In the Long Run
Copyright© 2024 by The Horse With No Name
Chapter 53: Regina Starts Scheming
Incest Sex Story: Chapter 53: Regina Starts Scheming - Mark and Lydia hit a lot of bumps during the cold war and fate eventually brings them to the other side of the globe, but even there the challenges don't end. This is the founding story of my planned "It's always the Germans" universe, which will be created when this story reaches the year 1998.
Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/ft Consensual Romantic Lesbian Heterosexual Fiction Sports Incest Mother Son Light Bond Anal Sex Exhibitionism First Oral Sex Pegging Petting Nudism
Regina was furious, with a capital F. Ready to come down on the boy’s mother like the provebial ton of bricks, she stalked off and I thankfully managed to take her by the hand, forcefully.
“Stop it love,” I told her. “Seeing you upset was exactly the reaction she was going for. You ain’t gonna hand her that win, are you?”
The race had been red-flagged immediately, especially because the barriers needed rebuilding. What also needed rebuilding was Jenny’s kart. Some of the bodywork was too badly damaged and one rear wheel had been torn off in the shunt. It was hopeless to try and repair it for the restart. Jenny would miss the first heat.
There was also trouble brewing in ‘Camp Dastardly’. First of all, the boy had been disqualified immediately. Even the blindest official had seen that it had been a deliberate crash. And from what I could see, the father of said boy was not a happy man. Realizing that his wife and their rotten spawn had cooked up the idea, he felt visibly humiliated and he had given her a piece of his mind – out of earshot, but visibly angry.
“What’s the verdict?” I asked Jonjo, who was working on Jenny’s kart. Femke was helping him.
“Don’t worry, I’ll get this thing in top shape for the second run. Speak to the kid though, she’s awfully rattled, man.”
I could tell that Meri was bursting with pride as we watched the scene. Mark was squatting down in front of Jenny and he was giving her a pep talk, a very effective one by the look of it. You could almost see how her sadness washed away and her fighting spirit returned.
None of us had cared much for the heavy-handed way Meri had dumped the role of Ersatz-dad on Mark, but we could all see that it worked, and like all things he did, he put his whole heart into it.
Nadja giggled when Jenny tried to sling her small arms around his neck, but she was of course too short. Mark crouched down even more to let her succeed. Cheek against cheek they stood for a moment and then Jenny put on her balaclava and shoved the small helmet over her head determinedly.
Whatever Mark had said to her, it worked. Nobody rammed her from behind in the second race, if nothing else, because all children knew by now that the boy who had done that in race one had not only been disqualified for the weekend, but for the entire rest of the season.
But we also saw that Jenny was determined to show the lot of them who’s boss. She posted one fastest lap after the other and by the end of the race she was ten seconds ahead. Even by her standards that was a massive margin.
Like always, since last year, she clutched her favorite photo of grandpa Ernst to her chest when she stood on the small podium for the victory celebration.
We had a fantastic evening meal in the hotel to celebrate Jenny’s victory. The elderly Bavarian couple who owned the small establishment had pulled out all the stops and we had all kinds of Bavarian dishes to chose from.
When the lady commented in surprise why I as an American – she could of course not know that I was actually German – knew what condiments went with Leberkas, I told her about the Bachlmayers back in Pasadena.
The world is a village as they say. We learned over the rest of the evening that we were actually in the very same town that the Bachlmayers had emigrated from in the 1950s, and the elderly couple had gone to the same school as Mrs. Bachlmayer.
Being good guests, Jonjo and I helped the elderly lady clean the table after the female contingent had retired to the rooms. Bavarians had a bad rep in Germany as being somewhat stubborn, ass-backward and ultra-conservative, but our hosts had shown no apprehension at all about Jonjo, so all the stereotypes were probably just that, false prejudices.
When I came back to our room, Regina and Lydia had switched places, I walked in on a situation that was best described as ‘mixed messages’. Lydia waited for me, sitting cross-legged on the bed, blindfolded. That was normally a sign that she was in a frisky mood and was hoping for some substantial action, but she was also clothed, albeit just a bathrobe. That was not her normal modus operandi.
