ask about what you don’t understand how to do.” John replied simply.
The girls jumped in with both feet. They spent a great deal of time examining other floors and deciding how to do things, but that was okay with John. He stopped by from time to time just in case. After the structural materials were in place, the worse they could do, would be cosmetic damage, or damage to themselves. John had patiently instructed both of them how to safely use power tools. (Emphasizing the distance to a hospital and the hassles a trip to one would involve.)
In the meantime John took to converting half the top floor to a solarium observatory. The stars were really quite stunning out there in the desert, away from city lights. But it was cold and windy as well. John built a rotatable frame which held clear Lexan panes. The roof could be retracted half way to let in the sunlight or stars, yet still retain the heat inside. John had purchased a pair of heavy duty winches which now served the purpose of moving the roof.
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