Edward Pembroke - Slave Trader - Cover

Edward Pembroke - Slave Trader

Copyright© 2024 by Edward Pembroke

Chapter 53

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 53 - A man with a sleazy, perverted past but a particular set of skills, becomes Edward Pembroke. He is employed on a mission, to procure beautiful women and introduce them to a life of sex slavery against their will

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/ft   Teenagers   Coercion   Drunk/Drugged   NonConsensual   Rape   Slavery   Teen Siren   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Crime   Horror   Incest   BDSM   MaleDom   Humiliation   Rough   Sadistic   Snuff   Spanking   Torture   Group Sex   Harem   Anal Sex   Analingus   Double Penetration   Enema   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Spitting   Squirting   Voyeurism   Water Sports   Body Modification   Violence  

Rania Darwish watched through the condensation on the cell wall, the breath, sweat, and smell of vagina from countless females in the small cell overpowering. She gazed at the nothingness, the sterile walls, equipment, and barred high windows of the hall beyond the clear cell walls.

She looked at the other girls, their flesh on display like sardines packed tightly in a can, their bodies barely able to be apart without touching in the cramped space.

She looked down at her own body, comparing it to the others. Her stomach was more toned from the exercises, but other than that, she had the same taut skin and firm breasts as the rest. Some had A cups, others had D cups, but there was barely any flabby flesh or loose skin among all the girls. Their bodies, like hers, were meticulously maintained, all showing signs of the relentless conditioning they endured.

Having first witnessed and then been involved in the lesbian sex required every day for ‘training,’ she had lost some inhibitions but remained wary of opening up to any girl, conscious that an hour later she might be forced to have her tongue between her legs. She was shocked to discover that some girls were cousins, sisters, and even mother and daughter, and it only seemed to strengthen their sexual attraction to each other.

The only imperfection she had noticed was one girl, Francesca, who seemed to have lost a little finger. The Moroccan girls had translated for her the horrific story of how it had come about. Everyone seemed to have a heartbreaking, brutal story about how they had come to be there.

Rania rubbed the Pembroke brand tattoo on her wrist and ran her hand over her silky smooth mons. She could not believe how drastically her life had changed since meeting her sleazy, horrible uncle Nadim. Everything her family had warned her about had not only turned out to be true, but she knew they would never believe the extent of the horrors she had endured because of him. The transformation from her innocent, sheltered life to this nightmarish existence was beyond anything she could have ever imagined.

Nadim had taken to the girls like a fox in a henhouse. All the male overseers were brutal and horny, but Nadim stood out even among them. His predatory nature and lack of restraint made him particularly terrifying to the girls, who quickly learned to dread his presence. While Konrad loved to tear and bit their flesh he had been warned off but the Master did not seem to mind the disgusting interest Nadim had in each of their assholes.

Nadim had worked his fingers and almost his entire fist inside the asses of some of the girls, favoring certain female asses over others. As they were ordered to bend over with their bottoms facing the cell wall out in the hall for his viewing, each girl was terrified. What if now he chose her posterior to play with and work on? The fear of becoming his next target was a constant, horrifying thought that plagued their minds.

Pembroke was in Budapest, dining at the famous and opulent Gundel Restaurant with Dr. Viktor Ivanov, a renowned Hungarian-Russian heart surgeon nearing retirement. The restaurant, known for its stunning Art Nouveau architecture and rich history, offered an array of exquisite delicacies. Pembroke indulged in foie gras with truffle oil, slow-cooked duck leg confit, and a Château Margaux red wine, a luxurious choice that reminded him of the recent profitable sales of Holly, Cassie, and Gal.

“Well, Mr. Pembroke,” said Dr. Ivanov as he ate his food, “I hope you are as interesting a dinner companion as I was told you might be...”

“Ah, I try,” Pembroke smiled charmingly. “Who has been telling tales about me, I wonder? But no matter, I understand discretion,” he grinned, fully aware that Dr. Ivanov had been a private surgeon to the Azmari and several Gulf royal families, as well as other rich and influential men.

Dr. Ivanov was an intelligent man and knew to let the salesman do the talking.

“I am sure you must have a nice nest egg, Dr. Ivanov, and here’s to a long retirement, richly deserved. I’m sure you have lots of plans, your beautiful wife is doubtless going to be in them.”

“She will be there, but I can have other time away from her,” said Dr. Ivanov.

“Dr. Ivanov, for a man of your culture, what you have given to the world, what you have given your family, I think you deserve a bit of fun in your old age. What do you think of the waitress with the blonde hair?”

“Beautiful,” Dr. Ivanov smiled. “Stunning.”

Pembroke leaned in slightly, lowering his voice. “You know, Dr. Ivanov, I specialize in providing unique experiences for discerning gentlemen such as yourself. I can offer you something far more exclusive than a fleeting encounter with a waitress.”

