Edward Pembroke - Slave Trader - Cover

Edward Pembroke - Slave Trader

Copyright© 2024 by Edward Pembroke

Chapter 61

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 61 - A man with a sleazy, perverted past but a particular set of skills, becomes Edward Pembroke. He is employed on a mission, to procure beautiful women and introduce them to a life of sex slavery against their will

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/ft   Teenagers   Coercion   Drunk/Drugged   NonConsensual   Rape   Slavery   Teen Siren   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Crime   Horror   Incest   BDSM   MaleDom   Humiliation   Rough   Sadistic   Snuff   Spanking   Torture   Group Sex   Harem   Anal Sex   Analingus   Double Penetration   Enema   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Spitting   Squirting   Voyeurism   Water Sports   Body Modification   Violence  

Pembroke and Mrs Parker looked like a contented age appropriate couple lying in bed together, and not a vicious captor and slaver with this cowed slave. Her body had been well toned after months of exercise, nothing but healthy food and energetic sex, and still had the womanly curves that was the one thing he missed about the beautiful and much younger females he had such access to.

“How are the new girls getting on?”

“Lucy and Clare are still very rude to me, they are the only girls I would not feel comfortable in taking to my bed for the night, Master.”

“That’s a shame, Parker, it’s not fair that you cannot sample all the delights we have here without feeling unsafe. Lucy will soon be leaving us, however, by far our biggest sale so far, I had been worried her buy was backing out after buying Sophie, but it seems she has only whetted his appetite. It will be our biggest sale so far, which is just as well as we had to kill quite a few people and spend an awful lot of money for her.” Mrs Parker could not deny she had some attraction to this man, who was also the most evil specimen of humanity she had met, even among the other men who helped him run the complex. “Do you enjoy your life here, Parker?”

“Master ... yes I think so” Mrs Parker thoughtfully replied as she lay across his chest. “I at least feel like I have a purpose, and I feel like I am helping the girls.”

“You are a fantastic asset Parker!” he sat up and slapped her on the ass “I don’t know how we would get on together. I hope you stay with us for a long time to come!” He reached for a remote and turned on the screen facing the bed. On came some video footage of a nondescript street.

Mrs Parker stirred and sat up nervously when she saw her ex husband in the picture and her two children playing.

“Dmitri took this footage a week ago. We have an order for a pretty young University student who is based in northern England. So many men want some girl they see on Instagram and won’t consider our girls already in stock, such a shame. Anyway, I asked Dmitri to check in with your family. They are very easy to reach. While it would not bring me any financial gain, it is so much simpler to carry out a murder than a kidnapping. Though in a few years, your daughter might make a nice piece of merchandise.

Mrs Parker bit her lip, and her nerves prompted her to ask “Master, have I displeased you in some way? Is there a way I can improve so you do not target my family?”

“Funny you should say that, Parker.” Pembroke turned to look at her.”We do need you for something. Now do you recall those mean things I showed you on social media and the newspapers about your death?”

He saw the woman turn, ashen faced, as she recalled the stories celebrating her disappearance and presumed death as “vile paedo vanishes” and “neighbourhood celebrates as female pervert disappears.”

“You see, Parker, you have no future outside this complex. The worst thing I could do to you, is release you. So I want you to remember that, along with that video of your family, when I tell you what you can do to help me.”

---------- Linh Nguyen and Ayesha Rahman giggled together as they writhed against each other’s bodies in the bunk bed. “Shh, you will wake the others,” Linh whispered, but Ayesha didn’t stop playfully gliding her fingers under the hem of Linh’s skimpy pajama shorts. Ayesha turned Linh’s face to hers and kissed her to stifle her sighs, as Ayesha slowly brought her own fingers between Linh’s thighs and slipped them inside her thong. The other girls in the dorm were not impressed by the growing noises and giggles. One girl finally had enough and shouted at them, “Stop that! Have some respect, it’s 3 a.m.!” She angrily turned on the lights, pulling the covers off them, revealing their intimate position. “You dirty lesbian sluts!” she scolded.

The commotion escalated, leading to the hostel staff being called to restore peace. By the next morning, Linh and Ayesha cast hateful glances at the pretty lone girl with long, dark, tumbling tresses who had scolded them. “Who does she think she is?” they muttered, watching as the girl engrossed herself in a magazine article about the Venice Film Festival. “She probably is some whore who can’t afford to stay in a hotel room unless she is sucking a man’s cock.”