“Okay love, if you wanted to keep me guessing, you’ve succeeded.” I said.
She smiled and patted the bed behind her. “I was thinking you could perhaps play with your favorite pair of boobs and we would just talk.”
“Well, I don’t need a second invitation to that sort of feast,” I said with a chuckle and stripped down to my briefs. Taking a seat behind her, my legs possessively fixing her in place, I gently tugged at the belt of her bathrobe. The garment lazily slid off her shoulders, pooling in a heap in my lap. I reached around her torso and started to massage her breasts gently.
“I know I keep saying they’re as beautiful as five years ago, but seriously, you haven’t aged a single day. That’s not hyperbole,” I said.
“That’s because you’re usually too distracted to actually look at my face once in a while,” she said with a giggle. “Don’t tell me you haven’t noticed I’m starting to develop crow’s feet.”
“Most of the time they’re obscured by your blindfolds,” I argued with a chuckle. “But you know what I mean. These are not the breasts of a woman who’s nearing the end of her competitive career.”
“Enjoy it while it lasts, love. I’ve gone nearly five years without wearing a bra. Gravity always wins, even if belatedly.”
“Frankly, I don’t give a damn,” I said with conviction. “Seeing you naked will never get old.”
“Well, it’s not like you can hide that that is actually a true statement,” she said, chuckling. “That’s why you freaked out over Jenny, didn’t you? You were afraid that you would react to Regina or me.”
“Of course,” I said. “I’m okay with it, now that I know I don’t get spontaneous erections in front of a child. Thankfully we will no longer be around when she hits puberty and might get too curious about boys. I’m not quite ready to answer questions about the birds and the bees.”
“Are you really sure about that?” she asked me. “We’ll probably no longer be squatting in Regina’s guest house, but let’s face it, we’re not going anywhere far from her. Do you think I haven’t noticed how much you’ve missed her when we were in Pasadena?”
“Does that bother you?” I asked as she leaned into my touch a bit more.
“Of course not, Mark. Our love is not in doubt, but the thing about you is you don’t only have a lot of love to give, you also need lots of it. And not all of it is happening between the sheets. I’m fourteen years older than you, I can’t be your playing buddy to just goof around, like you do with Regina. She helps make you what you are, you are part of each other’s soul.”
“Yeah, that pretty much nails it down,” I said. “If you told me you want to be exclusive I wouldn’t hesitate for a second. But I’m not sure I would be very pleasant company after a while.”
“You wouldn’t be,” Lydia told me. “It’s the same with Nadja. The two of you complement each other in ways I had never expected.”
“I’m still somewhat scared how much I felt drawn to her,” I admitted.
“I must warn you though,” Lydia said with a sudden, very serious tone in her voice. “Nadja will challenge you in ways you will not find comfortable.”
“Because of her past?”
“Yes and no. It’s mostly her personality. Do you remember when you were concerned about my submissive tendencies in sexual matters? Turn that up to eleven and you have Nadja. She might ask you one day to dominate her to the point of humiliation, and we both have recent experience of just how badly that would hurt you.”
“The busy street, dammit!” I gasped and took my hands off Lydia’s breasts. She turned around, but without taking off her blindfold.
“What do you mean?”
“Remember that day in April when I took her to the woods and we came back with her still blindfolded?”
“How could I forget that?” Lydia said with a giggle, searching for my hands to put them back on her breasts. “You made her cum so hard we heard it from a kilometer or two away.”
“Well, on the way back I asked her about the blindfold and she declared her eternal, unconditional trust in me, saying I could be guiding her along a busy street without her knowing, but I wouldn’t, and she trusted me because of that. That’s not what she really meant, is it? She actually secretly hoped I would.”
Lydia nodded. “She’s also not been entirely truthful about her past.”
“She lied to us?”
