Randel the Ravisher - Cover

Randel the Ravisher

Copyright© 2024 by R.R. Ryan

Chapter 2

Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Randel is a 21-year-old man who has a grudge against all women. He’s a particularly nasty individual for a hero, which, of course, a hero he isn’t. However, in his mind, he is justified in his dreadful crimes. And, of course, as we all are, Randel is the hero of his own stories. In this outing, he seeks revenge on Alice for a perceived slight. A girl doesn't flirt with him, so he must rape her.

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Rape   Heterosexual   Fiction   BDSM   MaleDom   Humiliation   Sadistic   Snuff   Spanking   Torture   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   First   Facial   Oral Sex   Size   Violence  

Randel fucked his toy whore like a worthless piece of shit until early Sunday morning. Then he made her clean the house, wiping down every wall of every room he’d been in. He made Alice clean the dishes, countertops, change the sheets, wash them, fold them, and put them away. Alice played the good maid for Randel.

He made Alice soak in a tub and wash herself over and over.

Finding the family enema bottle, he filled it with warm water and shoved the tube up her ass. Once the water did its job and she shat out all evidence into the toilet, he felt safe. Randel took her by a hank of her hair and led her downstairs near the back door.

“I’ll be back sometime when Mommy and Daddy aren’t around again.”

“Okay,” Alice said in fearful trembling. “Anytime is okey-dokey with me.” It was a lie, and she was pretty sure he had realized it.

“Sure, it is, sweetheart. In the meantime, you tell anybody, anyone at all, and I’ll drown you in that fucking pool.”

“I know you would,” she said.

With that, Randel left.

Alice felt lucky to be alive, and she’d never mutter a single syllable about Randel, her rapist. That weekend made her mind up. She’d never be with any man willingly. The problem was, she didn’t think she deserved to be with a woman after what he’d done to her.

The once confident girl turned into a woman who wanted nothing to do with anyone. She just wasn’t good enough to have friends. Alice realized she was nasty and didn’t deserve happiness.

Randel’s week started slow, and there wasn’t much work. Too much time to think about hurting some bitch or another and not free enough to find one. By Wednesday 13th, he wanted to really cut loose and bash some cunt.

He thought about the only woman he’d ever killed and what a rush it gave him. He wanted to kill again but would have to plan that out and figure out how and where to get rid of the body. He’d choked out several of the women he raped while he rapped. He’d slap them hard, and they’d wake up.

He’d love to stab one in the liver and watch her bleed out. But choking one out while he fucks her and just keeps on choking until he came and she went. Timing that out, shooting seeds into a fertile womb and killing her at the exact moment.

’Shit,’ he thought, ‘that’d be heaven. Someday, I’ll do that.”

It was early Thursday morning, predawn. Soon, the sun would climb over the purple horizon to the east. Randel had hours to kill. He checked his pocket. The pill was there. If he had a chance, he’d last a long, long time.

He replayed Alice’s punishment in his mind. He’d revisit her. He wanted so very much to knock her up. An older car pulled into the lot below. He realized who that was. A thirty-two-year-old single bitch, with an X, Instagram, Tumblr, and OnlyFans accounts. An influencer who never bares it all but teases.

It was rumored she hadn’t been with anyone in years. No boyfriends, no girlfriends, no men or women in her life. Just her fans and the money they shelled out to not see her naked.

But Randel had seen her naked.

Amanda White’s breath misted in the cool morning air as she killed the engine of her aging hatchback. The world was hushed, wrapped in the soft amber glow of dawn. With a steady exhale, she swung the door open and stepped onto the gravel of the nearly deserted parking lot. The first golden rays of sunlight kissed her face as she stretched her limbs. Readying herself for the solitary embrace of the forest.

Her gaze swept across the empty space, pausing on the lone vehicle tucked away in the corner, its color dull under the lightening sky. Amanda shrugged off a fleeting curiosity about the owner, dismissing it inconsequential. It was just her and the trails today.

Eight winding paths taunted her with the promise of solitude and exertion. She reached for her water bottle, adjusted her earbuds, and set off towards trail number two, her favored path for its challenging inclines and scenic views.

Meanwhile, Randel’s eyes remained fixed on Amanda from his elevated vantage point. Perched like some predatory bird upon a craggy outcrop, he allowed himself a small, knowing smile. He had been here before, watching her, learning her routines. He took his little blue pill.

This wasn’t chance; it was design.

As Amanda’s figure grew smaller, weaving into the verdant tapestry of the park, Randel’s thoughts were drawn back in time to a job that had given him more than monetary compensation. He had installed their security system. An intimate task that granted him access to the corners of her life through the silent witness of cameras.

Cameras he had never entirely relinquished control over.

His gaze sharpened as he watched her ponytail disappear down the second trail. An anticipatory shiver ran through him at the thought of their paths crossing. He had timed it perfectly. In fifteen minutes, she’d be close enough for him to make his move.

Randel shifted his weight, muscles tensing like coiled springs, as he prepared to follow. In his mind’s eye, memories flickered—a voyeuristic slideshow that spurred him onward. He licked his lips with unsettling eagerness, tracing the route Amanda would take in his head. Soon, very soon, their solitary pursuits would collide.

Amanda’s breaths came in rhythmic gasps as she navigated the sinuous path, her feet finding familiar purchase on the gnarled roots and stones that littered the trail. The earthy scent of damp soil and decaying leaves mingled with the crisp morning air, invigorating her senses as she pushed her body to its limits. This trail was her sanctuary, a serpentine challenge that rewarded her with solitude and the satisfaction of every conquered incline.

The surrounding forest was a verdant maze. A wild tangle of life that thrived in the hush of dawn. Sunlight filtered through the canopy in mottled patterns, casting the world in a kaleidoscope of light and shadow. Amanda reveled in the dance of light on her skin. The way it seemed to lead her onward, up the steepest slopes and down into the sheltering embrace of the hollers below.

Her heart pounded in her chest, not just from the exertion but also from the sheer joy of movement. She would be done with her run before the trails grew crowded. It would be an hour until the silence was broken by the footsteps of others seeking communion with nature.

But then, a fleeting sensation prickled at the back of her neck. This subtle warning sent a chill skittering down her spine. Amanda slowed, her pace faltering as she glanced upward. The rocky hilltop loomed above, jagged and imposing against the softening sky. For a moment, she could have sworn she’d seen a figure there when she first started her run.

An anomaly in her otherwise predictable routine.

She shook her head, dismissing the unease that attempted to take root in her mind. It was probably nothing, a trick of the light or a bird taking flight at the right moment. With a deep inhale, she set off again. A renewed determination not to let imaginary shadows interrupt her morning ritual.

Amanda’s mind cleared as she propelled herself forward, the rhythm of her feet against the path a soothing cadence. The woods were alive around her, whispering secrets with every leaf that brushed against another.

Her ponytail became animated, dancing wildly behind her as she navigated the serpentine trail. It was exhilarating! The feeling of her body cutting through the cool morning air, agile and free.

But the solace of her run was short-lived. The unmistakable sound of heavy footsteps thudded in the distance, growing louder, closer. A quick, apprehensive glance over her shoulder revealed her pursuer. An imposing figure of a man, his height commanding, his face a contorted mask of determination. He starkly contrasted the natural elegance surrounding them.

The abnormality sent a surge of adrenaline through Amanda’s veins.

But the man’s presence was like an anchor tied to her feet. Dragging her down with every step she took. Amanda was not one to succumb to fear. So, she pushed harder, the ground blurring beneath her as she attempted to widen the gap between them.

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