Ayesha, just eighteen years old and standing at five feet six inches tall, had expressive dark almond eyes framed by long lashes, a delicate nose, and full ruby lips that contrasted beautifully with her brown Bangladeshi skin. Her buxom breasts stood out against her slim frame, her curves stretching out gracefully.

Linh, also five feet six, had a slender build with small, apple-sized breasts and a wafer-thin waist. Her slender, tapered legs and olive skin beautifully reflected her Vietnamese heritage. Her captivating brown eyes, framed by slanted eyebrows, a small nose, and sculpted cheekbones, enhanced her delicate features. Unlike Ayesha’s curls and waves, Linh’s black hair was straight and smooth. Both girls had matching silver heart belly button piercings that sparkled in the Venetian sun, adding a touch of glimmer to their smooth stomachs as they enjoyed the morning light.

That morning, the hostel staff informed the two girls that they would not be welcome to stay another night following the complaint. The two girls were furious, but Linh cautioned her friend, “We might not even need another night here anyway.”

“I guess, if we get that job and decide to take it,” Ayesha responded nervously. “I don’t know about it though, I’m kinda nervous; that guy Pembroke seemed a bit off.”

“If Katalin and Anna think he’s on the level, that’s okay for me,” Linh said. “Let’s see this family’s yacht anyway.”

“It’s just gonna be so boring,” Ayesha moaned. “Working with some family on a boat for two weeks.”

“Yeah, but think of the money. Do you really want to go back to work for those pigs, selling our bodies, or get deported?”

“If we get the job, with the money, I’m gonna get a car and drive us all around Italy,” Linh smiled, holding Ayesha’s hand.

The two young lovers giggled as they wandered out into the crowded street among the tourists, in their matching tiny denim shorts, showing off the waistbands of their underwear, displaying their matching belly button jewelry with tight strappy tops and sandals, and backpacks their only other belongings.

“We better behave when we are on that boat, Linh, seriously, or he might throw us overboard!” The two giggled some more when, at the same moment, they both spotted the same girl who had complained about them, sitting by herself in a café. in a light blue summer dress with white spots, which rode up her thighs as she sat cross-legged, she looked lost in a daze of thought as she stared out the Doge’s Palace. “What a bitch,” spat Ayesha. She then noticed the girl had her phone lying beside her on the table. “I can see her knickers from here. I bet she really is an escort, the hypocritical bitch. Hey Linh, watch this,” she winked at her friend.

Zeynip Yildiz had dreamt of Venice all her life and couldn’t believe she was finally here, attending the Film Festival. The past six months had been tumultuous, with her parents kicking her out and her grandfather passing away, but now she felt she finally had a chance to make something of herself. It had been tough, and she had even considered how much money she could make as an escort, but she remembered her oath never to debase herself again. Staying in a hostel full of idiots like those girls had been hard. She sighed, frustrated at being told she was no longer welcome. It was the other two who were at fault, but it seemed she was being punished as well, or perhaps she had overdone it with her outburst at them.

Now, she needed to find another place to stay on a budget and wondered where she could go since Venice was fully booked. She desperately needed to meet some directors or film industry people here, but networking successfully was proving to be incredibly challenging.

She turned to get her phone, but ... it was gone! She panicked and looked around, but it was nowhere to be found. She scanned the bustling crowd of tourists, but there was no sign of it. All her contacts, the calls she was going to make, the details, the planned messages, that meeting with the director—all gone! After searching frantically and asking the café manager for help, she had to admit defeat. Others around her felt sorry for her as she started crying, overwhelmed by the sudden loss and the crushing setback to her plans.

All except two Asian teenagers who were cackling with laughter from a safe vantage point. “The stupid bitch didn’t even lock her phone,” cackled Ayesha. “And she’s got her bank card on here. Come on, Linh, quick, let’s spend that whore’s money.”

“Ayesha, you are so evil! But yeah, let’s do it!” Linh said.

The two girls slipped into another shop, where they used Zeynip’s phone and online wallet to splurge on jewelry and dresses. In the changing room, they tried on their new finds, laughter echoing between the walls.

“You look so cute, Linh,” Ayesha giggled, admiring her friend.

Linh twirled in front of the mirror, eyeing a particularly short dress. “This one is so short, it’s like a t-shirt. It barely covers my ass,” she exclaimed.