“Not as such,” Lydia said. “I’m pretty sure she omitted something out of shame. I’m almost sure that when her ex painfully raped her, she actually had an orgasm and she hates herself for it. Mark, that girl loves pain.”
I took the blindfold off her and put the bathrobe back up.
“Sorry love, but this is too serious to play around over. What do you know? She asked me to do her roughly that day and she came like a fucking freight train, three times in a row!”
“I’m fairly positive she gets aroused by pain. When you do a long training ride, it starts to hurt at some point, especially if you’re not entirely fit, like she was after the hospital. Her nipples got so hard she could have sunk an aircraft carrier when she started hurting.”
I buried my face in my palms and groaned. “I love that girl. How am I supposed to hurt her deliberately?” I asked, pitying myself. “I can’t do that.”
“Regina and Meri said the same. You would freak out over it. So we came up with an idea.”
“Okay, I’m listening,” I said.
“Look, all the houses in our street are still under construction. The construction workers are gone by Friday at lunch time. You order her to strip down, blindfold her and take her to the woods, but with a detour along the street. She’ll notice she’s walking on pavement. That’s got to give her the kick she craves without actually being humiliated. She doesn’t venture into town much, so she doesn’t know the workers have gone home already.”
“That’s a bloody good idea,” I agreed.
“We still have the nipple clamps you bought five years ago in Montreal. You could put those on her. Once you’re deep enough in the woods, tie her to a tree and play it by the ear from then on.”
“That’s not helping much.”
Lydia threw her arms up. “Baby, that’s all I can give you. I’m a marathon runner, not a Dominatrix. Spank her ass, pinch her nipples, make her deep-throat you, anything that doesn’t do permanent damage and doesn’t distress you too much. Ask her questions and demand answers. She wants to be submissive after all. She’ll answer. Find out what she wants and what you can live with. And reward her by doing her butt when she obeys.”
“Fucking hell,” I swore. “My head tells me she wants it, my heart bleeds. I might need Regina to give me a few Russian basics. Swear words mostly.”
Mark was awfully quiet on the ride home the next day and I had a good idea why. Lydia had told me about their talk the night before. Mark was setting himself up for being hurt, yet again. We all still vividly remembered how badly Lydia’s drunk shenanigans on New Year’s eve had backfired.
Nadja was an enigma. She was the only one among us who was even more slender than Lydia, and shorter too. Just thinking that this tiny woman had no problems inviting Mark’s organ into her arse already stretched credulity. She was also happy most of the time, smiling. And boy did that girl have a beautiful smile on her.
The sheer thought that such a petite, fragile looking woman would get a sexual kick out of being punished was surreal, and by god, Mark was the least suitable person to do that. With Femke, I mean, she looked sturdy enough to take a few smacks on the buttocks, but Nadja...
“Any tips?” he asked me and Meri in a dejected mood on the Friday morning.
“Don’t do anything that would cross a boundary for you,” Meri said. “Considering that you’re practically a wreck before even starting, those boundaries are bound to be close. I know this will sound lame and you won’t like hearing it, but there are a few things you could do and perhaps justify before yourself...”
“ ... and because you won’t like anyone of us seeing you behave that way, we will be raiding the IKEA in the afternoon. You’ll have the whole estate to yourself.”
Meri had given him a lecture of more than five minutes and Mark was white as a sheet.
“And tonight you come to me love,” I said. “I know you hate crying in front of Lydia, but with me you can.”
Heck, my own voice broke. Just knowing that Mark was setting himself up for a hefty bout of self-loathing broke my heart. Of course he could just not go through with it at all. That was the obvious solution, but Mark was torn between his love for the girl, his own principles and knowing what it would mean to satisfy her intimate desires. It was not a happy place to be in.
I steeled myself for a sexual encounter that I was least looking forward to. Since it was over thirty centigrade, I wore just a pair of military camouflage pants and a tank top. A bag with the utensils we would need was hanging over my shoulder. Someone was going to wear even less in a minute.
“Nadja! Come here!” I hollered and she came out of the guesthouse. She looked at me with confusion.
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