Dr. Ivanov raised an eyebrow, intrigued but cautious. “What exactly are you suggesting, Mr. Pembroke?”

Pembroke smiled, sensing he had piqued the doctor’s interest. “Imagine having a companion of your choosing, someone who meets your every desire and is completely dedicated to your pleasure. A young, beautiful girl who is entirely yours.”

Dr. Ivanov leaned back, considering Pembroke’s words. “And how would one go about acquiring such a companion?”

Pembroke took a sip of his wine, maintaining eye contact. “It’s quite simple, really. I handle all the details. You simply tell me your preferences, and I ensure that you have exactly what you want. Discreetly and securely, for the rest of your life or hers, with the understanding that her lifespan won’t exceed yours,” he winked.

The surgeon’s curiosity was fully engaged now. “Good. I will cut straight to it, Mr. Pembroke. I have spent a lifetime with cadavers and saving lives. In my retirement, I want to extend my curiosity. I want a companion I can see inside and understand what is really going on in there. Not just sex,” he added, almost distastefully. “I can get that anywhere. What I want from your services is ... something for someone of my profession to play with, something beautiful, something healthy, something to ... open up.”

Pembroke nearly choked on his duck but swallowed it down with a gulp of his wine. He composed himself quickly, realizing the gravity of Dr. Ivanov’s request. “Well, Dr. Ivanov, it seems you have very specific needs. I assure you, I can provide exactly what you are looking for. A beautiful, healthy companion who will meet all your ... professional curiosities.”

Dr. Ivanov’s eyes gleamed with a mix of anticipation and dark excitement. “Good. That blonde girl, she has a beautiful body, but one only sees the exterior. Of course, exploring her three cavities is tempting, but ... I want more than just that. I want to see beneath the skin. In romantic novels, one always talks about the exterior of the body, but what about the interior? What would it feel like to massage her organs, to see the intricate workings of her anatomy firsthand?”

Pembroke felt a chill run down his spine but maintained his composure. “I understand, Dr. Ivanov. You desire a more profound, intimate ... exploration.”

Suddenly, the blonde waitress appeared again. “Would the gentlemen like more wine?” she asked with a friendly smile, her pearly white teeth contrasting with the dark conversation.

“Yes, please, another bottle,” Dr. Ivanov replied, smiling like a grandfather. Pembroke watched as Dr. Ivanov’s eyes followed the waitress’s posterior as she walked away.

“My, I would love to eat every inch of her body,” Ivanov mused, his demeanor shifting from longing to a more composed state as he turned back to Pembroke. “I hope you don’t think it’s too crazy. You must have many stranger requests. With the money I’m willing to spend, I imagine this is all quite normal.”

“Yes, of course,” Pembroke said, smiling uneasily. “My clients have eclectic tastes. Not many girls volunteer for the kinds of services they require, you see, so my service matches those with money to their desired ... objects.”

“You know, the female chest is very different from the male chest,” Ivanov went off on another tangent, as if released from a repressed life of normality into a frenzy of distraction. “That blonde, I would love to see her truly naked, really naked ... but you see, I still have my Hippocratic oath.”

“Yes, I suppose that oath might be a little difficult to comply with if you are into...” Pembroke hesitated, struggling to find the right words to complete the sentence.

“If you’re into exploring beyond the boundaries of conventional medicine,” Dr. Ivanov finished for him, a glint of dark excitement in his eyes. “But that’s where your services come in, Mr. Pembroke. You provide the ... subjects, and I ensure they receive the utmost care, in my own way. You see, I don’t believe in anesthesia, but I also do not want to actually harm the subject. In fact, most of what I want to do should not kill them if done correctly and would mostly be reversible. Well, in theory, perhaps, after a little practice.”

Pembroke looked at his dish and wondered how he was going to finish it. He had been looking forward to it all day, and now he had lost his appetite.

“Well, Dr. Ivanov, as I say, what you desire is a very comprehensive illicit secure service. I hope the prices may not be off-putting. We usually deal with rather wealthy private sector individuals. I myself always say that doctors should be paid the most,” Pembroke laughed slightly at the joke, secretly hoping that the prices would put him off.

Dr. Ivanov smiled, not missing a beat. “Money is no object, Mr. Pembroke. The pursuit of knowledge, experience and beauty is priceless. I’m willing to pay whatever it takes to satisfy my curiosities.”

Pembroke looked at the food again and thought of the blonde’s breasts. Pembroke’s mind lingered on the menu prices and the fates of the girls he had procured. Was this really any different, especially if they were in the hands of a medical professional?

“I can show you a private gallery,” Pembroke offered, trying to redirect the conversation. “Any particular preferences for races?”

Dr. Ivanov’s eyes gleamed with a dark amusement. “I believe in one race—the human race! As long as they are beautiful, young, and fit, that’s all I ask.”