Ayesha laughed, giving Linh’s ass a playful slap. “Maybe that’s the point,” she teased, a mischievous glint in her eyes. “Hey, we might as well get some lingerie. If we have to work a uniform for two weeks, at least we can dress nice underneath.” She licked her lips and arched her eyebrows. “Oh my goodness, Linh, you look good enough to eat!” Ayesha had to admire Linh in a one-piece pastel lingerie which matched her skin color nude.

“You don’t look too bad yourself, Ayesha,” Linh softly spoke to Ayesha as she was in green and black frilly French knickers and bra.

“You know, maybe if one of us can seduce Mr. Van Statton, then we could make a lot more money out of this than we thought,” giggled Linh, running her finger along the hem of Ayesha’s knickers.

“Ladies, you must get out of there and pay for those items!” came a voice.

“Sorry,” the girls chirruped in unison. They left the changing room giggling and paid for their items with Zeynip’s card, clutching their shopping. “God, that felt so good, knowing that bitch paid for it!” laughed Linh. “I guess we need to behave though, we have to meet the Van Stattons.”

“Yeah,” said Ayesha, “enough fun.” She eyed a shady-looking young man and immediately pegged him as a drug dealer. “Say, why don’t we try something to get us ready for the interview?”

“You sure?”

“Yeah, I’m nervous. What about some weed to calm us down, make us not seem overexcited, and make us look normal?”

Linh hesitated but then nodded. “Alright, just a little to take the edge off.” The two girls approached the dealer, ready to add another layer of risk to their already reckless day. They exchanged Zeynip’s phone for some pills.

Meanwhile, Zeynip sat on a bench, her head in her hands, trying to figure out her next move. She had barely any cash and felt completely lost without her phone. She needed to contact all the film industry professionals she had spent months chasing and networking with, preparing for this moment in Venice, and find a new place to stay. But right now, all she could think about was how everything seemed to be going wrong.

Ayesha and Linh felt dazed and relaxed from the drugs but tried to present themselves as professionals ahead of the upcoming meeting. They walked to the harbor in Venice until they found the boat at the designated place. The “Corsaro” was somewhat smaller than the superyacht they had imagined a billionaire might own.

They were met outside by a tall, blond, clean-shaven man with dazzling blue eyes. He wore impeccably tailored white trousers, a crisp white shirt, and a pink cardigan draped over his shoulders and tied in front. His deck shoes were polished, and he wore large, stylish glasses. Ayesha’s eyes were drawn to his watch, an undeniably expensive piece. Beside him stood a stern-looking man in a black suit, wearing sunglasses and an earpiece, exuding an air of impassive security.

“Ladies, welcome! It’s a pleasure to finally meet you,” he spoke with a refined New York accent. “Ayesha and Linh, I presume?”

Ayesha stepped forward, trying to maintain her composure. “Yes, that’s right. Thank you for inviting us.”

The man smiled warmly. “I’m Clive Van Statton. I’ve been looking forward to our meeting. Please, come aboard. Oh, and don’t mind Dmitri; we have our kids to think about, so security, you know.”

As they boarded the Corsaro, Linh and Ayesha exchanged nervous glances but followed Mr. Van Statton’s lead. The interior of the yacht was luxurious yet understated, with polished wood and elegant furnishings. Despite their dazed state, they couldn’t help but be impressed by the opulence surrounding them.

“Ladies, meet my wife, Olivia.”

The girls watched as a glamorous middle-aged blonde woman, dressed elegantly and expensively, approached them. She seemed a little nervous and shy. “Hello, girls, welcome aboard! Sorry, the children are out at the moment. We wanted to see you first before we introduce you to them and make a decision about your employment.”

“Of course,” said Linh.

“Now, girls, I don’t know much about you, but I understand you’ve met Eddie?” Clive inquired.

“Eddie?” frowned Ayesha.

“Edward Pembroke, my buddy,” smiled Clive. “He spoke highly of you, said you girls are ... let’s just say undocumented but very reliable, good workers, and good with kids. We also got a reference from Maria Kuzy.”

“Oh yes, of course, we met Edward. He was very nice!” Linh spoke up nervously.

Clive Van Statton smiled at the easy lies of the girls. He had spoken to the girls, but only via Zoom, as Edward Pembroke, looking rather different than he did today.

“Girls, have you thought about our rules?” said Olivia, her eyes kind but with an underlying intensity. Ayesha had a fleeting thought that Olivia might not want two pretty girls on board this yacht, possibly due to her husband’s desires. She smiled at the thought that she or Linh might actually end up being able to do something with the tall, handsome husband and was pleased they had brought so much nice lingerie.

“You mean social media? Yeah, we haven’t said anything about this. We fully respect your privacy,” Ayesha responded.

“And your phones?” Olivia asked gently.

“We are totally cool with that,” Ayesha replied. She felt a bit uneasy about agreeing to stay silent about their trip and had even thought perhaps she should have said something like “in case we disappear...” but this family seemed nice so far.

“And our pay?” Linh asked.

“A thousand dollars a day for each of you, for the next ten days, until we get to Marseille, in cash. Is that OK?” Clive asked, as if it was not a small fortune for girls like Ayesha and Linh. “We had to get you girls at the last minute; the other two backed out at the last moment, and our kids ... well, Olivia needs help!”

Ayesha and Linh exchanged a quick glance, barely able to contain their excitement. A thousand dollars a day for ten days was more money than they had ever seen.

“Yes, that sounds more than fair,” Linh said, her voice steady despite her nervousness.

“Well, we leave straight away, I’m afraid, so there isn’t much time to make your decision,” Clive said. Ayesha seemed a little nervous. “Are you not waiting for the kids?”

“Oh yes, of course,” laughed Clive, “but we do want to leave in the next few hours. I mean, if you girls cannot do it, I understand. We will try and find some more staff by the time we get to Ancona.” “Do you mind if we just go for a coffee first and have a final think about it?” asked Ayesha, looking out on the deck at the people walking past.

Clive smiled tightly, also watching with some annoyance at the tourists strolling along in full view of them. “Yes, of course, girls, but we do need a decision soon. Can you let me know within an hour?” “Any other questions, girls? Anything else to allay your concerns?” asked Olivia. “I must say you both seem very nice, so I hope you can join us.”

“I think so too,” Linh said. “We just want to discuss it first.” “Fine, hopefully see you in an hour,” Clive smiled.

As they walked away from the yacht, Ayesha and Linh found a small café by the harbor. They sat down with their coffees, both feeling the weight of the decision they had to make. “This is a huge opportunity,” Linh said, stirring her coffee. “But we need to be sure we’re making the right choice.”

“I know,” Ayesha replied, glancing back towards the Corsaro. “It seems too good to be true, but they seem genuine. And the money ... it’s a lot.”

“They are billionaires,” Linh said, rereading the only profile she could find of the family, seeing the unmistakable faces of Clive and Olivia with three small children in a small piece on an obscure website about a charity in New York. “They all love secrecy; the really rich don’t flaunt it.”

“What do you think of Clive?” Ayesha asked, running her toes along Linh’s leg with a smile.

“He’s cute!” said Linh. “His wife looks like she has been cheated on so much, she is so plain for him!” “Totally. I wonder why so much secrecy. The woman kept giving me looks like, ‘don’t take this job.’ You could tell she was expecting two ugly girls, not two hot chicks like us,” Ayesha grinned.

“Yeah,” laughed Linh, “I definitely got the vibe she was warning us off. Lucky bitch, having all that money.”

“Let’s call Katalin and double-check things, OK?”

Olivia Van Statton, also known as Mrs. Parker, cowered in the corner of the yacht’s lounge, holding her face after being struck by her ‘husband.’

“Damn bitches!” scowled Edward Pembroke, blinking furiously as he removed his uncomfortable blue contact lenses and put them back in their holder. “Little sluts thinking they can go off for a coffee. I should have grabbed them right there if we hadn’t been out on the deck in front of so many people. Who knows who they might be calling? It’s probably a lucky thing if we never see them again now.”

He turned his furious gaze back to Mrs. Parker. “If we haven’t got these girls, you stupid hag, I will blame you. And your fucking sideways glances—you’ll get a lot worse than that backhand, believe me, once we are out to sea!”

“I’m sorry, Master,” Mrs. Parker bawled.

Pembroke’s phone rang. It was Katalin. He answered, “Hi Katalin.”

“Edward!” Katalin said gladly, feeling so happy to hear his voice.

“Hello Katalin, how are things in Budapest?” Mrs. Parker could not help but admire how he effortlessly switched from cruel, angry tyrant to schmoozing lover. He even went over and stroked Mrs. Parker’s hair as he talked lovingly on the phone.

“Oh, it’s so exciting, this new job! Always something on!” Katalin could not help but stroke her necklace around her chest, lovingly touching it. “Edward, I just wanted to say thank you so much for the necklace. It’s so beautiful!” She looked at the little design of a heart, feeling the texture.