Pembroke nodded, feeling the gravity of their conversation. “Very well. After dinner, we can retire somewhere more private for cigars and port, and I’ll show you some pictures.”

He promised himself he would only show Dr. Ivanov the girls who had been the most troublesome, and ensure that the surgeon paid a hefty premium for the unfortunate ‘product.’

The following day, Pembroke enjoyed a much more wholesome and affordable date with Katalin and her eighteen-year-old niece, Lila Kovács. Katalin had invited Lila for a few reasons: she wanted to show Pembroke that she had a close-knit family and, on a more personal level, to hint at her own aspirations for a family. Katalin was keen to keep the conversation non-sexual, particularly after their wild first meeting on Pembroke’s private jet. She was interested in observing how Pembroke interacted with her family members and younger people to gauge what kind of family man he might be and to understand more about his true character. Additionally, Katalin hoped Lila might find inspiration in Pembroke’s glamorous lifestyle and see the broader possibilities life could offer.

Lila’s English was good enough for conversation. “It’s good for her to practice,” Katalin said, laughing at her niece’s occasionally awkward phrases. Lila smiled shyly, her cheeks reddening.

Pembroke leaned in with a warm smile. “You’re doing great, Lila. Your English is impressive.”

“Thank you,” Lila replied, her voice tinged with a mix of shyness and pride. “I’m trying my best.”

Katalin couldn’t resist teasing. “Lila, you should practice the piano more. And maybe think about becoming a doctor. You’d be amazing!”

Lila rolled her eyes playfully. “A doctor? I’m not sure about that. But I’ll definitely practice the piano if it means you’ll stop teasing me about it.”

Pembroke chuckled. “And what about you, Katalin? Are you enjoying your new job? I heard it’s quite a shift from being an air stewardess.”

Katalin’s smile grew warm. “Yes, it’s a big change. I’m really happy with where I am now. It’s nice to have a job that’s a bit more grounded.”

Lila interjected with a grin. “Aunt Katalin, at least you have a proper job now. Maybe you can stop dyeing your hair. In fact, I bet you have some grey hair hidden under that platinum. What do you think, Edward?”

Katalin laughed, her cheeks flushing slightly. “Not yet, Lila. But you might be right about the grey hair eventually.”

Pembroke looked at Katalin with an amused expression. “I have to say, Katalin, you handle the grey hair jokes very gracefully.”

Katalin laughed, her cheeks still slightly pink. “Yes, I guess I’ll have to accept that part of aging gracefully.”

The conversation then turned to more personal topics. Lila mentioned her parents, saying, “You know, my parents—well, they have some pretty outdated views. It’s hard sometimes.”

Katalin nodded sympathetically. “I understand, Lila. I was telling Edward how they don’t really like my new job. As for my last one, well, traveling around the world changes your perspective. I hope you remember that.”

Pembroke looked thoughtful. “It’s important to experience new things. I’ve met a lot of people around the world, and while they’re all different, I think if you put, say, fifteen people from around the world in one room, say like a prison cell, eventually they’d all get along.”

Lila laughed at the joke. “Or tear each other’s hair out!”

Katalin laughed lightly, though she was a bit puzzled by the joke. “Well, I suppose that could happen too.”

Lila brightened. “So, Edward, when are you planning to take Aunt Katalin to Paris?”

Katalin grinned and added, “Hungarian food is wonderful, and I’d love to cook for you here. Maybe both of us are a little too tired of traveling and going to Paris all the time,” she said, looking at Pembroke.

Pembroke’s eyes twinkled with interest. “I’d be honored. That sounds wonderful.”

Katalin’s heart warmed at the thought of blending her personal life with Pembroke’s world, hopeful that these moments would help him see the full spectrum of her life and what she valued most.

Pembroke awoke in Katalin’s cozy apartment in Budapest, the morning light softly illuminating the modest but charming space. The previous evening had been a whirlwind of affection, with Katalin unable to keep her hands off him after Lila had left. Their dinner had been almost forgotten amidst the passionate sex, which was a lot more loving than most of his previous interactions with much younger women.

As he sipped his coffee, Pembroke admired the simple yet inviting decor of Katalin’s apartment, a stark contrast to the complexities of his life. For a moment, he entertained the idea of settling down in Budapest, imagining how he could transform a place like this into a luxurious haven. The city’s charm and authenticity were undeniably appealing.

His thoughts shifted to his complex in Turkey as he checked his messages. The girls’ training was progressing well, and he was intrigued by a substantial offer for Amina and Farah, pleased that they would remain together and bring him a small fortune—enough to retire comfortably. However, he also read Yasmina’s scornful comments about him, including hurtful remarks about his body and fantasies about how to kill him with small sticks made from toothbrushes.

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