Pembroke smiled. He knew exactly where Katalin was, the necklace pendant had a tracker embedded in it, and he planned to make good use of it soon.

“I thought of you when I saw it, Katalin, and I just knew you should have it. I hope you wear it the next time I see you!”

“Are you kidding? I never take it off!” laughed Katalin.

“Hmm, even in the shower? I’m just imagining you with nothing on but that necklace,” Pembroke murmured, running his hand inside Mrs. Parker’s dress, massaging her breasts as he flirted breathily with Katalin down the phone.

“Oh, you!” laughed Katalin, biting her lip. “But Edward, I do have a reason for the call, not just to flirt and gossip!”

“Oh really, an ulterior motive?” laughed Pembroke.

“Yes, Edward. You know the Van Stattons pretty well. I just got off the phone with Ayesha and Linh.”

“Oh? What happened? I thought the Van Stattons had a rule about no phones.”

“Oh yes, well they met Clive today, and they just called me asking for some reassurance. They felt he was a bit off.”

“Oh, well Clive can be a bit intense. Trust me, these billionaires, none of them are normal!”

“But they liked his wife, and they said the money offered was amazing.”

“That’s good. So are they going to take the job? What did they think of the kids?”

“They never met the kids. The family said they were out, and the girls would only meet them once they agreed to the job and were on the boat.”

“Sounds sensible, to be honest,” Edward replied.

“Yes, I guess. I don’t really know this family, other than the little I was able to find online. And the girls are relying on me and Maria to vouch for the Van Stattons, but as you know, well, I haven’t told Maria anything. She wouldn’t approve of the girls working illegally, so I feel like a bit of a fraud telling the girls that we are both vouching for the family.”

“Well, I understand, but cash-in-hand work is normal, and I’m sure when you were young, you did plenty of things you wouldn’t do now!” laughed Pembroke.

“That’s what I told the girls,” Katalin said. “I used to hitchhike around Europe when I was seventeen, and nothing bad happened to me! It’s just that I’m off to Egypt tomorrow with Lila, and the girls won’t have their phones, so I feel a bit responsible for them.”

“Responsibility is never easy,” sighed Pembroke, squeezing Mrs. Parker’s nipples. The woman knew better than to make any noise.

“Edward, I trust you, so I am going to tell the girls a little white lie and say both Maria and I can vouch for the Van Stattons. I think they should take it. I mean, they said he is going to pay them a thousand dollars a day each! That is crazy money; I would do it!”

“I have no doubt you would, Katalin. You have a sense of adventure, something youngsters these days lack!”

“Anyway, I have to go, Edward. The girls say they are on a strict deadline, and I need to call them back. But thank you so much, you don’t know how much pressure you have lifted off my shoulders. Now I can relax on my holiday knowing the girls will be safe!”

“You worry about others too much, Katalin,” said Pembroke, smiling. “I hope you and Lila have an amazing time in Egypt. Remember to send me lots of pictures, and not just of the pyramids, if you know what I mean?” He sniggered down the phone.

“Oh, you!” She laughed and turned off the call. She bit her lip, fingering her necklace again, thinking of Edward Pembroke.

“Well, things are looking up,” Pembroke said, turning to Mrs. Parker with a smile. “I’m sorry I struck you, Mrs. Parker. You have been very obedient during this trip. I’m sorry I cannot take you ashore, but I prefer you snugly safe on board here. But we can come out on deck, and you can view the sights of Venice again. What does it feel like to see normal people again after living in the complex for nearly a year? It must be strange.”

“I am here to serve you, Master,” Mrs. Parker responded.

She obediently followed Pembroke out onto the deck as they both took in the glorious sights of Venice, looking for all the world like a happy, wealthy tourist couple. The city’s charm and vibrancy were on full display, with gondolas gliding through the canals and tourists bustling about, taking in the historic beauty.

Pembroke put his arm around Mrs. Parker’s shoulders, maintaining the facade of a loving husband. “Enjoy the view, Mrs. Parker. You won’t have many more chances to see such sights.” She nodded, her eyes scanning the scene below. “It is beautiful, Master. Thank you for allowing me this moment.”

Zeynip Yildiz wandered around the streets of Venice and the festival area, but without her phone, she couldn’t access the necessary codes. She couldn’t believe it—she had paid so much money for it! She was in despair. Suddenly, she noticed the two girls whose night of passion she had disrupted in the hostel bunk bed, which had led to her getting thrown out as well. They were giggling and looking so happy; she hated them so much!

With nothing better to do, she followed them, wondering where they were going with their bags of shopping. They seemed to have enough money for that, so why couldn’t they afford a hotel room instead of making love with a dozen other strangers around them in a hostel dorm?

She followed them to a yacht and watched them meet a blond couple who looked wealthy. Perhaps they were escorts going for a threesome? The couple certainly looked rich enough for it, but when she looked more closely, she couldn’t believe it—Edward Pembroke? The man she had met so fleetingly in Istanbul? He was in the film business; of course, he was here for the Film Festival!

She hung back, curious about what the girls were doing. They both left after about ten minutes onboard, and she confirmed to herself that yes, it was Edward Pembroke. As a former escort, she knew the ‘walk of shame’ when she saw it and knew that nothing naughty had been done.

She hid behind a wall and listened to the two girls as they walked past.

“He seems nice ... Lots of money ... Great opportunity ... Katalin and Maria wouldn’t vouch for him if he wasn’t totally legit...”

Zeynip was intrigued. She was running out of options, so she started walking up and down the harbor, trying to ‘accidentally’ catch sight of him again.

After a few minutes of anxious pacing, she saw Edward Pembroke standing on the deck, seemingly engrossed in conversation with his blonde partner. She would have preferred to meet him alone, but she had to chance it.

Taking a deep breath, she approached the yacht, hoping to catch Edward’s attention without causing a scene. “Edward! Is that you?” she called out, trying to sound casual yet enthusiastic.

Pembroke looked up, momentarily surprised. His expression was neutral as he looked at her, and then up and down the harbor, seemingly confused.

“Oh ... I remember you! It’s...”

“Zeynip ... Zeynip Yildiz? We exchanged information in Istanbul?”

Edward’s face lit up with recognition. “Yes, of course, Zeynip! How could I forget? What brings you to Venice?”

Zeynip smiled, relieved that he remembered her. “I’m here for the festival, but I lost my phone, and things have been a bit difficult. I didn’t expect to run into you. Your hair looks ... different.”

Edward’s eyes twinkled with amusement. “What a coincidence! As for my hair, what can I say? We actors are so vain, though it is for work, well, that’s what I tell myself, haha. Why don’t you come aboard for a moment? We can catch up and see if there’s anything we can do to help.”

Zeynip had never been on a yacht before and felt a rush of excitement as Pembroke gallantly helped her up. She pulled her dress down, trying not to flash her white panties underneath, conscious of what seemed like his wife looking at her with a little trepidation.

“Goodness, what a coincidence. The last I saw you was six months ago. You were working in an electronics store in Istanbul, and now you are in Venice for the film festival. Things move fast!” Edward remarked.

“Well, looks can be deceptive,” Zeynip smiled shyly. “I am here for the festival, but it’s kind of hard to get invited anywhere. I’ll be honest, I haven’t made much progress. I made a short movie and was hoping to network here.”

Edward nodded thoughtfully. “That sounds interesting! I would love to see it!”

“I can show you, it’s online, obviously just not on my phone, as it’s ... well ... gone,” Zeynip waved her arms helplessly and laughed nervously, expressing her frustration at herself.

“Was it stolen today? That is terrible. How are you keeping in contact with people?” Pembroke smelled an opportunity like a wolf.

“To be honest, that part I don’t mind. My family and I ... well, we don’t talk much anymore. I think they would be more freaked out to hear from me than to go a month without hearing from me,” she shrugged her shoulders. “I’ve been kind of a loner this last while. But you’ve done well; look at this boat!”

“Oh,” Pembroke sighed. “It’s not my yacht, not my wife either!” He laughed gaily as he pulled Mrs. Parker close. “I am only joking. This is Olivia, my darling wife!”

“Hello, Zeynip,” said Olivia shyly.

“Hello, Olivia! Sorry, I don’t mean to impose.”

Pembroke smiled at Zeynip’s naivety and total lack of social skills. She was beautiful but nervous and shy, and it showed. She lacked confidence. This was looking very promising.

“No, please, we are here for the festival too. In fact, we are showing a movie of our own. Like you, we find it tough.”

“Well, I think you are much better than me. You seem so ... confident!”

“Haha, it all comes with practice. But I thought you act as well?”

“Yes, I act,” she said shyly, averting her eyes.

“Are you in your movie?”

“Yes,” she smiled shyly.

“How long is it?”

“Ten minutes, it’s pretty short.” Zeynip did not want to say that it had taken her dozens of hours and a lot of money to make.

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